Chapter 72:


Although Chen Qixi looks soft and weak, like a small white flower, and is usually sickly, when faced with the problem of her child, he heart was extremely strong.

Chen Rao was completelg powerless in front of her.

When she saw Xia Qing Shu standing in the doorway with a dumbfounded look on his face, Chen Qi Xi dropped Chen Rao, straightened her skirt and reverted to a gentle mother.

The fierce expression was instantly replaced by a gentle one as Chen Qi Xi smiled softly and said, “Qing Shu, you’re up so early, why don’t you get some more sleep?”

Chen Rao was shocked by her sudden change of face but did not dare to move from the wall.

Xia Qingshu touched his nose, “Mom, I heard everything you guys said.”

Since he had already heard, Chen Qixi immediately took a stand: “Mom didn’t mean to pry into your secrets ……”

With that, Chen Qixi said, giving Chen Rao a fierce look, “But, no matter what your decision is, Mom… Our whole family respects your decision!”

The high wall in Xia Qing Shu’s heart shook.

He knew he was pregnant after he returned to the Xia family, but he didn’t plan to have it at the time, so he didn’t alert anyone, including his family. He kept his mouth shut for two reasons: firstly, he was afraid that his family would worry, and secondly, he was afraid that the Xia family would dislike him. Although he didn’t care about recognising his family at first, he could feel the love and affection they had for him during the time they spent together. He was afraid that if the pregnancy was known, he would not be understood by his family and would be questioned about his lifestyle.

He did not expect Chen Qixi to not ask any questions when she found out, and she stood by him unconditionally.

Xia Qing Shu whispered, “Thank you mom for your understanding.”

Now that he had his family’s approval, Xia Qing Shu finally had the strength to revisit the issue of where the baby belonged.

Three months ago, he couldn’t let go of the little life in his belly and reached an agreement with Chen Rao under her solemn promise that she would treat the baby well.

The older the pregnancy, the closer Xia Qing Shu’s connection with the baby became, and he was often thinking about the baby’s education and whether handing it over to Chen Rao was the right choice.

He felt more and more that there was something wrong with Chen Rao’s values. Although the Chen family was wealthy and had all kinds of hardware to give the best to the baby, he was worried that the child’s mental health would be seriously affected if he grew up in that kind of environment.

Since he chose to have the baby, he should be responsible for the baby, not only in terms of food and clothing, but also in terms of shaping the values and outlook on life, so that the baby can develop healthily both physically and psychologically.

Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing, as the child’s grandparents, even if they really loved the child, might let the child grow up crooked without the right guidance,

Not everyone can be like Brother Zhiyu, who grew up so well with a proper mind-set despite that terrible environment. Besides, it is still unknown whether he is pregnant with a son or a daughter. If the baby is born as a daughter, would Chen Rao still like the baby so much?

Would Chen Rao still be so fond of the baby if it was a daughter? Would she often say in front of the baby, “Why aren’t you a boy?”

Will she do something strange like change the name? Will the baby really be happy when it grows up in the Chen family?

Thinking of this, Xia Qing Shu said to Chen Rao, “Auntie, I’ve thought it over, I can’t give you the baby.”

Although his voice was small, his attitude was incomparably firm.

The soft and sticky voice was like a loud clang to Chen Rao’s ears, shaking her internal organs.

Chen Rao sat on her butt, tears pouring out of her eyes as she looked as if she had been struck by lightning and her life was worse than death.

This is the good grandson she has been thinking about. Before coming to Xia’s house today, she was very sure that Xia Qingshu would follow her back to Chen’s house. She hadn’t been here for long, how could it be like this?

Two big fat tears flowed down her cheeks.

The Chen family has been doing good deeds all their lives and topping the charitable donations list every year, how did they end up in such a situation?

God is really jealous of their Chen family!

Xia Qingshu doesn’t want their Zhiyu, and now even their Chen family’s good grandson is almost gone?!

Chen Rao leaned against the wall, her face ashen, even the jeweled ring on her thumb had lost its lustre.

She finished dripping tears and struggled to ask, “Qi Xi, I’m not taking Qing Shu back to the Chen family, he can stay wherever he likes but, can my grandson ……”

Chen Qixi interrupted in a stern voice: “No! Don’t even think about it!”

Even if Qing Shu is carrying Zhi Yu’s child, so what? Now that the baby was in Qing Shu’s belly, everything was up to Qing Shu.

Realising that she had no say in where the child belonged, Chen Rao dropped her head and spat wanly, “You guys are too overbearing. I don’t have the right to ask questions, but our Zhiyu has the right to ask questions ah, you all have not asked my Zhiyu’s opinion….”

Chen Qixi said leisurely, “Are you finally starting to think about Zhiyu’s thoughts now?”

“Does Zhiyu know about you secretly signing an agreement with Qing Shu and pretending to be pregnant?”

“Let’s see, were you still planning to have the baby call Zhiyu brother?”

Chen Rao: “……”

Needless to say, Chen Qixi and Xia Qingshu are definitely mother and son, the ability to choke people is simply the same ah, world-class.

Everyone’s attention was drawn to the question of where the baby belonged, and after Chen Rao reminded them, Xia Qingshu and Chen Qixi came back to their senses, the child’s other father had yet to make any comment.

Chen Qixi turned to ask, “Qing Shu, what is Zhiyu’s opinion?”

Xia Qingshu only felt his brain buzzing, “Brother Zhiyu…. It seems that ….he doesn’t know about my pregnancy.”

