Ye Qing smiled, took Avril's hand, and said:

"Xiaowei, this is our horse, let's go, I'll take you out for a ride."

Avril nodded, did not ask more, and obediently followed Ye Qing to the Arabian horse.

Then Ye Qing hugged a princess and put Avril on the saddle, and then he also kicked on his feet and turned over on the horse.

Feeling the warmth behind her, Avril felt sweet in her heart, and subconsciously leaned back, gently snuggling with Ye Qing.

This scene directly touched the fragile hearts of the single dogs present.

"Ah, brother-in-law, we also want to ride this horse!"

"Yes, take us, we can rotate with Sister Xiaowei." Su Yicheng and they looked at Ye Qing and Avril with great envy.

Ye Qing put his arm around Avril and said to Su Yicheng and them angrily: "It's none of your business, Manager Xu, find them a few docile horses, let the horse trainer take a little, don't get hurt."

After that, Ye Qing clamped his feet, waved the reins in his hand, and the horse walked towards the outside of the stable thoughtfully.

Everyone naturally did not dare to stop it, and even those who originally saw that the horse looked good and wanted to get close to the audience were far away, after all, this Nima hundreds of millions of horses, a good villain to sell them can not afford it.

Subsequently, Manager Xu also followed Ye Qing's orders, selected a few docile ponies for Su Yicheng and them, and then led the horses out of the stable, and Yuan Lu and them also followed.

At this time, Yuan Lu was obviously much more enthusiastic about Su Yicheng, and from time to time she exchanged a few pleasantries, and said that she could give Su Yicheng and them instructions on horsemanship.

Everyone came to a grassy area to practice, originally Yuan Lu and they planned to go to the racecourse to run a race, but now in order to take Su Yicheng and these novices, they chose to come to the grass to play.

Of course, from here, you can also see the racecourse side, while accompanying Su Yicheng and them to practice, the young ladies also pay attention to the racecourse from time to time.

Just at this time, the end of the last race, the start of the new competition, the players have entered the field, these participants are also some tourists in the horse farm, as long as they are willing to play a record can go, but since it is a competition, the top three players who win each competition, naturally can also get a prize, although it is not a valuable product, but it is also a horse farm to give back to customers, chat with the heart.

After a while, the contestants arrived, and the young ladies found a familiar figure, it was Ye Qing and Avril and them.

"This, Mr. Ye also went to the competition?" Lu Wei was surprised.

When Yuan Lu heard this, he also came over curiously, and his eyes were fixed on the arena.

The next moment, the referee blew the whistle, and the nine players immediately galloped.

The audience cheered and felt the visual impact of the galloping horses.

And Avril who was hugged by Ye Qing in her arms and sitting on the saddle, felt the whistling cold wind, and her heart was refreshed, and under the rapid running speed, the surrounding scenery all turned into a blurry reflection.

It's so exciting, it's faster than driving.

But at this moment, the audience was stunned, originally the opening nine runners were still in unison, but every few minutes, the sixth horse suddenly accelerated, the speed far exceeded the other horses, and remained very stable, the running route and leg angle were extremely reasonable, basically without any mistakes, and has been steadily throwing out other horses for a long distance, and finally won the championship.

When Ye Qing reached the end, the judges were dumbfounded.

Ye Qing's horse has thrown other horses for three and a half laps, and this speed has to be more than 800 meters per minute on average, and he can go to the profession.

"Congratulations! You won the championship. The referee took a deep look at Ye Qing and asked the staff to award the prize to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing nodded, handed the prize to Avril, and then led the Arabian horse out of the arena.

After Ye Qing left, the second place was late, and when he was told by the referee that it was the second place, he looked confused.

"Vozh, how am I number two? I didn't see anyone in front of me! Why? Audience

: "..." The

ladies on the other side of the grass were also dumbfounded.

"Mr. Ye's equestrian skills are also too dick, right? Crush other players, and people also bring a girl!

