Ye Qing returned home with a few girls, and Lin Yi also began to pack up at this time.

After all, after a while, you will have to go to the airport.

Being busy, Lin Yi suddenly remembered something, so he no longer packed up his things, but ran over excitedly, looking at Ye Qing with a thief on his face.

Ye Qing was a little worried by this girl, and suddenly had a bad premonition!

"Brother-in-law, I have a small request, I have to leave, you will definitely satisfy me, right?"

Ye Qing covered his forehead, looked at Lin Yao helplessly, and nodded.

"You girl, you really pick the time, say it!"

Lin Yi first smiled, and then snapped his fingers.

"Well, I'm going to eat the popcorn, potato chips, chocolate chip cookies, and cream cookies you made..." Ye

Qing saw that Lin Yi couldn't count enough fingers, and suddenly his face was full of question marks, and he looked at her with a wry smile.

"My aunt, is this a request from you? You're a bunch of them!

Lin Yao smiled and blinked a pair of water spirit eyes.

"Uncle, you said you would promise me!"

Ye Qing gave her a blank look, thinking that this girl was also going back, so he agreed.

"Good, good, I promise you, I'll do it now!"

Avril and Ye Qing immediately entered the kitchen to get busy, and after a while, they made a snack on the coffee table.

Lin Yi clapped his hands excitedly and found a large box, full of all kinds of snacks.

And Lin Xuan and Su Yicheng on the side saw this scene, flashing their eyes with expectation, and saliva was about to flow out!

"Xiao Yao, you leave some for us too!"

Su Yicheng took Lin Yi's arm and shook it gently.

"No, you want to eat, can't you just let your brother-in-law cook it for you?"

Lin Yi said while nuzzling his mouth, looking pitiful.

"Alas, I'm so pitiful, I'm going back, and then I won't be able to eat my brother-in-law's cooking again!"

"It is said that born as a human being, only food can not be disappointed, it seems that I am getting farther and farther away from it after all!"

"Sad, it seems that I can only make do with it in the future!"

Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan looked at Lin Yi's appearance, the corners of their mouths trembled slightly, and there was a burst of contempt in their eyes.

"Good, good, it's all yours, you take it all!"

Lin Yi sniffed, pretending to wipe his tears while expressing gratitude to the two.

"Sister Yingcheng, you guys are really good!"

Ye Qing couldn't stand it on the side at this time, and sighed helplessly.

"I said Xiaoyi, can you stop pretending, your acting skills are worrying!"


Lin Yi awkwardly agreed, holding a large box of snacks with a satisfied smile on his face.

The box in front of me was already stuffed with snacks, and the other things were placed in the bag.

After packing up his things, Ye Qing sent Lin Yi to the airport.

"Xiaoyi, a person should pay attention to safety in the past, call me when you arrive!"

"Remember, in the past, give the key to the house in Linglong Bay to your parents and parents, and then you will also move over early, the inside is all decorated, and you don't have to bother so much!"

"If you're bored on the plane, you can download some movies and call home when it's almost time to take off!"

After taking the boarding pass, Ye Qing gave Lin Yi a few words and left the airport.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at Ye Qing's departing back, and although he felt a little reluctant in his heart before leaving, the corner of his mouth still raised a slight smile.

During this time, he has been staying with his brother-in-law and Su Yicheng, which can be said to be very happy.

Seeing that it was still early, Lin Yi took out the snacks he took out from the box and carried with him, preparing to sacrifice the Temple of the Five Organs first.

While eating, Lin Yi thought, when it was time to board the plane, he would call his parents and ask them to pick him up.


At this time, Jinling Lin family villa.

Ye Meng and Lin Han were entertaining guests from afar at this time.

This is Lin Han's relative from Tianjing.

The two did not dare to snub at this time, after all, they were in their own home, and after preparing the fruit plate, they were busy making tea and serving water.

But next to it, there was a little boy running around her house at this time, shouting at the same time!

"Haha! It's so much fun! The

little boy was now pulling the pillows on the sofa and running up and down the living room!

After a while, the little boy felt thirsty, did not look at the water Ye Meng gave him, ran to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, and found a few bottles of drinks.

This little boy can be described as greedy, holding a drink in his hand, and even holding a bottle in his mouth, trotting all the way to the sofa.

The little boy put the drink on the coffee table, then picked up the remote control on the table and turned on the TV, just as the cartoon was playing.

But this little boy seemed to be unable to hear the sound, and turned on the sound of this TV so loud that it was almost noise!

Ye Meng was making tea on the side, looking at the little boy's mischievous look, and did not pay attention to it, but shook his head helplessly.

But in Ye Meng's heart, there was still something strange.

