Chapter 66


After the last time Xia Qing Shu was written about by unscrupulous media, with the help of Chen Zhiyu and Chen Qixi, he had accumulated a lot of followers. But he almost never appeared in the public eye, nor did he manage his Weibo account properly. Although he had millions of followers, he never felt he was popular.

It was the live broadcast from Shi Jing Mountain that really got him going.

The live broadcast used a high-definition camera, which was able to capture the whole person in a clear 360-degree view. Not only was Xia Qingshu good looking, but he was also the subject of much discussion as the “South Chen and North Shen” almost fought over him.

Among the top 10 hot searches, several were on him alone.#God’s Face #Why is Nan-Chen and Bei-Shen like this? #ChenZhiYu finally getting off the bachelor list? #.

He was even invited to do a film by a film crew, which Chen Qi Xi politely declined because of the low quality and poor camera crew. He just inexplicably became a hit.

Chen Qixi, Chen Zhiyu, Wen Sheng and others deliberately covered up his whereabouts and news. Xia Qingshu’s personal information was rarely circulated, and the entertainment media could not even take his photos. It was also rumored that he would be the lead actor in Wen Sheng’s next drama, which cast a veil of mystery over him. The netizens were curious to know more about him.

Xia Qing Shu was locked up at home and didn’t surf the internet much, so he didn’t even know how he became popular. When a few young girls asked to take a photo with him, he was stunned. Several of the girls explained to him, “Brother Xia Qingshu, I saw you as soon as you entered the door, but I didn’t dare to confirm, you are so really white!”

Xia Qing Shu smiled, a little embarrassed.

The girls simply looked on, stunned. The white and tender face seemed to have no pores, and smiling at them from close range was like a beauty hit to their eyes.

What kind of fairy face is this?

When Xia Yubin was swaggering with a loudspeaker in the lobby just now, Xia Qingshu was standing in the corner. Xia Yubin, the “star” who made his debut, was not recognized. Instead, Xia Qingshu was hiding in a corner and was recognized. It was very ironic.

Xia Yubin sat on the sidelines and could not stop trembling when he heard the girls talking.

One girl even foolishly asked, “Little brother Xia Qing Shu, where did you grow your eyelashes? It’s natural and pretty.”

Xia Qing Shu scratched his head, “Can eyelashes still be planted?”

Don’t eyelashes grow on their own?

A few young girls let out an “ah”, “Is that true?”

Xia Qingshu nodded, “Of course it’s true, don’t believe me, feel it.”

The girls felt their hearts beat faster, “Can we really touch them?”

Xia Qingshu shook his head, pursing his lips and smiling, his thick, curly eyelashes fluttering slightly with the sway of his head.

This…is this the reincarnation of the eyelash spirit?

When Goddess Nuwa created man, she was really too biased.

Several young girls thought this at the same time. One girl bluntly said, “Brother Xia Qing Shu, why don’t you go and become a star, you’re too good looking.”

After complimenting Xia Qing Shu, his face did not redden, but hers did.

Seeing that Xia Qing Shu didn’t say anything, she even added in a small voice, “You are much better looking than that star next to you who has a bodyguard.”

“I just saw it, he was wearing mascara and his eyeliner was crooked.”

“Mmmmmm, the powder is so thick and the color difference with the neck is so bad.”

They deliberately lowered their voices, but the room was very quiet. Xia Yubin was sitting next to him, swiping his phone under the protection of his bodyguards, and he heard everything the girls said without missing a beat. The bodyguards kept reminding him to “manage his facial expressions”, otherwise his nose would have been out of joint.

“Brother Xia Qingshu, pay attention when you go out later, I saw a lot of people taking pictures of you secretly.”

“Ah.” Xia Qingshu was a bit at a loss for words, his face blushed red.

Was he that popular? There were even people trying to take sneak pics!

Xia Qing Shu was easy-going, he answered almost anything the girls ask him, no celebrity stance at all, the girls surround him and ask more and more questions, “Who is that person who just said he wanted a discount? Can you get a 30% discount? Does his word count?”

“That’s a distant relative.” Xia Qingshu patiently explained, “What he said doesn’t count. Today the new restaurant opens with a 20% discount, tomorrow the original price will be restored.”

This restaurant, which Xia Dong also had shares in, was everyone’s heart and soul, not a tool for Xia Yubin to accumulate fame. Even if it upset these few female fans, he still had to say so.

The girls were surprised, ” Then why did he say that?”

Xia Qing Shu laughed, “He’s probably crazy about gaining fans.”

