You've been prostituted!
Because human lives were at stake, the police and school police soon arrived at the school, and the security guards put the drama club on lockdown straight away.

The broadcast looped, “The drama club students, please stay in place, don’t run around!!! Don’t run around!!! Don’t run around!!!”

As most of the school’s students are rich and famous, the school authorities did not dare to be slow. In less than five minutes, an ambulance drove into the campus and stopped in front of the drama club. It was human nature to watch the fun, and in a short while, basically half of the school was gathered in front of the drama club.

He Chen rushed to the backstage and saw Xia Yubin talking to another guy, “Brother Yubin, what’s going on, I heard that a lot of police came?”

Xia Yubin had no idea what he was eating in his mouth and slowly swallowed it, “We don’t know either.”

He touched the stool in the front row with his foot and asked, “Zhou Qian, did you commit another crime?”

Zhou Qian was very famous at the school. His family was the leading media boss in the country, and it was said that the teachers were very polite to him because of his family’s deep background. When he was a child, his right eye was injured due to negligent parental care, and his pupil was light grey in colour. He wears long fringes that cover half of his face to block his heterochromatic pupil.

He didn’t know if it was because of his physical handicap, but he was particularly fond of bullying small, soft beauties. Any student from a slightly weaker family background who was good-looking would be forced to become his little boyfriend, play with him for a while, get bored, and then dump him.

But his reputation in the outside world is extremely good, because the heat would be on his family, so, even if something scandalous happens, the family will set things right with money.

Zhou Qian pinched a peanut and put it in front of his nose, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then put it into his mouth contentedly, chewing and laughing at the same time, “I haven’t had time to commit a crime yet. Even if I did, would the police dare to arrest me? My grandfather is ……”

Before he could finish his sentence, a group of policemen rushed into the background, pointing at him and saying in a stern voice, “That’s him, quick! He’s still eating!”

Zhou Qian froze for a moment and was just about to lash out when a doctor in a white coat rushed forward, pressed his neck, put two fingers together and stuck them directly into his throat.

Before Zhou Qian had time to react, he vomited with a loud “wow”.

When he had finished vomiting, the policeman asked, “Has anyone else eaten Xia Qing Shu’s peanuts?

Xia Yubin pursed his lips and silently took a step back. The backstage dressing room was small, usually stacked with a bit of make-up props, and at this time it was filled with Zhou Qian’s vomit, smelling so bad it made people weep.

One after another, people came in behind them, and Xia Yubin and He Chen were blocked in, in a dilemma.

“These two students, have you eaten Xia Qing Shu’s classmate’s peanuts?” The police asked.

They had contacted the school police on the way to transfer the surveillance and found that it was Zhou Qian who had taken Xia Qing Shu’s snacks and put something else into Xia Qing Shu’s school bag. Because it happened at the school, considering that school bullies basically work in groups, they were afraid that there might be a leak.
He Chen shook his head, “No!”

Xia Yubin also followed and shook his head slowly, hesitating before speaking, “No ……”

“That’s good!” The policeman walked around the two and went to Zhou Qian to ask, “Has anyone else eaten Xia Qing Shu’s classmate’s peanuts?”

Zhou Qian who suddenly had his throat pulled out, his head was dizzy and he just subconsciously glanced behind him. The paramedics next to him put him on a stretcher, “Quick, take him to the hospital for a stomach pump! Ask questions as you go!”

The situation was very urgent. It was the first time Zhou Qian was in such a mess, being fiddled with like a rag doll. Xia Yubin’s face turned white and she asked weakly, “What’s wrong with the peanuts?”

The policeman said very seriously, “Those are the peanuts that Xia Qing Shu classmate’s family used to drug rats, they are poisonous!”

After saying that, he trotted up after Zhou Qian’s stretcher, “Zhou Qian classmate, who else has eaten the peanuts?!”

Xia Yubin’s face sank and he quickly followed, gently tugging at the police officer’s sleeve, “Police officer, I, I seem to have accidentally eaten them.”

The policeman stopped in his tracks, “Did you eat it or not? You don’t know whether you ate it or not? Are you still sober, classmate? Can you speak more clearly?”

The policeman’s question was very stern, and his eyes had a vague sense of disdain and contempt. He heard that the students of this school were from very well-off families, so how could they steal peanuts from others. Now the situation was critical and they refused to admit it voluntarily for fear of getting a reputation of bullying their classmates.

