Chapter 82


When Qing Shu heard the words “washing feet”, he was dazed for a moment, and after that, his scalp started to tingle, followed by the soles of his feet tingling and the whole body getting sore.

“No, there’s no need to wash my feet ……”

Although he knew there was no ambiguity about the words “wash feet” in Xia Ji’s mouth, Xia Qing Shu just thought it felt wrong. He blushed and glanced at Chen Zhiyu.

Chen Zhiyu stood still with a calm expression on his face, his eyebrows furrowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xia Ji ordered with a solemn face, “Zhiyu, you go downstairs and get a bucket, fill it with water and bring it up.”

Sensing Xia Qingshu’s gaze, Chen Zhiyu looked over with a slight sideways glance. His eyes were deep, like a pool of endless black water. The complex eyes had hidden emotions.

However, Xia Qing Shu seemed to see the dark tide hidden underneath the seemingly calm and uneventful eyes.

Xia Ji sneered in his heart. He was so reluctant to wash the feet, and he had the audacity to say that he wanted to be a son-in-law.

“Zhiyu, did you not hear what second brother said?”

Only then did Chen Zhiyu come back to his senses, “Yes, Second Brother.”

Xia Ji choked out coldly, “You heard me and you’re not going? Are you deaf?”

Chen Zhiyu buried his head, his shoulders trembling a little, “Okay, second brother, I’ll go right away.”

After saying that, he turned around and left.

The way he walked looked a bit dazed, his back looked very sluggish, as if he’d just been bullied.

Looking at Chen Zhiyu’s back as he descended the stairs, Xia Ji sneered to himself, “This is the beginning of your misery.”

Xia Qingshu looked at Chen Zhiyu’s back with a complicated expression.

But Xia Ji thought he had gone soft and advised, “Qing Shu, don’t be like this, first you have to kill his spirit, lest he doesn’t recognise his position just because he is rich and powerful.”

Xia Qingshu sighed. Brother, you are pushing me into the abyss.

He now understood something about Chen Zhiyu, and he knew that the man was in the least bit embarrassed by it, but clearly had a physical reaction because he was too excited. In order to cover up his excitement, he deliberately put on this miserable look.

He’s despondent, my ass!

Such good acting skills, why not go to showbiz?

Xia Ji’s order didn’t know the nerve he had poked in Chen Zhiyu, and that Chen Zhiyu was probably setting off fireworks in his heart.

Xia Qing Shu: “Brother, is there any other way, must he wash my feet?”

Xia Ji turned the book over and put it in front of Qing Shu, “Look, it says in the book that a massage will improve blood circulation and you’ll sleep better at night.”

“Qing Shu, listen to brother, it’s definitely no problem.” Xia Ji closed the book and taught him, “Qing Shu, Chen Zhiyu is a man who is usually above the world and is unbeatable. I see that under the guise of being a son-in-law at home, he just wants to come to our house to enjoy the blessings and feel the warmth of family happiness, we must not let him have his way.”

“Let’s suppress him at first and let him know that none of us from the Xia family are not to be messed with, so that he won’t bully you at will in future.”

“Men are all like that, they are most likely to gain an inch, let him suffer a little at first so he knows that our Xia family is not something to be messed with.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

“Don’t show any pity when he comes back from fetching water later, huh?”

Xia Qingshu: “…… Got it, second brother.”

Not long after, Chen Zhiyu came back with a wooden bucket full of hot water.

Xia Ji gave him a look and casually pointed, “Bring the bucket over to the chair and plug in the electric cord.”

Chen Zhiyu nodded and did as instructed.

This was a wooden bucket specifically for washing feet, and when plugged in it could heat up the water and also create the right amount of water to massage the feet.

But Xia Ji’s aim was clearly not that simple, as he continued to instruct, “Dry your hands, come over here and learn to massage Qing Shu according to the Pregnant Husband’s Guide.”

XwChen Zhiyu obediently walked over and picked up the book.

The Pregnant Husband’s Guide said in great detail that a proper massage could relieve a pregnant husband’s oedema caused by poor blood flow, and could also promote the relationship between husband and wife and relieve the anxiety of the pregnant husband.

The massage techniques should not be too heavy and should be based on the feeling of the pregnant husband.

The book listed several acupuncture points and briefly explains how to rub and press them, which looks simple and easy to follow. After reading for five minutes, Chen Zhiyu said he had learnt it.

Xia Ji took the book and brought a chair to sit next to the barrel.

Xia Qingshu tried to ask, “Second brother, I heard you’ve been very busy lately.”

He had also heard from Chen Qixi that Xia Ji was shifting his focus to the north and would be based there in the future. During this period of time, he had been dealing with the company’s affairs.

Xia Ji nodded, “Mm-hmm, a bit busy, we will see less and less of each other in the future.”

Xia Qing Shu: “Then you go and get busy.” No need to keep watch here.

“It’s fine, I’m pretty much busy.” Xia Ji gave Chen Zhiyu a look, “But I’m more worried about you.”

Chen Zhiyu was testing the temperature of the water, so he answered in passing, “Second brother, don’t worry about leaving Qing Shu to me, I definitely won’t let you down.”

Xia Ji didn’t like him at all and he snorted, “Slick talker.”

He then looked at Qing Shu, sitting honestly, ignorant, cute and lovable, seemingly untouched, innocent and transparent, if he didn’t have his family to back him up, he would have been bullied to death by Chen Zhiyu.

The more Xia Ji thought about it, the uncomfortable his heart felt, urging, “Chen Zhiyu, hurry up.”

After saying that, he put the book down and stared closely at Chen Zhiyu washing Xia Qing Shu’s feet. If he didn’t see Chen Zhiyu wash Xia Qing Shu’s feet today, Xia Ji would definitely not leave.

