Chapter 73:


Chen Zhiyu and Xia Qing Shu agreed to meet in the evening, and the call was ended.

After the previous crashes because of misunderstanding, Chen Zhiyu did a systematic data analysis of his narcissism level, after which he found that his self-confidence level was indeed beyond that of most men in China, and he made a deep review: He had been too hasty with the matter of Xia Qinshu.

Therefore, he made sure to make a conservativ00 judgement about this phone call from Qing Shu – Qing Shu missed him.

With a smile on his face, Chen Zhiyu urgently called Secretary Li for a full analysis – what is the “important thing” that Qing Shu is about to tell him?

First of all, he and Qinshu had no ties in interests, and his so-called important matter could not be related to the economic aspects of the business. This call from Xia Qinshu could not be about opening a company or anything like that.

So, this important matter is most likely to be related to a relationship.

On the phone, Xia Qinshu’s voice was as small as ever, soft and sticky, tickling the ears. The tone of voice was smooth, not apologetic.

It was definitely not a refusal.

So, this “important thing” was 99% that Xia Qinshu had accepted his confession and wanted to be with him.


Chen Zhiyu quickly dealt with the multi billion cross-border merger and acquisition project on his hands. The project was very tricky because the core chip technology involved is a domestic weakness, the other company has been raising the price, and there are many competitors, so the project progress was slowed down by multiple disruptions.

But no matter what, nothing could stop him from falling in love.

Chen Zhiyu immediately called the original team to continue the meeting, and by five o’clock, the biggest problem of the group company at present was solved.

He quickly got off work and drove home.

When he got home, Chen Zhiyu went straight to the bathroom, showered and shaved, then changed into new clothes. He wanted to look his best when listening to Qing Shu tell him the most important thing.



The Chen family mansion was crowded with people.

As the richest man’s mother, Chen Rao has always had a strong social profile. When she left the Xia family home, Chen Rao did not go home immediately, but went to the mall in a small, waist-hugging suit and did some shopping around.

The news of Chen Rao’s pregnancy has been in the spotlight and she has been flaunting her pregnancy in a very high profile manner. Because of this, she was particularly careful in public, not wearing high heels, not drinking cold drinks, not walking fast; asking for assistance when she goes out, wearing loose clothes that don’t strangle her waist, and carrying a thermos with her.

Suddenly, photos of her in a slim-waisted skirt, with ten-inch heels, carrying seven or eight shopping bags and her tongue flinging ice cream furiously were put online and people speculated as to why this senior pregnant woman was like this.

Contemporary netizens immediately concluded that Chen Rao’s baby was no more.

Immediately after the comment appeared, it became hot, and Chen Rao, by the slip of the hand, even liked the hot comment.

A thousand waves were stirred up at once.

The news that Chen Rao’s baby was gone quickly shot up to the top of the search. The internet was full of opinions on the matter, and a “family dispute” was being played out in the comments section.

The Chen family has always had a simple population, with only one child per generation from the wife to the grandparent’s generation. In the past, it was important to have many children, but no matter how hard the Chen family tried, they only had one child. Therefore, after hundreds of years, the family tree only has a few pages.

When it came to New Year’s Eve, everyone else’s family was full of activity, but not theirs. Even now, with the addition of a cat and a dwarf horse, the situation has never abated.

Chen Rao has always loved hilarity, and she was particularly envious of families with many relatives, and every time she made a wish for many children and many blessings at New Year’s Eve. It was also the case that every New Year’s Eve, no matter how much Chen Rao performed her baby-boosting drama, Chen Zhiyu would never get angry.

When the Chen family’s great grandfather was alive, he had adopted several abandoned children, and because the family was thinly populated, he had always treated these adopted children as if they were his own.

However, when the children grew up, they had more ideas and started a sibling rivalry within the family, which almost got them killed. He was so angry that he removed the adopted children from the family register and cut them off.

After his death, the adopted children slowly came back, and they were able to get by without getting involved. They had nothing to do with Chen Rao and came and went during the New Year holidays, which added some population to the large Chen family mansion.

Today, all of these relatives came together, unannounced.

Chen Zhiyu was not in the habit of reading the gossip hotspots. After changing his clothes, spraying on perfume and breath freshener, and seeing that it was still early, he was ready to take a walk in the family garden to calm his excitement when he found his home filled with people.

Chen Rao was surrounded by people, she was not in the best of spirits, her make-up was a little smudged on her face and she was cupping a goblet in her hand, taking small sips of red wine.

Seeing Chen Zhiyu coming down from upstairs, a woman of about thirty called out to him, “Zhiyu, come here, enlighten your mother.”

Chen Zhiyu glanced at the woman, he didn’t recognise her, he stopped in his tracks and didn’t approach, “You are?”

“This is your third sister, I’m your second aunt.” An older woman in her fifties next to him greeted him with a self-conscious look, “You forgot, I used to hug you when you were a child.”

Chen Zhiyu responded in a cold voice, “I don’t know you.”

He was wearing a dark grey cashmere coat, which fell with an excellent feel and carried a gust of wind as he walked, exuding a cold aura all over.

The woman in her thirties was intimidated by his unapproachable appearance and closed her mouth without speaking, the old woman was thick-skinned and continued to chatter, “Zhiyu ah, your mother’s child is gone, come and persuade her.”

Chen Zhiyu wrinkled his brow and walked over with a six-parent stride.

Chen Rao was surrounded by relatives he didn’t know, and several small children aged three or four, who were at an active age and were being kept around by their parents to eat sweets.

Chen Rao was holding a boy with big eyes and double eyelids in his arms, with a sad face.

Chen Zhiyu stood behind Chen Rao and asked, “What’s wrong with the child?”

Chen Rao turned his head and replied wanly, “It’s gone.”

