"It can be seen that Ye Long General you are also a tea lover, I still have some good tea there, I will bring some for Ye Long General to taste when I come back?"

When Ye Qing heard Sun Tianzheng's earnest words, he did not refuse, and nodded slightly.

But at this time, Sun Tianzheng suddenly picked up the teacup, stood up, and looked at Ye Qing respectfully.

"General Ye Long, I haven't had a chance to thank you properly, if it weren't for you last time, I'm afraid this old boy Jiang Zhennan, alas!"

"Today I will replace wine with tea, thank General Ye Long for saving his life, what will Ye Long need my help in the future, just open my mouth, take the power of the entire Sun family, I will also help you do it!"

After speaking, Sun Tianzheng drank the tea in the cup!

Ye Qing looked at Sun Tianzheng's serious appearance, also finished the tea in the cup, and muttered in a low voice.

"Last time it was just a show of hands, and Jiang Zhennan is also a figure worthy of admiration!"

But Sun Tianzheng shook his head with excitement in his eyes.

"General Ye Long, you can't say this, if it weren't for you, Jiang Zhennan would have swallowed his breath a long time ago, and if it weren't for your apprentice Wang Zhong Divine Doctor, my Sun Tianzheng would have been running out of time!"

"It's hard to thank people for saving one life, not to mention these are two!"

Ye Qing did not speak, but took the teapot and poured tea into the teacup of the two.

"In the past, let's not talk about it, let's talk about the rest!"

After that, Sun Tianzheng talked with Ye Qing for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, and quickly stood up awkwardly.

"Look, as soon as I talk to Ye Longjiang, I forget the time, I won't disturb you to rest, and I'll leave first!"

Ye Qing nodded slightly, and after Sun Tianzheng said goodbye to everyone, he left the villa.

After a while, Ye Qing and the others' luggage was also sent back, and after packing up, Ye Qing went to take a bath.

After coming out, several girls were sitting around the sofa, eating ice cream while searching for interesting places nearby.

"Uncle, where do you say we should go, we all want to go to these places!"

Su Yicheng saw Ye Qing coming over, picked up his mobile phone, and showed Ye Qing the introduction of several nearby attractions.

Ye Qing looked at a few little girls, and suddenly remembered something in his heart.

"How about you accompany me to collect the debt tomorrow?"

Debt collection?

Everyone looked at Ye Qing suspiciously, not knowing what this meant.

"Uncle, when you talk about debt collection, is it harmonious communication or violent collection?"

Lin Xuan covered her mouth and smiled and asked curiously.

"It's like this, on the nearby Liudao Mountain, there is a poor Taoist priest who borrowed me some money, and I just went to him to ask for it!"

"Still violent collection, where is your imagination that you exaggerate?"

Listening to Ye Qing talk about this place name, Su Yicheng searched with his mobile phone, but found nothing.

"Uncle, are you mistaken, it seems that there is no place!"

Ye Qing smiled slightly and sat on the sofa on the side.

"It's okay, I'll take you tomorrow!"

A few girls nodded, and suddenly felt curious about the places that could not be searched on the Internet!

And the last time I climbed the mountain, because of the tiger thing, I also felt a little regretful, and this time I heard that the place I went to was also a mountain, and I was also looking forward to it.

So a few girls went non-stop to pack up the clothes to wear for tomorrow's climb.

Then saw that there was a yoga room in this villa, so Avril took Su Yicheng and others to do yoga for a while.

After all this was over, looking at the time was still early, a few girls simply pulled Ye Qing again and played a few pokers.

"How can the brother-in-law win again!"

Lin Xuan threw the cards in his hand on the table at this time, and his tone was full of helplessness.

Su Yicheng was also beaten at this time, I don't know how many fights he had, all of them were won by Ye Qing, and none of his own people had won!

"Don't worry, maybe I won't have the temper in a while!"

Ye Qing smiled and shuffled the cards again, but a few girls were not interested.

"Brother-in-law, we don't play anymore, you win every time, how do we play?"

Lin Xuan stuck out his tongue at Ye Qing, remembering that no matter how good or bad his cards were before, he was hung by Ye Qing and played, and he didn't want to play at this time!

Ye Qing was immediately happy, but seeing that the time was almost the same, he put away the playing cards.

"Okay, okay, this time we still fought without punishment!"

Several girls looked at Ye Qing aggrievedly, and at this time, they felt that the usually amiable brother-in-law was simply a nightmare!

"Hmph, we won't play cards with my brother-in-law anymore!"

Ye Qing helplessly watched a few girls return to the room, yawned himself, and went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Ye Qing changed into casual clothes and got up early to cook.

A few girls came down one after another, knowing that they were going out to play today, and no one was in bed.

"Okay, the meal is ready, let's go after breakfast!"

A few girls packed up and came to the table, and when they saw the various delicacies on the table, they immediately became excited.

"Uncle, why is today's breakfast so rich?"

Lin Xuan was drooling at this time, picked up a bowl of skinned egg lean porridge served on the side, and began to blossom in large pieces!

"I'm going to climb the mountain today, I have to let a few of you girls eat, so that I have physical strength!"

Saying that, Ye Qing's words turned sharp, and he said angrily.

