Speaking of the outside, this is a little surprising to a few people, Su Yicheng several people, it can be said that one top is beautiful, each has its own style and advantages, it looks very pleasing to the eye.

Everyone has a heart for beauty, and they are the same, and after the introduction, they enthusiastically came over and greeted a few people.

A few girls in Su Yicheng knew that most of the people they met here were real ladies, and they also smiled politely and greeted a few people, and the two sides were considered to know each other.

The more they talked, the more they sat down to drink coffee together.

On Liu Ling's side, a girl who seemed to have more power to speak looked at Su Yicheng and several people, and she had a good impression in her heart, so she said with a smile.

"Do you have time? How about we eat together at noon? You are Liu Ling's friends, that is our friends!

When the others heard this, they also invited Su Yicheng and several people to have lunch together.

"Yes, everyone managed to get together! Let's get together at noon!

"You're welcome, everyone is not an outsider!"

Liu Ling also looked at Su Yicheng with a smile and said to her.

"Yingcheng, we haven't seen each other for a long time, we have to talk properly at noon!"

Several people in Su Yicheng faced the enthusiasm of Liu Ling and others, shook their heads with a smile, and politely refused.

"We are still waiting for someone, maybe there is no time at noon, or we have time to come out and get together again, I will treat you then!"

When Liu Ling and the others heard this, although they felt a little regretful, they still nodded.

"It's okay, in that case, we can get together next time!"

Immediately, several people added contact information to each other with Su Yicheng and others, and they were ready to go up.

At this moment, several figures behind were walking towards this side, it was none other than Sun Tianzheng and Sun Shuyao, as well as Wang Chuanyao and others.

When they saw several people in Su Yicheng, they were stunned at first, and then they were relieved.

After all, with Ye Qing's identity, how could he easily come out to meet people?

Let these little girls come, but also make them less restrained.

Sun Shuyao also played with a few girls after all, so he enthusiastically walked to a few people.

Liu Ling and the others were just about to leave, and the girl who had just invited several people from Su Yicheng to dinner saw Sun Shuyao and was immediately stunned in place!

Suddenly, she only felt a wave of horror in her heart!

She was a descendant of a family in Jiangnan Province, and naturally recognized Sun Shuyao walking in front of her at a glance!

Then, when she saw an old man behind her, she was so surprised that she held her breath!

This is Sun Tianzheng, the head of the Sun family!

At the beginning, she had seen this old man at the banquet, but at that time, the banquet was full of big guys, not to mention her, it was her father, all in the outermost layer of the banquet!

And this old man Sun Tianzheng is the real core of the banquet!

Everyone was taking turns toasting the old man, all of them were extremely respectful!

And at that time, her father also wanted to go over to toast, who knows, the friends around him all grabbed him.

On this occasion, they go to toast the old man in such an identity, the old man will not have any opinions, but it is inevitable that others will have some ideas!

Now seeing old man Sun Tianzheng again, the memories in her mind kept appearing, and she only felt that a thousand-foot wave was once again shocked in her heart!

The other girls saw her sluggishly looking at the front without speaking, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

"What's wrong with this?"

The girl sighed and said to several people.

"Look, it's old man Sun Tianzheng who came in front!"

A few people listened to the words, and also saw Sun Tianzheng who was walking towards this side.

The girl gasped, so that the chance of facing the big man was minimal, and immediately pulled up a few girls around.

"Let's go, let's go say hello together!"

Immediately afterwards, the girl who had previously invited Su Yicheng took the head, and several people came to the old man Sun Tianzheng.

"Grandpa Sun is good!"

However, in the face of the greetings of several people, Sun Tianzheng chose to skip them directly, and then came to Su Yicheng and said respectfully.

"A few young ladies, there is a long way to welcome, this is really snub!"

Several girls suddenly felt that the whole person was cracked!

I rubbed my eyes again, but the picture in front of me was so real!

This is old man Sun Tianzheng, he is actually so respectful to Su Yicheng and several people!

What the hell is going on here!?

"Grandpa Sun, you're in trouble, we took the liberty to come, and we didn't have much preparation!"

Su Yicheng smiled embarrassedly, but Sun Tianzheng waved his hand.

"Where, a few young ladies, let's go up there and talk!"

Sun Tianzheng made an inviting gesture and invited several people from Su Yicheng to go upstairs to talk.

Su Yicheng nodded and followed Old Master Sun Tianzheng up.

"Liu Ling, let's go first, let's talk again next time we have a chance!"

Su Yicheng was about to go upstairs, suddenly remembered something, and said goodbye to Liu Ling with a smile.

Sun Tianzheng then noticed the girls just now and looked at them.

"You... It's Zhao Xiaoyue of the Zhao family, right? Zhao

Xiaoyue, the girl who invited several people from Su Yicheng to lunch before, heard Sun Tianzheng call her at this time, and quickly nodded.

"It turns out that you and Miss Su are friends, why don't you have a meal together?"

Zhao Xiaoyue, Liu Ling and the others only felt flattered for a while, and they were stunned on the spot!

They didn't hear it wrong, the old man Sun Tianzheng of the grand family actually invited them to eat together!

That's an exaggeration! They couldn't believe it was real!

In any case, old man Sun Tianzheng gave them faces, but they said that they had to carry everything, and they nodded immediately.

"Thank you Grandpa Sun!"

Sun Tianzheng waved his hand with a smile, took out a bunch of business cards from his pocket, and handed one to each person.

"If you have something to do in the future, you can come to the old man and me, as long as I can help, I will do my best!"

Zhao Xiaoyue and Liu Ling took the business card excitedly, thanked Sun Tianzheng, and followed a few people upstairs.

At this time, their eyes changed when they looked at Su Yicheng, originally they thought that everyone was at the same level, but now it seems that there is still no way to play happily!

Liu Ling was also strange, only feeling that Su Yicheng in front of him was suddenly much stranger.

Zhao Xiaoyue looked ahead while walking, and asked Liu Ling in a low voice.

"Xiaoling, how come you have such a powerful classmate, you didn't say it earlier!"

Liu Ling also shook his head helplessly and responded softly.

"I don't know about this!"

While speaking, several people followed into the box, and to their surprise, after Sun Tianzheng entered the box, he actually gave Su Yicheng a few people to the main position!

This is the head of the grand family!

People gave way to him, he also had to see what kind of person the other party was, and today he actually gave up the main position to a few girls!

If Liu Ling and the others hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it!

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