Chapter 81


Although he saw no one at the door, Xia Qingshu was still very apprehensive.

It was just a simple kiss, but he felt like they were doing something very big secretly. Xia Qing Shu’s toes were clenched, his brain was blank, and his heart was pounding.

He didn’t dare to make a sound, and there was no way to make a sound in this situation. At this moment, instead of thinking of pushing the other side away, he wanted the other side to close the door behind him.

It was not the first time he had smelt Chen Zhiyu’s body, a very normal light mint scent, nothing too special. But now, at this moment, it was as if this light mint had attacked his nerves, and he was tingling with the intense emotion that came with it, and could only tilt his head back and be forced to bear it.

His eyes closed and he couldn’t see anything but a vision of Chen Zhiyu appeared, standing in front of the mirror, opening the mint mouthwash and holding the bottle in front of him.

The blue, mint-flavoured mouthwash filled his mouth and trickled down the corners of his mouth to his chin, where he wiped it away with his fingers. When he was done, he peeled open a mint-flavoured candy and held it in his mouth.

Now, the man, who smells of mint, was kissing him. The presence of that minty taste even overtook the sweet sound of lips clashing and lingered in his mind.

It was only when the sound of someone coming up the stairs came from outside the door that Xia Qing Shu was released.

He collapsed onto the bed in a limp heap. His mouth was slightly open and the ends of his eyes were tinged with a seductive crimson. His eyes drifted a little, not knowing where he was looking. It was like a little kitten that had been miserably bullied.

Chen Qixi carried a plate of fruit and knocked at the door.

“Qing Shu, have some fruit.”

Compared to Qing Shu’s slightly messy clothes, Chen Zhiyu’s shirt was neat and straight, his hair meticulously maintained in a poised manner, and it was completely impossible to tell what he had just done. He walked calmly to the door, “Auntie, give me the fruit.”

Chen Qixi looked sideways and found Qing Shu lying on the bed, “What’s wrong with Qing Shu?”

“He’s probably eaten a lot and is a bit sleepy, pregnant people are like that, so he’s just lying down.” Chen Zhiyu said with a straight face, “Auntie, don’t worry, I’ll watch him, no problem.”

Chen Qixi handed him the fruit plate but did not leave immediately.

Xia Qing Shu was lying on the bed, a face bursting with red and his lips were swollen. He didn’t want Chen Qixi to see him like this now. So he was lay on his side, hiding half of his face under the covers, and muttering in a small voice, “Mom, I’m fine, I’m just a bit sleepy.”

Chen Zhiyu was the guest but graciously invited Chen Qixi to come in and have a seat, before Chen Qixi said, “Don’t lie down too much, get up and walk later.”

Chen Qixi has given birth and naturally knows that when pregnant the body is lazy and does not want to move, it is most likely to grow flesh. If the mother grew too fat, the chances of the child being huge would also be greater, and not only would the birth not go smoothly, the recovery after the birth would not go smoothly either.

“Got it, mum.” Qing Shu answered.

Chen Qixi was still uneasy, “Qing Shu, check if your feet are swollen, if they are, mum will give you them squeeze and put a pillow under your feet when you sleep.”

Chen Zhiyu assured, “Auntie, if there are any other precautions, you can tell me, I will supervise Qing Shu.”

Chen Qixu said a few more words, such as no junk food with too many calories, no strenuous exercise, don’t lie down for long, and so on, before leaving.

After Chen Qixi left, Chen Zhiyu put the fruit plate on the table, held Qing Shu’s waist and pulled him up.

Xia Qingshu’s whole body looked like he had fallen into a flower bush, his whole body was flushed, fragrant and soft, so sweet that he could squeeze out the juice.

He pointed to the fruit plate, gesturing for Chen Zhiyu to bring it in front of him, glanced at him critically and lay back down.

Chen Zhiyu lowered his eyes and smiled, “I’ll feed you whatever you want to eat.”

Xia Qingshu lifted his eyes, picked up the small thin quilt on the bed and wrapped himself up, “I want to drink taro puree bobo milk tea.”

Chen Qixi had just said that it was not good for the adult and the child to eat these things, and Xia Qingshu understood the reasoning, but people are like that, the more they don’t let them eat, the more they want to eat.