"It's mainly related to Arabian horses, don't look at the configuration of people, hundreds of millions of horses you think are joking."

"This is your mistake, I searched on the Internet, the speed of Arabian horses is generally only about 400 meters per minute, not very fast, I think the main thing is that Mr. Ye's skills are good, and he knows how to control this horse and how to stimulate its potential."

When Yuan Lu heard this, he also nodded and said with a smile: "Indeed, I have never seen such a powerful horse as horse riding, if it were put in ancient times, he would definitely be a cavalry general." Listening

to Yuan Lu say this, everyone also thought it was true, after all, Yuan Lu is a super master who has won the Junior Horse Racing Champions Cup, and even she can give a high evaluation, then Ye Qing's technique is naturally not bad.

At this time, Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan looked at them for a while, and their hearts itched, so they pulled Yuan Lu and them, and came to the grass next to them and also rode and ran.

Driving the pony around, Su Yicheng had a feeling of galloping on the battlefield, and he was excited for a while.

"It's fun, it's exciting." Su Yicheng clapped his hands and said happily.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "How slow our speed is, it is still exciting, if there is the speed of my brother-in-law just now, it is called stimulation." Everyone

laughed and rode around the grass.

At this time, Ye Qing and Avril returned with the Arabian horse.

When Su Yicheng saw Ye Qing, they quickly jumped down from the saddle, and surrounded Ye Qing with an excited face, shouting for Ye Qing to teach them horsemanship.

Those young and young ladies also came together, the original contempt has disappeared, whether it is financial resources or ability, Ye Qing is the existence they need to look up to.

Everyone looked a little respectful, and by the way, they praised Ye Qing's performance in the racetrack just now.

Ye Qing just nodded calmly, and he already had a feeling of pampering and praising for this kind of praise.

At this time, Yuan Lu also warmly invited: "Mr. Ye, Miss Avril ... How about we have a meal together in a moment? Seeing

that the other party was so enthusiastic, Avril and they were not easy to refuse, so they said: "Okay, then bother everyone." "

Where, it's our honor, let's go, let's lead the horse back first, and then go to Michelin to eat steak..."

As they were walking, there were also several figures in front of them.

One of the girls followed an old man and instructed: "Grandpa, your body just happened to come to see your horse, but look at it, you are not allowed to ride!"

The old man said with a smile: "Good, good, listen to the good granddaughter, I don't ride." "

These two people are none other than Sun Shuyao and Sun Tianzheng of the Sun family in Jiangnan.

As they walked towards the horse farm, they happened to meet the oncoming Yuan Lu.

And Yuan Lu, who was walking in the front, was shocked when he saw Sun Tianzheng and Sun Shuyao, and even greeted them with a respectful face.

"Elder Sun, Miss Sun, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

The other young ladies saw that they were people from the Sun family, and they also welcomed them, after all, the Sun family's status in Jiangnan is one of the best, and naturally everyone wants to befriend them.

"Elder Sun, you have been in good health recently, I have a new snuff bottle here, I will take it another day, you help me palm my eyes."

"Elder Sun, luckily you will be lucky, I visited you with my father before, do you remember me?"


Sun Tianzheng also recognized them, knowing that they were all children of the Jiangnan family, so he was also more polite, and said with a smile:

"I'm okay, thank you for your concern, the young men and girls are good, you are also just coming to the horse farm?"

"Just finished riding, I'm ready to go to dinner now." Yuan Lu said with a wry smile.

"Oh, well, let's go eat, let's walk around the horse farm..." said Sun Tianzheng.

The young ladies all nodded, said goodbye to Sun Tianzheng, and then walked outside.

However, when they left, they also revealed Ye Qing and Su Yicheng behind.

When Sun Tianzheng and Sun Shuyao found Ye Qing, they were stunned, they didn't expect to meet Mr. Ye here again, and their hearts were quite shocked.

The young ladies looked at the expressions of the two, a little puzzled.

