Beside him, several keepers are waiting, feeding him fodder and grooming it.

Everyone moved carefully, for fear of hurting the horse.

A new breeder was still a little puzzled and asked his companion: "This is a horse, why are you so nervous?"

"You don't know, this horse is too expensive, it was originally fostered here by a dignitary, but he hasn't appeared for a long time." An elderly keeper said.

The new breeder nodded in understanding, "Oh, so it is, it seems to be a big man!"

The older breeder continued

, "At that time, he saved hundreds of millions of breeding fees, so we have to serve it well!"

The newcomer keeper was stunned, and the hands feeding the hay began to tremble.

"Several... How many hundred million? This feeding fee is too exaggerated, just eat some grass, really spend so much money? The keeper was shocked at the same time, but also more puzzled.

"What do you care so much for, the boss is generous, don't we have more salaries?" If you think about the breeder who feeds other horses forage, the salary of a month is not as high as ours. Another keeper laughed.

"Also, these big bosses are really rich, hundreds of millions may really be just small goals, then we have to be careful, serve the horses well, we can keep our jobs!" The newcomer breeder secretly glanced at the horse, and his voice was unconsciously weakened.

The older breeder glared at the two, and said angrily: "Don't think that these hundreds of millions of breeding fees are really so easy to get, our horse farm has set up a logistics group for this horse, just the forage it eats is carefully cultivated by experts, beans, wheat, grass, hay, various types, different tastes, even a forage can give you hundreds of tricks, plus daily caregiver care, regular health checks, recreational activities, mate selection." ...... There are many miscellaneous projects, it can be said that everything is detailed, and it is possible to build a new home for it in the near future according to the specifications of the villa, so these hundreds of millions of breeding fees are not just as simple as feeding forage..." Other

breeders listened to Big Brother's words, and felt that the whole person was numb.

This Nima is feeding horses, this is even more outrageous than serving ancestors, directly the emperor-like treatment, in the past, it was said that people are inferior to dogs, and now even horses are inferior.

Everyone began to doubt life.

"Hey, this is also too good, how much can this horse be worth in the market?" The newcomer breeder asked with some curiosity.

The other breeders are also a little curious, because they have also recently been transferred, and they really don't know much about the value of this horse, but they must be worth a lot.

The breeder team leader looked at everyone and stretched out a palm.

"Five hundred million." He said slowly.

Everyone was shocked again, this price is really outrageous, I am afraid it has reached the highest price ever, right?

Just when everyone sighed in their hearts, suddenly the horse that was quietly enjoying everyone's grooming shook its head, the horse's nose shook violently a few times, as if frightened, everyone was startled, but before reacting, the next second, the horse was a whoosh, like a long arrow out of the bow, quickly jumped out of the stable, and then rushed outside, and instantly disappeared.

When everyone reacted, they quickly chased out, but how could the speed of a person be comparable to that of a horse, and they could only watch it run away in front of them.

Everyone gasped, all panicked.

"It's not good, Ma Zuzong ran away, you guys continue to catch up, I'll report to the leader first..." The leader of the breeding team asked the breeders to hurry up to chase, and he took out the phone to report the situation to the leader.

After receiving the call, the leader of the horse farm made him have to recover the Arabian horse at all costs, or he would all be rolled up and leave.

The leader of the breeding team was panicked in his heart, and quickly called the doorman to help intercept him, but he was too old to run, and he could only hope that the young people could chase the horse back, so there was no accident, otherwise everyone would be finished.

The other breeders also chased all the way to the vicinity of the collective stable, and finally found the figure of the Arabian horse.

"It's okay, it's okay, it seems to have run in."

"You two look at the door, let's go in and find it!" A keeper said calmly.

Everyone also nodded, and they breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, fortunately they didn't run away.

At the same time, in the collective stable, Yuan Lu and the others were still surprised that Ye Qing didn't seem to be coming to the horse farm for the first time, and suddenly, there was a noise, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Eh, how did this horse run out?"

