Chapter 75 –


Xia Qing Shu came back to his senses, somewhat puzzled, “Marriage …… certificate?”

Chen Zhiyu reached out and rubbed his hand on the small white face, lowering his head and smiling brightly, “Of course.”

He wanted to say was that Qinshu was pregnant with his child, and if he didn’t marry him, who else would he want to marry?

The words came to him, but then he snapped out of it. He was almost too narcissistic again. There were so many rivals behind him, all watching like hungry wolves, and he was not the only one who wanted to marry Xia Qinshu. Just because Xia Qinshu was pregnant with his child did not mean he could relax and get arrogant.

He couldn’t imagine Xia Qinshu marrying someone else with his child, what if they wouldn’t care for it as much as he did, and even abuse it.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhiyu said, “Qing Shu, you may not know that in China, a child needs to provide a marriage certificate of both parents before he or she can be registered as a household member.

Xia Qing Shu was taken aback.

He had just accepted the fact that he had to raise the child himself and had not thought about the issue of registration.

After being reminded like this, he realized just how ill-conceived he was, “Brother Zhiyu, I will register the child’s household registration under the Xia family. Do we really need a marriage certificate?”

Xia Qing Shu pulled his hand out of the other party’s and looked over cautiously.

“Well, of course, the community registry is very strictly regulated.” Chen Zhiyu watched with some reluctance as those small white hands escaped, “We’re doing this purely for the sake of the child.”

Xia Qing Shu muttered, “Then, that doesn’t require marriage either ……”

The two were originally sitting facing each other when Chen Zhiyu stood up and sat next to Xia Qing Shu.

Xia Qing Shu looked at their shoulders next to each other and moved a step to the side.

Chen Zhiyu immediately followed him and their shoulders were next to each other again, “Qing Shu, let me ask you one thing, answer me honestly, okay?”

Xia Qingshu nodded, “Okay.”

Chen Zhiyu suddenly spread his arms and gathered Xia Qing Shu in his arms, “Do you feel disgusted with me hugging you like this?”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

He struggled a little.

Chen Zhiyu hurriedly let go of him and sat upright, “I didn’t mean anything else, just to make a simple demonstration.”

His eyes were clear and he said it as if it was true.

Xia Qingshu thought for a moment and shook his head, “No aversion.”

He was unprepared when the other party suddenly swept him up, and struggling was a normal reaction, to say that he resented it or anything, that was definitely not the case.

Chen Zhiyu’s eyes lit up for a moment, and he grabbed Xia Qing Shu’s small hand again, “Do you hate it when I hold your hand like this?”

Because of the previous hug, now holding hands like this, Xia Qing Shu was prepared and didn’t pull his hand out this time, “No, I don’t hate it.”

“Since that’s the case.” Chen Zhiyu said leisurely, “Then it’s no big deal for us to simply get married.”

In his mouth, marriage was as simple as drinking water and eating. He deliberately weakened the concept of “marriage” and then used inappropriate metaphors to lower the other party’s psychological defenses, which was a negotiation technique in the business world.

Mainly because he has a vague sense of insecurity and crisis in his heart about this relationship.

XiaQinshu is too wonderful, so many like him, he is afraid that if he is a little inattentive, Qinshu will be abducted.

Hd didn’t expect to have to use the negotiation skills, and he secretly spat at himself for two seconds before continuing to lull, “Having a complete family is also better for the children’s growth.”

For now, at least, Xian Qinshu was not averse to him.

After getting married, he will slowly chase him, letting Qinshu fully understand him and like him.

Moreover, Secretary Li said that love after marriage has become popular.

Xia Qingshu glanced at him and asked in a small voice, “But Brother Zhiyu, won’t this affect you?”

Before coming, Chen Qixi specifically talked to him and told him to think clearly and not to sacrifice his personal feelings for the sake of his child.

“If you don’t like Chen Zhiyu, don’t make any commitment to each other, it’s not a good thing for the adults or children.”

Chen Qixi encouraged Qing Shu to be brave and pursue his happiness, not to be afraid because of the pregnancy, the whole Xia family is his strong backing. He was still young and should go and see the wider world.

He knew that Chen Zhiyu liked him, and he had expressed enough sincerity. He thought carefully about the conversation he had just had and also knew that Chen Zhiyu was willing to continue to like him even when he suspected that he was pregnant with someone else’s child.

However, he was still a little bit scared. He didn’t know what he was afraid of, maybe it was simply uncertainty about the future.

“The decision to get married won’t affect me in any way.” Chen Zhiyu replied very categorically, “If there is an impact, it will be a very good one.”

Chen Zhiyu pulled his fingers to list, “First of all, it gives the children a complete family, allows me to love you and treat you well, I am very serious about planning a future with you ……”

This sentence was a bit cheesy, but Chen Zhiyu said it incredibly naturally.

He was really ready to love Qing Shu properly. He suddenly realized that he might like Qing Shu more than he had thought.

Thinking of this, he once again squeezed the soft, boneless, smooth little hands in his hands.