Then he saw Sun Tian walking quickly towards Ye Qing.

Everyone was even more surprised, and they didn't know why for a while.

Yuan Lu didn't have time to think about it, and quickly walked towards Ye Qing's side, and wanted to introduce them to Sun Tianzheng.

"Elder Sun, these are our friends we just met

, Ye..." As soon as she said a few words, she saw that Sun Tianzheng had already come to Ye Qing, and said in a respectful tone: "General Ye Long, when did you come to Jiangnan, don't say a word to me, I will come to set up a banquet to welcome you!"

As soon as these words came out, the young ladies instantly petrified.

My mind went blank.

What the? Dragon General?!

Did you hear correctly, Elder Sun called this young man in his twenties Ye Longjiang? As children of the family, they basically know what kind of weight the dragon will represent!

This is the top existence in the army, and these family children are not at all a level of people, or to put it bluntly, family children like them, people can easily crush with one finger.

At this moment, their eyes changed when they looked at Ye Qing, from respectful to fearful.

And everyone has a feeling that the other party is unattainable, if the other party is just a super rich god hao, there may be a chance to make friends, but as soon as he hears the identity of this dragon general, he feels that he is not worthy at all, and he and Ye Qing's vision and pattern cannot be compared at all.

At this time, Sun Tianzheng looked at Ye Qing, and also smiled: "In this way, I want to invite you to a light meal Mr. Ye to make up for my failure to meet this responsibility!" After

seeing Ye Qing, Sun Tianzheng didn't even bother to stay at the horse farm, and directly said that he wanted to invite Ye Qing to dinner.

Ye Qing saw that he was embarrassed, and also agreed, and followed Sun Tianzheng to the hotel by car, and those young ladies also went together at Sun Tianzheng's request.

In the private room of a five-star hotel, Sun Tianzheng ordered a table full of delicacies, took the initiative to toast Ye Qing with a glass of wine, and said with a slightly red face:

"Mr. Ye, I am really honored to have the honor to get acquainted with you, come, I toast you a drink."

Ye Qing nodded calmly, raised the cup and touched it, but put the cup down.

Sun Tianzheng also knew Ye Qing's temper, and when he was about to drink the wine in the cup, he calmly pointed to a dish and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, this is the hotel's signature, braised lion's head, you taste it."

This scene stunned Yuan Lu and the young ladies, you must know that Sun Tianzheng is old, usually does not drink, now actually took the initiative to toast, but Ye Qing actually just touched the cup and did not drink, it is a little big, but the key is that Sun Tianzheng is not angry at all, but honored.

This...... Is it the honor of the dragon general? Even the grand head of the Sun family had to bow down, and he didn't even have the qualifications to drink with him.

They are all the same age, and even this Ye Qing is younger than many of them, why is the gap so huge?

At this meal, the young ladies were all terrified, for fear that some omission would leave a bad impression on Mr. Ye.

Everyone ate for a full two hours before the banquet was over, and Sun Shuyao also went to the front desk to settle the bill.

After that, everyone walked out of the box and prepared to leave the hotel.

At this time, Sun Tianzheng thought of something, and hurriedly asked, "Mr. Ye, where are you staying now?"

When Ye Qing heard this, he replied, "Stay at the Huangge Hotel for the time being."

Sun Tianzheng nodded, he knew about the hotel, and it was indeed in line with Ye Qing's honorable status.

"It's really good there, but in the end, there is no comfort in the home, Mr. Ye, otherwise, I happen to have a vacant villa in my hand, Ye Long will if you don't dislike it, I'll take you to see it?"

At this time, Yuan Lu and them also said goodbye to Ye Qian and them, and then left the hotel one step ahead.

Then, Ye Qing glanced at Sun Tianzheng and said with a smile: "Well, you can."

Sun Tianzheng smiled, invited Ye Qing and Avril to sit in his Lincoln car, and then took Ye Qing and them to the villa.

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