Chapter 69:
In less than five minutes, they had walked to the entrance of Xia Qingqiu’s school. Xia Qing Shu called the teacher and she came out in a short while. Qingqiu held the teacher’s hand and said goodbye to Xia Qingshu, “Brother, it’s cooled down recently, so it’s better to go to the cinema for a date.”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

Qing Qiu walked away while mouthing, “Amusement~Park~”

Chen Zhiyu: Brother-in-law is so cute.

After Xia Qingqiu entered, Chen Zhiyu naturally said, “Let’s go. What movie do you like, I’ll ask Secretary Li to reserve a room.”

Xia Qingqiu: “…… I don’t want to watch a movie.”

Chen Zhiyu: “You don’t want to watch a movie, then what do you want to do?”

Xia Qingshu: “I want to go home.”

Chen Zhiyu: “I’ll take you back.”

The two of them walked back, and when they reached the door, Xia Qingshu stopped and said goodbye to him, “Goodbye, Zhiyu, you go on with your work.”

In less than half an hour, Chen Zhiyu’s work phone had already rung several times, it was a working day and Xia Qing Shu knew he was busy.

Chen Zhiyu stood at the door without moving, “I’m not busy.” He took out his mobile phone and turned it off straight away.

“I came all the way over here today for a date with you.” Chen Zhiyu said, “The Xia family is strict, so it’s hard to wait for you to come back to this side of the house.”

He used to be able to go in and out of the Xia family at will, but after he confessed his love, Xia Jing had guarded him closely, not only forbidding him to enter the house, but also forbidding him to see Qing Shu. Even Xia Shan, his best friend, had defected along with him.

He sent Secretary Li to squat, and learned in advance that Xia Qingshu was returning to Xia Lao Er’s house today. After so many days, he was finally able to see Qingshu. Moreover, the time and place are right and there are only two people, he and Qingshu. Even if the Chen Group goes bankrupt right away, he would not leave easily.

The road to chasing his wife is hard,

Xia Qing Shu was a bit puzzled: “…… A date?”

This kind of ordinary meeting, can it be called a date?

“Yes, it’s through dating that we can get to know each other.” Chen Zhiyu sighed, “Last time we talked about it properly, you said to try to keep in touch first, you forgot about it, you let me be a prospective boyfriend.”

“We haven’t seen each other for many days since the last time we parted on Shi Jing Mountain, and you don’t return my messages, I almost suspect I’ve been lied to ……”

Xia Qing Shu hurriedly explained, “I didn’t lie to you, things just happened.”
A while ago, he had to hide Xia Mei, keep an eye on Xia Yubin, and secretly go to the hospital in disguise for a maternity checkup …… It was a busy time for him.

After finally getting Xia Yubin taken care of and Sister Xia Mei back on her feet, he’s only had a little bit of free time recently.

“It’s good that it’s not a lie.” Chen Zhiyu laughed, “Even if you lied to me, I’m still willing.”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

He stood at the door, somewhat hesitant to let Chen Zhiyu in.

There was no one at home, and if he let him in, it would be just the two of them, it was a bit not good. It would be better to go outside, to the mall or the cinema, as long as it wasn’t just the two of them alone.

Chen Zhiyu seemed to be able to see his thoughts and explained with a solemn face, “Qing Shu, I just want to talk to you alone, please trust my character.”

“I, Chen Zhiyu, have been upright and open in my life, very decent.”

“After I enter the door, I will never do anything beyond the boundaries!”

Xia Qing Shu thought about it.

It seemed to be so.

When he had first come into contact with Chen Zhiyu, he knew that he was the head of the male virtue class and acted in a rather ascetic and conservative manner. The book had written his persona plainly: ascetic, observant of male virtues, a work machine without those kind of worldly desires, and hell bent on making money.

The shirt he wore even now was buttoned up to the top button. It looks square and proper. He shouldn’t do anything out of place.

Xia Qing Shu explained in a small voice, “Brother Zhi Yu, I trust your character, you definitely won’t do anything too much to me. Qingqiu always likes to throw toys around, and I’m afraid that the house is too messy to entertain.”

Chen Zhiyu smiled, “I’ve just been here and it’s not messy at all, the house is very tidy. I’ll just go in and have a cup of hot water, and I’ll leave right after.”

“Mm-okay.” Xia Qingshu nodded reassuringly and turned around to unlock the door with his fingerprint.

