Chapter 67
Xia Yubin turned off his cell phone and hid it in his underwear pocket. He came out of the bathroom, washed his hands calmly, returned to his room after washing his hands, and sat down in front of the computer.

The program team did not allow them to use their mobile phones, but did not prevent them from using their computers. He opened his mailbox and saw the document he just received, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

After downloading the file, Xia Yubin put on headphones, opened the playback software, and recorded the melody while listening. After recording, deleted the file. Then pretended to sit in front of the piano, began to “compose”.

His composition, which lasted about an hour, started with just staccato notes, which then chained together into a melodious song.

It was around 4 a.m and the studio was quiet and unoccupied.

Suddenly there was an influx of viewers, and the pop-ups were slowly growing.

[Fuck, is that him, Xia Yubin? ! ]

[Shh–don’t be noisy….]

[What should I do? ]

[I don’t know, wait until the baby wakes up? ]

[Fuck, the couple haven’t left yet, they are looking for valuables! 】

【Did you just record the screen? Let’s wait and see, Xia Yubin’s song will be finished soon! ]

The pop-ups were like underground workers having a meeting, and at first glance it was confusing. The program team didn’t take it seriously, and just assumed that the netizens were having a lot of fun.

Finally, Xia Yubin finished “writing” the song, he played it smoothly, and sang the song completely. After singing, he turned his head and waved to the camera, “Finally finished, good night everyone, I’m resting, see you tomorrow!”

After speaking, Xia Yubin opened the door and went out to find the program director.

[AyAyAy, he really is…! ! 】

【The courage is too big! ! ! 】

[What should I do, what should I do, I just came to see my wife, I never thought that such a thing would happen? ! ]

[How many people came from my wife, let’s report the number! I come first, 1! ]




There were only eight people in Xia Yubin’s live broadcast room, and all of them came from Xia Qingshu’s live broadcast room.

[Let’s pretend we don’t know anything, leave first, ask what the baby means, and come back when the show starts tomorrow! 】

【Received! ]


At 8:00 p.m. the next day, “Great Songs of China” was officially launched.

Xia Yubin wore a delicate suit and sang the song he “created” on the stage with affection. The song was called “New Buds”, with a moving melody, combining piano and guzheng. It is a song with a particularly obvious Chinese style.

Before Xia Yubin had finished singing, one mentor had already shot the lights for him. After singing, all four mentors and four lights were lit.

The tutors highly appreciated this song. They heard that he is also the creator of “Summer Ningxin” and “Breeze”. They praised him for his ability to observe life and his mind was more delicate than girls.

During the snatching session, only one mentor held his ground, while the other three made every effort to offer all sorts of generous conditions to snatch him to their team. At this time, the viewing rate of the live broadcast room reached its peak.
Xia Yubin pursed his lips and smiled coyly.

This time he was popular, and in the future, he will “create” more high-quality songs, these songs will become classic and popular, and he will be popular all over the country. “Good Songs from China” was just a springboard for him to take off.

Xia Yubin raised his head and bumped into Wen Sheng’s gentle eyes. This time, Emperor Wen Sheng must have been impressed with him.

Facing the praise of his mentor, he smiled humbly, not arrogant or impetuous, modest and polite.

He can already foresee that the entertainment media will exaggeratedly call him a “music genius” in order to gain attention. The contract with Wu’s head office is about to expire, and he wants to set up his own music studio. At that time, Wen Sheng will also ask him to compose the theme song for the movie he made.

He bowed his head and pursed his lips and smiled, when he was about to make his own choice, suddenly, a staff member came on stage and stopped the show.

Not at all chagrined that the highlight was interrupted, Xia Yubin stood aside with a smile on his face, looking of good quality. The character he set for himself was a high-quality musical genius. He grew up in a wealthy family and was unwilling to inherit his father’s family business. He was a teenager who worked hard for his musical dream. The more critical the moment, the more restrained it should be.

Intermittent voices came from the staff, and Xia Yubin vaguely heard the words “Xia Qingshu” and “Cat’s Claw Live”.

He frowned slightly, why is it Xia Qingshu again, that straw bag who can only sing “Learn to Meow”, what does it have to do with him? Could it be that he will also come to participate in “Good Songs of China”.