Xia Yubin was on the verge of tensing up from the nonsense being made up, and his voice was a little annoying, “After taking the photos, please go out and don’t disturb our meal!”

A few girls politely thanked him, “Thank you brother Xia Qing Shu, nice to meet you, we’ll be watching you!”

On the way out, the youngest girl stuck her tongue out at Xia Yubin, “Childish, you’re never going to be popular!”

Xia Yubin growled in his heart – I will definitely be popular, when he is known all over the country, he will hit these black fans hard in the face!!!

Although Xia Yubin was angry, he still had to eat, and he ordered a dozen of the signature dishes of the “Healing House” in one go.

After finishing his meal, the kitchen was not so busy and Xia Lao Er came back to the private room. He looked at Xia Yubin with a slightly evasive look in his eyes, “Miao, Dad has something private to say to you.”

Xia Qing Shu nodded and glanced towards a few bodyguards, “Xia Yubin, would you step outside for a moment?”

Xia Yubin said grimly, “What is there to say that I, your own son, cannot hear?”

Xia Lao Er hurriedly explained, “It’s nothing, it’s about Miao’s feelings, he’s still young now, I’ll instruct him in a few words.”

Xia Qing Shu thought about it, if he and Xia Lao Er went out to talk, Xia Yubin would make trouble again. He was afraid that after he left, the simple and honest Xia Lao Er would be embarrassed by him again, “Dad, just say it, it’s no big deal.”

Xia Lao Er lowered his voice and said, “Today for the opening of the new restaurant, Mr. Chen Zhi Yu sent 100 flower baskets, they couldn’t fit at the entrance. It’s the very high class kind of flower baskets, I heard that one is very expensive. Your mother wants to know, she also heard from someone, that ah.. does Mr. Chen Zhiyu seem to like you ah?”

Xia Qingshu heard this, his face burned a little, and whispered “um”.

Xia Lao Er’s meaning was obvious, receiving a flower basket from Chen Zhi Yu for no reason, should be for Xia Qing Shu’s sake.

“Ohh… no wonder someone like him used to be in contact with us.” Xia Lao Er added: “What your mother and I mean, about this matter, you have to consider carefully, Mr. Chen Zhiyu’s family is too rich, and we are not quite compatible, important lifelong events can not be made hastily.”

“Although your mother and I are not very educated, and we were introduced to each other at that time to get married so there was no sensational love, but we also  stand in the position of elders to care about you, your future depends on you, you can’t just agree to each other easily because Mr Chen Zhiyu has been kind to us, you have to respect your true heart’s thoughts.”

“If you feel indebted to Mr Chen Zhiyu, leave that to Mum and Dad, who will pay it back, and never make promises easily because of these external conditions.”

“If you also have that kind of intention for Mr. Chen, then the two people should get to know each other well, got it”

Xia Lao Er seemed to have no theme, spilling out a lot of words, but in essence, it was all about Xia Qing Shu’s concern.

Xia Qing Shu was a little surprised at Xia Lao Er’s viewpoint.

Chen Zhiyu had been kind to him, and Xia Lao Er had been racking his brains to repay his kindness. When Xia Lao Er opened his mouth, he thought that Xia Lao Er wanted him to “give his body to him”, but he did not expect Xia Lao Er to keep a clear head, and that he really cared for Xia Qing Shu.

Xia Qingshu nodded, “Dad, you’re very kind.”

Xia Yubin snorted lightly as he watched the father-son love next to him.

Xia Laodi was so good to Xia Qing Shu, Xia Yubin didn’t care at all. He didn’t really care who Xia Lao Er was going to be nice to, as they were halfway related and didn’t have much of an emotional foundation.

What he cared about was who Xia Lao Er’s property would be divided up to.

What he cared about was that Chen Zhiyu and Shen Xunyi liked Xia Qingshu.

Chen Zhiyu liked Xia Qingshu, anyone who had watched the live broadcast could tell a few things. Xia Yubin had long since given up on the line of Chen Zhiyu. What he didn’t expect was that Shen Xunyao also liked Xia Qingshu, and for Xia Qingshu, Shen Xunyi and Chen Zhiyu choked each other on the show and almost fought.

After watching the live broadcast, Xia Yubin’s whole body felt like it had been soaked in vinegar all night and his teeth were all sour and rotten.

He had to become popular!!!


The first season of “China’s Best Songs” aired and made many singers famous, and before the second season even started, there were already waves of viewers eagerly awaiting it, and it had been on the search engines several times before it started. The show’s mentors were all titanic figures in the music industry, and Wen Sheng, as a special guest, was also invited to the show.

