Ye Qing looked at Cheng Lin and nodded.

"Good, keep it up!"

In an instant, everyone looked at Cheng Lin's side, and then looked at Ye Qing, thinking about what Cheng Lin had told them recently, and suddenly their hearts were shocked!

This is!

This is Ye Long General!

"God, is this the Ye Long General that Cheng Lin said?"

"No, this looks too young!"

After that, everyone rushed towards Ye Qing's side, looking at him excitedly, all respectfully saluting.

Subsequently, everyone rushed to shake hands with Ye Qing, and everyone had a look of awe in their eyes!

Such a character, no matter who it is, will be in awe, not to mention these Huaxia University students who aim to enter the Tianlong Military Department!

Ye Qing nodded and shook hands with these students enthusiastically, after all, they are all the future backbone of the Huaxia Military Department!

Then, the students were crazy, they didn't expect that the Ye Zhan God they worshiped had such a heaven-defying identity and treated everyone so kindly!

The students who had pens took out their pens, and those who had mobile phones took out their mobile phones, and they all went to ask for Ye Qing's signature, or to take photos with Ye Qing!

There are not many opportunities like this, and everyone cherishes them at this time.

There are more and more students gathered here, and many people are running around to tell other students that Ye Qing is coming.

At this moment, a nearby student dormitory, at this time, everyone after a morning of weight training, returned to the dormitory and fell down heavily.

But just when they wanted to rest for a while, the noise began to start below, and these students suddenly felt irritated.

After them, they have more tired training, and they want to rest for a while, and they have to be subjected to these noises!

One of the male students suddenly became angry, sat up from the bed, and walked towards the balcony.

"You guys below, what's the noise! I wonder if others are still resting?! I

saw him shouting angrily below, startling the students below.

Then, the students who had just been noisy below all looked at him excitedly, which made him feel a little strange.

"Zhao Wu, what are you resting on! Hurry down, Ye Long is coming! When

Zhao Wu, who was shouting at the bottom, heard this, he was first stunned, and then cheered!

"Foggy grass! Ye Long is coming!

At this time, he hurriedly returned to the bedroom from the balcony without looking back, and called all the roommates who were still resting.

"Don't lie down, Ye Long is coming! Let's take a look too! When

the other students heard him say this, they all suddenly became excited, and they jumped up from the bed one by one with cheers, and the fatigue just now suddenly disappeared, and they all walked outside!

You know, the biggest idol in each of their hearts is Ye Longjiang, and in the Huaxia National University, they have heard a lot of myths about Ye Longjiang during this time!

If traffic stars come to Huaxia National University, they may not be able to make any waves, and most of these students will not care about these things.

But if this is Ye Qingye Dragon General, this is different!

At this time, this news spread everywhere, and everyone knew the news of Ye Qing's arrival, and the whole school immediately boiled, which was worse than the school anniversary!

At this time, the students were cheering and shouting the name of General Ye Longjiang as they walked towards the crowd cluster!

The later people, those with cameras in their hands, notebooks and pens, were all ready to go to Ye Qing for a group photo and autograph.

After the principal Wan Hongjiang came out, he also smiled bitterly when he saw this scene.

At this time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the charm of the instructor was amazing, and the students around him had completely ignored himself as the principal!

Wan Hongjiang then came to the playground, and when the students saw him, they all gave way.

Immediately afterwards, Wan Hongjiang walked in front of Ye Qing and respectfully saluted.

"Instructor! Why didn't you tell me when you came? The

students were immediately stunned, and looked at Wan Hongjiang with a respectful face!

General Ye Long, he was actually their principal's instructor!

This is incredible!

They didn't expect that Ye Qing was so young and able to reach such a position, and at the same time, even their principal was his trainee!

Ye Qing waved his hand at Wan Hongjiang and said with a smile.

"It's okay, I don't have anything to do when I come here today, just accompany Lin Yao to come and take a look!"

Later, the students behind them also gathered over again, took photos with Ye Qing, and asked for autographs.

Wan Hongjiang watched as there were more and more students in the playground at this time, if this continued, the place would be almost crowded, and it would also interfere with the normal teaching order.

Thinking that Lin Yao would also take the students to train later, Wan Hongjiang quickly evacuated the crowd.

Although the students didn't want to, everyone wanted to stay with Ye Qing for a while, such a character could not be seen every day.

But since the principal spoke, they were helpless, so they had to leave here, but they also looked reluctant.

Although the students who were about to sign the group photo left at this time, they didn't mention how happy they were, and the other later, did not catch up, and their hearts suddenly felt a little lost.

"Instructor, this is not the place to talk, go and sit in my office!"

After Wan Hongjiang evacuated the students, he invited Ye Qing and others to the office.

After a few people drank tea and chatted for a while, they arranged for Lin Yao to be an instructor.

Lin Yao said goodbye to a few people first, then went to find his students and familiarize himself with leading the team.

