[Vozh, which one forced feudal superstition just now? [

No, I want to make a wish that one day I can become the richest man. 】

【I want to wish that my brother-in-law can give birth to a noble son early and be healthy...】However

, Su Yicheng and they were paying attention to the movement of Yuechi at this time, but they didn't notice the barrage, but they were also stunned by the scene of the carp crossing the dragon gate just now.

"Haha, this moon pool is really a wishing pool, you see, the koi came out just now."

"It's so beautiful, there is a red dot on the head of the golden koi, this is the first time I have seen ah, it must be a sign of great luck."

Everyone was amazed, but the moment the carp leaped up, they were all stunned, and they forgot to take pictures to record this moment.

Avril looked at Yuechi, and then at Ye Qing, secretly thinking in her heart, her wish will definitely come true, right?

Ye Qing also looked at her, took the initiative to hold her hand, and whispered: "What wish did you make?"

Avril seemed to have seen through her thoughts, and her face was slightly red, "I can't tell you, and it won't work if I say it."

Ye Qing smiled heartily and did not ask, he naturally knew that Avril Lavigne's wish was related to himself.

At this time, Su Yicheng and they all eased up from the spectacle just now, and everyone chatted a few more words, and then left the moon pool.

On the way, Lin Xuan looked at the butler and said curiously: "Grandpa in charge, there should be a treasure pavilion and something like this in this Ming King Mansion, right?" Can you show us? Su

Yicheng also nodded, looking at the old butler with hopeful eyes, she is an old antique fan, thinking that there must be a lot of treasures in this Ming King Mansion, naturally she wants to see it for a long time.

The housekeeper hesitated, and then looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Take us over, let everyone see it." Hearing

Ye Qing say this, the old butler nodded, and then led everyone to the southwest together, and when he arrived at a side hall, the old butler pressed the mechanism on the wall, and then an entrance appeared underground.

Everyone had a feeling of surprise, and along with the old butler, they couldn't wait to enter the basement.

It's a little dark here, but fortunately there are mobile phone torches to illuminate.

As soon as everyone came in, they saw a lot of cultural relics placed around, including half-human tall Yuan Qinghua, calligrapher Lu Ji's "Pingfu Post", and the ground inlaid jade round light seat screen used by the previous prince, all of which are cultural relics worth millions of dollars, although there are no precious cultural relics worth billions of dollars, but the victory is in the number, which adds up to at least hundreds of millions.

The old butler led everyone as he walked, also introducing the names and origins of some cultural relics.

Everyone has an eye-opening feeling, worthy of the royal mansion, and the treasures in it are simply innumerable.

And everyone walked around, but also found that this treasure pavilion design is very hidden, the surrounding walls are also like copper walls and iron walls, sturdy, except for the entrance overhead, there is no other way to enter, and according to the old housekeeper, there is a secret passage mechanism here, but he has just closed, so everyone can visit here safely.

Therefore, the security here is also undoubted, if thieves break in, I am afraid that they will already be in a different place.

Everyone couldn't help but be a little afraid, fortunately they came in with the old housekeeper, otherwise they would touch the organ, but it would be cold.

"There are so many treasures here, so beautiful beads." Su Yicheng touched a night pearl, bad, that was a heartwarming feeling.

Seeing that there were so many treasure collections in Ye Qingwang's mansion, the bosses were also envious.

At this moment, Ye Qing pointed to a large door in front of him and said with a smile: "This is the vault." "

When everyone heard this, they all wanted to go in and have a look.

Then Su Yicheng also asked: "Brother-in-law, this won't really be used to hold gold, right?"

"It's impossible, this door is more than two meters high, how much gold does this have to hold?"

Lin Xuan also thinks that only in ancient times would the vault be used to fill gold, and now in addition to banks, private individuals should use paper money or mobile payment, right?

The bosses also didn't quite believe it, thinking that there might really be, but there wouldn't be too much.

"Open it." At this time, Ye Qing said to the butler.

The housekeeper opened the vault, and what came into view was a golden yellow, and all the vaults were actually gold bars?

Everyone was so stunned that they couldn't speak for a long time.

