Ye Qing and Su Yicheng discussed with them, and after letting them go instead of themselves, they took an early bath and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Su Yicheng and they got up very early, and at this time, they had changed into dresses for the banquet.

Ye Qing and Avril came down from upstairs and were also startled when they saw several people like this.

When several girls saw the two, they turned around stupidly, like a fashion exhibition show.

"Uncle, can you see if we dress like this?"

Ye Qing looked at the four people in front of him, and couldn't help but light up his eyes, and said funny.

"Good, very good, but when did you get up?"

At this time, the four girls in front of them were all wearing solid color dresses and painting elegant but delicate makeup, like princesses who came out of a fairy tale.

A few people are beautiful and have peerless appearances, plus this simple but noble dress, no matter where they are, they will become the focus of the crowd!

"Hmph, we got up very early, it took a lot of time!"

Lin Xuan was satisfied with Ye Qing's appreciation, and walked around in his dress.

Ye Qing smiled and touched her hair.

"Actually, you don't have to be so formal!"

Hearing this, Su Yicheng shook his head.

"Uncle, this is not okay, I heard President Liu say that the Sun family is one of the several major families in Jiangnan, and it has a lot of right to speak!"

"We are going to the banquet, of course, we must be formal, otherwise it seems that we are very rude."

"Uncle, your identity can be arbitrary, but we are different!"

The other three little girls listened to Su Yicheng's words and nodded in unison.

Ye Qing looked at them as well, and then smiled.

"Okay, you seem to have gained a lot of knowledge, and now you understand a lot of gifts!"

Several girls were giggling and pulling Avril to show them what else to pay attention to.

After all, Avril is a Nordic aristocrat, and she knows more about these things than them.

However, Su Yicheng did not participate in this at this time, but came to Ye Qing's side and asked mysteriously.

"Hey, brother-in-law, why did this Sun family head invite you?"

Ye Qing thought about it and said lightly.

"This is probably thanks to me for saving his comrades!"

When Su Yicheng heard this, he suddenly felt that it was not good to accept people's things.

"Huh? So what about what he gave us?

Ye Qing smiled and said that there was no need to worry about this.

"It's okay, just give it to you and keep it!"


Waiting for a few girls to sort it out, Ye Qing looked at the time and it was time to leave.

Then he looked at the girls and asked them.

"How are you going to get there? Do you want me to let Liu Qing drive you there?"

"No, let's just drive the Beetle ourselves!"

A few girls shook their heads, just these four people could sit in a car.

Ye Qing nodded and instructed them a few words.

"Okay, then I don't care about you, feel free after you go, just relax and play once, call me if you have something!"

A few girls nodded, then opened the door and walked out.

After getting into the car, Su Yicheng stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the location where the invitation was located.

After a while, several people arrived at their destination, and the golden lights here attracted the attention of several little girls from afar.

When you come to the door, you will see a fountain with babbling water, and a golden lion above, carved to life, and the others around it are also full of style and luxury.

At the prompting of the waiter, Su Yicheng drove the Beetle into the parking lot.

Inside the parking lot, at this time, it is full of luxury cars, what Porsche, Maybach, Lamborghini and other millions of luxury cars abound!

At first glance, there really is no cheaper car here than their Porsche!

When several people saw this scene, they immediately felt that the beetles of their own people were out of place here, as if they were not a dimension!

"My God, it seems that any car here is more expensive than us!"

Lin Xuan stuck out her tongue and said ruefully.

"That's not it, anyway, every one is enough to buy us this one!"

Su Yicheng rolled his eyes, what kind of place is here, there must be no cheap car!

"Wait! You see, there's a motorcycle out there, and it must be cheaper than ours!

At this time, Lin Xuan saw a black motorcycle parked not far away, and immediately became excited.

Su Yicheng glanced at it and shook his head.

"Xiaoxuan, you can see clearly, that is a Dodge Tomahawk!"

"Oh! Is it?

As soon as Lin Xuan heard this, the flames of excitement in his heart were extinguished by half!

"Okay, don't look at it, there's nothing to see, let's go first!"

Su Yicheng parked the car and was the first to open the door.

Several girls nodded and got out of the car with their things.

After getting out of the car, several people walked out of the parking lot and towards the official venue.

At this time, the venue was already full of people, and everyone was wearing extremely formal clothing.

The men were all suits and shoes, looking gentlemen, while the women wore down-to-earth dresses.

At this time, several girls were sitting by the sofa by the window waiting, and the waiter brought them snacks and coffee.

Lin Xuan took a sip of coffee, only felt that the taste was excellent, and could feel the mellow aroma of the coffee beans, it seemed that this was freshly ground hand-brewed coffee.

"Well, the service here is really good!"

While drinking coffee and eating snacks, Lin Xuan was very satisfied with the service here.

Su Yicheng nodded, the service here is indeed good.

"Of course, today is the place where Mr. Sun Tianzheng and we have made an appointment, for the guests, of course, we must do the best service!"

Lin Yi smiled and looked like he had taken advantage of it.

"Hehe, then let's enjoy it!"

Just as several people were talking, a voice suddenly came from the other side, and Su Yicheng suddenly felt very familiar.


At this time, hearing that he was calling his name, several people in Su Yicheng quickly looked over.

At this time, several girls not far away walked towards this side, and one of the girls waved towards Su Yicheng while walking.

Several girls are brand-name bodies, wearing exquisite and colorful dresses, carrying handbags handmade from leather, and everything on their bodies is a valuable existence!

And several girls also look very beautiful and generous, walking with a smile on their faces, which can be said to be full of temperament.

Several people in Su Yicheng also got up and said hello to several people.

"Liu Ling! Why are you here!

Su Yicheng looked at the girl in front of her, this was her high school classmate, and she was playing very well at that time.

"Let's have coffee over here!"

"What a coincidence!"

The two introduced each other like this, and Su Yicheng introduced Lin Xuan and the others to Liu Ling.

"Liu Ling, let me introduce you, they are all my sisters

, this is Lin Xuan, this is..."

Liu Ling nodded while warmly hugging Lin Xuan.

"Yingcheng, introduce you, these people around me are some eldest ladies from other provinces!"

When several girls around Liu Ling heard this, they all covered their mouths and smiled, giving him a blank look.

"Liu Ling, don't exalt us!"

These girls have a very good impression of Su Yicheng and several people, first of all, judging from the clothing and temperament of several people, they are at the level of everyone's show!

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