Qing Shu’s skin was so white, not just that face, but the bare skin, so white that not a single blemish could be found. When he was close, the light fragrance of his body emitted, making one’s head dizzy and in a trance.

Countless times in his dreams, his lips pressed against these hands, unable to let go.

“Secondly, investors prefer an entrepreneur with a stable family as opposed to a single entrepreneur, and if my marriage is stable, it is more suitable for the long-term development of the Chen Group.”

This statement was pure bullshit, he, Chen Zhiyu, is the biggest capital in China, in China, he is the wealth code, he does not need to please anyone with his marriage, on the contrary, it is often others who exert their magic to win his investment.

In order to chase his wife, he was now daring to say anything shamelessly, saving face was no longer necessary.

“Now it’s mostly about what you think.” Chen Zhiyu hooked up the other party’s little thumb and pouted like a dog, “Xia Qinshu, give me a chance to pursue you?”

Xia Qingshu really couldn’t understand why giving a chance must mean getting married, but there are some things he still had to say in advance, “Brother Zhiyu, my mother said that she won’t let me marry out, so it’s better to recruit one at home.”

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

Xia Qing Shu thought about it and continued, “My mum said, brother Shan brother likes men, his partner can’t have children, second brother is going to the north to do finance related industry, in the future the whole Xia family will be handed over to me, my mum’s meaning, it’s best to recruit a virtuous helper.”

Xia Qing Shu finished speaking and stole a glance at Chen Zhiyu.

With such an outrageous request, he would immediately roll his eyes and walk away, right?

Chen Zhiyu didn’t even think about it, he opened his mouth, “It’s fine to join the family, I don’t have deep feelings for the Chen family in the first place, it doesn’t matter to me which surname the future children will take.”

This level of threshold is not difficult for him at all.

“As long as I can be with you, I’m fine with that.” Chen Zhiyu slowly moved closer, greedily inhaling the aroma of his body, and said in an ambiguous tone, “Qing Shu, your two brothers are so fierce, I am alone in your Xia family, you have to protect me.”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

He didn’t expect the other party to answer so dryly, he was a bit speechless.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Chen Zhiyu was so old and cunning that the entire Xia family twisted into a rope might not even be his opponent, so it was too incongruous to be selling misery here now.

Especially with the expression on his face, genuinely begging for protection, was very shameless.

Xia Qing Shu felt a tightening on his waist, and the tip of his nose was tapped lightly, “Since we’ve all agreed, then let’s discuss marital affairs okay, okay?”

Xia Qing Shu was shocked, ” What did you say?”

Chen Zhiyu: “Joining the family ah, I am in favor of it.”

Xia Qing Shu purred and shook his head, “No, no, I just told you that my mother won’t let me marry outside the family, so I can recruit the family later, I didn’t say that you should come to the door ……”

“You teased me again?”

Xia Qing Shu was shocked: “I didn’t!”

“That’s good.” Chen Zhiyu carelessly hooked his lips and smiled, “I am not forced to buy and sell, mainly because I feel that there is no one more suitable than me to be the candidate for this incumbent, I am the biological father of the child and will definitely be good to the child, I like you and you don’t hate me …… I can hand over all of the Chen family’s property before the marriage, you can be completely assured that I can still take care of your Xia family’s estate, no virtuous helper can compare to me, as long as you don’t let me down ……”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

To be honest, he really couldn’t find any points to refute.

“In the future, all the properties of the two Chen and Xia families will be inherited by our children.” Chen Zhiyu lowered his head and rubbed his chin against the other party’s furry head, taking it a deep sniff in the process, “Our child, will definitely be as beautiful as you and as smart as me.”

Xia Qingshu imagined the picture the other described and asked seriously, “Brother Zhiyu, if I didn’t liked you, would you still be willing to join the family?”

“How is that possible?!” Chen Zhiyu laughed, “If you didn’t like me, you would have pushed me away a long time ago.”

How else could he let him hug and cuddle like this?

Wife is fragrant and soft, and sticky.

Xia Qingshu: “……”

Chen Zhiyu noticed the other party’s difference and reflected that he had just been narcissistic again with that statement, immediately finding a complement, “Not that, I mean if you never like me, I’m still willing to do it.”

He dropped his eyebrows and hardened himself to concave a pitiful expression, “Qing Shu, can you please like me, even just a little?”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

The other party was really a bit overwhelmed by this kind of misery selling behavior. If Brother Zhiyu was a little stronger or a little more normal, he could handle it.

But the other party put on a kind of complacency, like a dog eagerly begging for adoption, sitting obediently with its own rice bowl in its mouth, when not being watched, it whimpered from time to time and stepped on its front paws anxiously, looking very pitiful.

“Then it’s a deal, we’ll pick an auspicious day and go through the procedure.” Chen Zhiyu laughed lowly, “Thank you Qing Shu, I would like to ask, before and after joining the family, what are some of my benefits?”

Xia Qingshu: “What benefits?”

“Like kissing, hugging or something, also, after joining the family, we can sleep next to each other every day, right ……” Chen Zhiyu whispered, “I heard from Secretary Li that the son-in-law is required to wash his wife’s feet.”


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