The police officer, who had seen a lot of people, could see Xia Yubin’s small mind at once and spoke without mercy. Xia Yubin was dumbfounded on the spot, his eyes fogged up and his aggression was almost materialised.

He Chen couldn’t stand it any longer, so he shielded Xia Yubin behind him and choked out, “How could Brother Yubin steal Xia Qing Shu’s peanuts! Brother Yu Bin has just said that he didn’t eat it! You can go now!”

The police officer could not take life in vain and stood still, his sharp eyes fixed on Xia Yubin, “This student, I ask you once more, did you eat it? If you don’t tell the truth, the ambulance will leave later, and if you delay your condition, you’ll die.”

Only when he heard the word “die” did Xia Yubin nodded his head with teary eyes and said sadly, “Yes.”

“It was given to me by Zhou Qian, I didn’t know it was Xia Qing Shu’s …….”

He hadn’t finished his sentence when two paramedics rushed up behind him, trying to grab him as if he were a chicken, pinching his mouth and reaching their hands down his throat to help him vomit. In less than five minutes, a picture of Xia Yubin wearing a rose-red, non-mainstream, holey T-shirt and covered in vomit was posted on the forum.

[Is this Yu Bin senior? What’s going on? I’m well aware that good-looking brothers can shit and fart, but this is so disillusioning!

[I heard that he and Zhou Qian were bullying their classmates and were killed in return!

[I can’t believe he’s with him!]
[Good job! School bullies go to hell!]

[Xia Yubin is sick in the head, how could he hang out with Zhou Qian!]

The sound of the ambulance echoed through the campus, and to Xia Qing Shu’s ears, it was like a dying patient moaning. Moaning-

“Dead~~~ dead~~~ dead ~~~”

Very pleasant.

The evidence, “poisoned peanuts”, was taken to the laboratory for testing and the results showed that the peanuts were not poisonous. Fortunately, it was only a false alarm and no one was poisoned.

Only Xia Yubin and Zhou Qian went to the hospital for a stomach pump and blood sampling package.

As well known, a stomach pump is a very unpleasant thing to do when the stomach tube is inserted. The feeling of the stomach turning over when the tube is inserted into the throat’s oesophagus is so painful that one wants to die. Hopefully, such pain will make Xia Yubin and Zhou Qian realise their mistakes, change their ways and stop bullying the weak.

Because of the suspicion of making a false police report, at this moment, Xia Qing Shu sat in the interrogation room to be investigated.

Police officer: “Why did you bring poisoned peanuts into the school?”

Xia Qing Shu sat back, put his hands on his knees and whispered, “I don’t know, I tasted one and found it didn’t taste right, so I threw it up.”

Peanuts and purple potatoes had been cooked together, the colour looked a bit strange and the taste was particularly strange, and the first time they saw it, they thought something was wrong too.

The police had seen the full surveillance, which showed Xia Qing Shu taking out the peanuts, eating one by herself, then immediately throwing up and going to get water to rinse her mouth again. After rinsing his mouth, he found that the peanuts were missing and searched for about ten minutes before calling the police.

Police officer: “Why didn’t you call the police right away?”

Xia Qing Shu pouted and said “timidly”, “I was afraid that they would bully me and that I would be bullied even more if I told the teacher after being bullied. I knew I was stupid and no one would be willing to help me if I was bullied. Then, I was afraid they would eat the peanuts and die, so I got up the courage to call.”

When he finished, he blinked twice and tears flowed down his face. The male policeman was a bit overwhelmed and was replaced by a female policeman with candy to coax him, “Qing Shu is a good boy, Qing Shu is not crying, tell me slowly what you know, Uncle Police will help you, next time you are bullied, you must call Uncle Police and Auntie.”

Xia Qingshu sniffled, “Sister police officer, next time I am bullied, I will call you. Because you are pretty and look like a good person.”

The policewoman laughed, and her questions became gentler and gentler. Such a cute little student, how could he lie and deliberately make a fake report. He was just scared of being bullied.
Even if he was bullied, he was still worried about the life of his abuser. In the heart of the policewoman, Xia Qing Shu is a sweet-talking little angel. Afraid that he would be bullied again in the future, the policewoman patiently taught him, “Qing Shu, you can’t be like this, this is how you will always be bullied. You have to be brave and resist when you encounter bullying.”