The show is a live variety show in which the mentors give a prescribed title and the singer-songwriters create a song based on the theme. The show allows people to see how a song takes shape from a single note, little by little, and to visualize the birth of a talented musician. Of course, there was also no shortage of great music to listen to and the audience mentors could score.

When Xia Yubin came out of Healing House, he immediately asked his manager to sign up for the show.

Xia Yubin had two goals in mind when he appeared on the show: Firstly, to create a popular song that would become a hit. Secondly, to get in touch with Wen Sheng. Chen Zhiyu and Shen Xunyi have already been charmed by Xia Qingshu and can’t be counted on at all, so the only one who can still be saved is Wen Sheng.

Unlike Chen Zhiyu, Wen Sheng is not a superficial person who only looks at appearances, Wen Sheng values a person’s talent and cares more about spiritual communication.

“Teacher Xia, it’s time to put your phone away.” The Variety assistant stepped forward to remind.

Xia Yubin smiled, “Can you give me two more minutes, I’ll return a message.”

“Okay, the mentor will be going on the stage soon.” The variety assistant returned.

Xia Yubin glanced at his phone, the centre of the screen, Xia Qing Shu was broadcasting live.

There were a lot of people in the live stream, so to avoid getting distracted, he turned off the pop-ups.

Xia Qingshu was also singing, and there was no difficulty in singing. As long as anyone could speak, they could sing the song “Learn to Meow”. The pitch was okay, but just like that, he had no skills and no potential as a singer.

“A idiot with no talent, no morals, and a poor learner. In this life, being an internet celebrity will be the best thing to do.” Xia Yubin laughed contemptuously and handed his phone off to his assistant after a brief comment.

The show was on and the contestants were grouped together, with cameras pointed at them except when they went to sleep and went to the bathroom. He now had 48 hours to create a song with the theme “Life”.

Xia Yubin had already thought of a similar song by Xia Mei, which could be amazing with a few changes. But he wasn’t very familiar with the song and couldn’t quite remember it.

Xia Qing Shu’s first live broadcast.

After the last live broadcast, the response was so good that the owner of Cat’s Claw Live approached him and offered him generous terms, asking if he would like to try his hand at being an anchor.

After posting the live broadcast schedule on Weibo, he carefully sat down in front of the camera.

He was very relaxed on that live broadcast because there were many people in his peer group, even with the fighting between Chen Zhiyu and Shen Xunyi. He wasn’t as nervous then as he was now. Half an hour before the start of the live broadcast, Xia Qing Shu turned on the front camera and panned left and right to the camera.

He thought to himself, “Should he put on some makeup, or at least buy a beauty lens, would he be too hasty in this decision to go live?”

If he opened the live streaming software, and there is not a single viewer, should he continue broadcasting or not? It would be too humiliating to talk to himself in a live room with no one around.

When the time came, the live streaming software opened and Xia Qing Shu sat docilely, blinking at the camera. The phone’s front-facing lens is very clear, and a small, palm-sized face appeared. When it’s closer to the camera, the facial features were more than three-dimensional.

He was a little confused, and moved closer to the camera, the thick and curled long eyelashes were clearly visible under the high-definition camera. The viewers could even see the reflection in his eyes.

“No…no one?”

For his first live broadcast, Xia Qing Shu didn’t know where to look at the number of people online, he knew there would be pop-ups on the broadcast, at the moment none of them were there, he subconsciously thought the room was empty.

“Oooh ……” Xia Qing Shu drooped his head, pouted and sighed a little.

There was some frustration. His features were delicate and bright, even if he made this kind of demoralized look, it wouldn’t make people feel annoyed. On the contrary, it stirred up a strong desire for protection in the heart. It was so heartbreaking that you can’t breathe.

He looked at the camera at such a close distance, giving people a strong visual impact.

The empty live stream paused for two seconds then the pop-ups erupted like an oil well.


[Where did this fairy come from? I opened my mouth and it was a prprprprprprprpr]

[Fuck, fuck, fuck..someone…baby don’t cry, mom is here, I just got stuck! ]

[I guess there were a lot of people that the cat claw server crashed, The cat claw boss is earning so much money but does not know to change a server!]

[Wife, don’t cry, hug!]

[Aba Aba Aba, I’m stupid, I’m gone, I’m done, I’m in love! ! ]

For a while, pop-ups were flying all over the place, and Xia Qing Shu could hardly see himself on the screen.

There were so many pop-ups, the audience should be quite large.

Xia Qing Shu broke into a smile, pursed his lips and said in a small voice, “Hello everyone, I’m Xia Qing Shu, I’m live streaming for the first time today, welcome to my live streaming room.”