As soon as Chen Zhiyu entered, before he even time to change his slippers, he grabbed Qinshu’s hand in a flash and cupped and squeezed it in his hand. “Look, your hands are cold like this, you don’t know to wear gloves anymore.”

Xia Qingshu’s hands were small, without a single callus or old skin, so delicate that they looked like freshly cooked white tofu.

They was smooth and tender, cool to the touch. The white bony knuckles are so soft and rosy that they seem to have no bones. The fingers are white and tender, and when warmed, they smell like freshly made, steaming milk bar.

He wanted to take a bite.

Xia Qing Shu struggled to pull his hand out, but the other party squeezed it too tightly and he tried, but he couldn’t get it out.

“Brother Zhiyu, what, what are you doing?” Xia Qingshu was a little confused and angry. It was clear that he had said he wouldn’t do anything out of bounds, and this was just after he’d walked in the door! His mouth puckered up, a slight frown between his brows, and his pretty eyes stared fiercely past him.
Xia Qingshu had always been very good in front of Chen Zhiyu, always well-tempered and coaxing.  It was rare to see him angry like this.

His white, delicate face puffed up like an angry puffer fish. Nothing combative, but rather cute to the point of explosion.

“It’s nothing.” Chen Zhiyu had a calm face, but he did not let go of the hand he was holding, “I just saw that your hands were cold and helped you cover them.”

His face was on the stern side, his jaw range was cold and hard, and when he tensed up his face, he looked very intimidating, Xia Qing Shu used to be scared by him. Especially when he pursed his lips and didn’t smile, he was so serious that he looked like a news broadcaster.

But it was this solemn and decent man who at the moment took Xia Qing Shu’s hand in his, separated his finger digits and then interlocked their fingers.

“It’s a little warmer this way.”

“I’m not cold.” His physique was such that his body was not cold, just his hands and feet were a little cold.

“Tough talk.” Chen Zhiyu grabbed his hand, “It’s all cold like that, I’ll help you cover up right away.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Chen Zhiyu grabbed those small white and smooth hands, brought them to his mouth and exhaled a hot breath. The hot breath carried the aroma of testosterone, brushing against his fingers and blowing the small fluffy hairs on them.

Xia Qing Shu only felt his fingers tingling, as if they were electrified. A strange sensation emanated from his fingers and his whole body trembled lightly.

Xia Qing Shu’s face was so red that it was about to burst, “Brother Zhi Yu, you just promised!”

“It’s okay to be like this between ordinary friends.” Chen Zhiyu explained with a deep voice and a straight face, “In the past when we were in university, several men in the dormitory next door slept under the same blanket without clothes.”

He gave Xia Qingshu a look and said in a deep voice, “I just helped you warm your hands, a very common thing to do.”

What kind of sophistry is this?

“You let go of me.” Xia Qing Shu frowned and protested in a soft voice, “Your words don’t even count.”

It hadn’t even been two minutes since he entered the door!

Chen Zhiyu also felt his face being slapped. But he couldn’t let go of these small hands. They were smooth and soft as if they were boneless. Fragrant and soft, and when they were gently rubbed, they would get so pink that no man would easily let go.

“I didn’t do anything.” Chen Zhiyu said with a straight face, “I just want to compare the size of your hand with mine.”

He released his tangled fingers and pressed them against Xia Qingshu’s small hand.

Xia Qingshu’s hand was really small, only two-thirds of Chen Zhiyu’s palm, and Chen Zhiyu could easily hold both of his small hands firmly with just a slight tightening of his grip.

Xia Qingshu was too weak to struggle against him, so he gave himself up and said, “My feet are cold too, so why don’t you warm them up for me?”

He was just gambling on what he said, but to his surprise, Chen Zhiyu’s eyes lit up when he heard it, and he immediately squatted down to help him take off his shoes.
Xia Qing Shu: “……”

He took two steps backwards and stammered.

“I, I’m just kidding.”

Isn’t this person a deep clean freak, why is he so skilled at taking off other people’s shoes?

Chen Zhiyu pressed Xia Qing Shu into a seat on the bench and held his shoes, all in a dignified manner, “I’m the most decent person, I believe whatever people say.” He lifted his head and gave Xia Qing Shu a meaningful look, “Especially what you say.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

“Brother Zhiyu, my feet aren’t cold, it’s not true.”

