At this time, Ye Qing came from behind and walked to a few girls.

"Why, you guys look like you?"

Hearing Ye Qing's figure, several girls looked over.

"Brother-in-law, are you done with the meeting?"

Ye Qing nodded and smiled at several people.

"Well, it's over the meeting, there's nothing to do now!"

"Let's go, while there is still time, I'll take you somewhere else!"

Several girls nodded, said goodbye to Shangguan Bing, and followed Ye Qing around the rest of the region.

Not long after that, someone drove back the beetle that Ye Qing and the others had temporarily abandoned on the elevated shelf before, and also filled it with oil.

Without further delay, Ye Qing took a few girls to get into the car and drove towards the Golden Crane Tower.

When you arrive at the Golden Crane Tower, the sun has completely set, and night has begun to fall gradually!

At this time, the sky began to slowly turn gray, and the square where the Golden Crane Tower was located was also lit up!

"Let's go, let's go over and buy tickets, go inside!"

After Su Yicheng got off the bus, he followed Ye Qing to the ticket office.

At this time, there are still many people at the ticket office, all of whom come for the night view of the Golden Crane Tower!

"Brother-in-law, there are so many people here!"

Lin Xuan pointed to the small long dragon in front of him, slightly lost.

Ye Qing looked at this girl's appearance, obviously anxious to enter, and said helplessly.

"This is nothing, think about the long dragon we met on the elevated before, it's nothing here!"

Lin Xuan pouted, and could only honestly go to the queue.

Su Yicheng was also itching in his heart at this time, and he smiled and looked at Ye Qing.

"Hehe, brother-in-law, you used to find a helicopter on the elevated road, now here, is there any way to hurry up?"

Looking at Su Yicheng's silly appearance, Ye Qing couldn't help but be happy and burst out laughing.

"Haha, Yingcheng, do you really think that your brother-in-law can handle everything?"

Immediately, a smile lifted at the corner of Ye Qing's mouth and looked at Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan.

"However, if you want, there are sweepers here, you can enter at any time, and you don't have to queue up!"

As he spoke, Ye Qing also pointed to the recruitment advertisement on the side.

Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan looked at Ye Qing's smile, and they snorted, and glanced at Ye Qing without anger.

"Brother-in-law, do you think you are very humorous?"

Avril listened to this on the sidelines, and also covered her mouth and snickered.

"Your brother-in-law is right, you can still make money in this way!"

Listening to this, Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan waved their hands one after another.

"Sister Xiaowei, let's line up obediently!"

The two said aggrievedly, looking at the crowd in front of them, and felt that their eyes were black...

Finally, after waiting for a while, several people also bought tickets, and finally walked into the Golden Crane Tower Park as they wished.

Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan were also excited again at this time, and pulled Avril up, looking here and there, they were full of curiosity about everything around them.

At this time, in the park, there are old people playing chess and drinking tea, walking after dinner, and taking children out to play.

Although it is nightfall, the coolness of the evening breeze, coupled with the clear moonlight, and the lights in this park at night, are more attractive to tourists.

Ye Qing walked behind the three girls and looked at them with a smile.

After holding back for a day, finally got to the place, several girls can no longer suppress their excitement, like lively elves, from time to time to see the old man playing chess, and take a selfie in the beautiful scenery, see the souvenir shop, but also pull Ye Qing in to stroll.

This park is not very big, and after walking around for a while, Ye Qing brought a few girls to the square below the Golden Crane Tower.

At this time, the people here are full of people, and the lights of the Yellow Crane Tower reflect the moonlight, forming a beautiful picture!

People all around are watching the illuminated Golden Crane Tower, a landmark of the entire park and a monument with thousands of years of history!

Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan pulled Avril and pointed excitedly to the towering and magnificent Golden Crane Tower.

"Sister Xiaowei, look, this is the Golden Crane Tower!"

When Avril saw the scenery of this Golden Crane Tower at this time, she also opened her mouth wide, and she was dumbfounded!

"It's beautiful! I love buildings like this! Avril

Avril was full of lights of the Golden Crane Tower at this time, and she was attracted all the attention.

Ye Qing took out his mobile phone with a smile and beckoned to the three girls.

"You three, find a place, I'll take a few photos of you!"

As soon as they heard that they wanted to take pictures, the three girls immediately looked around here excitedly, found a good position, and set the angle!

"Brother-in-law, here it is! Give us a good picture!

Ye Qing gave a thumbs up, pressed the shutter, and froze the smiles of several girls into the picture.