He was a little shy for his first live broadcast, and to avoid an awkward scene, he had specifically gone online to download his opening speech, and only needed to read it.

He glanced at the barrage, and almost all of them praised him for being beautiful. He pursed his lips and politely thanked them, “Thank you for your praise.”

After speaking, he didn’t dare to stare at the camera.

For this live broadcast, he specifically went to see how other anchors broadcast. He didn’t want to act in earthy dramas. He didn’t know how to make up or play games. It seems that the only thing he is good at is eating.

Xia Qingshu bought a lot of Internet celebrity snacks from the Internet and planned to try them for netizens.

But eating as soon as the broadcast started, it would seem that he was very untalented, so Xia Qingshu decided to sing a song first.

He cleared his throat and sang “Learn to Meow”.

His voice is milky and soft, not as crisp as the female version of the original singing, and the pitch is slightly lower. He was not very familiar with songs, so he sang very slowly, it seemed to be coquettish.  His eyes were wide open, and in order to try his best to show his talent, his expression was serious. It looked like a good student singing songs seriously, but due to his own conditions, the effect is a little off.

[Knowing that the wife is singing, if you don’t know it, you’d think he’s acting like a spoiled child! ! ! ]

[Just by listening to the voice, I can get social security! ]

[Baby, one more “meow”, my mother loves it! 】

【I can’t stand it anymore! ! I can’t stand it anymore! ! Even if it grows like this, the sound is still so squeamish! ! 】

When Xia Qingshu saw this barrage, his face instantly turned red, “I, I didn’t whine!”

He sang so seriously just now!

His brows furrowed slightly, and his eyes stared at the barrage.

He didn’t look fierce at all, more like bubbling milk.

[Okay, baby don’t be angry, mom knows everything, you didn’t mean it! 】

【This kind of natural pettiness is killing me! ! ]

Fan “Chen Zhiyu” sent you 100 luxurious deep water cat mines.

Fan “Shen Xunyi” sent you 200 luxurious deep-water cat mines.

Fan “Chen Zhiyu” sent you 500 luxurious deep-water cat thunders

Fan “Shen Xunyi” sent you 1,000 luxurious deep-water cat thunders…

The luxurious deep water cat thunder was the most expensive gift of cat paw live broadcast. After sending it, the whole live broadcast room will have cute cat avatars falling from the sky. For a time, the cute cat avatars filled on the screen, and the barrage was instantly emptied.

The people who can randomly send the luxurious deep-water cat thunder were probably “Chen Zhiyu” and “Shen Xunyi” themselves.

After the Shijing incident, it was not surprising that the dignified “South-Chen and Bei-Shen” could make such a childish move. Some people even played with the rhythm of the barrage, hoping that the two would fight more fiercely. The atmosphere in the live broadcast room gradually became cheerful.

Xia Qingshu: “…”

These two can even fight in a live broadcast room.

He pretended not to know the two of them, and in a businesslike tone, “Fans ‘Chen Zhiyu’ and ‘Shen Xunyi’, no more gifts are allowed in the live broadcast room, if you do it again, I’ll have to kick you out.”

Impartial and unforgiving.

“Let’s be clear, I don’t know these two fans, but I’ll treat them all the same. You can brush a cat ray for a dollar, not a gift over ten dollars, no matter who it is, breaking the rules of the live room, will get you kicked out!”

He had just finished his words, and the fan “Shen Xunyi” sent 5,000 luxurious deep-water cat thunders, Xia Qingshu kicked “Shen Xunyi” out without mercy.

The fan “Chen Zhiyu” was a bit slower, and when he saw that his opponent was kicked out, he quickly deleted the gift that had been set up.

Xia Qingshu set the fan “Chen Zhiyu” as the house manager, and asked him to manage the barrage and remove the offenders.

What Xia Qingshu thought was that Chen Zhiyu as the president of a large multinational company, would definitely be able to manage a small live broadcast room.

In Chen Zhiyu’s eyes, this was another “special” preference for him.

Fan “Chen Zhiyu” became a housekeeper, and fan “Shen Xunyi” could no longer come in.

[It’s so attractive that the anchor treats everyone equally. Whether it is the richest man or the chaebol, in this live broadcast room, everyone is equal. 】

The barrage was quiet for a moment, Xia Qingshu took out the package he bought online and started to get to the point. He knocked on the table and said seriously, “In order to prevent anyone from stepping on mines, today, I will try some small popular snacks for everyone.”

He opened the package and put all the snacks on the table, “These are relatively popular online. Snacks, whether they are delicious or not, we will wait and see!”