"Secondly, I also compensate you, look at yesterday's card game and beat you listless!"

Several girls in Su Yicheng smiled awkwardly, then sat down, talked and laughed, and finished breakfast.

After cleaning up, a few girls followed Ye Qing out, and everyone came to the garage together.

There was still a Mercedes-Benz Big G in the garage at this time, and the key was handed over to Ye Qing yesterday when Sun Tian was drinking tea, saying that it was used for transportation during this time.

A few girls got into the car, excited, looking forward to the scenery on the mountain.

Ye Qing didn't drive fast today, so he drove smoothly, and everyone looked at the scenery outside the window all the way, and soon stayed away from the urban area.

After entering the mountain, the vision gradually became wider, and everyone chatted while looking at the scenery.

"Uncle, is this Liudao Mountain you are talking about a scenic area?"

Su Yicheng suddenly remembered this unnamed mountain, and asked Ye Qing curiously who was driving.

Ye Qing shook his head and said funny.

"What do you think? Also scenic area, people who know this mountain, I am afraid that there are few of them!

"This mountain is original, has not undergone any development, it can be said that it is truly back to the embrace of nature!"


Several girls exclaimed, and only then woke up to why the mountain couldn't even find any information on the Internet.

At this time, several people are also curious, will anyone really live in such a place?

Just like that, while driving and chatting, everyone soon arrived at the foot of Mount Liudao.

Ye Qing parked the car aside, let a few girls pack up their things and get out of the car.

"We've got to climb up slowly!"

When it comes to climbing the mountain, several girls are excited, and at this time they are all wearing sportswear, hiking shoes, and they look fully armed.

Su Yicheng also brought the orange cat this time, and several people were carrying large hiking bags behind their backs, which contained a lot of snacks and water, and even a few girls brought two simple tents inside.

Ye Qing didn't bring anything and chose to travel lightly.

At this time, he saw the cumbersome and bulky appearance of several girls, and shook his head helplessly.

"I said you guys, is it necessary to bring so many things? I'll see if you're tired! Lin

Xuan was carrying a hiking bag at this time, and he was still holding a trekking pole in his hand, looking full of confidence!

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, we will definitely conquer this mountain!"

Just as a few people were talking, the orange cat in Su Yicheng's arms suddenly exploded, and he was still dozing, but his eyes suddenly widened!

At this time, it looked around vigilantly, revealing a chill in its eyes, and then revealing a trace of unkindness!

After cleaning up, Ye Qing took a few girls and climbed up the mountain.

While looking at the scenery, several girls talked and laughed, looking relaxed and happy.

But crawling and crawling, several girls were already sweating, their legs were soft, and they no longer had the ease they had just now!

And the scenery on this mountain is not as good as they imagined!

"This is a narrow mountain road!"

Su Yicheng walked laboriously while looking at Ye Qing resentfully.

At this time, several girls, but suddenly had a feeling that Ye Qing was fooled!

Now they feel that these so-called mountaineering necessities on their bodies are simply a burden.

"Brother-in-law, how long do you have left?"

Lin Xuan drank the last sip of water in the water bottle and looked at Ye Qing with a tired face.

"Soon, fast! It's not far ahead!

Several girls sighed again and again and insisted on walking forward.

After that, several people came to a slightly flat place on the mountain, and Ye Qing was walking and suddenly stopped.

"Okay, here we are!"

Several girls suddenly raised their heads excitedly, but in front of them, it was just a small Taoist temple!

Although this temple is not too broken, it is some years old!

The Taoist Temple is all vermilion-colored, the roof is covered with moss-covered bricks and tiles, and with the quiet white mist around it, it looks like a world away!

"That's it!?"

Several girls' faces suddenly collapsed, and they looked interested.

Lin Xuan pouted her small mouth, not so satisfied here, but suddenly saw something, and quickly covered her mouth!

Su Yicheng looked at Lin Xuan's strange action, and wanted to ask, but just opened his mouth, and was also covered by Lin Xuan.

Under Su Yicheng's doubtful eyes, Lin Xuan's face was full of horror and pointed to the other side!

At this time, Lin Xuan, even his fingers were trembling!

Several girls suddenly looked towards the place where Lin Xuan's finger was, but it didn't matter if they didn't look at it, they were also shocked when they saw it!

In front of him is a big black bear, sleeping at the gate of the Taoist Temple!

This black bear looks huge, covered in black hair, and looks extremely oozing!

"Brother-in-law, there are bears here!!

Su Yicheng could no longer hold back the fear in his heart, and opened his mouth and shouted!

And the black bear also heard the sound, woke up from his sleep, stood up, and roared at several people with its mouth open!


Several girls were frightened by this moment, and as soon as this black bear stood up, it was immediately a behemoth with sharp fangs on its mouth!


At this time, this orange cat broke free from Su Yicheng's embrace, and ran lightly to Su Black Bear, with a slightly bowed body and a tail up, demonstrating against this black bear!

For a time, the two beasts faced each other, and they looked tense!

"These are guests, don't be rude!!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from inside the Taoist Temple!

When this black bear heard this sound, it was immediately like a deflated leather ball, and without the arrogance just now, it ran towards the mountains and forests in the distance!

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