Then, a young Taoist priest, under the gaze of Su Yicheng and others, slowly walked out of the Taoist temple.

He held a dust whisk in his hand, wore a blue-white Taoist robe, and wore a pair of cloth shoes on his feet, and walked towards this side with a pleasant look.

This Taoist priest looks very young, looks to be in his early twenties, has fair skin, a gentle smile, and a beautiful face!

If placed outside, this is a creamy boy who makes countless girls scream!

I don't know if it's far away from mortal dust, or because of the attire at this time, between the eyebrows of the Taoist priest, there is a touch of immortal wind Dao bone meaning.

As soon as the Taoist priest came out, he saw Ye Qing, and he was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bitter smile.

"Brother Ye! Long time no see, why are you here?

Ye Qing snorted coldly, glanced at him angrily, and rubbed his fingers.

"Don't be close to me, after so many years, the money is not going to be returned, right?"

As he spoke, Ye Qing slowly walked towards the Taoist priest and gently knocked on his chest!

"You boy, don't say you don't remember!"

The Taoist priest looked at Ye Qing with a bitter expression and said weakly.

"Brother Ye, you don't know that the poor road is a two-sleeved breeze, this poor is incomparable, where does the money come from?"

Ye Qing smiled, did not speak, and looked towards the few girls behind.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to wrestle with you kid, introduce me, they are my niece, this is my girlfriend!"

The Taoist priest nodded, greeted him enthusiastically, and said to several people in Su Yicheng.

"Hello, my name is Wang Feng, a poor Taoist!"

Several people in Su Yicheng also smiled and said hello to him, and then Wang Feng invited a few people to enter the Taoist Temple for a while.

"Everyone stop standing here, come in and sit!"

Ye Qing and Su Yicheng agreed, and followed Wang Feng into the Sanqing Hall in the Taoist Temple.

Entering the Taoist temple, you can see at this time that there is no one else here except the Taoist priests, and everything is very simple.

There is no electricity or running water, and there is a large water tank next to the threshold, a flat stretcher, and two wooden barrels.

The rest are all some sundries, although they are useless, but they are all neatly tidy!

Walking into the Sanqing Hall, it looks even more destitute, except for the futon that Wang Feng usually meditates, there is a small wooden table, next to teacups and teapots, and on the small stove on the side, there is still steaming!

However, relatively speaking, the statues of these three ancestors were cleaned very clean, but they also looked cold and cold, without much incense.

"I'm sorry, the conditions here in the poor road are not good, a few people have a lot to bear!"

As he spoke, Wang Feng moved out a few futons from behind the statue of the Sanqing Ancestor, although shabby, but very clean.

After Ye Qing sat down, Wang Feng began to make tea for Ye Qing, and while busy, he exchanged a few pleasantries with Ye Qing.

"Brother Ye, what kind of wind is blowing you over, the poor road really has no money!"

Ye Qing did not speak, but looked at a few girls who were bored on the side.

"If you're really bored here, you can go shopping around!"

When Wang Feng heard this, he also said enthusiastically to several girls.

"Yes, you can go out for a stroll, the scenery on this mountain is still okay, and there are a lot of wild fruits, you can just pick them casually!"

When Su Yicheng heard this, they were as excited as birds out of their cages, and just wanted to go out, but suddenly remembered the black bear just now, and suddenly deflated their mouths again.

"But... But there's a big black bear outside! Looking

at a few girls who were worried about the black bear, Wang Feng waved his hand with a smile.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, it won't dare!"

"Don't worry, I promise, this bear will never come half a step closer to you!"

Several girls didn't quite believe Wang Feng's words, and looked at Ye Qing again.

"Brother-in-law, is this true?"

When Lin Xuan thought about it at this time, he still felt afraid for a while, after all, this big black bear is quite dangerous!

"It's okay, since he said it's okay, you guys go shopping!"

After getting Ye Qing's reply, several girls relaxed their hearts, held hands, and walked outside.

Just a few steps out of the Taoist Temple, Su Yicheng suddenly stopped.

"Oops, why is the orange cat gone?"

When Lin Xuan and Avril heard this, they reacted, and they hadn't seen the orange cat since just now.

"Let's go out and find it!"