Xia Qingshu spoke slowly and his temper seemed soft, but he seemed to eat quickly.

He puts the food in his mouth, like a little hamster, and after a number of “chirp” “chirp” , comes to the conclusion of “delicious” or “not delicious”.

[Baby is so cute, at first glance, you have done your homework seriously! ]

[Hmm, wait and see! 】

【My wife looks good when he cooks! ]

[Baby, eat slowly, you finished eating before I could see clearly! 】

【Wife, your fingers are stained with syrup, you lick them clean! ]

He was eating well, saw the barrage, swallowed the food in his mouth, and instructed the room manager, “This live broadcast room is not allowed to engage in pornography, the room manager will kick out the person.”

The fan who told Xia Qing Shu to lick his fingers was immediately dismissed.

Unconsciously, the live broadcast ran for almost two hours, and Xia Qingshu couldn’t find anything to say, “I’m sorry, today’s live broadcast ends here, I’m going to sleep.

The netizens couldn’t get enough of it and pulled him to stop leaving.

[Oooooh, happy times are always so short, it’s over so soon, Xiao Shu, you can go, but leave the live broadcast on, okay?

Xia Qingshu: “No, if there is no one in the live broadcast room, and the anchor will be punished.”

[You can sleep live, there are many anchors next door who sleep live!    ” 】

Xia Qingshu: “…Is this still possible?”

[Of course, raise your hand in favor! 】

A bunch of barrages followed.

“Alright then.” Xia Qingshu looked at the time and opened another video window.

【What is this video window? 】

Xia Qingshu explained, “That’s the monitor installed in one of my sister’s homes. According to the property management, there has been a burglar in the house recently. When I sleep, can you take a look at it for me?”

【Okay, no problem at all, Baby, just sleep with confidence, I won’t disturb you when the thief comes, I’ll call the police! My love, good night, baby! 】

Xia Qingshu turned on the video on his mobile phone and went to bed after washing up.

At the beginning of the live broadcast room, the sleeping position of Xia Qingshu was still being discussed. Slowly, there were fewer and fewer people, and the barrage only occasionally floated by.

At first, there were discussions about Xia Qing Shu’s sleeping posture, but slowly, there were fewer and fewer people, and the pop-ups only occasionally drifted by.

At around 3 a.m, there was movement in another video window.

[Baby, baby wake up, the thieves are coming!!!]

[Call the police, these two are sneaky and they’ve been rummaging around since they got here!]

[  I don’t know what to tell the police. Does anyone know where this is?]

[Quiet, the thieves are on the phone!]


In another video, a man and a woman appeared, and the lights were turned on in the darkened room.

The woman whispered, “Husband, turn off the lights, we are here to steal things.”

The man was not impressed: “Don’t worry, Yu Bin said, that woman is long dead, the house is listed to the agent for sale to the public, no one cares.”

The woman said again: “Then look for it quickly, hurry up, Yubin is still waiting!”

The two wore gloves and rummaged in the room. After a while, the woman found a laptop and a hard drive, happily, “I found it!”

“Call Yubin.”

The man picked up the phone, the ringing rang for a long time, but no one answered. As if he knew that the other party would definitely call, he didn’t rush to call back, but calmly turned on the computer.

The computer was turned on immediately without a power-on password. As soon as it was turned on, a call came in.

The voice on the other side of the phone was small, as if the other party was hiding in a small space and didn’t dare to speak loudly, “You open a search and look for a song called ‘New Buds’.”

To make it easier, the man put the phone on speakerphone and followed the other party’s instructions to find the file. After finding it, the man played the song called “New Buds” according to the request of the other party.

“Yes, it’s this one, you download it and send it to my mailbox.” The other party paused, “Take the computer and hard drive together, I will use it.”

The man did not answer immediately, hesitated for a moment, and asked , “Yubin, you promised us something…”

The other side of the phone promised, “You put the stuff away, I’ll come get themafter I record the show, and when I become famous, I will naturally support you.”

The woman interjected, “What about the debt we owe?”

“I’ll help you pay it back.”

The man smiled, “It’s better to have a son, not like that adopted son, after climbing a high branch, he doesn’t care about us.”

The woman agreed, “Husband, you really had the foresight to change Yubin to live with a rich family early on, this temperament, it’s just not the same.”

“I’m turning off my phone.” The other party didn’t want to hear any more conversations between the man and woman and hung up.

[Fuck, I’m watching the live broadcast of “Great Songs of China”, it’s definitely Xia Yubin on the phone, he just went to the bathroom, buddy, what kind of shit is this? ! 】






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