"Wow, it's so beautiful here, I kind of don't want to go to the horse farm." Lin Xuan on the side couldn't help but sigh.

When Ye Qing heard this, he smiled and said, "Everyone is also tired for a long time, it's better to take a good rest today, and tomorrow we will go to the horse farm." Several

girls nodded, they were all excited, and they walked around the room for a long time, until they were tired of playing, Ye Qing let them go to the restaurant to eat together, and after eating, they went back to the room to take a shower and sleep well.

Early the next morning, everyone slept well on the luxurious bed, and when they woke up, they suddenly felt refreshed, and after breakfast, everyone left for the horse farm.

Hit the side of the road, report the address, and the driver will set off.

On the way, Su Yicheng and they all began to discuss the matter of the horse farm.

"That Danqing Racecourse should be the best horse farm in Jiangnan, not only how luxurious the layout of the venue, the key is that the professionalism of this horse farm is unparalleled, they have developed their own water seepage system, the ground uses a special mixture of white sand and fiber to improve shock absorption, water storage function, and steaming hay equipment, all of which are high-tech and fine management to ensure the health and strength of the horses, as well as the comfort and nature of the grass."

"So there are countless tourists who want to go here to experience a raw horse race, but it is extremely difficult to get in, the racecourse receives a limited number of visitors every day, and it takes certified members to enter, but many people still have reservations scheduled for a week later." Su Yicheng said eloquently.

Lin Yao and they also just knew that this horse farm is so high-end, and they thought that an ordinary horse farm could enter by buying a ticket casually, so they asked Su Yicheng to help them buy tickets, and then they didn't care about it, but now they know that they actually have to make an appointment?

Lin Xuan hurriedly asked, "Then why didn't you say earlier, did you make an appointment?" So even if I make an appointment, I have to be a week later? Can we go now?

Su Yicheng secretly covered his mouth and smiled, and said: "Tease you, it's just that the ticket is a little more expensive, we were not members before, so there is no discount, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can still enter."

"Well, you are a sister in the city, you know to tease your sister." Lin Xuan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Uncle, look at Sister Yingcheng, she..." Lin Yao grabbed Ye Qing's arm and shook it vigorously.

Ye Qing shook his head helplessly, there was really no way to take this group of naughty little girls.

And the taxi driver driving in front listened to their conversation, and was also surprised in his heart, thinking that these young people were actually going to the horse farm to play? And listening to their breath, the admission tickets of tens of thousands of new members of the horse farm are just trivial?

Sure enough, it's a rich child!

The taxi looked at his rough veteran, I don't oil, I must work hard, I have to struggle, one day, he will also go to the horse farm to ride a horse.

Soon, the taxi arrived at Danchen Racecourse.

Ye Qing and the others got off the car and came to the horse farm according to the guidance of the map, at this moment, looking at the racecourse in front of them, everyone was amazed.

I saw that the gate of the arena was five or six meters high, the whole was made of Xuan Iron, and several horse patterns decorated with gold and silver wires were carved on it, which meant that the horse was successful, and there was a wall around it, with no end in sight, Ye Qing estimated that the enclosure area inside was tens of thousands of square meters.

There are many luxury cars parked around, and most of them are top luxury cars such as Bentley, Bugatti, Maybach, and even Mercedes-Benz BMW looks a little ordinary in this.

It shows that this horse farm has become a popular tourist attraction for local tycoons.

Seeing that tourists entered the horse farm from time to time, Ye Qing grabbed Avril Lavigne's hand and led her and Su Yicheng to the gate of the horse farm.

Entering the racecourse, you will be greeted by a luxuriously decorated reception hall, the floor of the black white house, the bright brick window of Senhai stone, and the Gotia European sofa in the rest area, all of which highlight the noble atmosphere of the entire front desk of the racecourse.

As soon as Ye Qing and them entered, a waiter and sister next to the counter greeted them.

"Welcome, I wish you a great time at the racecourse."

"How many are together? Open noodles, first time, right? The young lady said in a gentle voice.

Su Yicheng and they looked at the front desk of this luxurious horse farm, and they were still a little shocked, but they were quickly pulled back to reality by the young lady's voice, and they nodded busily and replied:

"Well, it's the first time to come, a few of us are together, this is my ticket, I bought it online before." Su Yicheng took out his mobile phone, opened the ticket purchase record, and then said.

The waiter sister nodded and said with a smile: "Well, please scan the QR code on that table, and then wait patiently, we will arrange the horses available for you as soon as possible."

"In addition, pay attention to the public account, you can get a free drink and food on it every time you play, and if you are tired of playing in the horse farm, you can replenish your energy in time." The young lady was intimate again.

When Ye Qing and the others heard this, they scanned the QR code, and then sat in the rest area on the side and waited for a while.

Ye Qing looked at the surrounding environment and could see that the business of this horse farm was very good, even if the price was often thousands, there were still many people who came to admire it, which was naturally inseparable from the overall environment and service quality of the horse farm.

Here, there are also many people sitting on the sofa in the rest area, chatting while eating snacks from the horse farm.

And most of these people are dressed brightly, dressed up quite fashionably, basically wearing Gucci, Prada, Hermes such as first-line big brand casual suits, many female customers accessories with diamond rings, gold necklaces, there are also many with Patek Philippe or Rolex, this look knows that they are some local tycoons with mines at home.

Only such rich people can afford to spend on horse farms, and a few thousand yuan is just a meal for them.

However, most of them are dignified, easy-going, and their conversation is quite elegant, and they do not have the kind of nouveau riche that feels.

