Chapter 70


The news of Chen Zhiyu and Shen Xunying’s big fight over Xia Qingshu soon reached Chen Rao’s ears.

Chen Rao organised a family meeting with members of the Chen family – Chen Qianxing (Zhiyu’s father), Chen Maozi (the cat) and Chen Zude (Zhiyu’s horse son).

At first, the Chen family was very adamant that Xia Qing Shu likes Zhi Yu and then used treacherous tricks to climb into bed and get pregnant with the cubs.

Zhiyu hated this, and not only was he tired of Xia Qingshu, but also didn’t want cubs.

When they saw the hot search #NanChen,BeiShen fight, all the Chen family members were dumbfounded.

What the hell was going on? In order to compete for Xia Qingshu, Zhiyu actually got into a fight with someone? !

Since Zhiyu likes Xia Qingshu, and Xia Qingshu liked him too, that’s too simple, just marry him back. They were moving around like thieves, stalking, betraying, coercing, and promising to give five billion, only to coax Xia Qingshu to give birth to the child.

But it turned out to be a love affair, and they went straight to the wedding night.

Chen Rao breathed a sigh of relief. She could no longer pretend to be pregnant. Every time Chen Zhiyu glanced at her stomach, she trembled with a guilty conscious. They were also worried about their grandson’s malnutrition, as Xia Qingshu was so skinny and small, he doesn’t eat well at first glance.

They can now take Xia Qing Shu home and feed him well, but they must not starve their fat grandson.

Now they can take Xia Qingshu home with integrity and raise him with delicious food, they must not starve the fat grandson of their Chen family.

After discussing the matter, the Chen family decided to let Chen Rao go to the house in person and give the Xia family some face by bringing Xia Qing Shu back to the Chen family to nurse hid baby.

As Xia Qing Shu was so fond of Zhi Yu, if they went to the house to ask him to come back, he might follow them immediately. After bringing Xia Qingshu back, they would have to give him a good education and tell him to break off his relationship with Shen Xunyi and the rest!

After thinking it over, the Chen family went straight to the Xia family with their gifts.


Chen Qixi was watering flowers in the garden early in the morning when a pink Maybach came barreling in with a whoosh and crashed through a basket placed next to the fountain, parking crookedly at the entrance of the Xia family villa. Such a flamboyant driving style frightened Tuan Tuan, a pug who was drinking water by the fountain, into screaming.

The only person in the city who can drive a low-profile luxury Maybach with so much oomph was Chen Rao.

Chen Qixi put down the kettle in her hand, and was a little puzzled. Isn’t Chen Rao pregnant and nurturing a baby at home? Why did she come to her house without sleeping in early in the morning?

Chen Qixi dried her wet hands and instructed the aunt to bring the person to the parlour, and quickly went back to her room to do a full makeover.

The two of them did not get along when they were studying.  They were both beautiful and had the same surname, so they were often mistaken for sisters. Both of them had many suitors, and every time at the class and school flower election, the two of them have more or less the same number of votes. In theory, they both have the same surname, are beautiful and have similar family backgrounds, so they could be good friends. But on the contrary, the two of them do not see eye to eye and are as incompatible as water and oil.

The main reason for this was Chen Rao. Chen Rao thinks she is prettier than Chen Qixi, but every time at the class and school flower election, she’d get less votes than Chen Qixi, and came in second.

When Xia Jing was pursuing Chen Qi Xi, Chen Rao hinted in front of Chen Qi Xi that Xia Jing had turned to Chen Qi Xi because he couldn’t catch up with Chen Rao.

Xia Jing went through many bumps in the road of pursuing his wife because of Chen Rao’s self-interest. When he learnt the reason, he cried out that he was wronged.

Xia Jing had never liked Chen Rao, but only because he was a classmate, and they were front and back tablemates, so they’d usually speak more. When he found out that Chen Rao was so self-absorbed, Xia Jing took the initiative to cut off communication with Chen Rao for fear that something would happen.

If not for the last time Chen Rao took the initiative to contact him, he has not had direct contact with Chen Rao.

Since then, Chen Qixi and Chen Rao seem to be fine on the surface, but in fact, every time they meet, they pinpointed against each other.


Inside the parlour, the aunt served tea.

