After all, their family can at least be ranked in Jiangnan Province, and it is at least an existence that should not be underestimated in Jiangcheng.

And Yuan Lu's heart at this moment was also shaken by her previous speculation, although she questioned in her heart, the performance on her face was not obvious, and she still patiently introduced Su Yicheng and them to the projects in the horse farm.

"There are a lot of entertainment items in the racecourse, and the way to play can also be freely chosen, and there are rewards for the top few places in some races, but this depends on the horse you choose..."

Su Yicheng listened, and couldn't help but be curious:

"Are the horses here rented?"

"yes." Yuan Lu nodded and said.

However, she was a little surprised and asked, "Have you ridden here before?"

Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan both shook their heads and said with a wry smile: "I haven't ridden." When

Yuan Lu heard this, he sighed busily: "Hey, that may be bad, after all, all of them are numbers, and some of them are quite unruly, and novices are probably difficult to control."

Su Yicheng was stunned, but he didn't care too much, and said with a smile: "It's okay, there should be a horse farm master to bring it, right?" By the way, what kind of horses are you talking about, we try to avoid them.

When everyone heard her say this, they couldn't help but snicker.

Good fellow, avoid good horses, say it's okay, or are you afraid that you can't control it, right?

Yuan Lu also smiled, and then said: "Most of the horses here are quite good, of course, the better one is the Mongolian horse, he is the first choice of military horses in history, extremely brave, although the speed is not extremely fast, but in the horse farm is enough to crush other horse breeds, in addition, there are some rare famous horses, such as the Andalusian horse, with a temperament of taming and easy to get close to people, is a horse that can show explosive power and fluttering demeanor at the same time, there are only six horses in the horse farm, just for ornamentation, Not open to tourists, these horses cost about millions of yuan each, and the horse farm only obtained the lease right from the original owner, and it is difficult to buy permanent ones directly, basically belonging to the existence of a priceless market. "

When everyone heard this, they were all incredible.

How many millions is a horse worth? That's the price of a Ferrari sports car!

"Oh my God, where is this horse? Can we go check it out?

"It's awesome, this horse is at its peak!"

Su Yicheng and they all shouted happily.

Yuan Lu continued: "But this Andalusia can not be called the best horse, because in the horse market, there are some tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of good horses, just like sweat and blood BMWs, there are only 3,000 in the world, but this is basically impossible to buy, even renting is impossible, but I heard that there is a top horse in this horse farm, the Arabian horse, which is the most expensive horse in the world today, can be called the royal family of horses, and it is also the royal family of the world today. The pet of the rich and tycoon is the most durable and good-looking horse among the thoroughbred horses, worth more than 100 million. When

Su Yicheng heard this, the whole person was stunned in place.

"This... Hundreds of millions of horses, isn't it a mobile luxury villa?

"It has to be a super villa of five or six hundred square meters in the north."

Lin Xuan feels that her world view has collapsed, this year, Madu has become billionaire, and she is still worried about work and study.

Su Yi City is full of cattle, what kind of horse is here, this is clearly a work of art.

"Well, I want to see this Arabian horse."

Yuan Lu smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Even Andalusia has to see it once a year on holidays, not to mention Arabian horses, the key is that this horse does not seem to belong to the horse farm, and I don't know the specifics..."

The young ladies behind Yuan Lu looked at Su Yicheng's shocked looks, feeling as if they had never seen the world, for a while, their hearts for Su Yicheng's identity rating dropped a few points, after all, if they were really children of the family, their performance should not be so gaffe.

Yuan Lu also sighed in her heart, her eyes drooped slightly, but she thought of multiple friends and multiple paths, it is always good to make good friends with people, and after a short contact, Yuan Lu's impression of Su Yicheng and them was good, and she recognized these friends in her heart.

Just thinking about it, the counter machine emits a sound so that tourists who have not yet entered the horse farm can enter and play.

"It's our turn, Ye Qing and a few sisters, let's go into the horse farm to play?"

"We are familiar with the horse farm, so we can take you to have fun." Yuan Lu looked at Ye Qing and said.

The other young ladies also understood what Yuan Lu meant, that is, to give Ye Qing their face, not to offend people, but there was no need to bother to please them, and now everyone also decided that Ye Qing's identity was roughly the heir of the small family in Jiangcheng, so the big guys were not as restrained as before, they each packed their luggage, chatted, and prepared to enter the horse farm, and did not lift Ye Qing to them.

And Su Yicheng looked at Ye Qing and asked, "Uncle, do we want to join them?"

Of course, Ye Qing could see that everyone's attitude had changed, but he didn't care about this, and this Yuan Lu didn't have any malice, so he nodded and said, "Yes, anyway, they all go in to play, and it's good to have a few companions." When

Yuan Lu heard this, he also nodded, and then walked to the front desk and said a few words to the front desk, and then a beautiful supervisor at the front desk walked in front and took Yuan Lu and the group of young ladies to the entrance of the horse farm.

And Ye Qing also took Avril and them into the horse farm.

After Ye Qing and the others entered the horse farm, they saw the many fields inside, divided into various areas, there were grasslands, jungles, tracks, etc., Yuan Lu also briefly introduced, and then led everyone to the stable.

While walking, Avril next to Ye Qing pulled Ye Qing's sleeves and asked, "Ye Qing, have you ridden a horse before?"

