Liu Yi said and cocked her finger, and there was a diamond ring on it, which was shining!

Ye Meng said in order to break the embarrassment.

"Cousin, did you just buy this? It's so beautiful! How much did it cost? When

Liu Yi heard this, he triumphantly shook the diamond ring on his finger.

"This is not much money, that is, just 20,000, gadgets!"

Then, she looked at Ye Meng with a serious expression.

"Xiaomeng, if you have the opportunity in the future, you still have to go to a big city, and it is difficult to develop any vision in a small place like Jinling all the time!"

"Look at your place, it's just a few places that are pretty good, and other places, I won't say more!"

When Ye Meng heard this at this time, his face was also full of helplessness.

This is naked contempt!

At this time, she also understood why Lin Han had such an attitude just now, these two people came here, where they came as guests, they simply came to show the smelly shelf!

Immediately, Ye Meng also had the idea of sending off guests in his heart, and no longer wanted these two to disturb Qing Jing here!

It can also be regarded as a sentence, Zhu Bajie eats big meat, really forgetting the root!

Thinking about it, Ye Meng asked again.

"Cousin, cousin, where did you live when you came to Jinling this time?"

Liu Yi shook his head when he heard the mention of his residence, and smiled.

"Don't be surprised when I say this, we live in Linglong Bay now!"

Ye Meng was immediately stunned and looked at Liu Yi in surprise.

"Cousin, you won't buy a villa there, will you?"

Hearing this, cousin Zhang Hua shook her head, but she still looked high-spirited.

"How is that possible, the villas there are so expensive, the premium is too high, it is completely a brand effect!"

"We rented an apartment there!"

Ye Meng suddenly realized that this was the case.

What these two people said is right, and it's not impossible to buy it for half a day!

Looking at Ye Meng's somewhat disdainful gaze, Zhang Hua rolled his eyes and continued.

"But well, before, I really wanted to buy a second-phase villa in Linglong Bay, but it was really a pit to be able to place it!"

"Many villas are simply fixed, and now this world is really strange, how can there be no place to spend money!"

Ye Meng and Lin Han looked at Zhang Hua with disdain, this was really a bit excessive!

If you can't afford it, you can't afford it, and even such words can be said cheekily, but this is really nobody!

As Zhang Hua spoke, he couldn't help but sigh, and his eyes showed a trace of yearning

, "But the house in that place in Linglong Bay is really good, good in all aspects, whether it is the environment or the service,

it is impeccable!"

"Moreover, the people living there are all dignitaries, anyway, they are not ordinary people!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Hua glanced at the villa where he was at this time and sighed.

"Alas, Ye Meng, you have lived in this house for many years, haven't you thought about changing it?"

"Although your place can barely be regarded as a villa area, it is really too old!"

Ye Meng smiled bitterly, and he already felt deep disgust for these two people in his heart!

"You said there are still apartments in Linglong Bay? How do we not know this?

Zhang Hua was holding Erlang's legs at this time, looking leisurely, and said with a smile.

"I said it all, I have time, I still have to go out and take a look, how, I don't know?"

"There must be this, anyway, we are also used for transition, if we come back to live for a long time, we must buy a villa!"

"By the way, you haven't said yet, this house, don't you plan to change it?"

Ye Meng took a sip of tea, shook his head helplessly, and said indifferently.

"I want to change, I want to change, but where is so much money?"

Liu Yi smiled disdainfully, and also nodded in agreement.

"Oh, too, you're right here, it's good, compared to the hillbillies who don't even have a house!"

"After all, the villa in Linglong Bay is very expensive, where you are going, you will know, even the property fee, you can't imagine it!"

Liu Yi said while looking at the two with disgust, his eyes were full of mockery and disdain, and his tone was also a feeling of disgust!

Zhang Hua heard what Liu Yi said, and said with a snort.

"Ouch, don't say so much about this, it's really good here, it's a well-off!"

"After all, that kind of life is not something that everyone can pursue!"

Hearing the two of them talk like this, Lin Han's face turned livid, if this were not his own relative, he would have already sent off the guest with a scolding!

I don't know how much money I went to Tianjing, maybe I didn't catch it, anyway, I went to Tianjin, I can actually swell into this, this is really some serious illness!