It’s good that he’s come, let him realize the lack of his own heart, see the multi-talented people, broaden his horizons, he can’t think that he can do whatever he wants just because he looks good.

Beauty is worthless in the face of talent.

But…something’s not right, Xia Qingshu has nothing to do with the show, how could the show team stop the whole show for him alone. The premonition in his heart was getting worse and worse.

After the staff finished speaking, they walked towards him, “Contestant No. 3 Xia Yubin, your work is suspected of plagiarism, and your eligibility for the competition has been disqualified.”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Xia Yubin’s pupils trembled, and he pulled the corners of his mouth into a wry smile, “What are you kidding me, how could I plagiarize, I created it in the room for a limited time, and there is a video of the creation process!”

Because it was a live broadcast, the staff couldn’t forcefully take him away, and was still explaining to him in a nice voice, “The evidence of your plagiarism has been uploaded online, it’s all over the hot search, the police have contacted us, and will come to the scene later to take you to make a statement.”

The police would take him away for plagiarism, what an international joke, he studied law, he had common sense.

But the expressions of the staff didn’t look like they were joking.

Xia Yubin panicked, was Xia Laodi and his wife caught stealing? He knew that the couple were habitual thieves and their hands and feet were not clean. But before hanging up the phone last night, they had clearly left Xia Mei’s house. Did they go back and steal something and got caught?

Even if they did, there was no one at Xia Mei’s house, right? Xia Mei had died, Xia Dong had gone abroad to explore the market, Xia Mei’s parents had gone abroad to visit their relatives, all these were told to him by Xia Lao Er himself.

The Xia Laodi and his wife would depend on him to live in the future, they would definitely not take the initiative to report him.

Xia Yubin stabilized his mind, “Is there any misunderstanding in this, can you let me finish the program first.”

The choice of a mentor is one of the most crucial steps in the process, relating to the resources he can access for his future development.

“Contestant No. 3 Xia Yubin, you’d better leave, we don’t need tainted contestants on the show.” The staff were a little impatient.

The four mentors at the bottom were a bit puzzled, how could they just take away the contestant because they said they would. Xia Yubin’s talent was obvious to all and the mentors were very appreciative of it, so they spoke up to retain him. The audience also started to stir and the program team had no choice but to mediate.

One of the mentors was a great admirer of Xia Yubin, a titanic figure in China’s music industry and a household name in the country. “The songwriting process of the contestants is there for all to see, and we need to talk about tangible evidence of plagiarism or not.”

“Plagiarism is a very serious matter for a singer-songwriter. If you take people away for no reason, you will cast a stain on the contestant.”

Xia Yubin straightened his chest and assured, “Teacher, I would never plagiarize. If I plagiarized, I will automatically withdraw from the circle and will never appear in the public eye again!”

He said loudly and confidently, as if he was still arrogant after being wronged.

“Let the program team speak with evidence.” The mentor said, “If you have really plagiarized, your future path in the music industry will be considered to be at an end.”

The staff had no choice but to put the evidence on the big screen of the stage. come out.

What the staff played was an edited video, which was none other than the recorded screen of Xia Qing Shu’s live broadcast. As the video began, Xia Qing Shu was ready to go off air. Netizens stayed and advised him to sleep live, to which he agreed, and before he went to sleep, another video window appeared in the live stream. Xia Qing Shu explained that it was a sister’s home security camera, after he fell asleep, at 3:00 am, the sister’s home security camera showed the Xia Laodi and his wife.

From the conversation between the two, it showed that they went to steal from a person named Xia Mei.  XiaLaodi called Xia Yubin to find out how to steal the file and the original version of the song “New buds” was played in the video. In the live broadcast of “Good Songs of China”, Xia Yubin was in the bathroom at this time, in the blind spot of the camera.

After the call between the Xia Laodi and Xia Yubin ended, Xia Yubin came out of the bathroom. Less than an hour later, “New Buds” was “created” by Xia Yubin. The evidence was solid and ironclad.

Xia Yubin’s face was pale, his body was shaking, and he was still arguing for himself, “That’s the computer I kept at Xia Mei’s house, and that’s the song I wrote, otherwise how could I be so familiar with the song.”
“I just used my old one. It’s just creation, I didn’t plagiarize!”

“There is no rule in the program that one can’t use their previous creations, right?”

