Chapter 74: The Long Road of Wife Chasing I’m Pregnant 3

Chen Zhiyu felt a buzzing in his head and his ears seemed to be at a loss, unable to hear these few simple words clearly.

The expression on his face gradually changed, from a happy expression to a calm one, and then from a calm one to a questioning one.

Chen Zhiyu felt that he was suddenly stupid, so stupid that he didn’t even know what the word ‘pregnant’ meant.

At this time, he felt that he should be angry, but he frowned, trying his best to contain his emotions, in a gentle tone, for fear of scaring the other party, he asked warmly, “Qingshu, what do you mean, I don’t quite understand.”

Xia Qingshu squeezed his fingers, his mouth pursed tightly, opened hid lips and repeated again, “I’m pregnant.”

Chen Zhiyu’s gaze fell on those two plump, red lips with some moisture. Because of the soup, that pretty little mouth was scarlet, bright and shiny, with an eye-catching luster.

Chen Zhiyu felt that the delicacies cooked on the table had lost their color in front of such a pair of lips and noodles.

Do these lips taste lemony or milky? If he had the chance, he would have to spend a day tasting them.

“Brother Zhiyu…..” The silence was so long that Xia Qingshu accidentally touched the tableware, and the fine porcelain hit the cold knife and fork with a soft thud.

Chen Zhiyu came back to his senses. He gathered his excess emotions and said, in a tone of utter seriousness, “If that’s your excuse for rejecting me, I don’t accept it.”

Xia Qingshu smiled shyly. Sure enough, Chen Zhi Yu didn’t believe it. It had taken him a long time to come to terms with it, just as it had taken him a long time to come to terms with it when he first learned the news.

It was within Xia Qinshu’s expectation that Zhi Yu would react this way.

He sat upright, tried to look serious, plucked up his courage and raised his voice a little louder than before: “Brother Zhiyu, this is not an excuse, it’s true, I’m really pregnant.”

To prove it, Xia Qing Shu lifted his jumper to reveal his belly.

The snow-white belly was adorned with a nice belly button in the middle, and the belly bulged out a bit, looking fleshy but not fat.

There is more meat, but the waist is not thick, it is still as slender, and the two sides of the waist are naturally sunken inwards with two beautiful widths. It looked more like natural bulge from eating and having a full stomach.

After giving him a good look, Xia Qing Shu hurriedly put down his jumper.

His face was a little hot, and it was impossible for him to look too natural, especially when he was showing his pregnant belly in front of his date.

He had just recently found out that Chen ZhiYu liked him, and now he was talking about his pregnancy in front of him. How would the relationship between the two of them change.

He didn’t exactly say “Brother Zhiyu, I’m pregnant with your baby”, but he was so used to thinking that way, so even if he didn’t say that, Chen would naturally associate it with himself. After all, he has only had a relationship with Zhiyu in his entire life.

However, Chen Zhiyu misunderstood.

Chen Zhiyu’s mood at this time can be completely described by the eighteenth-level tsunami. The storms caused by Nezha’s troubles in the sea were not worth mentioning compared with the stormy waves in his heart now

Before he met Xia Qingshu, Chen Zhiyu had lived an ascetic and abstinent monk-like life.

He disliked the way Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing got along, and denied all intimacy in the world. He thought that he could live his life alone, that he did not need the love of others, and that he would never love anyone else.

Until he met Xia Qing Shu. The biggest accident of his life was Xia Qing Shu. Completely out of his expectations, in front of Xia Qingshu, he would lose control, and the self-control he was proud of would collapse.

He can’t help but be angry, he can’t help but rant, he can’t help but curl the corners of his mouth, he can’t help but smile, he can’t help but be sad when he’s rejected, he can’t help but be happy when he sees him.

After being rejected the first time, he realized that he didn’t know when it started but it was easy for him to be affected by Xia Qingshu’s frowns and smiles, and although he doesn’t want to admit it in front of Xia Qingshu, he is a typical stunned young man who was just beginning to fall in love.

He had a lot of struggles in his mind to accept the fact that he can actively like someone, and he started to look into his heart and pursue.

He likes Xia Qing Shu, very, very much. This “pure and innocent” little fool is like the sunshine after the rain.

However, this “pure and innocent” little fool told him that he was pregnant.

Even if this “pure and innocent” little fool is not as pure as he thought, and even has a child with someone else, he still liked him so much he couldn’t help but like it.

When he saw the round belly, he didn’t feel disgusted at all, he even felt it was cute.

He wanted to touch it.

After realizing this, Chen Zhiyu felt that he had fallen on hard times in his life.

The violinist in the corner of the restaurant had not received the signal, the waiter holding the flowers and the waiter pushing the cake were still standing by, not knowing if the romantic ceremony would still be performed as scheduled.

Chen Zhiyu didn’t know what to do now. For the first time, this CEO, who was in charge of a large international enterprise with hundreds of billions of money, and was still able to strategize in the turbulent business world, for the first time, he felt lost for words.

He opened his mouth and had a thousand words to say, but he could only murmur, “Qing Shu, I like you as you are now, I don’t want to know about your past. Even if you are pregnant, I….I will not give up. The child if you want to have it, I can also treat it like my own ……”

He thought about it, no matter whose child Xia Qing Shu was carrying, as long as Xia Qing Shu was willing to accept him, he would treat them well, as father and son should he, and the child could go into their Chen family’s account, he would keep the child’s origins a secret, and would not let the child bear a single burden of thought in the process of growing up.