Even at that time, I was not so surprised to learn that Ye Qing was the owner of the royal mansion, after all, the impact of this gold bar is too strong, as if a golden mountain is placed in front of you, and a royal mansion is placed in front of you, even if you know that the value of the royal palace far exceeds the golden mountain, but you will definitely choose to see the golden mountain, no way, gold this thing, everyone loves ah.

Everyone looked at the gold bars, and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and they couldn't wait to rush in immediately.

If you can lie down and sleep, I am afraid it will be a happy thing.

Then, Ye Qing walked in with everyone.

"You guys feel free to visit." Ye Qing said.

With Ye Qing's permission, everyone couldn't wait to walk to the golden mountain and look up at the golden tower.

Avril was okay, just looked at the gold bar, and pulled Ye Qing to whisper, Ye Qing also surrounded her, but fortunately the camera in the live broadcast room did not focus on them, otherwise I don't know how many dogs will die.

Su Yicheng and they circled around the golden mountain, they couldn't help but look at the gold bar, and then gently stroked the gold bar, enjoying the silkiness.

The feeling is indescribable, anyway, it is so cool that it explodes.

But all this seems so unreal, because it is known that the brother-in-law owns the golden mountain, and the brother-in-law is theirs, which is equivalent to the golden mountain is also theirs.

Suddenly there is a mountain of gold, and life seems to have no goal to strive for? At this time, Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan both had a little fluttering feeling in their hearts

, and the bosses could not avoid customs, look at and touch, and couldn't put it down for a while.

"This gold bar is so big." Liu Tiannan couldn't help but exclaim.

"I'll go, it's so comfortable."

"That's a few tons in total, right? The value is at least more than a billion. Everyone

looked at it with smiles on their faces, but they had only passed the eyes, but no one dared to take away a gold bar.

After all, following Mr. Ye well is more cost-effective than stealing a few gold bars, and they are not the masters of bad money.

It's just that in the face of such a mountain of gold, anyone will inevitably have some gaffes.

The audience in the live broadcast room also exclaimed.

[I have a long insight this time, and there is really a golden mountain? ] 【

If I grab a handful casually, I will feel rich!】 】

【My brother-in-law is a true god, just with this royal mansion, dozens of generations don't have to worry, and he is still versatile, and my aunt is blessed. 】

【Brother-in-law, I am a cute sister with big, is it still too late to recognize you as a godfather? 】 ]

Ye Qing also briefly interacted with the audience, but said that the rules of the Ming Royal Mansion are not open to the public, so the gold bar cannot give benefits to everyone, but then he sent ten red envelopes with 200,000 gifts to everyone, as long as you join the fan group to do a meal card, you can participate in the lottery.

The audience also actively participated, and the barrage said that his brother-in-law was angry, and they all pointed to making a fortune in the live broadcast room.

After the lottery, Su Yicheng turned off the live broadcast, and then followed his brother-in-law and them to stroll, and after strolling around, the sky gradually darkened.

Ye Qing glanced at the time, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, considering that Avril had been on the plane for so long and strolled around for such a long time, she must be tired, so she said:

"Let's get here today."

When the bosses heard this, they were still a little unfulfilled, but they could also hear Ye Qing's meaning, so they all responded:

"Okay, thank you Mr. Ye for bringing us to visit King Ming's Mansion."

Then, Liu Tiannan said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, it's almost dinner time, you see we have chosen a restaurant over there in Xicheng..." Ye

Qing waved his hand and said: "No, another day, I'm a little tired today." Seeing

this, Liu Tiannan was not easy to force, so he nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Ye, then we will leave first."

Then Liu Tiannan took everyone and left the Ming King Mansion.

Ye Qing and Avril took the car back to the Su family villa.

Back home, a few little girls helped Avril pack her luggage, at this time, Ye Qian was at home, saw Avril come back, but she was happy, pulled Avril to sit on the sofa and chat for a long time.

At this time, Su Yicheng, who was folding clothes, suddenly remembered about the invitation, and then looked at Ye Qingji and asked:

"By the way, brother-in-law, have you read the invitation card of the Sun family?" When are you ready to pass?

When Ye Qing heard this, he smiled and said, "I don't have much time, your sister Xiaowei just came back, don't I have more company?"

"Otherwise, you little girls can just come over with the invitation, just say it's on my behalf."

Su Yicheng and they didn't really want to eat this kind of stranger's wine banquet, but hearing Ye Qing say this, they had to nod and agree.

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