Xia Yubin stabilized his mind. Xia Mei died. It was what it was as long as he said it, as long as he insisted that he did not plagiarize, it would be fine.

“If it’s your own creation, why is it in someone else’s computer?” A cool voice rang out, “Why can’t you think of your own creation and copy it as it is?”

Xia Yubin only felt that the voice was familiar, he raised his head , seeing Xia Mei sitting next to the mentor’s seat. Xia Mei took the microphone and summoned the courage to say, “The two songs “Summer Ningxin” and “Breeze” are also the original songs that Xia Yubin copied and stole from me.”

“This song “New buds” , I’m also the original author.”

After Xia Mei finished speaking, she sat down beside the piano, her fingers touched the keys, and smooth music flowed out.

“New Buds” was a song written by Xia Yubin just now, but Xia Mei could play it proficiently. Anyone with an IQ could know who was lying.

“Xia…Mei, aren’t you dead?”

Xia Yubin was completely planted this time, and he also tried to cheat, “The two songs “Summer Ningxin” and “Breeze” are really my originals!”

A mentor surnamed Wu was next to Xia Mei and said, “These two songs were arranged by me personally and the recording studio has proof that they were also copied by you.”

This was Xia Mei’s teacher. Instructor Wu had always admired Xia Mei’s talent and wanted to keep her in his studio. But teacher Wu’s studio was out of town, and Xia Mei gave up her bright future in order to accommodate the scumbag.

When “Summer Ningxin” and “Breeze” came out, Mr. Wu also thought it was very strange. He thought that Xia Mei had sold these two songs, until this morning when Xia Mei came looking for him.

The police came quickly and put silver shackles on Xia Yubin on the stage.

Xia Yubin fell to the ground, his face full of disbelief. Struggling, his hair tousled and his clothes pulled, he was dragged to the ground like a dying fish.

“Good Songs Of China” quickly became a hot search, and Xia Yubin became popular according to the original plan, but In the form of “social news”. Almost half of the China knew that there was a “star” who was taken away by the police on the stage of the show. This “star” plagiarized and was especially shameless. Don’t imitate him.

“New Buds” was a rare good song. There was one less contestant so the original author Xia Mei who appeared in the live broadcast room was immediately invited by the program group to participate and Xia Mei agreed.

The proposition that followed was that Xia Mei created many classic songs, and became popular overnight.

When Xia Qingshu woke up in the morning, his eyes hurt from the barrage in the live broadcast room. The barrage first praised his beauty, and then chattered about someone breaking into the house.

Xia Qingshu immediately notified Xia Lao Er to call the police. Through the face recognition system, the identities of the Xia eldest couple were quickly confirmed and they were immediately arrested.

Xia Laodi and his wife were habitual thieves and already had a criminal record having broken into many houses. In order to clear their name, they threw the blame to Xia Yubin, unanimously claiming that Xia Yubin instructed them to “take” things. They have been in the society all the year round, and they knew how to exonerate themselves.

In the video, the Xia eldest couple called Xia Yubin their son, which attracted Xia Qingshu’s attention. When the Xia Lao Er was hospitalized before, he plucked Xia Yubin’s hair and asked Xia Qingshu to do a paternity test. After Xia Qingshu sent his head to the laboratory, he forgot about it.

One of the reasons was being a fool due to pregnancy, and the other reason was that Xia Qingshu did not pay attention.

Little did he know that the mistake would involve three families. He hurried to the hospital to get the paternity test results, and Xia Yubin really wasn’t the biological son of Xia Lao Er

Xia Jing, Chen Qixi, Xia Shan, Xia Ji, Xia Lao Er, Li Xiao, all arrived at the police station, as did Xia Laodi’s eldest son Xiao Qi whom they never talked about.

After the interrogation, he admitted that when his wife was pregnant, he was fired from the factory for stealing. The family was very poor and could not afford to eat. In order to give their son a good growing environment, they took advantage of the morning babies’ shower to secretly exchange the babies.

This is why the babies had correct bracelets but turned out to be the wrong ones.

In order to confuse the public and making the child-changing incident not easily discovered, they exchanged three children. Their own son was transferred to the wealthy Xia family, and then the child of the wealthy Xia family was taken to the Xia Lao Er’s family, and they kept Xia Lao Er’s son.