Then she dropped her head and refused to say another word.

Chen Zhiyu just took it as a normal fetal instability and advised her in a gentle voice, “Take a good rest and don’t drink any more wine.”

The elder woman gently smoothed Chen Rao’s back, “A Rao, listen to the advice of the second sister, there must be a time in your life, don’t force it. If it’s gone, it’s gone.

Chen Rao glanced at Chen Zhiyu. She knew exactly what these relatives had in mind. They were all thinking of passing on their own children and grandchildren to the Chen family so that they could inherit the hundreds of billions of Chen family assets.

They might have been happy to know that her baby was gone.

But these little children were so cute and cuddly and super healing that she just couldn’t be bothered to kick these relatives out.

“You were expelled from the registry starting from your grandfather a long time ago.” Chen Zhiyu looked at these so-called “Chen’s children” without showing any mercy: “You are not from our Chen family.”

The elder woman laughed with embarrassment , “Oh, we don’t have to talk about two families, our grandfather was punished for his wrongdoings back then, and we, as descendants, have been actively making amends over the years.

Chen Zhiyu cast a faint glance at them. He feared that this was a bitter ploy by Chen Rao to force him to have a son, and without another word, he turned and left.

After Chen Zhiyu left, Chen Rao also went back to her room to sleep.

The eldest Aunt and the third sister wandered around the Chen family mansion.

“Such a big garden, it must be a lot of work to take care of it, right?”

“Silly, they hire people to clean it, who cleans a big garden of thousands of square feet by themselves?”

“Mum, do you think my son would inherit all this in the future?”

“Of course …… You didn’t see how happy Chen Rao was just now when he hugged our little Tongyuan. Although our family can’t earn as much as Chen Zhiyu, but we can give birth!”

“That’s right, what’s the use of earning so much, in the end, without children, the money earned will be in vain!”

“Take note, Third Uncle’s family has quite a few grandchildren too, let’s come a little more diligently during this period.”



Xia Qingshu and Chen Zhiyu had an appointment for 6:30 at Langtong restaurant, and Chen Zhiyu arrived at the place thirty minutes early.

This was the place where the two of them first ate and where Chen Zhiyu had rescued Qing Shu, and his leg had been hit and broken.

Chen Zhiyu had the restaurant wrapped up, and immediaetlt it clocked six o’clock and the sky grew dark, the small garden in the restaurant lit up with starry night lights, the walls were decorated with flowers and balloons, the wine had been brought out in advance, and a violinist was hiding in the shadows, just waiting for a command to appear.

Xia Qing Shu came with Xia Shan, who sent him to the door and whispered comfortingly, “Qing Shu, don’t take too much to heart, just go ahead and talk, brother is waiting for you outside, call me if you need anything.”

Xia Shan finished and found a random booth in the restaurant without disturbing the two.

“Thank you brother.” Xia Qing Shu finished his thanks and was guided to Chen Zhiyu by the waiter.

He wore a loose thin jumper with a wide neckline that wrapped that small white face, lining it like a flower in a brocade.

As he approached, a faint and seductive lime milky fragrance became stronger and stronger, illuminated by the warm light, his frowns, smiles, and movements were as beautiful as a fairy in a painting.

It made people want to indulge in him, unable to extricate themselves.

“Brother Zhiyu, what are you looking at?” Xia Qingshu walked slowly and stopped opposite Chen Zhiyu.

Chen Zhiyu stood up and pulled out a chair for Xia Qingshu to sit down.

The more he looked at him, the better he felt. Everything was in his aesthetic point of view.

Why hadn’t he noticed this before?

Thinking of the “important thing” he was going to hear soon, Chen Zhiyu was all smiles and looked happy.

“I’ve ordered the dishes in advance, take a look at the menu and see if there’s anything you want to change or add a few more dishes.”

Xia Qing Shu looked at him and took the menu, and found that all the dishes were his favourite.

“No more, they’re all the ones I love.”

From the moment he appeared, Chen Zhiyu never took his eyes off him. Like a big dog, he looked at him with bated breath.

Once upon a time when he felt that Chen Zhiyu was like a raging mastiff that would bite at the drop of a hat. Even if he didn’t bite, he would still be enough to scare people if he stood by. Now, however, Zhiyu looks like a gentle golden retriever, understanding and gentle.

When did he become like this?

Because he had something on his mind, he looked more restrained, his eyes drooped and he looked dull.

Chen Zhiyu, not suspecting anything else, directed the waiters to put the dishes in order.

After the waiter finished serving the food and left, Xia Qing Shu came back to his senses and said, “…… Brother Zhiyu, I have something to say to you ……”

Chen Zhiyu seemed to be casual. But, in fact, had a raging tide in his heart.

So straightforward …..not even foreshadowing.

He is too honest.

“Talk while you eat, don’t get hungry.” Chen Zhiyu put down his chopsticks, inadvertently straightened his collar, adjusted the position of his collar clip, made sure that each silver cufflink was placed in its exact position, and sat upright.

A head poked out of the window, and the musician in charge of the violin took the hint, gesturing with outstretched fingers, asking if it was time to perform.

“Brother Zhiyu, there’s something I’ve kept from you for a long time ……” Xia Qingshu half-lowered his head and took a deep breath, “When I first found out, I was a bit scared, so I lied to you…..”

Chen Zhiyu smiled, “It’s okay, brother Zhiyu won’t blame you. The first thing you need to do is to tell the truth, and I’ll help you.”

Xia Qingshu raised his head and mustered his courage to look at the other mam.

Chen Zhiyu looked at him with encouragement, urging him to go on.

Xia Qingshu lowered his head again and squeezed his fingers, “Brother Zhiyu, I’m pregnant.”





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