"What kind of horse is this? It's beautiful, is it from this stable? Not

far from them, they heard other tourists chattering.

Su Yicheng and they were also curious, and wanted to go over to take a look, but they didn't take two steps, and suddenly saw a jujube-red horse running towards them from the entrance, the horse was full of hooves, galloping all the way, and there was a neighing sound in its mouth.

This frightened Su Yicheng and them, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

The next moment, the horses Yuan Lu and the horses they were riding were all buried with their heads buried, shaking their bodies restlessly, as if they were frightened, which startled the group of young ladies behind Yuan Lu.

"What's going on? This is a horse running from where, but the staff will take care of it? Lu Wei looked at the galloping jujube-red steed, and said helplessly.

"This horse is frightened, you guys be careful, don't go near it, this thing has a lot of impact."

"But this horse is quite beautiful, this shiny body, even the stirrup shell is made of platinum..." Pi Ge's focus was a little different.

And Yuan Lu next to her heard this, her eyes were cold, and she suddenly looked at the horse again, as if she had thought of something, and said busily: "I remember, this is the Arabian horse worth hundreds of millions I said before, it is even more beautiful than in the photo!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was extremely shocked, because they had only heard of such a peerless horse before, and this horse was not allowed to be visited by outsiders at all, but who would have thought that they would actually have the privilege of seeing it today? This happiness came so suddenly.

Looking at the horse, everyone couldn't help but sigh, it was really beautiful and extraordinary, it was definitely the most temperamental horse they had seen so far, no wonder it would be called the royal family in the horse.

Some people couldn't help but take out their mobile phones to take photos, but Yuan Lu and them were all raised in their hearts the next moment.

Just patronized to admire the horse, but they remembered that this Arabian horse, now it is in a state of reintrain, the speed of this horse is naturally fast, now it is not slowing down and rushing towards Ye Qing's direction, it should be frightened, it is likely to lose their minds and bump, this is not good to knock people into fractures.

"Run, Ye Qing, that horse is crazy." Yuan Lu shouted at Ye Qing.

The ladies and young ladies behind them were also frightened and worried, and they all shouted for Ye Qing to evacuate quickly.

But what puzzled everyone was that instead of fleeing, Ye Qing looked at the Arabian horse and said to Avril next to him: "Look, the horse is coming."

Then he led Avril by the hand towards the Arabian horse.

For a moment, everyone's hearts were raised to the throat.

"What are you doing, dead? Go away! Lu Dawei shouted, trying to dissuade Ye Qing.

"It's miserable, it's going to be knocked out." Pi Ge was even more frightened and directly covered his eyes.

Then the people were horrified, although they knew that there was a wonderful horse here, but they did not know that it would be such a beautiful balabala.


Seeing this, Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan knew that Ye Qing had a lot of strength, but they were still worried that Ye Qing might be injured, and the key was that Sister Xiaowei was also next to them, so several of their girls shouted:

"Uncle, you hurry up and dodge!"

"Brother-in-law, danger, come to our side quickly!"

But it was all too late, because the horse had already rushed in front of Ye Qing, and Ye Qing was still standing there stupidly, and Yuan Lu and they all felt that they seemed to be rushed upside down by the horse and flew out.

It's over, it's going to be an accident.

Everyone's hearts were cold.

However, at that moment, the horse suddenly stopped its legs, and raised its body back, just stopping in front of Ye Qing.

The Arabian horse, which was extremely manic in the last second, immediately quieted down, bowed his head and tail, and was extremely docile.

This scene directly dumbfounded Yuan Lu and them.

Including the curious passers-by from the other side, they were also stunned for a while.

"It's okay, it's good that I stopped, just didn't hit anyone."

"This horse's balance is so strong, it can brake the car at such a fast speed, this is the legendary horse brake?"

"I see that this horse is very friendly to humans, but I don't know why it was so manic just now, so call the veterinarian to take a look." Everyone was talking about it.