Chen Qixi glanced at his stomach, Xia Qingshu was already thin, and he was wearing thick winter clothes, so she couldn’t tell that he was almost five months pregnant.

But after the beginning of spring, the temperature will pick up, and after gradually wearing less, the belly would still bulge out.

Chen Qixi thought about it and asked, “Do you have thoughts about Zhiyu, in that respect?”

Xia Qing Shu scratched his hair twice in chagrin, “I don’t know.”

He had been single for two lives, and he really didn’t know much about how to go about this relationship between them.

After brother Zhiyu confessed last time, he was greatly shocked, and after the shock, he found he was not very averse to his liking.

He doesn’t know what to do, he just thinks that if he accepts Chen Zhiyu, the baby won’t be in a single-parent family, but he wasn’t sure if he liked him.

Chen Rao sat on the floor and hummed: “You must like our Zhiyu, how good our Zhiyu is! He’s good looking, rich, clean and good at his job ……”

Chen Qixi: “You shut up!”

Chen Rao hammered to death, “If our Zhiyu knew, he would have fought for custody of the baby!”

Chen Qixi walked up to Chen Rao, picked her up, pushed her against the wall as she propped her up with a palm, and said viciously, “No going back to talk nonsense in front of Zhiyu, you hear? Don’t meddle in the children’s affairs. If you dare say anything, I’ll get Qing Shu to let your Zhiyu join our family! Taking your Chen family’s billions into the Xia family!”

“Give the children some space and time, our Qing Shu will speak for himself!”

Chen Rao did not expect that she would be walloped twice in a row by Chen Qi Xi, she stiffened her mouth, “Why are you being so mean!”

Chen Qi Xi sneered, “Then go home and wash up and wait for Zhi Yu to join our Xia family!”

Chen Rao was shaken, ” Okay, okay, I promise not to say anything, am serious.”

She was afraid that Zhiyu, who was originally disgusted with the inheriting, having children, marrying and continuing the lineage, would have a brain fart and really run to the Xia family to become a son-in-law.

After Chen Qixi reminded him, Xia Qingshu began to think, this matter should be told to Chen Zhiyu, because after the beginning of spring, April is the due date, he can hide for the moment, but can not hide a lifetime.

He is the father of the baby, he is entitled to know about it.

He had asked Zhiyu before, but he told him categorically that he did not want a child. Xia Qing Shu vaguely felt that if he asked again this time, he would reap a different answer.

Just like before, saying that he didn’t like him, and then later expressing that he did.

Xia Qing Shu tilted his head and imagined how someone like Zhi Yu, who was prone to wavering and changing his mind all the time, had managed to make Chen’s business to such a size as it was now.

It was strange.

Xia Qingshu picked up the phone and called Chen Zhiyu.



Chen Zhiyu was in a meeting, and when he saw the call, the corners of his mouth involuntarily rose.

He specifically picked to call him  when he was in a meeting. The child must have missed him!

This was the first time Qinshu had called him on his own initiative.

He was a little nervous.

In the business centre of the Chen Group, the conference room on the twelfth floor, Chen Zhiyu picked up his mobile phone and accidentally pressed the “red” reject button.

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

The CEO of a multinational listed conglomerate with hundreds of billions of dollars in the control of the company, had lost his composure because of a phone call.

He steadied himself and calmly instructed Secretary Li, “The meeting is adjourned.”

The participants were confused as no results emerged from the discussion, but the president’s words were final and the crowd immediately dispersed.

Secretary Li was left alone.

Chen Zhiyu opened the Recent Calls section of his phone, flipped out the “Missed Call Xia Qing Shu” and handed it to Secretary Li, saying in a way that could not hide his bragging rights, “Secretary Li, when do you think it would be better for me to call back?”

Secretary Li: “……”

He thought a major event had occurred, the decision-making meeting for the multi-billion-dollar merger and acquisition case suddenly stopped because he received a phone call? !

Secretary Li kept slandering in his heart, but said with a smile on his face, “Five minutes will be fine.”

Chen Zhiyu was full of doubts, “Five minutes, won’t that be too long, what if Qing Shu can’t wait?”

Secretary Li took a deep breath, “Then you can call back now.”

Chen Zhiyu gazed at him, “Isn’t it too soon to call back now?”

Secretary Li: “……”

“…… You are free to do as you please.”

Chen Zhiyu’s harsh eyes looked Secretary Li up and down, “Secretary Li, are you being perfunctory to me?”

Secretary Li hurriedly explained, “No, no, boss, I think three minutes is best, one minute late is considered late, one minute early seems too aggressive, I used to chase my wife like this.”

That was more like it.

Chen Zhiyu sat in the president’s chair, gazing and holding his breath, taking on the air of dealing with a hundred million dollar project, and asked, “Secretary Li, do you think Qing Shu he…is he missing me?”

Secretary Li: “…… It should be ……”

Chen Zhiyu’s gaze flinched.

Secretary Li: “Definitely, Xia misses you very much, otherwise he didn’t call early morning or late night, but during your work hours when you were in a meeting.”

Chen Zhiyu was finally satisfied, waved his hand for Secretary Li to withdraw and dialled Xia Qingshu’s phone number.

Chen Zhiyu said in a gentle tone, “Qing Shu, sorry, I was just in a meeting, what did you want to see me about?”

Xia Qingshu’s tone was serious: “Brother Zhiyu, I have something important to tell you, it’s not easy to say over the phone, I’ll tell you in person sometime.”

Chen Zhiyu: “Okay.”

Hanging up the phone, Chen Zhiyu thought to himself, “Qing Shu is finally going to say yes to me!


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