Which son of a bitch let down Qing Shu, he is so good!

Damn, where did that bastard come from, how dare he treat Qing Shu like this!

Is it Wen Sheng that moralistic guy, He Chen the stand in? Although Shen Xunyi has known Qing Shu for a short time, he also has the motive to commit the crime.

Qing Shu is so innocent and ignorant, he must have been cheated by some wild man!

He slapped the table and got up so violently that one of the buttons on his shirt fell off and his neat silver cufflinks were out of place.  At this moment, his body was filled with the fearlessness of a real man.

“Qing Shu, tell me which wild man has harmed you, I will kill him and throw him into the sea to feed the fish!”

“You can’t be merciful when dealing with this kind of flies on the wall and rats!

Xia Qing Shu was stunned for a moment.

What was Zhiyu talking about?

What…what wild man?

Did Chen Zhiyu have a momentary lapse of acceptance and was hallucinating?

Xia Qing Shu bent his index finger and tapped the table, cautiously reminding, “Brother Zhi Yu, can you wake up a little?”

Chen Zhiyu shook his head, “Qing Shu, I’m perfectly sober now.”

“What I’m carrying is your baby. I pretended I didn’t understand it before, I lied to you, and that stuff the ‘guardian of the pure’, I was just talking nonsense, I’m sorry ……”

His voice was getting smaller and smaller, and at the end, if you didn’t listen carefully, you wouldn’t know what he was saying.

“What did you say?!”

It’s his baby he’s carrying, he’s having a baby?!

The wild man he was talking about, the man who was a fly on the wall, was he himself?

Chen Zhiyu was suddenly refreshed, the deep fog in front of him was blown away by a gust of wind, his world opened up, the sun was shining, everything was rejuvenated, it was full of life!

The image of Xia Qing Shu playing dumb in front of his face skipped through his mind like a flashing light, the “vermilion mole” on his arm excuses, the fact that he hadn’t paid for the sex, why was he an innocent big boy……

The Chinese herbalist that Chen Rao brought with him, diagnosed Xia Qingshu with a slippery pulse, and Xia Qingshu said in a panicked voice that he had eaten too much …… And Chen Rao pretended to be pregnant, then the baby was gone, most likely Chen Rao found Xia Qing Shu and made some kind of secret agreement with him ……

Today Xia Shan came with Xia Qing Shu, Xia Shan just looked at him with a very complicated look …… most likely Chen Rao and Chen Qianxing knew about the pregnancy, everyone in the Xia family knew about it, but he was kept in the dark.

The fact that he was cheated so badly, according to his previous persona, he would definitely have been angry, or at least he would have given a “Heavenly Cool” backhand.

However, at this moment, all he wants to do is sing a song called “Good Luck”. Since Xia Qing Shu was carrying his child, all his worries were gone. Qing Shu is still the “pure and innocent” little fool in his heart, oh, not a fool, but a big smart one.

Now he will not only have a wife, but also a child.

What a double blessing!

Chen Zhiyu signaled the door with a casual gesture, and the long-awaited crowd poured in.

The beautiful five-tiered cake was slowly driven in amidst the melodious violin music.

Xia Qing Shu was waiting anxiously for Zhi Yu’s response, but when he turned his head, he was suddenly in the middle of flowers, cakes, balloons and beautiful music.

“What is this?”

He was still in a panic about his deception, but he was caught off guard by the sudden romantic attack.

In this eerie atmosphere, Zhi Yu smiled comfortably. Xia Qing Shu had the misconception that Zhi Yu was in fact a ritualistic perverted killer. As soon as the music ended, he would take off his head.

He sat quietly, his little hands squeezing the edge of his trousers, his big dark eyes stealing glances at the other every now and then.

It was only when the music ended that he apologized in a panic, “I’m sorry, Brother Zhiyu, I shouldn’t have lied to you. ……”

A pair of beautiful eyes filled with tears, which made one feel uncomfortable and want to bear the blame. They only increased love and pity.

Chen Zhiyu had just finished a roller coaster ride, and his mind was not calm at the moment, but his expression was very calm.

He took his partner’s hand and held it firmly, “You didn’t lie to me on purpose, did you, but you lied to me because I was too aggressive at the beginning?”

Xia Qingshu nodded gently, “Yes.”

When he first came here, he didn’t know anything, Chen Zhiyu was so mean, he was scared to death. He refused to admit it because he thought of the tragic death of the original in the book.

“When you found out you were pregnant, you couldn’t accept it for a while, so you didn’t tell anyone? And you didn’t mean to keep it from me?”

“Mm-hmm.” At the other party’s encouragement, Xia Qing Shu nodded again.

He didn’t expect to find himself in an mpgreg book, and when he found out he was pregnant, he felt like the sky was falling.

“That’s right.” Chen Zhiyu smiled, “You have nothing wrong, This is completely a misunderstanding. Okay, don’t frown, come and laugh, continue eating, the dishes are getting cold.”

For the first time in his life, he had given it all to Xia Qingshu. For the first time in his life, after being cheated by the other party, he still gave them excuses, fearing that they might have a psychological burden.

Chen Zhiyu secretly spurned himself and smiled helplessly, “Let’s see when the time is right, we’ll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and get the certificate. I don’t care, I have to give the baby a household registry and let the baby have a home.”

Xia Qingshu thought he hadn’t heard clearly and asked, “What kind of certificate?”

Chen Zhiyu: “A marriage certificate!”

Xia Qinshu:”……”





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