Just as everyone was cheering, Lin Yao's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Lin Yao took out her mobile phone, and was stunned for a moment, and the smile on her mouth instantly froze!

"Lin Yao, what happened?"

Several other girls looked at her changes, a little worried, and all asked her what happened.

Lin Yao rubbed her eyes, looked at the message on her phone again, and muttered.

"Huaxia National University asked me to go back and ask me to be an instructor for actual combat training!"

I don't know what other people think, anyway, Lin Yao herself is quite shocked, anyway, she is still a student now!

Ye Qing heard the news on the side at this time, but he felt that there was no problem.

After all, Lin Yao is now a one-star dragon school of the Tianlong Military Department!

Although Su Yicheng had some regrets, he still happily hugged Lin Yao.

"Xiao Yao, if you become an instructor of the Huaxia National University, can you take us in? I want to go inside and have a look!

Lin Yao thought about it and agreed to Su Yicheng.

"Well, I think it's fine!"

Lin Yi took advantage of this opportunity and also looked at Ye Qing.

"Uncle, after sending Sister Lin Yao back to the Huaxia National University, I should also go back!"

Ye Qing sighed and said jokingly.

"Alas, let's go, let's go! This is really a big woman who can't stay! Looking

at Ye Qing's appearance, everyone was a joy, and the cloud of regret that had been a little lost a lot.

Ye Qing saw that the two of them were leaving, and looked at Su Yicheng.

"Yingcheng, in this way, when the two of them are gone, I will take you Sister Xiaowei and travel with you!"

Su Yicheng suddenly became excited and looked at Ye Qing.

"Brother-in-law, is this true?"

Ye Qing nodded and assured.

"Just kidding, when did I lie to you?"

Lin Yao and Lin Yi were immediately stunned when they listened, and then looked at Ye Qing with disdain.

"Hmph! Brother-in-law, you are biased!

"yes! Go out and wait for us to go! When

Avril heard this, she was also secretly laughing next to her at this time.

Ye Qing coughed twice, no longer giggling, but said to Lin Yi seriously.

"Okay, don't tease you, Lin Yi, you can go back, bring the key back to your parents and parents, just if you have time, you can move in early."

Lin Yi nodded, although she was a little reluctant, but the sixth-generation aircraft research group on Jinling's side also needed her.

Everyone frolicked for a while, then went back to sleep, all looking forward to tomorrow night's beach light show....

Time flew by, and soon, it was the evening of the next day.

The sky outside gradually became dark, but at this time, inside the villa, it was brightly lit and a lively scene.

Ye Qing and Avril were preparing snacks for the evening light show, while several other girls were ordering food on the side.

"Brother-in-law, make more chocolate chip cookies from last time, that one is really delicious!"

"Uncle, I still have to eat the cake from last time!"

"Hehe, children only make choices, I want this girl!"

Ye Qing and Avril were busy while looking at a few girls who were triumphantly ordering dishes, and suddenly sighed repeatedly.

"Alas, the way of this world has really changed, and everyone who eats has become uncle!"

Avril also smiled and said to Ye Qing happily.

"They can do whatever they want!"

When several girls heard Avril's words, they all nodded in agreement and said with a smile.

"Hehe, Sister Xiaowei is right!"

"Brother-in-law, you have to study with Sister Xiaowei on this!"

"Sister Xiaowei, I love you!"

Ye Qing was suddenly helpless, and looked at everyone angrily.

"Okay, then I'll be the one who cooperates with this bad guy!"

Several people were preparing like this, talking and laughing, and it didn't take long to prepare the snacks they needed for tonight.

Since last time several girls shouted that they didn't have enough to eat, this time Ye Qing and Avril deliberately did more.

Afterwards, a few people hastily ate a light meal, changed their clothes, and headed towards the river beach with great fanfare!

At this time, they were wearing casual clothes, after all, this time they were out to play, not to some very formal occasion.

By the time several people were about to reach their destination, night had completely fallen.

And the light show is already about to start!

But what is extraordinary is that the river beach, which was not so lively in the past, is now a sea of people!

The staff is on the stage for the final check for the start of the light show, and the crowd waiting for the light show is also crowding towards this side.

Suddenly, around the river beach under the moonlight, with wives and children, with girlfriends and boyfriends, people come and go, so lively!



Not far from the Jiangtan light show stage, there was a sudden roar, and under people's doubtful eyes, one after another super cars were driving towards this side!

These people are all young ladies in Jiangcheng, and they are also here for this light show.

The sports cars driven by those big and young ladies have all styles and styles, and the bodies are streamlined, which can minimize the frictional resistance of the air!

And the sound of the engine, in this noisy place with a sea of people, does not seem so harsh, but resonates with the ground, but full of a sense of power and speed!

Under the moonlight, the bodies of these supercars are all shining with dazzling light, which is dazzling to see!

These vehicles, although not the top luxury cars, but any one, is also millions of things!

At this time, many people here are looking at this magnificent luxury car, and they immediately talked about it!

"These cars are afraid to be several million, what a arrogance!"

"It's so rich, who are these people?"

"No need to ask, it must be those young ladies in Jiangcheng!"

Some people who knew these young and young ladies, seeing this scene, also began to introduce them to the friends next to them.

One of the men told his friend about these young ladies, but then frowned.

"The nearest Jiangcheng seems to be quite strange!"

The friend looked at his emotional look and was a little puzzled.

"What do you mean by that? What's wrong?

The man sighed and said helplessly.

"It seems that those young ladies on the top floor have been gone for a long time!!"

"What we can see here is also a later appearance, and the value and identity are far worse than the original top!"

On the other side, after the young lady in the luxury car parked the car, they all walked down.

They looked at each other and chatted with each other, but they all looked like they were hanging their heads and sighing.

"Alas, Liu Shao and Sister Shu, I'm afraid this year's light show won't come!"

When someone next to him heard this, he also smiled bitterly.

"Well, but this is not just this year!"

Some young masters who were still of a relatively low level beside him heard their chat, and some did not understand very well.

"What's wrong with this?"

They know that Liu Zheng and Liu Shao, but Liu Tiannan's son, Sister Shu Fanshu, is Shu Ying's daughter.

There are other top young ladies, all of whom are the top dignitaries in Jiangcheng!

I haven't seen them for a long time recently, and hearing someone say this at this time will inevitably make people think a little reverie.

That Da Shao heard this question and said with a smile.

"No, you don't all know, do you? Liu Shao and Sister Shu only slightly provoked Mr. Ye's niece before, and then they were sent to the military department by several bigwigs to experience!

"You know, this is not a big deal, you can only say that they have provoked people who should not be provoked!"

"Today's words are rushed here, I also remind those you don't know, don't feel how high your status is, some people, can't afford to provoke!"

"When I go out in the future, I have to light up my eyes!"

When everyone heard this, those who didn't know all frowned, and they were immediately stunned in place!

The young master who asked the question just now looked at him in surprise and asked again.

"Mr. Ye? Could it be... Is that Mr. Ye!?

"Yes! You're not wrong!

The man nodded, and there was a deep shock in his eyes!

Everyone was suddenly stunned, and nodded repeatedly, after all, everyone in Jiangcheng, they also knew the attitude of this Mr. Ye!

Everyone present had only heard of this Mr. Ye's name, and perhaps some had seen him with their own eyes, but no one dared to say that they had any friendship with this Mr. Ye!

Don't say that they are not worthy, even their fathers, all of them are big people in the eyes of others, but they don't even have the opportunity to toast Mr. Ye!

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