He pulled his foot back hard, unable to move it as it was grabbed by the other man.

“You really don’t need it?” Chen Zhiyu had some pity, “I heard that people with small hands also have small feet, I still want to compare them.”

It was said as if he really didn’t have a single evil thought, but was simply interested in the size of his feet.

Chen Zhiyu’s hand loosened and Xia Qing Shu immediately stood up and fled, “I’ll go and get you a glass of water.”

Looking at Xia Qing Shu’s back, Chen Zhi Yu bowed his head and smiled lightly.

When Xia Qing Shu fled to the kitchen, he felt that he was not floating anymore and his heart was gradually calming down. The hand that had been covered was hot, and the smell of Chen Zhiyu’s perfume still seemed to linger on it. His ankles were tingling and he felt better only after rubbing them with his hands. It was clear that when Zhiyu had rubbed his entire calf with medicine before, he hadn’t reacted at all.

Now it’s just a gentle squeeze of the ankle and …… he was uncomfortable all over. Is it because after pregnancy, the body has become sensitive?

Xia Qing Shu washed his hands with cold water, then patted his face with his cold little hands and breathed steadily before coming out of the kitchen with a glass of water.

“Brother Zhiyu, drink the water.”

Hurry up and go after drinking.

Chen Zhiyu took the glass of water and took a sip, it was not too hot and not too cold, the temperature was just right.

Suddenly, there was a crisp “ding” and his phone received a message.

[Wensheng: Qing Shu, may I have the honour of inviting you to the premiere of my new movie?

Xia Qingshu’s mobile phone was on the table, the screen lit up as the message popped up and Chen Zhiyu saw it at a glance. Xia Qingshu was a little embarrassed and hurriedly put his phone away.

He opened his mouth, ready to explain a few things, but the two of them hadn’t actually gotten to the point where he needed to explain over such a text message.
Chen Zhiyu gave him a sad look and did not say a word.

After thinking about it, Xia Qing Shu still whispered, “Brother Wen Sheng is starring in a new movie, he invited me to go last time when we were at Shi Jing Mountain, I agreed to it a long time ago.”

Chen Zhiyu smiled generously, “It’s nothing, I don’t care, you can go if you want to, Wen Sheng’s film is pretty good.”

In his heart, he kept reassuring himself: He had agreed to it last time at Shijing, before he confessed his love. If that Wen Sheng had made the invitation after his confession, Qing Shu definitely wouldn’t have agreed to go out with him.

“Ohh.” Xia Qingshu responded indiscriminately and raised his head, “Brother Zhiyu, you drink water.”

Chen Zhiyu held the cup to his mouth, frowned, and put the water cup down again. His features were wrinkled together, as if he was holding back some kind of pain.

Xia Qingshu’s heart jumped, “Brother Zhiyu, what’s wrong with you?”

Chen Zhiyu sighed,”Tenosynovitis, wrist pain.”

Xia Qing Shu’s forehead jumped, “What should we do, hurry up and go to the hospital.”

Chen Zhiyu was in a breezy mood, “It’s okay, I can tolerate this small injury.”

Xia Qingshu: “Then what can I do for you?”

This was the sentence he was waiting for.

Chen Zhiyu tensed his face and said with a sullenly, “I want to drink water.”

He wanted to drink water, but his hands hurt. Being fed water was the best option.

Xia Qing Shu thought about it, “Okay, I’ll get you a straw.”

Chen Zhiyu: ……I was careless.

Xia Qingshu stood up and rummaged around the house, only to find Qingqiu drinking water cup with a straw. He thought about it, if Chen Zhiyu really couldn’t hold the water cup with his hands hurting, he’d consider giving him a plate, so he could drink water with his head buried. But this suggestion was definitely not something Chen Zhiyu would agree to.

After thinking about it, he took the initiative to lift the glass of water and brought it to Chen Zhiyu’s mouth, “Drink, Brother Zhiyu, I’ll carry it for you.”

“Thanks then.” Chen Zhiyu held the rim of the cup with his lips and took a small sip of water.

Less than a finger away from his lips were Qing Shu’s soft white fingers, which he could touch with a flick of his tongue.

Those small, white and tender hands were right in front of his eyes.

Chen Zhiyu only felt a fluttering of his heart.

What he was drinking was not water, it was sweet honey.

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