And Yuan Lu and Su Yicheng saw that the Arabian horse stopped, and they were relieved in their hearts, and then they all walked towards Ye Qing, wanting to call him to leave the stable quickly, after all, the loss of the horse here is the business of the staff, and it has nothing to do with them, naturally it is better to leave early, lest the horse go crazy again.

But at this moment, they saw Ye Qing stretch out a hand and began to stroke the fur of the Arabian horse, and the Arabian horse also rubbed its head very meekly.

This...... What's the situation?

Yuan Lu, they were all confused.

At this time, there was a sound of hurried footsteps behind everyone, and the breeders just now chased in, and the manager of the horse farm also ran into the stable in a panic.

Everyone's attention is attracted by the managers.

The tourists here are also some dignitaries, so when they saw this manager, they were not polite at all, and immediately angrily reproached:

"How did you do it?" This horse ran out and didn't even know? I almost hit someone, you know?

"Yes, come here now, hurry up, get this horse away, really, just scared Lao Tzu to death, and next time I won't come to your broken horse farm to play."

The manager did not dare to have a temper at all, and nodded and apologized.

"Yes, yes, my problem, a moment of management negligence, the bosses rest assured, deal with it immediately..." The

manager said, raised his head, and was about to take the Arabian horse away, but at a glance, he found that the Arabian horse was standing next to Mr. Ye, who was fostering the Arabian horse!

"Ye... Mr. Ye, you are here! The manager shouted respectfully.

Only then did he understand that it was no wonder that the Arabian horse suddenly came out, it turned out that he knew that its owner was coming.

Yuan Lu also knew this manager, and seeing that he called Ye Qing Mr. Ye, he was a little surprised in his heart, and couldn't help but wonder:

"Manager Xu, do you know each other?"

Manager Xu heard this, smiled, and then said: "Well, that's right, Mr. Ye is the owner of this Arabian horse, and he has been fostering this horse here before, so this time it ran into this stable because Mr. Ye came, not frightened, so you don't need to panic." When

passers-by heard this, they were relieved that their original dissatisfaction with the horse farm business had improved.

But the next moment, Pi Ge screamed violently and said excitedly:

"My God, Ye, Mr. Ye is the owner of this Arabian horse, doesn't it mean that this horse is worth hundreds of millions?"

Everyone else also reacted, and a wave of horror was set off in their hearts.

"Hundreds of millions? As far as Nima is outrageous, Bugatti's most expensive car is only more than 100

million, this..." "It's so powerful, how many hundred million is this horse worth?" So what is his master's net worth?

"Yes, and so young and handsome, he really is a hero from ancient times!"

"Lying groove, did I misunderstand the horse just now? Margo, sorry for my question.

Passers-by whispered, their faces fluttering, obviously very excited.

All the officials and nobles feel that they are eclipsed in front of Mr. Ye, they are only powerful and have a net worth of hundreds of millions, but this Mr. Ye, a horse is worth hundreds of millions, and the net worth is not thousands or even trillions? Otherwise, you wouldn't have raised such an expensive horse, right?

The young ladies next to them were also terrified, and their views on Ye Qing in their hearts could be described as a 180-degree change.

Terrifying, who would have thought that this little-known young man was actually a hidden super god.

This horse alone is higher than most of their family property.

For a time, the young ladies who have always been able to speak eloquently looked at the Arabian horse like this, and they couldn't say a word.

Avril and Su Yicheng were also shocked.

"Are these hundreds of millions of horses really my brother-in-law's?" Su Yicheng's eyes widened.

Lin Xuan also didn't slow down.

"Many, how much, hundreds of millions?"

"Brother-in-law, really? Are you its owner? Not the rental kind?" Lin Xuan looked at Ye Qing, his eyelashes fluttered, and there was still some disbelief in his eyes.

Ye Qing nodded calmly and said with a smile; "Well, yes."

When several girls heard this, they danced with excitement, and then ran to the Arabian horse and said that they wanted to touch it.

The Arabian horse's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the horse breathed through its nose, feeling as if it was frowning.

Girls: "..."Feelings

, this horse is still a little arrogant, don't let you touch it?

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