Lin Xuan was also anxious at this time, for fear that the orange cat would encounter the big black bear just now!


Su Yicheng didn't delay much, carried his bag, and walked towards the mountain forest.

Lin Xuan was still not very relieved, raised the hiking poles in his hand, and always paid attention to the situation around him...

At this time, in the Sanqing Hall, Ye Qingzheng was drinking tea and looking at Wang Feng with a smile.

Wang Feng was looked at by Ye Qing like this, and suddenly felt hairy in his heart, and he was full of trepidation, and asked timidly.

"Brother Ye, don't look at me like this, I'm afraid..." "

You must have something when you came to me this time, right?"

Ye Qing looked at Wang Feng like this, and couldn't help but feel funny, took a sip of tea lightly, and shook his head.

"It's nothing, just come and see if you're still there!"

"Also, with your skills, you should know about the Antarctic thing, right? I came this time just to see if you went to Antarctica! When

Wang Feng heard that it was about Antarctica, he was immediately happy.

"Brother Ye, you haven't gone here, what am I going to do, it's not called the hustle and bustle?"

As he spoke, Wang Feng filled his cup with tea again, looking comfortable.

"Besides, I don't know if I can come back when I go, I don't have much pursuit, I'm a poor mountain and wilderness, and I'm used to it!"

At this time, Wang Feng stretched his waist and lay directly on the ground.

Yu Guang looked at the Sanqing statue behind him, and Wang Feng's eyes had some more complicated meaning.

"In this prosperous era, I will accompany the three ancestors here!"

"When the day is chaotic, I will go down the mountain and do my best!"

Although Wang Feng looked and postured, when he said this, his eyes were extremely resolute at this time, but they were as deep as the stars above the nine heavens!

The statue of the Three Qing Ancestors was reflected in his clear eyes, with a hint of otherworldliness!

"In my life, this is almost the case, but being able to do this, the poor road is already very satisfied!"

Ye Qing didn't say anything, but nodded, sat opposite Wang Feng, and slowly tasted the tea.

"Oh, Wang Feng, your tea is not bad, will you bring me some back later?"


As soon as he heard Ye Qing's idea of beating his own tea, Wang Feng sat up lightning-fast and straightened his waist!

"Brother Ye, there is nothing else to say, this is not okay!"

As he spoke, Wang Feng stared at Ye Qing tightly, looking vigilant...

At the same time, several girls in Su Yicheng were still wandering outside, looking for traces of orange cats.

Not to mention, from this temple up, the scenery is much better than below, and a few girls enjoy the scenery here, all in a happy mood.

But the only fly in the ointment is that this orange cat, no matter how you look for it, you haven't found the slightest trace!

"Where the hell did this kitten go? Will it be taken away by the big black bear? Lin

Xuan saw that he couldn't find anything, and his heart began to be a little bottomless, but there are still big black bears lurking around!

"No, the speed of the big black bear, no matter what, is not as fast as the orange cat!"

Su Yicheng shook his head, but he felt that there was no such possibility, and the orange cat was curious to walk around.

"It's okay, let's look for it as we go, it should be fine!"

But just as a few girls were about to leave to continue moving forward, they suddenly smelled a clear fragrance coming from the mountain breeze!

"What is this smell, it smells good!"

Lin Xuan gently sniffed the fragrance in the wind, and suddenly felt refreshed!

"It seems to be in front!"

Feeling the wind blowing from the front, several girls walked in the direction where the wind was blowing.

Sure enough, before taking a few steps, a few girls saw a small tea tree in front of them!

Although this small tea tree looks small and weak around the surrounding big trees, it seems that if the wind is a little stronger, it may bend!

But this tea tree makes people feel special, even the leaves on it are slightly shiny with golden light!

And close to this tea tree, the fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, just breathing the fragrant air, it feels refreshing!

"Shall we take some back!"

Su Yicheng stroked the leaves of the small tea tree, and his eyes lit up.

"We can take it back and drink it, it must be very good!"

"That's not big, is it?"

Although Lin Xuan was also itching in his heart, he also knew that this was someone else's mountain.

"It's okay, didn't that little Taoist priest say just now to pick it casually?"

Avril waved her hand and said what Wang Feng had just said.

Lin Xuan thought and also nodded.

