When no one could know the ending, and even looked optimistically at the situation in front of him, thinking that Fang Xing had the advantage, only Ye Qing could see that he was doomed!

Wang Wei sighed at this time, such an ending, in fact, is already inevitable, just now Fang Xing was brought into a trap by the Alpha dog from the beginning!

The advantage at the beginning is not an advantage at all, just a game of paving! It is to fundamentally put Fang Xing to death!

At this time, following the gaze of the crowd, Wang Wei's eyes were suddenly startled, and he stood up eagerly and walked to Ye Qing's side.

Under everyone's incredulous gaze, Wang Wei bowed respectfully towards Ye Qing and humbly said Master!

"Master! Why are you here! "


Everyone only felt that the small universe in their hearts suddenly exploded!

This Ye Qing is actually Wang Wei's master!

Who is Wang Wei? That's the famous Chinese chess saint!

Who can be called a saint, who is it, there is no need to say more about this, but he is actually called Master Ye Qing!

"Oh my God! He actually ... It's the master of the chess saint!

"Master Wang can be called a chess saint, so what kind of terrifying chess art should his master be!"

"It's just a joke! This looks so young, how can it be the master of Chess Saint Wang Wei! "

And just now, one by one, they were all mocking Ye Qing and mocking the teacher of the Chess Saint!

And Su Yicheng and Ren Yulu and the others were also stupid at this time!

When did their brother-in-law become the master of the chess saint!?

It's incredible!

Su Yicheng looked at Ye Qing at this time, his eyes were full of adoration, and he only felt that his little heart couldn't stand it!

And the other few little girls are undoubtedly such an idea, after going out in the secret passage, they may have to bring a quick relief pill!

Who knows what kind of shock their brother-in-law will bring them?

Ye Qing looked at Wang Wei indifferently, smiled and said.

"You're dressed quite plainly today! By the way, why are you here?

Wang Wei heard Ye Qing's question and smiled embarrassedly.

"It's nothing, but I heard that the tea here is quite good, come over to drink some tea, and see that everyone here is watching the game, I will come over to take a few looks!"

Wang Wei was naturally embarrassed to say that he knew that Master was here at Fang Xing's place before, so he came over.

After all, it is still too shameful to know the traces of the master from outsiders.

I can't say it.

Ye Qing nodded, squinted at him, and continued to ask.

"Why, didn't you go to the competition?"

Wang Wei paused and did not speak, because because this competition, it was not him who was invited at all!

Ye Qing took a sip of tea, looked at Wang Wei's eyes seriously, with a little complicated color, and said seriously.

"If you have time, go to a battle, don't let such broken copper and iron ruin the reputation of our Chinese treasures!"

Wang Wei nodded heavily, and also clenched his fists excitedly!

"Good Master, don't worry!"

When everyone heard this conversation at this time, they were even more shocked!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Wei was here to accompany Ye Qing to drink tea and chat.

On the way, people were also surprised to see that the Chess Saint was actually bending down to pour tea for Ye Qing personally!

Chatting and chatting, a few people talked about the chess game just now, Su Yicheng a few girls, they didn't understand too well, such a good chess, how did they lose?

"Uncle, you analyze and analyze, how did this Fang Xing master lose to Alpha Dog?"

Ye Qing shook his head slightly in the face of everyone's questions.

Then, Ye Qing paused and used the teacup on the table to deduce and analyze the chess game just now for everyone.

"You see, at the very beginning, this Alpha dog's chess move showed no signs of improving, and in the face of Fang Xing's Ling Yan attack, he chose defense at the beginning!"

"Those who know a little about Go may think that this is a big taboo!"

"But Alpha Dog cleverly used this, making Fang Xing mistakenly think that he had grasped the opportunity at the beginning, and under the negligence of the other party, he set up a wonderful game!"

"In the middle and late stages, you can find that although Fang Xing still has a slight advantage, every move is so difficult!"

"At this time, Alpha Dog has controlled the whole situation to death, but because the overall situation has not been revealed, most of you think that the rules and regulations are a bit chaotic."

"But in the end, the drop that forced Fang Xingzi to surrender made the previously laid out the game become a whole!"

"At this time, Fang Xing, of course, is no longer able to return to the sky, and can only choose to throw his son and abandon the game!"

When everyone heard Ye Qing's remarks, they suddenly realized!

Ye Qing's comment can be described as hitting the nail on the head, and there is no deviation in one sentence!

And the people who attacked Ye Qingyou just now were also listening to it on the sidelines at this time!

Zhou Yixue and several people, who were also listening on the sidelines, felt that they couldn't get off the stage at this time.

They were Fang Xing's apprentices, and they shared honor and disgrace with Master.

However, according to Ye Qing's words, Fang Xing can be said to have hit the game of Alpha Dog from the beginning, and if he could have discovered it earlier, it would not be the situation now.

Unfortunately, Fang Xing was only surprised to find that he was already under siege when he was about to be unable to return to heaven in the end!

After chatting for a while, Zhou Yixue and the others finally felt that Ye Qing, who could be called a master by Chess Saint Wang Wei, was too powerful!

And they also stiffly asked Ye Qing some questions.

Ye Qing and Wang Wei answered a few people while drinking tea, and Su Yicheng was bored, so they went to the side to pet the cat.

After a while, Wang Wei said goodbye to Ye Qing and left the hotel.

And Ye Qing also took a few girls, said goodbye to Ren Yulu, and slowly walked towards the house.

On the way, Su Yicheng looked at Ye Qing with a pair of beautiful eyes, covering his mouth and smiling secretly.

Ye Qing looked at her curiously and asked funny.

"You girl, what's wrong with this look?"

Su Yicheng smiled and took Ye Qing's arm.

"Hehe, brother-in-law, you are such a treasure boy!"

Ye Qing held Avril and listened to this, and said with self-deprecation.

"You girl can also talk, and treasure boy, your brother-in-law and I are all about to run three!"

Su Yicheng shook his head, and like Lin Xuan, he looked at Ye Qing with adoring eyes.

"Uncle, don't be modest, I dare say that a man like you who can go up to the hall, down the kitchen, and proficient in piano and chess books and paintings, there is definitely no second man in the world!"

Ye Qing smiled helplessly and poked Su Yicheng's little head.

"You girl, when did your mouth become so sweet?"

A few people laughed and walked back to their homes....

After returning home, Ye Qing and Avril went to the bathroom to wash up and prepare for bed, while Su Yicheng and others were still swiping their mobile phones on the sofa.

Suddenly, Su Yicheng saw a message saying that tomorrow, there would be a grand light show on the river beach of Jiangcheng.

When several girls saw this news, they immediately became excited, ran to Ye Qing with a puff of smoke, and told Ye Qing about the light show.

"Brother-in-law, there is a light show tomorrow, will you take us to see it?"

Ye Qing smiled dotingly, rubbed Lin Xuan's head, and agreed to the request of several girls.

"Okay, then let's go together tomorrow."

"But the premise is, give me a wash and sleep now!"

Hearing Ye Qing's promise, several girls suddenly jumped up with excitement.

"Yay! There is a light show to watch!

"My brother-in-law is the best!"

"I'll go to sleep now!"

Several girls cheered as they rushed to the bathroom to wash up and prepare for bed.

Ye Qing smiled helplessly, now he has really become the child king...

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