She remembers her daughters, when they were taken to other people's homes when they were children, they would not be like this!

While Ye Meng and Lin Han were busy, the guests finally arrived here.

At this time, a woman and an old lady walked in the doorway.

Both of them were gorgeously dressed and rich, carrying bags in their hands, stepping on the footsteps that royalty and nobles could not walk out, and walked in with a proud face.

The old lady looked like a pearlescent at this time, wearing sunglasses, and her brows frowned, as if she was not very satisfied with this place.

And the woman was dressed luxuriously, but she had a snarky look, no matter who she rushed, it seemed to be a grudging expression, and it seemed that in the next second, she would open her mouth to reprimand!

The two stood at the door, looking at the situation inside Lin Han's house like this, shaking their heads from time to time, looking slightly disgusted.

And the posture of this woman and the old lady is more like a city person seeing a rural person, a dog's eye looking down on people!

Lin Han saw the two standing at the door, and quickly greeted them with a smile.

"Cousin, cousin, you are here!"

This old lady is called Liu Yi, Lin Han's cousin, she took off her sunglasses at this time, frowned, and looked unhappy.

"Alas, you don't know, this ghost weather in Jinling is really far worse than Tianjing!"

While chanting, the old lady walked in directly, sat on the sofa, took out a silk scarf and wiped the sweat beads on her head.

Lin Han was just about to take out the disposable slippers prepared on the side, but saw that the two had already entered, so he had to put them back again.

At this time, the place where the two walked was covered with dusty footprints.

"Oh, no wonder rich people are crowding towards the magic capital and Tianjing, that's really not for fun!"

The old lady looked disdainful and sighed to herself.

Lin Han was immediately choked by the tone of his words, what kind of accent is this!?

His cousin, who was originally a native of Jinling, was also a native of Jinling before going to Tianjing.

But as soon as he came back, it became strange, which made Lin Han feel strange.

It is said that the rural pronunciation is difficult to change, but how much time has passed, how did it become like this?

Although he was strange in his heart, Lin Han first beckoned Liu Yi and his cousin to sit down and rest for a while, and then served tea and placed it in front of the two.

"Cousin, cousin, it's the road, drink some tea to moisten your throat!"

But that cousin Zhang Hua shook her head and looked at the teacup in front of her with a look of disgust.

"No, I'm not used to drinking this tea, I'll tell you, we all drink black coffee in Tianjing, and we have to grind it by hand, and we don't feel anything else when we drink it!"

"And this coffee bean, you have to pay attention to it, not all coffee beans can be satisfied, not to mention the imported good color, but also the roasting process to reach the level!"

As soon as Lin Han heard this, his face immediately stinked, how could he still talk like this!

What kind of nobleman, this look, I'm afraid no one can serve it!

This cousin, listening to her mother, has stayed in Tianjing for so many years, and has not broken into anything, how did she become like this now?

Did you really go to the big city and feel like you have become a person in the big city?

Lin Han could also see at this time that these two people were pretending, and suddenly a nameless fire rose in their hearts!

At that moment, he didn't say anything more, removed the cup in front of her, picked up the cup, and drank all the tea inside!

Ye Meng looked at her husband and quietly flattened her mouth towards him, also helpless.

My own husband, but I don't know how to endure at all, this is really not giving face to others!

When Zhang Hua saw this scene, he also understood, sneered a few times in his heart, looked around, and did not see the figures of Lin Xuan's several girls.

"Lin Han, what about your daughters? Why didn't it come out? Hearing

Zhang Hua's question, Lin Han smiled and explained.

"Several girls have gone to Jiangcheng to play with their brother-in-law, and they will come back in a while!"

Liu Yi sighed and continued to ask.

"I heard that your daughters are going to college this year, right? How did you do in the test? Speaking

of this, Lin Han immediately stood up proudly.

"All good, one went to Huaxia National Defense University, one went to Huaxia University of Science and Technology, and one went to Jiangcheng Art College!"

"Several girls are very competitive, and the universities are all famous universities!"

Liu Yi smiled, but he still looked unimpressed.

"If I may say, what is good about this domestic school? Say yes, it's still going abroad!

"If you look at China, at most, it can be regarded as going to college, going to a foreign university, then it is called further study!"

"I am also ready to send my granddaughter to study abroad in the future, but this country ah, still can't do!"

When Lin Han heard this, his face suddenly sank, and he became more and more stinking!

What kind of three views are these, it's simply disgusting!

He didn't know why his cousin and cousin became like this now, why he must think that the moon abroad is rounder than at home!?

To put it nicely, this is called Chongyang Meiwai, to say it ugly, this is the servility in the bones, without a little cultural confidence!

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