"That's right, besides, he still seems to owe his brother-in-law money!"

Speaking of this, a few girls didn't care so much, and stepped forward excitedly, picking the leaves on the small tea tree one by one.

A few girls worked together, and it didn't take long to pick a lot, took out a small bag and put it away properly, and then put it in the hiking bag!

Looking at the small tea tree that was still flourishing just now, it was somewhat miserable at this time, like a teenager's black hair, turning into a middle-aged Mediterranean!

A few girls stuck out their tongues, and secretly said in their hearts that they still left some for others, so they continued to walk forward satisfied.

At this time, several girls were in a happy mood, humming songs all the way, calling orange cats all the way, and had long forgotten about the black bear.

They all trusted Ye Qing, and since Ye Qing said that it was okay, several girls no longer worried about the black bear here....

"Sister Xiaowei, Xiaoxuan, look quickly, there seems to be a vegetable garden in front!"

While walking, Su Yicheng suddenly saw a small garden with a fence in front of him, with all kinds of vegetables growing in it!

"Let's go inside!"

Lin Xuan and Avril were also interested, holding hands and walking towards the vegetable garden.

The vegetables here, whether tomatoes or lentils, look plump and round, and as soon as you enter the vegetable garden, you smell the aroma of vegetables mixed with earth!

A few girls walked all the way inside, saw a dense cucumber vine, shining fresh and pleasing colors in the sun, and they all walked over.

Sure enough, there was a cucumber field in front of him, and the cucumbers born from the branches looked very tender, and even slightly glowed with emerald green and crystal brilliance.

Su Yicheng drooled, took one off by the way, and took a bite gently!

But just after chewing a few times, Su Yicheng immediately closed his eyes and snorted softly!

"Well, my God! It's delicious!

Su Yicheng only felt that this cucumber tasted tender and juicy, and as soon as it came to his mouth, it burst out a faint sweetness, the taste was crisp, sweet and refreshing!

"Is it really that delicious?"

Avril and Lin Xuanhu looked at Su Yicheng's exaggerated appearance suspiciously, and also took one off and tasted it!

"Well, that's really good!!

As soon as Lin Xuan took a bite, he was already amazed by this cucumber!

Several people gobbled up a stick, feeling that their bodies were a lot lighter, and the fatigue of climbing the mountain just now was gone, and they even felt full of strength!

"This is a good thing, let's bring some back!"

Su Yicheng bit a cucumber in his mouth and opened his backpack.

A few girls hit it off and picked all the cucumbers of the right size here and put them in their bags.

Then, several people looked at the few small cucumbers left here, and they were all stunned!

"Well, I didn't stop for a while just now!"

Su Yicheng smiled awkwardly and caressed a cucumber that was only the size of a finger on the cucumber vine.

"It's okay, I should be able to grow up a lot tomorrow!"

Later, a few girls strolled around the vegetable garden and tasted tomatoes, which were also fragrant and picked a lot.

Gradually, they began to find that the inside of this vegetable garden, no matter what kind of vegetables, is not known how many times better than the outside, it is simply one day by one!

Next, several girls will pick some and put them in their bags when they see almost anything.

But when they got to the back, the backpack couldn't fit, and a few girls simply vacated the snacks in the bag and put them on the ground on the side.

Su Yicheng rolled his eyes and left a note next to the snack pile.

Finally, a few girls packed their backs and were about to leave the vegetable garden, and when they were about to go down, they saw a clear spring next to them!

Just now, but a few girls were busy with dry mouths, looking at this cool mountain spring, suddenly put down the bag again, held it in his hand and drank a few sips!

It doesn't matter if you don't drink it, just drink these few sips, and a few girls will be stupid all of a sudden!

It turns out that several people have not drunk mountain spring water, but this pool of clear spring in front of them is indescribably cool and sweet, originally the scorching sun, drinking these few sips, suddenly feel cool from the inside out!

"It's so delicious! Let's take some back! "

A few girls were very fond of mountain spring water, and they threw out the mineral water in the water cup they carried, and all of them were filled with mountain spring water!

At this time, several girls carrying mountain spring water in cups and carrying full hiking bags on their backs were all satisfied and walked down, ready to return to the Taoist Temple to find Ye Qing.

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