And Ye Meng is also calm, for these two people already feel disgusting from the inside out, what kind of person can lick his face and say such words!

Just as Lin Han and Ye Meng were about to speak, the little boy's voice suddenly came from the side!

"Wow! There are so many dolls in there! I want to play!

Ye Meng's heart suddenly clicked, and he hurried towards the place where the little boy made his voice!

At this time, the little boy had already walked into Lin Yi's room, dragged out all the dolls inside, and played with it on the floor like this!

"Hey, hey, hey, let's all fly!"

This little guy doesn't think of himself as an outsider at all, and he throws it around with a doll in a big way, and Ye Meng's hair suddenly exploded when he saw it!

"Don't move! These things belong to my sister and can't be moved!

"How come there is no politeness at all, people's things did not let you move, you still ran into the room privately, came out, went outside to play!"

The little boy saw Ye Meng coming over with an angry look at this time, and hurriedly ran towards Zhang Hua and Liu Yi.

Ye Meng picked up the doll on the ground and patted the dust on it.

These are all his daughter's treasures, fortunately, the ground is clean, otherwise Lin Yi would be distressed!

Looking at the doll, there was no big problem, Ye Meng breathed a sigh of relief, and put it all back in place, thinking that it was good that he came in time!

Otherwise, who knows, what kind of things this bear child will do!

But think about it, this little boy's parents, that is, that look, there is no good tutor if you think about it!

The little boy was stopped by Ye Meng's behavior just now, and ran to Zhang Hua and Liu Yi in a huff, making a fuss about leaving!

"I don't want to stay here, I won't even let me play with toys, it's just too petty!"

At this time, the bear pouted childishly and threw the drink he had just taken out of the refrigerator on the ground.

Liu Yi quickly picked up the little boy and looked distressed.

"Oh, since the baby doesn't want to stay any longer, then let's go!"

Zhang Hua also nodded, looking coldly at Ye Meng's figure who packed up his things and walked over.

"yes, you are not even allowed to play with toys here, it's really boring!"

"Son, don't touch it, maybe people's toys are gold-encrusted and not necessarily!"

After speaking, the two got up, took the little boy, and walked out without saying hello without looking back.

Lin Han saw that these ancestors had finally left, stepped forward and closed the door, and suddenly he was angry!

"Now this person, how can he pretend so much!"

"It's just! No rules at all!

Ye Meng looked at Lin Han's angry look and came over and rubbed his shoulders.

"Okay, okay, we'll just know for ourselves!"

"They like to pretend to be generous and think they are superior, that's their business, it has nothing to do with us!"

"It's a big deal, just don't interact with these people!"

Lin Han drank his saliva and nodded heavily.

At this time, he can also be considered to understand that such relatives are not worth associating!

The two sat on the sofa, and at this time saw off these people, and suddenly felt relaxed.

At this moment, Ye Meng's phone rang, and when he took it out, it was Lin Yi's call.

"Husband, look, our daughter is calling!"

Lin Han was almost squinting and falling asleep on the sofa, and hurriedly jumped up, and the two connected the phone and clicked on the hands-free.

"Mom and Dad, I'm coming back!"

Listening to Lin Yi's voice on the other end of the phone, Lin Han and Ye Meng suddenly said excitedly.

"Really? When will you arrive?

"Soon, I'm about to take off now!"

Hearing that their daughter was about to arrive, the couple suddenly burst into laughter!

"Xiaoyi, quickly send your flight information, I'll pick you up with your dad later!"

Ye Meng quickly asked Lin Yi to send the flight information, and then gave two more instructions.

"Don't run around after you come out, we'll be waiting for you at the exit gate!"

Lin Yi smiled and agreed.

"Don't worry, dad and mother, I'm not small, I still know these things!"

Immediately, Lin Yi changed his tone and talked about other things.

"Hehe, father and mother, my brother-in-law also gave us a gift, this gift you must not think of!"

"Also, I also showed my brother-in-law's shocking secret, I'll go back and tell you again!"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, now it's about to take off, I'm on the flight mode!"

"Okay, stay safe on the road!"

Lin Han and Ye Meng agreed, and Lin Yi hung up the phone.

Listening to Lin Yi's last words just now, the two of them also smiled bitterly!

When did this little girl learn to sell passes!

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