Chen Rao wore a lotus pink shamrock suit today, the waist outlined was extremely thin, not at all like a pregnant woman who was 4 months + pregnant at an advanced age.

She lifted the tea cup with her thumb and forefinger and crossed her fingers to reveal her large pink gemstone ring, “Qixi, I’m here today, there’s one thing I want to discuss with you.”

“Go ahead.” Chen Qi Xi leaned over to pour the tea, the collector’s edition diamond around her neck drooped down and hung in the air, emitting a dazzling light, “What is so important that you need to make a personal trip?”

“Nothing major.” Chen Rao switched sides to cross her legs, put down her teacup and said slowly, “Recently many shows have sent me invitations, I still don’t know which one to go to, Zhiyu’s business is getting bigger and bigger.I heard that rare metals have been discoveres at the mine over in the Western Mountains again ……”

Chen Qixi put down the kettle and cut the other party off, “Please get to the point!”

After so many years, Chen Rao still hasn’t changed.

She used to love to show off her beauty and suitors when she was young, and now, she has started to show off her family background and her son’s ability, if she is let to continue to spread out, she can talk until dark.

Chen Qixi glanced at her stomach. At this time, shouldn’t she show off her pregnancy? Why is she still showing off her uninspired family background.

Under Chen Qixi’s suspicious and inquiring eyes, Chen Rao raised his chest and looked proud, “I want to take the Xia Qinshu away.”

Chen Qixi “pfft”, covered her mouth and laughed, “Your family Zhiyu can’t chase hus sweetheart, so he let you as a mother to step in?”  Chen Qixi said, not giving any face to the other party, and flatly refused, “Young people’s affairs, we as elders better not interfere.”

Chen Rao has long been prepared to be rejected, hearing Chen Qixi’s words, instead of being annoyed, she pursed her lips and smiled, “Qixi you may not know, that child Qing Shu also likes my family Zhiyu, I asked him myself, he said he likes it so much.”

The matter of “Xia Qing Shu likes Chen Zhi Yu” has long been ingrained into Chen Rao’s mind.

When she heard that Zhiyu also liked Xia Qingshu, and that Xia Qingshu hadn’t chased him to Chen’s house and stayed there, she was severely surprised.

“Is that so? I guess you still don’t know, Qing Shu used to say that he liked Zhi Yu, it was a thinly veiled nonsense.” Chen Qixi gave a noble smile.

“That child, less than twenty, so small, doesn’t know what it is to  like. Last time when Xunyi and Zhiyu fought over him, we asked carefully, we realized that our family Qing Shu ah, has not yet been enlightened.”

“He didn’t know the ins and outs until someone else confessed their liking explicitly, so he’s really as simple as can be.”

“That’s right.” Chen Qixi twisted a piece of rose pastry and put it in her mouth, “Zhiyu came several times, but Qing Shu didn’t even see him, that boy Zhiyu, he’s a bit sad.”

Chen Rao: ?!!!

What?! Liking Zhiyu was fake?!

How many times has Zhiyu been here and he hasn’t been seen? Who are you trying to fool here Who’s bluffing here?

Chen Rao sneered, “Qixi, you have to face reality, not everyone has the ability to brag.”

Of course Chen Rao didn’t believe it.

Their Zhiyu, is the richest man on the list of the richest cantaloupe. He is handsome and has never had any scandals. The People who covet him can reach up to France and back.

Xia Qinshu is simple?!!

The baby in his belly is about to be born, and now he’s got Zhiyu’s heart moving, so he’s not even close to being “simple”.

Chen Qixi saw the confusion in the other party’s eyes, and said generously, “If you don’t believe it, Qingshu is upstairs, I’ll call him down and you can ask.”

Chen Rao got up at seven this morning and asked a make-up artist to specially put a refreshing oxygen makeup look, this makeup makes her look younger, but the momentum is a little weaker.

Chen Qixi drew long and thick eyeliner, and when she sat upright, her aura was refreshing and overwhelming.

“Let Qing Shu tell you himself, he doesn’t like your Zhiyu at all!”

Her tone of voice was firm, her words were firm and clear, her voice was strong, and she did not look like she was making things up at all.

Chen Rao was a little shaken in her heart.