At noon, Ye Qing and Su Yicheng ate something at school.

After eating, several people went to find Lin Yao, who was leading the team training on the playground at this time.

These are some pre-selected freshmen, looking at Lin Yao one by one, with adoration on their faces.

First of all, Lin Yao is their senior sister, although it is only a freshman, but these pre-selected students are all selected from high school, so it is not wrong to call Lin Yao a senior sister.

And they also knew that Lin Yao passed the selection of the Tianlong Military Department in her freshman year and became a one-star dragon school of the Tianlong Military Department, which was simply incredible!

At this time, everyone in these pre-selected students concentrated 200% of their attention, and they were very serious when training!

Lin Yao did not expect that the first time he became an instructor, the students would cooperate so well, and they taught very seriously.

Ye Qing watched this scene on the side, and nodded uncontrollably.

"Not bad, it seems that Lin Yao has entered the instructor mode!"

Several girls in Su Yicheng also looked at Lin Yao excitedly, and they were also praised!

"Xiao Yao is simply too handsome!"

"Yes, this military uniform, with the appearance of a student, is simply handsome!"

Then, Ye Qing suddenly felt that the smell of the air was a little wrong, and then looked at the sky and said a few words in the ears of several people in Su Yicheng.

Then, when Lin Yao and them rested, Su Yicheng trotted all the way to Lin Yao's side.

"Xiao Yao, my brother-in-law said don't practice today, there will be heavy rain later!"

Lin Yao looked at the sun in the sky, it was hanging high at this time, brilliant and dazzling, the sky around was clear, the weather was just right, and it didn't look like it was raining.

"How is this possible!"

Lin Yao took out her mobile phone again at this time, and looked at the weather forecast and did not say that there was rain, and she was even more surprised.

"This is my first training session, what is it halfway?"

Confirming that there was no rain, Lin Yao looked at the direction of Ye Qing and the others behind him and pouted.

"I don't believe it, this must have been said by my brother-in-law!"

Although Su Yicheng came to report the news, he didn't believe it.

Lin Yao then let the students who were resting continue training, she didn't believe Ye Qing's words, after all, the sun at this time was about to burn them!

Su Yicheng shook his head, walked to Ye Qing's side with a flat mouth, and said helplessly.

"Uncle, Xiao Yao doesn't listen to you, besides, now that the sun is so big in the sky, how can it rain?"

The others also nodded, not believing that there would be a possibility of rain in such weather!

Ye Qing was helpless, and just waved his hand.

"Hehe, just watch, I'm not lying to you."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yao continued to train for a while, looking at the sky, there was still a clear sky and a scorching sun.

At that moment, she thought of what her brother-in-law asked Su Yicheng to tell her before.

She thought in her heart, how could it rain on such a day, I am afraid that her brother-in-law did this when he saw that she was too tired?

Then she nodded, determined her thoughts, and secretly said in her heart that she must behave well!

It's just that at the next moment, it was originally a clear sky, and suddenly the rain clouds were dense, and the black clouds were overwhelming!

Before he could react, the downpour fell instantly, as fast as lightning!

Lin Yao and they were all drenched in a falling soup chicken, and Su Yicheng and they were pulled by Ye Qing to hide in a place where they could shelter from the rain.

At this time, Lin Yao and the students were all drenched all over their bodies!

At that moment, Lin Yao only felt that his heart was shocked beyond belief!

That's an exaggeration!

No wonder others say this, sure enough, do not listen to the old man, suffer losses in front of you!

Here, looking at the heavy rain pouring outside, several people in Su Yicheng looked at Ye Qing in surprise.

"Brother-in-law, you are really a god!"

After that, Lin Yao also hurriedly finished work, let the students go back to change their dry clothes, and ran to Ye Qing's side.

Ye Qing saw that Lin Yao was soaked all over at this time, and he looked sad, and he was immediately happy!

"Look, this is not listening to me!"

Lin Yao: "..."

Then Ye Qing no longer smiled playfully, but said seriously.

"Okay, go take a shower and change your clothes. We're going to go first!

"Don't be too tired here, arrange your time reasonably!"

"If you have the opportunity, in addition to training, tell these students more about the stories of their predecessors, although the times are progressing now, but the blood of our predecessors, we can't lose it!"

Lin Yao listened carefully and nodded emphatically.

"Okay, I know, brother-in-law!"

After a few words, Ye Qing left here with a few people from Su Yicheng.

Although it was raining heavily at this time, many students also watched Ye Qing leave in the rain.

Looking at the back of Ye Qing and the others leaving, the students were very disappointed.

"Alas, General Ye Long still left!"

"Don't mention it, I don't know when the next time I meet Ye Zhan Shen!"

"Maybe when we get to the Heavenly Dragon Army, we will have more chances to see Ye Zhan Shen!"

The students thought about this, and although it was raining cold, a hot flame suddenly erupted in their hearts!

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