After being discharged from the hospital, they threw Xia Qi to their elderly grandmother’s house with peace of mind. After his grandmother’s death, Xiao Qi went to school while working part-time. After graduating from high school, he went to work, and from time to time he was harassed by the Xia eldest couple.

After Xia Yubin became famous, Xiao Laodi and his wife came to the door. Knowing the truth, Xia Yubin kept his mouth shut, and shamelessly started eyeing Xia Lao Er’s assets.

Xia Lao Er and Li Xiao were trembling with anger and cried bitterly while hugging Xiao Qi.

How can there be such a shameless scum in this world, deliberately exchanging other people’s sons and destroying other people’s families for their own selfish desires.

If Xia Jing’s family had some kind of parenting feelings for Xia Yubin before, this feeling was completely wiped out in front of Xia Laodi’s confession .

Xia Yubin was listed as a bad actor by the mainstream media and was banned forever. He faces jail time for instigating burglary.

After knowing Xiao Qi’s identity, Xia Lao Er took him home that same day. Different from the unfamiliarity when he saw Xia Yubin for the first time, Xia Lao Er liked Xiao Qi very much when he saw him.

Xiao Qi’s gentle personality and his resemblance to Qingqiu and Li Xiao made him a member of the Xia family at a glancs. Xiao Qi had just returned to the Xia family, and it was inevitable that old man Xia and ** relatives would come to the door. Xia Qing Shu was afraid that he would be bullied and visited the house from time to time.


This day, Xia Qing Shu went to Xia Lao Er’s house as usual, and just as he reached the stairs, he saw Xia Qing Qiu carrying a small schoolbag, grunting and running up to him, the milky voice and announcing, “Brother, our family’s great benefactor is here!”

Xia Qing Shu was a bit embarrassed and took the schoolbag on his back, “He’s here, so, why are you guarding me downstairs? Aren’t you tired from making this special trip?”

Xia Qingqiu laughed heatedly and reached out for him to hug him.

After being held in his arms, Xia Qingqiu wrapped his arms around Xia Qing Shu’s neck and asked quietly, “Brother, let me ask you a question, I heard that our family’s great benefactor likes you.”

The tips of Xia Qing Shu’s ears instantly burst red, but he wasn’t too timid to show his face in the face of the five year old cub.

“Yeah, our big benefactor doesn’t just like me, he likes you too.”

“It’s that kind of like!” Xia Qingqiu corrected shyly, like a little adult, “It’s the falling in love kind of like!”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Are kids nowadays so precarious?

Seeing that Xia Qingshu didn’t speak, Xia Qingqiu rolled his dark eyes twice, and asked in a milky voice, “Brother, have you kissed Brother Chen Zhiyu?”

Xia Qingshu’s face blushed with shame, “…who taught you this?!”

Xia Qingqiu held Xia Qingshu’s face with both hands, and he asked, “Did you kiss?”


Xia Qingqiu seemed a little dissatisfied, cupping his hands to his chest and staring slyly into his eyes, “Don’t you lie to me!”

Xia Qingshu put him on the ground and interrogated, “Say, who told you to ask?”

Xia Qingqiu raised a pair of small hands: “No one, I asked for myself!”

Xia Qingshu resorted to a trick and took out two toffees from his pocket.

Xia Qingqiu was recently changing his teeth. Xia Lao Er didn’t give him candy. When he saw the toffee, his eyes lit up, and he immediately confessed.

“Brother Zhiyu said that he likes you and wants to have a serious relationship with you and get married later.” Xia Qingqiu shook his head and said, “Brother Zhiyu is rich and generous, he asked me what I liked, I said I liked amusement parks and he immediately said he would buy me an amusement park!”

Xia Qing Shu pinched his ear, “For a mere amusement park, you betrayed me?”

Xia Qingqiu put the milk candy in his mouth, his mouth bulging, “Brother, what do you mean,you are too inflated, the amusement park is expensive, and the tickets cost hundreds.”

“Brother, come on, Brother Zhiyu. I’ve been waiting for you all morning.”

“Isn’t there anyone at home?”

“Yes, me.”

“Just you?”

“Uh-huh.” Xia Qingqiu shook her head and said, “You should send me to kindergarten soon so you can be alone.”

Xia Qingshu: “…”

“I told Dad that you are not allowed to watch those messy series.”

“You don’t have to go to kindergarten today, stay with me at home.”