However, her psychological quality was strong, and under the blessing of her overconfidence mentality all the year round, her heart was shaken for two seconds, and she immediately regained her composure. She coldly snorted in her heart, so what if he doesn’t like Zhiyu, Xia Qing Shu and Zhi Yu have already slept together, the pups are all tucked in, the raw rice is already cooked, if he doesn’t marry into our Chen family, who else can he marry?

She saw Xia Qingshu on the live broadcast before, pregnant in his fourth month, still very thin and very slick.

Chen Qixi was so confident, she must not have known that Xia Qing Shu was pregnant.

Knowing that Xia Qing Shu was pregnant with their Chen family’s cub, let’s see if she could still be so aggressive.

“Qixi, there’s something very important, I’m sure Qing Shu hasn’t told you guys yet, right?” Chen Rao crossed her legs, straightened her back, picked up her tea and took a leisurely sip, “Is it because Qing Shu has just returned to the Xia family and is still not used to it?”

Chen Rao insinuated that Qing Shu and Chen Qixi were not intimate, so Qing Shu had secrets that he did not tell her.

“You don’t need to tell me.” Chen Qixi put down the teacup and smiled, “Our family is very sensible and will not forcefully interfere with the children’s private lives. If Qingshu wants to tell me, I will listen. If he doesn’t want to tell me, I won’t make inquiries either. I’m afraid I’ll find out about some misunderstandings and make a joke out of myself.”

Chen Qixi hit back just right, insinuating that Chen Rao often introduced women to Chen Zhiyu, interfered with his son’s private life and forced him to have a son.

All day long, the news that Zhiyu will have a son is publicized everywhere. Anyone who is a little familiar in the circle knows that Chen Zhiyu is very disgusted with Chen Rao’s approach and has always declared that he will not marry

She heard before that Zhiyu still has problems in that area. Thinking of this, Chen Qixi actually had some sympathy for Chen Zhiyu. A good child, forced by his family, more over with his psychological and physical problems.

It is really not good to interfere too much in the lives of your children.

After Chen Qixi finished speaking, she smiled.

Chen Qixi is a famous beauty in the entertainment industry, although she is almost 50, her temperament is still outstanding.

She and Xia Qinshu have very similar eyebrows, but, unlike Xia Qishu’s simple and ignorant eyes, Chen Qixi’s eyes are sharper after years of experience, and just by glancing at people so lightly, she can express a strong sense of mockery.

The conversation between them went back and forth, with neither one refusing to give in to defeat, making it seem as if they were in the midst of a sword fight and a rain of bullets.

Chen Qixi had the home field advantage and slightly occupied the upper hand. Chen Rao was able to defend herself at first, but the more she fought, the more she was overwhelmed, and her face turned red with anxiety, so she finally started to use her big move.

Chen Rao ignored the “pregnancy at an advanced age”, stood up suddenly, and turned around like a girl in a skirt, “Qixi, you’re not surprised, I’ve been pregnant for four months, why am I still so slim?”

Chen Qixi Yan said, “I’m not curious at all.”

Chen Rao half bit her flaming red lips and approached Chen Qixi.

“I’ll tell you even if you don’t want to be curious!”

“Stop it, I don’t want to hear it.” Chen Qixi stood up and wanted to send her guest away.

Chen Rao had come prepared today, and it looked like she had come to find trouble. Although Chen Qixi was worried about Qing Shu, she trusted him.

She would not take the initiative to pry into Qing Shu’s secrets, and as long as Qing Shu did not take the initiative to seek her help, it meant that he could still handle the current situation. She respected every choice that Qing Shu made.

Anything that Qing Shu didn’t take the initiative to tell, there had to be a question mark over whether it was true or not, and the credibility of what came out of Chen Rao’s mouth had to be greatly diminished.

Chen Rao secretly stabilised her mind.  It seemed to her that Chen Qixi was panicking, and she had to ride it out.

Chen Rao opened her red lips and said regardless, ”Qing Shu is pregnant! Pregnant!!”

Chen Qi Xi’s body trembled as she stared over.

Chen Rao raised up the “lucky eyebrows” she had spent 200,000 yuan to embroider, and under the other party’s surprised expression, she covered her mouth and laughed, “Do you know whose baby he’s carrying?”

“It’s Zhiyu’s.”

Chen Qixi suppressed the waves at the bottom of her heart and smiled easily, “That’s it?”


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