Chapter 68:
The wind was not strong in early winter, but after the temperature plummeted, the cool breeze carried a bit of a chill.

Chen Zhiyu wore a long grey nylon trench coat with an excellent shape that made him look tall and broad in the back of his shoulders. The trench coat is made of heavy nylon and feels very good, so when he moves a little, it brings up a warm breeze that is wrapped in his body’s breath.

When he came close, Xia Qingshu knew that Chen Zhiyu was wearing perfume again.

With his keen sense of smell during pregnancy, Xia Qingshu took in the scent of his body.

The light cedar scent, with a wintery chill matched Chen Zhiyu’s usual ascetic, high-spirited temperament. However, there was  a slightly astringent citrus sweetness, mixed with testosterone, making him smell like a sweet cake in an elaborate trap set to “lure” his prey.

Chen Zhiyu’s hair was obviously combed, seemingly casually, but in fact it had been sprayed with a little styling spray, refined down to the very last strand. His beard was also freshly shaved, with the smell of aftershave still lingering on his chin.

But How could he smell the aftershave on his chin?

Xia Qing Shu turned sharply and saw Chen Zhiyu behind him, the tip of his nose close to his neck, breathing with an intoxicated look on his face.

“Brother Zhiyu, you, what are you doing?!” Xia Qingshu was taken aback, and all the cells in his body tensed up.

Chen Zhiyu smiled politely, and said calmly, “I’m helping you tidy up the scarf, it’s a little crooked.”

After saying that, he stood up straight, pulled the up the scarf and wrapped it around Xia Qing Shu’s neck. Chen Zhiyu didn’t touch his shoulder directly, he just touched lightly through the scarf but Xia Qingshu’s body trembled, and he took a step back unconsciously.

Chen Zhiyu could see very clearly that Xia Qing Shu was not dodging away in disgust.

His little face was flushed, the tips of his ears were red, and even the base of his neck was flushed with red. The beautiful eyes were blown by the wind, making them watery, and the ends of the eyes were adorned with a touch of pink. The eyes didn’t know where to look, they just didn’t dare to look at him.

This little friend is shy.

“Didn’t you say you weren’t afraid of me? What are you hiding for?” Chen Zhiyu took in his cute little expression, his heart tickled and he couldn’t help but tease him a little.

“I, I didn’t hide.” Xia Qing Shu hugged Xia QingQiu and stood still.

“Not hiding.. then stand still, I’ll help you straighten your scarf properly.” Chen Zhiyu said in a serious manner, “Look, such a big gap, it’s leaking.”

He took the scarf off again, folded it in half and wrapped it solemnly around Xia Qing Shu’s neck, “You’re so big, yet you can’t even wear the scarf properly.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

What kind of person is this? This is not his scarf, and he didn’t say he wanted to wear it. And for God’s sake, how many times can a scarf be organised!
In order to help Xia Qingshu put on the scarf, Chen Zhiyu almost pressed against his body, but not quite,, their bodies maintaining a polite social distance of a finger’s width.

Chen Zhiyu lowered his head slightly, his warm exhalation spurting out of his nose and brushing Xia Qingshu’s cheeks and ears.

Xia Qingshu did not dare to move and kept his head down, like a little child who had done something wrong.

Is this man a cow, why is he breathing so heavily?

After putting on the scarf, Chen Zhiyu lightly patted him twice on the back, and took the initiative to back away.

Xia Qing Shu felt the air around him flowing and he could breathe again.

In the past, although Chen Zhiyu looked handsome, he never dressed up deliberately, his bone structure and face were on point, and he could be so handsome that legs would go weak when he slightly put on a well-tailored dress.

Today, having deliberately dressed up, he was even more handsome.

Xia Qingshu was surrounded by good-looking people, He Chen, Xia Ji, Xia Shan, Wen Sheng, even Xia Jing who is old enough to be a handsome old man.

Chen Zhiyu’s face was not unique to him. He didn’t care about Chen Zhiyu’s handsomeness, but he did care about the fact that Chen Zhiyu had dressed up specially to meet him.