“But I want to go to kindergarten.”
“There is no one ti send you there.”

As soon as Xia Qing Shu’s words fell, Secretary Li came out from the nearby bush and picked up Xia Qing Qiu, “Student Xia, Qing Qiu can be sent to kindergarten by me.”

After Secretary Li finished speaking, he picked up Xia Qingqiu in his arms and ran away in a breeze. Xia Qingqiu waved goodbye while yelling in a milky voice, “Brother, don’t forget my amusement park.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

He was standing downstairs hesitating to go upstairs when suddenly a head stuck out of the upstairs window, “What are you doing down there? Come up, it’s windy downstairs.”

It was Chen Zhiyu who spoke, and Xia Qingshu blushed when he saw him, standing there, motionless.

In front of others, Xia Qing Shu’s mouth was so quick to choke people, but in front of Chen Zhiyu, he was always led by the nose. This was especially true of the last time, when Chen Zhiyu said that he had fallen into the water to save others, which Xia Qing Shu later realized was illogical and unjustified.

Chen Zhiyu used to be choked on by him, and his face would split open but nowadays Chen Zhiyu was completely shameless, Xia Qingshu was no match at all.

Xia Qingshu took out the phone and called Secretary Li, “Brother Li, come back.”

Secretary Li was walking fast, and he had already run to the gate of the community with Xia Qingqiu in his arms. After receiving the call, he immediately ran back with Xia Qingqiu in his arms.

The boss was destined to be a wife slave, so of course he had to listen to the boss’s wife now.

Chen Zhiyu saw that he was not going upstairs and took the initiative to come downstairs.

“Qingshu, what are you doing standing downstairs?” Chen Zhiyu came out of the corridor with a light cashmere scarf in his hand.

With a dignified and decent step, he walked up to Xia Qingshu, put the scarf around his neck and said in a dumb voice, “It’s very cool today and there’s a breeze here.”

The way he put the scarf on was very decent, reaching out with a long hand to gently lower the scarf and immediately taking his hand back without touching Xia Qing Shu’s shoulder for a moment. The tone of his voice was also decent, and he looked like a decent gentleman.

Xia Qingshu lowered his head slightly and did not speak. His intuition told him that he could not stay alone with Chen Zhiyu.

At this time, Secretary Li happened to return with Xia Qingqiu in his arms, and Xia Qingshu looked like he had caught a lifeline, his eyes shining, “Qingqiu.”

Xia Qingqiu was sitting in Secretary Li’s arms and said to Xia Qingshu, “Didn’t I say that you two should be alone? Why did you call me back again?”

Xia Qingshu: “… Brother Zhiyu and I are not what you think.”

“Then what’s it like?” Xia Qingqiu shyly pinched his fingers, “It’s fine if you want to keep me at home, but mum said that I can’t even watch the kissing and hugging. When you guys want to kiss, remember to tell me in advance so I can go back to my room.”

Chen Zhiyu bowed his head and smiled, “Your brother is so smart.”

Secretary Li tried his best to play a deaf and blind man.

Xia Qingshu: “…”

He regretted calling Xia Qingqiu back.

He took Xia Qingqiu from Secretary Li’s arms and warned in a low voice, “Don’t talk nonsense, I’ll take you to kindergarten now.”

With long legs, Chen Zhiyu walked two steps to follow him, keeping walking side by side, “Are you afraid of me?”

Xia Qingshu shook his head, “No, why should I be?”

Chen Zhiyu straightened his back and said seriously, “I am a serious person, you can be rest assured about my character.”

In today’s world, there are not many people like him who abide by etiquette.

Today was the beginning of winter, the temperature had dropped sharply, and the cold wind was blowing. Xia Qingshu’s face was flushed red by the wind, his body was fragrant, and he looked good and soft.

He hadn’t seen him for several days, and Chen Zhiyu felt a tingling in his heart as he approached.

He helped Xia Qingshu tidy up the scarf in a decent manner, and because he was so close, the milky smell of lime on Xia Qingshu’s body penetrated into his nose.

Between each breath, it passes through the tip of the nose, enters the lungs, spreads to the whole body, and activates every cell in the body.

While the other party wasn’t paying attention, Chen Zhiyu leaned closer to the snow-white neck and inhaled hard.

He was simply addicted to this scent.


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