Originally, he wasn’t really craving for things like milk tea, but suddenly being restricted, his heart itched.

Chen Zhiyu paused and smiled, “Then I’ll order takeaway for you.”

“No, it’s not good if mum sees it.” Xia Qingshu gave him a look and snapped, “Mom just said it’s not good to drink too much milk tea, so don’t persuade me.”

Xia Qingshu finished, opening his big watery eyes and pouting, shifting all the blame onto Chen Zhiyu.

“Oh, is that so,” Chen Zhiyu pretended not to understand what he meant and laughed in a low voice, “Then I’ll persuade a little?”

Xia Qing Shu pulled his head out of the blanket and let out a couple of “mmm hmmm”.

He wanted to see how the other party would persuade him.

Chen Zhiyu sat down in front of him, “They add a little less sugar?”

Xia Qing Shu nodded, “Yes.”

“Alright, I’ll go buy it for you now.” Chen Zhiyu said, standing up and grabbing his jacket to go out.

Xia Qingshu: “?!”

“That’s how you persuade, huh?!”

“Yeah.” Chen Zhiyu tilted his head slightly, “It’s all less sugar and half the calories, good persuasion.”

The Chen Zhiyu in Xia Qingshu’s eyes had always been the not-so-talkative, high and mighty president who was unapproachable, and although he had been turning his perceptions upside down lately, he was still surprised by how easily he compromised his doting.

He grunted in a small voice, “A whole lot of crooked reasoning.”

Chen Zhiyu leaned down and pinched him like a cat, gently rubbing the back of his neck twice, “Little greedy cat.”

The slightly calloused finger pulps rubbed back and forth on the most delicate skin on the back of the neck. Xia Qing Shu only felt his scalp tingling, as if a kitten had been caught by its lifeline and had turned into a puddle of water and could only be taken by the hand.

He buried his head under the blanket and twisted a few times desperately, but he still couldn’t avoid it.

Only when Chen Zhiyu had squeezed enough did he blush and gasp for air, urging, “You …..why aren’t you going yet?”

Chen Zhiyu had long discovered his abnormality and withdrew his lion-like paws that were plucking at his prey, his fingers teasing across the other man’s hot, burning cheeks, and asked, seemingly in a serious manner.

“A question suddenly occurred to me, I’ll go after you answer it.”

Regaining hkmself, Xia Qing Shu hurriedly rolled on the bed, keeping at least half a metre away from the other man, before pouting and feigning complaint, “There are a lot of conditions.”

“It’s not about conditions.” Chen Zhiyu lowered his eyes and followed closely, “Just want to ask, are you satisfied with the service just now?”

Xia Qingshu: “Just now what service ……”

Halfway through the words, he suddenly closed his mouth, his tongue tingling.

Isn’t that the part about serving Master Xia just now. Does he need to specifically ask about this?

But with Chen Zhiyu’s overbearing president attitude, if he did not give a response, the other party would certainly not be willing to give up.

Xia Qingshu seemed to accept his fate and nodded lightly. But Chen Zhiyu didn’t leave immediately, instead, with a mint scent, he invaded even more.

Warm fingertips pressed lightly on his lips, staining them with a little water.

In a consultative tone he asked, “When I serve again in the future, don’t close your mouth so tightly, okay?”

When the other party kissed him, Xia Qing Shu was like a generous martyr, his teeth clenched tightly. No matter how hard the other party tried, he couldn’t pry them open.

Such a kiss was too ungrateful and did not serve the right purpose at all. In order to avoid such a situation next time, Chen Zhiyu had prepared in advance.

Xia Qingshu blushed and replied with a “Okay”.

Chen Zhiyu continued to ask in a gentle and elegant manner, “Then the next time I come over, you open your mouth.”

Xia Qing Shu gave him a light kick with his toe and gave a “Mmm”.

The sound of his reply was so small that it was inaudible, but Chen Zhiyu’s keen sense of hearing caught it.

The door to the room was wide open, fearing that someone might come over at any moment. Chen Zhiyu looked very gentlemanly as he put on his jacket and straightened his clothes, looking normal, “Tongue too ….can you cooperate?”

Obviously the other party didn’t do anything, but Xia Qing Shu felt the tip of his tongue go numb, and even spitting out words started to be difficult.