Xia Qingshu nodded and squeezed his little fist, “I will!”

Inside the ward, Xia Yubin and Zhou Qian were lying on the hospital bed on an IV after having their stomachs washed. Knowing that it was just a misunderstanding and that the peanuts were not poisonous, the nurse removed the drip and said they could leave the hospital and go home.

Zhou Qian and Xia Yubin, however, did not move. Zhou Qian even pulled the covers up and covered his head. A video of the two lying on the stretcher covered in vomit was posted to campus forums for group ridicule, and some even speculated whether Zhou and Xia’s families were bankrupt and needed to steal food from their classmates.

It was a disgrace to the family.

They couldn’t go to school for at least a week, atleast until the heat of the story died down.

“Pack up and go home.”

A middle-aged man in a suit stood at the door of the ward, the man’s eyebrows were sharp, not like he was visiting a patient, but with the arrogance of someone in power patrolling his territory.

The visitor was Xia Yubin’s elder brother, the administrator of this private hospital.

“Big brother, did you come to pick me up?” When Xia Yubin saw Xia Shan, his eyes flashed for a moment and he tried to prop himself up, but halfway through, he lay back down weakly.

Xia Shirt glanced at Xia Yubin and frowned, “The doctor said you were fine.”

After a pause, he added, “Not here to pick you up, came over for something.”

The business-like tone was ruthless. Xia Yubin lowered his eyes, “Big brother, I won’t stay here.”

“No one’s kicking you out, even if you’re not ……” Xia Shirt turned his words around and admonished, “Did you bully your classmates at school?”

Xia Yubin hurriedly explained, “No, we were just joking around.”
“Joking?” Xia Shirt narrowed his eyes, but the scrutiny in his eyes did not diminish by half. A joke had mad ethe family embarassed.

“I won’t corrupt the family.” Xia Yubin bowed his head, revealing his snow-white neck.

By the time he looked up again, Xia Shirt had already gone out.

In the senior VIP ward, Chen Zhiyu was lying on the sofa.

“Are you free to talk to me?”

Xia Shirt was a doctor of psychology and had joined Xia’s management directly after graduation. Although he did not sit in the hospital, his friends loved to talk to him when they had some psychological problems.

Xia Shan took out a bottle of red wine from the cabinet, opened the bottle and poured the wine into a glass. Chen Zhiyu took the red wine glass, shook it, watched the red liquid hanging on the wall of the glass slowly falling down, and sighed, “In this world, how come there are still people who are eager to distance themselves from me?”

Chen Zhiyu was the richest man in China at a young age, handsome, and his traffic was even bigger than the current top stream, and he was the light of thousands of young men and womens’ hearts, and his name was the “wealth code” of China.

He really couldn’t understand why Xia Qingshu would be like this. He should have been surprised when he personally approached him, and then he should have been overjoyed, and finally tried to get back in his bed, dreaming of flying over branches and becoming a phoenix. Yet none of this happened, and Xia Qing Shu wanted to run away when he saw him.

Thinking of that annoying lemon creamy smell, Chen Zhiyu’s brows knitted slightly.

“You are drunk before you even drink?” Xia Shan smiled and took a shallow sip of red wine.

Chen Zhiyu ignored the other man and sighed at his reflection in the red wine glass, “I can’t figure it out.”

“Tell me, what’s wrong?” Xia Shan sat across from him, seeing Chen Zhiyu like this for the first time and finding it very rare.

“The other party obviously likes me, but they are afraid to get close.” Chen Zhiyu took a sip of red wine and frowned slightly, “Could it be that there is something unspeakable?”

He briefly described what happened that day, “Had sex, wouldn’t admit it …… the denial was firm, not like a lie.”

“He couldn’t be playing hard to get, right?”

With Xia Qing Shu’s stupid look, using such advanced tactic, not like he can manage. Could it be that Xia Qing Shu was trying to play hard to get game, but he got side-tracked? The more he thought about it, the more correct he felt.

Chen Zhiyu shook his red wine glass as the fog before him was lifted and he saw the light. He said with certainty, “That must be it.”

Xia Shan put down the wine glass, pulled down Chen Zhiyu’s collar, saw the nail marks that hadn’t dissipated, and laughed, “What’s so hard to figure out, you’ve been prostituted.”

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