Xia Qingshu resignedly stood up and sat down in front of the wooden bucket.

He was about to put off his shoes when Xia Ji stopped him.

Xia Ji: “Qing Shu, don’t move, let Chen Zhiyu do it.”

Chen Zhiyu didn’t understand what Xia Ji meant and squatted down without moving.

Xia Ji: “You help Qing Shu take off his shoes and socks.”

“Okay, Second Brother.”

Chen Zhiyu leaned halfway forward and took hold of Xia Qing Shu’s ankle.

Xia Qingshu felt as if the area being held was burning up, and a tingling itch went down the ankle and all the way up. The calf, which had been normal, suddenly could not move. It was as if important acupuncture points were being pinched and the whole body started to get sore and limp.

After pregnancy, his body became sensitive and could not be touched anywhere.

Xia Qing Shu leaned back and shrunk his leg back a little, but was immediately tackled again, “Brother Zhi Yu, there is a small bench over there, you can go get it and sit here.”

Xia Ji thought to himself, Qing Shu is still too soft-hearted, how can he tame his husband with such an attitude? But their Xia family was not evil, to suppress Chen Zhiyu was needed, but not with too much harshness.

The foot washing thing may seem a bit insulting, but it also promotes their husband and wife relationship, otherwise Xia Ji wouldn’t be so insistent.

Chen Zhiyu grabbed the slender ankle, especially not wanting to let go. He thanked Xia Ji’s second brother for giving him this opportunity. Without Xia Ji, he didn’t know how long it would have taken to coax Qing Shu to let him wash his feet. If he could wash Qing Shu’s feet, he could gladly squat for the rest of his life.

But the kindness of others could not be ignored, so Chen Zhiyu reluctantly let go of his ankles and brought a small stool from the balcony.



Xia Qingshu wore a pair of white cotton socks, which were moderately thick and somewhat elastic, presenting the shape of his feet perfectly. They practically chubby compared to his lean body.

The backs of his feet were somewhat thick, his bunions were short and fat, and his nails were white and rounded, with a somewhat cold and smooth feeling when squeezed.

Chen Zhiyu suddenly noticed that Qing Shu’s feet also had a scent on them. What was different from the smell of his body was that the smell of milk on his feet was heavier, with a hint of sweetness hidden in the rich milk smell.

The snow-white feet resembled a big white rabbit-flavoured marshmallow. A light bite can leave a fragrant taste on the lips.

Chen Zhiyu squeezed the snowy foot and was lost in thought for a moment.

But Xia Ji thought he was hiding from the laziness and urged, “Hurry up and put Qing Shu’s feet into the water, they will get cold later.”

“Oh.” Chen Zhiyu tested the temperature of the water with his hands before putting Qing Shu’s feet in.

The wooden bucket was dark brown, and the small snow-white feet stepped into the bottom, as if they were beautiful jade sunk to the bottom of the lake, emitting a lustrous white and translucent sheen. It illuminated the whole dark pool, tilting it to the ground.

Warm water rose up from the bottom of the barrel, carrying thin waves that flowed over the backs of the feet and splashed onto the bones of the strong, thin calves.

All the seemingly ordinary scenes seemed to occupy Chen Zhiyu’s eyes and crowd his heart like the beauty of the world.

Chen Zhiyu sat on a small bench, shorter than Xia Qing Shu, and needed to tilt his head up in order to see Xia Qing Shu’s eyes.

Xia Qingshu occupied the high ground but did not feel the least bit condescending. He inclined his head, not daring to meet Chen Zhiyu’s eyes, as if the moment his eyes were caught, the thoughts in his heart would be nakedly discovered and seen by the other party.

He was very ticklish, especially his thighs, which he could not let anyone touch. Toes being rubbed and pinched was still within tolerable limits.

But when the other party followed the foot, slowly pinching up the ankle, the calf, Xia Qing Shu felt that he had been pressed against the door of his life, and his whole body was handed over to the other party.

The other party did not make any mistakes, and rigorously followed the rules, but Xia Qing Shu only felt powerless to resist.

Xia Ji was watching from the side, making him feel even more unbearable to endure. It was clearly a simple foot wash, but it felt like he was being watched in private.

Taking advantage of the gap when Xia Ji was looking down at his book, Xia Qing Shu spread his toes and gently pinched Chen Zhiyu’s palm. He shook his head, gesturing for Chen Zhiyu to wash it twice and then finish.

Chen Zhiyu, however, seemed not to understand him, and solemnly squeezed the snowy foot, finding a spot three inches above his ankle

“This is Sanyinjiao, it is said in the book that it is where the three Yin meridians of the body come together, I need to press on it for a while longer.”

His voice was low and husky, the texture like silk, soft and dangling but tugging, gentle and tough, strong and restrained.

“This is Zusanli, an acupoint on the stomach meridian, pressing here will nourish your stomach, is this the right amount of pressure?”

He looked composed. A serious face, meticulous.

But there was some slight sweat on the tip of his nose and an unnatural scarlet floating to the tips of his ears. There were also his legs that were together, a not-so-normal sitting posture, all hinting that Chen Zhiyu was not the proper book he appeared to be.

He looked at Xia Qingshu’s slightly widened eyes and smiled in a prodigious manner, “Qing Shu you speak ah, is it appropriate?”

“…… Appropriate.” Xia Qing Shu twisted his head, hands behind his back, squeezing the corners of his coat tightly.

Xia Ji held the book and nodded in satisfaction.

“Second brother, don’t worry, I will be good to Qing Shu.”

I promise on my life that I will be good to Qing Shu for the rest of my life.



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