How come you still won’t go get milk tea? Why so many questions?

Xia Qing Shu got under the covers, a face so hot that the tip of his nose was sweating slightly.

Chen Zhiyu brought him out with a serious face and scraped the sweat off his nose with his fingertips, “You’re already hot and sweaty, why are you still burrowing under the covers?”

Xia Qingshu stammered twice and kicked the blanket away with his little feet, “Why haven’t you left yet?”

Chen Zhiyu asked with a serious expression, “When you answer, I’ll go.”

Snapping up the other party’s slender ankle, Chen Zhiyu laughed lightly in a low voice, “Can the tip of your tongue cooperate?”

He was clearly lying on the bed but Xia Qingshu felt his breathing was a little disturbed and nodded haphazardly.

Receiving a satisfactory reply, the big grey wolf’s tail behind Chen Zhiyu finally showed up with an insatiable face, “Then let’s try it first.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

What kind of person is like this, it’s like gaining an inch, gaining a lot, and wanting to fill a hole.

Before he could criticize the other party’s insatiable behaviour, the back of his head was cupped by a large palm.


Half an hour later, Xia Qingshu finally drank the taro boba milk tea with less sugar he was craving.

Chen Zhiyu personally went out to buy it. That day had heavy rain and snow, when he came back, there was still unfinished frost on his hair and his body was wrapped in cold air.

The cup of milk tea with taro puree was placed in his arms, steaming hot.

“Qing Shu, are you satisfied?” Chen Zhiyu stood by the heater and baked himself hot before he dared to approach Qing Shu.

“Uh-huh, satisfied.” Xia Qingshu held a straw in his mouth and took a big gulp of milk and coconuts.

“So, is there a reward?” Chen Zhiyu asked.

Xia Qingshu’s eyes widened and stopped drinking.

You’ve been taken advantage of so much by yourself, and now you want to come and ask for a reward, are you still human?!

He grunted twice and turned his head, pretending not to hear.

The kitten is angry.

Chen Zhiyu’s eyes were all smiles, and in his heart, he counted the eighteen ways to cook the little milk cat.

“You want a reward for buying a cup of milk tea, why don’t you go to heaven?!” Xia Ji appeared at the door at some point and knocked hard on the door.

The saviour had come.

Xia Qing Shu’s eyes shone brightly, “Second brother, come in and sit down.”

As soon as Xia Ji entered, he launched a harsh criticism at Chen Zhiyu, “Knowing that pregnant husbands should take less milk tea, you still went to buy it, what’s your intention?”

Xia Qingshu did not expect his second brother to be so harsh, so he hurriedly explained, “It’s not his fault, it’s just me who wanted to eat it.”

A wave of warmth flowed through Chen Zhiyu’s heart, the little kitten felt sorry for him being reprimanded and was defending him.

He replied with a respectful face, “Second brother, there won’t be a next time.”

Xia Ji held a copy of the Pregnant Husband’s Guide in his hand, flipping it open and placing it in front of Chen Zhiyu, “Read it more often and think about what’s best for Qing Shu.”

Chen Zhiyu took a look at the Pregnant Husband’s Guide, “Got it, second brother.”

The Pregnant Husband’s Guide was right on the page of “Why does oedema occur after pregnancy?”.

Xia Ji had never studied medicine and knew nothing about men’s pregnancy, so he had to read several books on the subject to understand it. He happened to read that when a man is pregnant, as his blood volume increases or decreases, the fluid between his tissues also increases, making his lower limbs more prone to oedema, as well as cramps, numbness and soreness in his sleep at night.

Worried that Qing Shu would not sleep well at night, he came over.

Xia Ji walked to the bedside, took a look at Qing Shu’s legs and asked, “Qing Shu, do you feel uncomfortable in your legs and feet?”

Qing Shu nodded his head. His calves had been cramping occasionally recently.

There was a massage method written in the book, and Xia Ji had planned to give it to Qing Shu himself, but since this “son-in-law” was here, there was no reason not to make use of him.

He commanded, “Zhiyu, fetch a bucket of water and wash Qing Shu’s feet, then massage his calves according to the book.”

Chen Zhiyu quickly responded, “Yes!”

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