Su Yicheng and they were all whispering, obviously looking forward to the environment of this horse farm and the horseback riding time that would begin, and when Su Yicheng and Ye Qing sat in the rest area, they attracted the attention of the people next to them.

The main thing is that Ye Qing and these girls are too high-valued, the appearance of beautiful men and women is itself something that can attract attention, especially the girls in the rest area, when they see Ye Qing, their eyes are straight, and even some men are shocked by the aura that comes with Ye Qing's eyes.

"Look at it, who is that handsome guy over there, this is also too handsome, much more handsome than a TV star."

"Which family's eldest young master? This aura is eighteen meters.

"Sisters, I want to go over and ask him for a contact information."

"Gee, didn't you look at the beautiful girls next to you? Let's forget it.

The girls sighed softly as they spoke.

Yes, no matter how handsome Ye Qing is, it won't be their turn.

Several goddesses revolved around him, and he really did whatever he wanted to look handsome this year.

However, at this time, Su Yicheng did not know the strange thoughts of these people.

At the same time, at the next table, there was a group of young ladies, sitting around the sofa, because today was equivalent to a gathering of friends circles, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

"I haven't been here for a long time, I must have a good time today!" A fairly beautiful girl sitting in the center said.

This girl's name is Yuan Lu, a person from the Jiangnan Yuan family, surrounded by some young ladies from the Jiangnan family.

However, in this gathering, the strength and prestige of the Yuan family are the greatest, so as soon as Yuan Lu spoke, everyone else smiled and pandered.

"This is the first time I've come, thanks to Miss Yuan's blessing, I have the opportunity to come here to play, otherwise I have no reason to ask my father for leave, and force me to study MBA at home every day..." Lu Wei from the Lu family in Jiangnan also said with a smile.

"This horse farm is indeed good, it's our Jiangnan....... Now it should be said that it is the best horse farm in China, and it is even ranked in the world, many leaders and important people have come here to visit and play, and they will have the opportunity to see more in the future, maybe they can meet some big people..." Miss Pi Ge of the Jiangnan Pi family also talked eloquently.

Yuan Lu nodded, and was about to let everyone enter the horse farm together to race horses, when Leng Meng, a girlfriend next to him, suddenly shouted:

"Sister Lulu, look over there!" There's a handsome guy, so handsome.

Everyone was a little confused at first, but they all looked curiously in the direction Leng Meng pointed, and when they saw Ye Qian's appearance and figure, everyone was shocked.

This Ye Qing not only has handsome and extraordinary facial features, but the noble temperament exuded by the whole person makes people feel daunted.

As the children of the nobility, everyone could detect at a glance that although the clothes on Ye Qing's body were simple and unpretentious, they didn't even have a label, but the workmanship and material must be very cheap at a glance.

"I'm afraid this is the young master of a certain big family, right? Then the people around her must also be some famous ladies.

"But how do I see that those girls have a good relationship with this boy?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen these people, or should I go over and get acquainted?"

Yuan Lu listened to everyone say this, thought about it, and decided that it was better to make friends with Ye Qian, in case the other party was a child of a large family, this was an excellent opportunity to expand her network.

Thinking like this, Yuan Lu no longer hesitated, and walked straight towards Ye Qing and them, and the young ladies behind Yuan Lu also quickly followed.

At this time, Ye Qingzheng and Su Yicheng were talking about the horse farm.

"This horse farm should be quite fun, whether it is free galloping in pure natural grass or racing horses in track mode, you can feel different scenery..." Hearing

Ye Qing say this, Su Yicheng and they were all stunned in their hearts, and their eyes looking at Ye Qing were a little surprised.

How do you feel that my brother-in-law is the same as before?

Su Yicheng muttered in his heart.

But at this moment, suddenly a crisp female voice sounded.

"But not only that, the horse farm has added a hunting mode, restoring real jungle bushes, and shooting mobile targets with bows and arrows on horses, which is more exciting than a simple horse race."

When Su Yicheng heard this sudden voice, they all subconsciously looked up, and found that it was a strange woman talking, followed by a group of gorgeously dressed young men and women, and it seemed that they were saying it to Ye Qing.

For a while, Ye Qing and Avril were puzzled.

"Are you..."

When Yuan Lu heard this, he smiled busily, stretched out his right hand, and said: "A few of you don't look like Jiangnan, we grew up here, why don't we take you around?"

Su Yicheng and they were all stunned, a little caught off guard by this sudden enthusiasm.

Seeing this, Yuan Lu said kindly: "My name is Yuan Lu, these are my friends, Lu Wei, Pi Ge... We are all people from the Jiangnan family, it is like this, we have seen several people with extraordinary temperament, and they must also be people from major family circles, and we met here, so I want to get to know you. Listening

to Yuan Lu's words, the young lady behind also had to admire, a few words, that is, it was almost, and the other party's origin could also be set.

Ye Qing and they listened to Yuan Lu say so sincerely, so they nodded, shook hands with Yuan Lu, and then reported to the house.

"Hello, Ye Qing, Su Yicheng... From Jiangcheng. After

a simple conversation, Ye Qing and these people can be regarded as acquainted.

And when the young ladies behind Yuan Lu heard Ye Qing say that they were from Jiangcheng, they couldn't help but be a little confused.

After all, they basically knew that the big family of Jiangcheng was the Liu family and the Shu family, and in the future, there were the Zhao family, the Wang family, and so on, but this Ye family and the Su family had really never heard of it.

At the moment, everyone was also puzzled, thinking that this Ye family should be a small family with no name, and the originally tight string in everyone's hearts couldn't help but relax a lot, since they knew that the other party was not a big family, naturally they didn't need to care too much about their attitude.

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