Then, Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan made a fuss again, and let Ye Qing and Avril take a few intimate group photos.

After playing around here for a while, several people left Jinhelou Park and rushed towards the nearby East Lake.

East Lake does not need tickets, and Ye Qing and the others did not take long to arrive at a lotus pond at the door.

At this time, the lotus flowers are at their most gorgeous, with the lights of the small building on the side, and the flowing water on the water surface intermingle, which looks picturesque.

I don't know what kind of festival it is today, and there are many people putting lanterns in the river!

Several people in Su Yicheng saw that people were putting lanterns, pulled Ye Qing, and also went to the side to buy a few lanterns, and came to the edge of the lotus pond.

"It's so romantic!"

Avril looked at the two couples on the side, held hands and released a small lantern with a bright future, and looked at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing was also spoiled with a smile, took Avril Lavigne's little hand, lit the lantern together, gently placed it on the surface of the water, and watched the lantern gradually fade away with the flowing water.

At this moment, Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan captured the romantic scene of Ye Qing and Avril and handed it to them excitedly.

"Brother-in-law, look at it, how is this photo?"

Ye Qing took the mobile phone, looked at the photo of himself and Avril putting down the lantern hand in hand, and smiled softly.

"It's so good to shoot, you can go and wash it out!"

"Hehe, my photography skills are good!"

Su Yicheng smiled triumphantly, and several people were immersed in a joyful and happy atmosphere....

After that, Ye Qing and a few girls went to a tree-lined path here, surrounded by many antique small bungalows, all of which were all kinds of shops.

There are food for sale, and there are also knick-knacks and jewelry for sale, and after walking around with a few girls, Ye Qing's hands were full of shopping bags.

"I said how many of you want to buy everything?"

Ye Qing smiled bitterly and took a small bag containing rose candy handed over by Lin Xuan, and said with disdain.

"Hehe, come out to be happy!"

Lin Xuan stuck out her tongue towards Ye Qing, and pulled Su Yicheng and Avril into a small shop for clay pinching people.

Behind, if it weren't for the fact that the time was not early, a few girls might still not be able to stop, and in Ye Qing's repeated urging, they reluctantly followed and left here.

Driving the Beetle, Ye Qing led a few people to the direction of the villa.

Although there were some episodes today, a few girls were still having a lot of fun, sitting in the car at this time, looking through the many photos they had just taken, talking and laughing all the way.

On the way back, I had missed the peak of office workers leaving work, and I went all the way smoothly and soon drove back to the villa.

After arriving home, Ye Qing first went to take a bath, strange that there was no tiredness today, simply went down to the living room, ready to sit again.

And several people in Su Yicheng were sitting on the sofa at this time brushing videos, and just saw a video of a hypnotic cat.

Several girls found it funny, and hugged the orange cat who had begun to yawn and was about to fall asleep.

The orange cat looked at a few girls resentfully, meowing from time to time, looking not very happy.

"Sister Yingcheng, can this really work?"

Lin Xuan brought the cat over, and Su Yicheng rubbed his hands, learning to hypnotize the orange cat while watching the video.

Su Yicheng nodded, looking confident.

"Don't worry, I can, isn't it just drawing a tiger according to a cat!"

Avril and Lin Xuan cast suspicious eyes.

"Kitten, sleep! Kitten, sleep!

Su Yicheng chanted while learning to gently stroke the head of the orange cat in the video.

But the effect was unsatisfactory, and the orange cat, who was already very sleepy just now, became more spirited by Su Yicheng!

"Huh, why doesn't it work?"

Su Yicheng looked at the orange cat suspiciously, and found that this little guy was looking at himself with a foolish expression at this time.

Lin Xuan and Avril looked at this scene and instantly bent down with a smile.

"Hahaha, Yingcheng, you have made people more and more spiritual!"

"Sister Yingcheng, you want to laugh me to death!"

Ye Qing walked down, watching several people dancing around the orange cat, he couldn't help but feel interesting and walked over.

"What are you doing?"

Su Yicheng turned his head ruefully and looked at Ye Qing with a look of loss.

"I'm hypnotizing the cat, but it doesn't seem to be of any use!"

Ye Qing looked at this orange cat and stared at it at this time, and he also felt funny.

"Haha, let me try!"

Then, Ye Qing walked to the orange cat, shook his fingers, and hummed softly in his mouth, and soon, the orange cat fell down and fell asleep on the sofa.

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