Ye Qing glanced at Avril and said with a smile: "I've ridden a few times before, and I feel that my equestrian skills are still okay, let's get a good horse in a while, I'll take you to ride a horse..... Rest assured, it won't turn over. These

words were naturally heard by a few young ladies next to Ye Qing, and they all began to be a little indifferent for a while.

I even felt laughter in my heart, this is really no way, how many times have I ridden a horse? It's okay to ride that kind of ordinary horse, and it has to be the trainer to deploy it for you in advance, but the good horses here are untamed, many times have their own ideas, if you don't have excellent horse taming ability, it is likely to turn over the horse directly before you set off, and even people won't let you ride it.

Thinking like this, they faintly felt that Ye Qing was estimated to grow up in front of his girlfriend for a while.

"Forget it, Brother Ye, since you are a novice, it is better to be stable, just make an ordinary Mongolian horse to play."

"Yes, those good horses are particularly difficult to tame, and there may be a high danger to tame with ordinary techniques. Even the horse farm staff suggested that novices play ordinary war horses first.

"Well, for the sake of your own safety, it's better to take it gradually."

But compared to watching the joke, the young ladies are also more worried about what is really wrong, after all, the horse kicks down, it is really possible to see red, so everyone is dissuaded.

Ye Qing just nodded, but didn't say anything more.

Everyone saw that Ye Qing didn't seem to pay much attention to their proposal, and since Ye Qing didn't appreciate it, then they all stopped persuading.

I thought to myself that for a while, the horse fell and hurt, but you cried.

Before they knew it, everyone had arrived at the stable.

Su Yicheng looked at the stables, and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, where is the stables, this is just like a villa.

I saw that the decoration in the stable was particularly exquisite, there was a horse in each small room, the whole stable was exceptionally clean and tidy, and even as a stable, it actually did not smell the slightest fishy smell, but there was a faint aroma of herbs, on the other hand, those horses, all of them were fat and strong, and there was no mosquito contamination on the body, and the hair was combed shiny.

Su Yicheng and they also understood why this horse farm could still be full of customers under such high price conditions, and this environment and venue were afraid to attract a large number of repeat customers.

"Let's start choosing horses." At this time, Yuan Lu on the side looked at Su Yicheng and said.

Su Yicheng nodded, and then everyone began to carefully select the horses.

While watching, Yuan Lu also said to Ye Qing: "You can choose at will, the accounts are all on my head, they are all friends, don't be polite with me, it's a big deal, just invite me next time!" Yuan

Lu and they just met and let her have a treat, it was indeed a little embarrassing, but thinking of riding a horse, it would be a small amount of money at most a hundred in dozens, so he nodded and agreed.

But Su Yicheng and they looked at the price and found that renting horses here to go out was charged by the hour, tens to hundreds of yuan an hour, and this was still discounted by the members.

The five of them, playing for a few hours, 10,000 yuan will be lost.

This Nima is outrageous, originally it would cost thousands to come in to run a member, this horseback riding is still charged for dozens or hundreds of hours, which is no different from robbing money, if not really touched by the appearance of these horses, they may not play.

However, it is normal that Su Yicheng does not understand, after all, they have not been aristocrats since childhood, they are accustomed to ordinary consumption views, and it is indeed difficult to accept this kind of luxury consumption for a while.

But this is normal for Yuan Lu and them, these precious horses can be worth that price.

But thinking about her aunt's net worth of tens of billions, Su Yicheng didn't bother more.

is to go to the stable to choose a horse, there are also staff on the side to introduce them to the type, they want to choose a relatively thin horse, after all, they are novices, can only play a little this weak horse.

However, they turned to look at Yuan Lu and found that they had not yet chosen, so they were curious: "Yuan Lu, don't you choose, what are you going to ride in a while?" When

Yuan Lu and the other young ladies heard this, they all laughed and said

, "You guys just choose, don't worry about us."

"Well, we all have horses stored here in our house, and we can just take them out and play."

Saying that, they asked the staff to lead their horses, and then mounted their own horses, looking at Su Yicheng and them a little ostentatiously.

Su Yicheng looked at the horse that Yuan Lu and the others were riding, a little envious, they didn't want to play weak horses a little, and thought of finding some more majestic and powerful horses.

After all, everyone has a heart for beauty.

At this time, Avril glanced at Ye Qing and said that she also wanted to go to the stable to find a horse, otherwise she wouldn't have to pick it for a while.

Ye Qing smiled and said, "No need, I'll take you to find our horse later."

Avril was surprised, her eyes widened: "We also have horses?" Where do the horses come from? The

other young ladies were also shocked.

With horses? Doesn't that mean that horses are also stored here?

Co-authored they are not coming for the first time?

"Right over here, I'll take you there."

Ye Qing pointed in the direction behind him, and was ready to take Avril over to find the horse.

At the same time, behind them, behind the stables, there was a separate room, which looked like a small villa.

But inside, in fact, it is also a stable, but the decoration and facilities are particularly luxurious, and I can't believe that this is a stable if you don't look inside.

At this time, in this independent stable, there is a jujube-red horse, it has a beautiful and delicate appearance, the forehead is slightly short, broad, wedge-shaped, the eyes are particularly large and protruding, it looks particularly bright, the fur is slender as silk, the body is burly and majestic, slender and slender, faintly exuding an aristocratic atmosphere.

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