When he thought of this, Xia Qing Shu felt a little uncomfortable, not in a nasty way, but just a little unsure of how to get along.

He is relatively slow in the face of emotions. When he hadn’t yet known, he regarded Chen Zhiyu as a kind-hearted brother who took care of him a lot. The moment Chen Zhiyu made it clear that he liked him, there was no going back to the “older brother” setting.

Xia Qingshu has experience with “older brothers” but not with “suitors”. He was at a loss when faced with a suitor’s advances, as he has been single for two lives.

Chen Zhiyu could see his embarrassment and was almost killed by his shy and soft look.

Who the hell could resist that?

The “decent man” once again took the opportunity to straighten the scarf, and his fingers “accidentally” brushed against the white face.

So slippery.

Now that they were outside and there were people around, Chen Zhiyu suppressed the fluttering of his heart and turned his head to criticize Xia Qingqiu, “No more pulling the scarf, your brother will be cold.”

Xia Qingqiu nodded nervously, “Got it, brother Zhiyu.”

The little cub was so active that when he stopped pulling the scarf, he turned to pulling his brother’s hair and rub his cheeks.

Xia Qingshu was good-tempered and didn’t get angry when he let the little cub rub his face.
Although his face was small, it was fleshy when he rubbed it.

It made Chen Zhiyu’s eyes hot.

” “You are not allowed to pinch your brother’s face like this.” Chen Zhiyu gathered the little brat’s hand, and he pinched lightly on Xia Qingshu’s face, then immediately let go.

A small red mark immediately appeared on the fair and tender little face.

Chen Zhiyu pointed at the red mark that he had pinched out and educated Xia Qingqiu, “Look, brother’s face gets red when it’s pinched, no more pinching.”

Xia Qingqiu nodded obediently, “Got it.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Xia Qingqiu’s kindergarten was nearby, about five hundred meters from the gate of the community. Xia Qing Shu felt a little tired after walking two steps. The doctor said that he couldn’t lift heavy things before three months, but now it was past three months, he could exercise properly. Xia Qing Shu held Xia Qing Qiu as if he was practicing holding a baby in advance.

Although Qingqiu was only five years old, he was still more than 30 pounds, so he didn’t feel anything at first, but after holding him for a long time, he was still a bit tire yet they had just left the community gate.

Xia Qingshu took small breaths and the tip of his nose was red. The hot air puffed into the cold air and blew out a mist.

Chen Zhiyu circled around, walked downwind, and took a deep breath. He could smell the fragrance puffed out by the other side.

It was nice and soft, and smelled good.

Xia Qing Shu felt a bit sick in his stomach and stopped, “Qing Qiu, will you come down and walk by yourself?”

Xia Lao Er and Li Xiao are usually very busy and take care of Qingqiu very little. So Qingqiu has been very sensible since he was a child. He nodded obediently and took the initiative to jump down from Xia Qingshu’s arms.

After Qingqiu jumped down, before he could stand still, he was hugged back again by Chen Zhiyu, “Qingqiu, Brother Zhiyu is hugging you, okay?”

After being hugged by Xia Qing Shu for a long time, Xia Qing Qiu seemed to be tainted with his scent, a warm and fragrant mass.

“Your brother has sprayed perfume on himself, and it has tainted you too, it smells so good.” Chen Zhiyu inhaled squarely on Qing Qiu, seemingly sucking on the wares, but in reality he was greedily searching for Qing Shu’s scent on Qing Qiu’s body.

What the hell? Since when did he wear perfume?

Xia Qingshu was wronged and got a little angry, saying straight out, “I didn’t wear perfume, you did.”
Chen Zhiyu deliberately teased him, “If you didn’t wear perfume, why does your body smell so good? I can smell it from so far away.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Maybe you’re pregnant too.

The sense of smell is particularly acute after pregnancy.

Seeing that the other party didn’t say anything, Chen Zhiyu hugged Xia Qingqiu and walked alongside him, “Don’t you think this is so cozy?”

