Several girls were stunned to see it, which is faster than the speed of hypnotizing the cat in the video!

"Brother-in-law, you can still hypnotize!"

Su Yicheng looked at Ye Qing with a surprised expression, not quite believing the picture he had seen before.

Avril and Lin Xuan were also shocked, this is really too fast!

"Of course, and it's not just cats, I can hypnotize people!"

Ye Qing smiled, the method of hypnotizing the cat just now was already the simplest!

"Does this thing really exist? I think this is fake, anyway, I don't believe it, my usual concentration is very strong!

Lin Xuan looked at Ye Qing suspiciously, with an expression of disbelief.

Ye Qing was also happy when he looked at Lin Xuan like this.

"In this way, Xiaoxuan, you can try it, you can see if what I said is true or false!"

Lin Xuan nodded and consciously walked in front of Ye Qing.

Ye Qing smiled in front of Lin Xuan's eyes, and began hypnosis.

While wiping his eyes, Ye Qing whispered, and then pointed to the wall in front of him.

"Lin Xuan, look at this clock on the wall, what time is it?"

Lin Xuan bit her finger, carefully looked at the wall in front of her, and then said.

"It's half past ten... Right! It's half past ten! "


Then, Ye Qing suddenly burst out laughing.

Su Yicheng and Avril were dumbfounded, after all, there was nothing on this wall!

Lin Qing looked at Ye Qing suspiciously, not knowing what this meant.

"Uncle, I'm not mistaken, it's half past ten!"

Ye Qing coughed and pointed in the direction of the wall again.

"Ahem, Xiaoxuan, look at it now, is there still a clock on the wall now?"

Lin Xuan looked at this time and reacted, there was nothing on this wall at all!

In an instant, Lin Xuan was stunned in place, she couldn't figure out how she saw a clock on the wall at this time!

"How, hypnotized in, right?"

"Now, you should believe it, right?"

Ye Qing looked at Lin Xuan's surprised expression and said lightly.

At this time, several girls immediately boiled, and they all looked at Ye Qing excitedly!

"Brother-in-law, this is really amazing!"

"It turns out that there really is such a thing as hypnosis!"

"Brother-in-law, hurry up and give us a few more performances, we still want to watch it!"

Looking at the admiring expressions of several girls, Ye Qing smiled and snapped his fingers.

"Okay, I'll show you a few more!"

"Yingcheng, give it a try for you this time!"

Immediately, Ye Qing beckoned Su Yicheng to stand over.

"You put your hand on mine and press it down!"

Ye Qing said as he stretched out his hand towards Su Yicheng.

Su Yicheng agreed, so he did so.

"Okay, now you close your eyes and focus all your attention on this hand!"

Su Yicheng then pressed his hand hard, focusing on the weight pressed on Ye Qing's hand.

Ye Qing was whispering in Su Yicheng's ear at this time.

Avril and Lin Xuan held their breath on the side, and their eyes did not dare to blink!

Then, Ye Qing suddenly withdrew his hand, Su Yicheng only felt that his body tilted, and suddenly opened his eyes, but he suddenly felt dizzy in his eyes, and suddenly fell back on the sofa, and instantly fell asleep!

"Oh my God!"

Avril and Lin Xuan, seeing this scene at this time, were all so shocked that they couldn't speak, which is really unscientific!

Is there really such a hypnotism? This is simply beyond what they believe!

"Brother-in-law, you are too powerful!"

Lin Xuan had shock in his eyes, stepped forward and shook his head Su Yicheng, and Su Yicheng opened his eyes in amazement and looked at the three people blankly.

"I... How did I fall asleep?

Avril gently lifted her up and said with a smile.

"Just now your brother-in-law hypnotized you, have you forgotten?"

At this time, Su Yicheng suddenly remembered what had just happened!

Just now, Ye Qing suddenly withdrew her hand, she suddenly felt a wave of consternation sweep through her body, and then she felt a burst of tiredness hit her, and she didn't know how, she fell asleep!

"It's amazing, if I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed it!"

Su Yicheng rubbed his head and looked at Ye Qing in surprise, such a one-hand hypnotism technique was simply magical!

"It's okay, now I'll give you another show, you're all optimistic!"

Ye Qing smiled slightly and stretched out his hand towards several girls.

"Now you look closely at my hands, don't I have them on them?"

The three girls all nodded, and Ye Qing's hands at this time were indeed empty.

"Well, now imagine that there is a flame burning in the palm of my hand, imagine this scene!"

Several girls had some doubts, but they still looked at Ye Qing's palm!

While watching, the three of them imagined a flame burning above Ye Qing's hand!

"Brother-in-law, what is this for?"

Lin Xuan asked curiously, but Ye Qing did not answer her.

"Xiaoxuan, concentrate, don't divert your attention, otherwise you may fail hypnosis!"


Lin Xuan nodded, then stopped talking, but continued to look at Ye Qing's palm.

At this time, Ye Qing opened the mobile phone with his other hand and played an audio.

This is the sound of wood burning, burning and sounding very comfortable.

After a long time like this, about a minute or two, the three girls had completely focused their attention on Ye Qing's raised palm.

Ye Qing saw that the time was almost up, and opened his fingers again, allowing the three of them to come back to their senses.

"Okay, now you guys raise your hands and look at your palms!"


The three girls did so and shifted their gaze to the palm of their hands!

"Ah! So hot! Suddenly

, Su Yicheng, Lin Xuan, and Avril all turned red, and felt a burst of heat in the palms of their hands!

Then, looking at his palm, it turned red at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

Ye Qing smiled and smiled at several people.

"So, isn't it hot?"

The three girls all nodded, quickly covered their hands, and went to the bathroom to rinse with cool water for a moment before feeling comfortable.

Behind, the three people walked out from the inside with a dull face, looked at Ye Qing in surprise, and immediately gasped!

"Brother-in-law, do you know magic!"

Lin Xuan looked at it in surprise, he couldn't believe it!

"It's amazing, I just thought I really had a fire in my hand!"

Avril blinked her eyes, her eyes were still shocked, the feeling just now was too real!

"How? Magical, right?

Ye Qing smiled and looked at the three girls stunned.

"Brother-in-law, tell me quickly, what is the principle of this!?"

Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan pulled Ye Qing's sleeves and begged Ye Qing to explain the mystery of this.

"This is actually very simple, I let you see my palm to let you develop the imagination of your brain, and the audio is to make you focus!"

"Because your spirit can be concentrated, when it is suddenly transferred to your own hands, you will also carry this sense of visual confusion, because of the particularity of your body, you will feel this burning sensation!"

When the three girls heard Ye Qing's answer, they nodded in understanding.

"Brother-in-law, he is simply a hypnotic master!"

The three girls completely obeyed at this time and gave a thumbs up to Ye Qing!

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