A pair of partners walked along the silent forest path, the maple leaves beside the path were yellow, the golden leaves drifted with the wind and fell on one person’s shoulders. The other person hugging the child secretly picked the leaves from the other’s shoulder, and put them into his pocket quietly….

“A bland, happy family of three.”

Xia Qingshu glanced at Qingqiu in Chen Zhiyu’s arms and remembered something very important.

He was pregnant and Chen Zhiyu didn’t seem to know about it. Suddenly, he felt some pain in his head.

He had asked him side by side before, and Chen Zhiyu made it clear that he didn’t want children. But now it seems that he likes children quite a bit, and after getting along with Qingqiu for a long time, he can coax Qingqiu to help him in his pursuit.

But he had asked Chen Zhiyu before if he liked hin, and Chen Zhiyu had denied it, and now he is like this.

He suddenly felt that Chen Zhiyu was very duplicitous in front of him.

What a strange person.

Xia Qing Shu decided to ask in a different way.

After thinking about it, he asked, “Brother Zhiyu, I heard that some men with special physiques can give birth to children.”

“Well, there are especially few people with that kind of special physique.”

One such person might exist out of 10,000 men, and it could be considered a rare one. He had also seen it in news reports, and had never met such a person in real life.

Chen Zhiyu didn’t know what came to mind and his face turned serious all of a sudden, “With me, just be happy, you don’t have to care about the baby.”

“I’ve said before that if my partner is not fertile, I won’t betray my other half for the sake of children, let alone do something illegal and disorderly like cheating.”

“You can be rest assured of my character!”
Xia Qing Shu nodded while dumbfounded. He understood that the other party was showing his loyalty to him. In order to be with him, even if there were no children in this life, he would still be willing to do so.

Xia Qing Shu’s little face flushed and he looked down and squeezed his fingers.

Chen Zhiyu had been paying attention to his expression, and when he saw him lower his head and blush, his heart softened for a moment. Could it be that Qinshu did not accept him because of the child? His family history was no secret. With Chen Rao’s tireless publicity, the whole world knew that he was a single heir to a family of nine generations and needed to have children to carry on his legacy.

Chen Rao had approached Xia Qing Shu several times during the time she knew he and Xia Qing Shu were close. And he knew his mother very well, and she was just throwing money around to keep Xia Qing Shu away from him.

The young boy in front of him, who was pure of heart, neither did he take the money nor stayed away from him.

Chen Rao always treats the family heirloom as a noble voluntary life event to complete, it must be Chen Rao that frightened Qing Shu.

In order not to be charged with making the Chen family extinct, the boy buried that fondness. That must be it!

The way Qing Shu looked at him, behind the forbearing, there were waves of love hidden.  The fact that he didn’t accept him, that he didn’t like him, was all due to his status as a “single heir of nine generations”!

No wonder he couldn’t get his sweet lover despite his good looks, his high moral character, his respect for manners and his gentle personality!

It was all because of this status!

In the face of inheritance and love, Chen Zhiyu decisively chose love.

Chen Zhiyu immediately made a promise, “Don’t worry, no one in the Chen family will make things difficult for you because of a son!”

The obstacles on the road to love will be stepped on by him. His sweetheart just needs to enjoy the beauty of love.

“As long as I’m here, there won’t be a single person in the Chen family who will make you suffer!”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

He just said one sentence, and the other party said so much, and it seems to he had gone off topic.

Chen Zhiyu continued to explain, “I’m going to have a younger brother or sister soon, and my family’s focus is going to shift soon.”

When Xia Qing Shu heard the word “younger brother”, his heart trembled.

That’s not your younger sibling, that’s your child.

Listening to Chen Zhiyu’s words, as soon as his child is born, he will face enormous pressure to inherit the family. Xia Qingshu originally planned to tell Chen Zhiyu about his pregnancy, but was suddenly dismissed. Even the previous agreement with Chen Rao, he intended to unilaterally tear up.

This kind of family atmosphere is not good for the growth of a child.

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