A few girls walked to the gate of the Taoist Temple, and Ye Qing also happened to come out of it at this time, and Wang Feng was also accompanying him.

"Brother Ye, why don't you stay for a while, we have to reminisce properly!"

"Two of us, but I don't know how long we haven't met!"

Wang Feng said politely while following Ye Qing out, wanting to keep Ye Qing to sit for a while!

"Hehe, I see you want me to leave quickly!"

Ye Qing looked at him angrily and continued.

"Even the tea leaves are reluctant to give me a little evener, and you still said that you invited me to sit more, are you not afraid that I will drink it all for you?"

Wang Feng smiled awkwardly and patted Ye Qing's shoulder.

"Brother Ye, look at what you said, how can this be!"

The two were talking, and they also saw a few girls walking down from the mountain.

"Hello! Is it fun in the mountains?

Wang Feng greeted them while glancing at their backpacks, which looked almost like they were before.

At the moment, Wang Feng also looked at a few girls with a smile and said happily.

"Why, didn't you all pick the fruit?"

"My mountain is very big, you can just pick it at will, don't worry!"

Several people in Su Yicheng looked at Wang Feng's generous appearance, and they all smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Inside their bags, where are there any snacks, all vegetables and tea!

"Well, we still picked some..."

Su Yicheng looked like he wanted to say and stopped, and reluctantly squeezed out a sentence.

"Okay, but if you think it's delicious, just let Brother Ye bring you back next time, I welcome you here at any time!"

Wang Feng looked at a few girls like this, and still felt that they didn't pick anything!

Ye Qing also looked at Su Yicheng and them at this time, and said with a smile.

"How's it going, have you had enough?"

"Hehe, enough play!"

Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan all nodded, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

Where is this just enough to play, and still full of loads!

"Okay, then let's go down, enjoy the scenery below the mountain again, and then go home!"


Several girls agreed, but remembered that they had not found the orange cat, and suddenly became worried.

"Brother-in-law, but the cat hasn't been found yet?"

Su Yicheng looked around worriedly, this mountain is too big, I don't know where to find it?


But just talking about the orange cat, there was a cat barking on the side!

Everyone looked to the other side, and saw that the orange cat was slowly coming out of the forest, looking lazy.

Walking to Su Yicheng and the others, the orange cat licked its paws and rolled happily!

"O my ancestor, where the hell have you been!? Don't run around in the future!

Su Yicheng quickly picked it up, looking like he was pitiful.

But when I picked it up, I saw that the orange cat still had some black hair on it, I don't know where it came from?

However, Su Yicheng didn't care much about this, seeing that the orange cat was fine, and patted the black hair on its body.

"Look at you, run around, wait to go back and take a bath obediently!"

"Meow..." Seeing

that the orange cat and a few girls were coming, Ye Qing was not ready to stay longer, and walked to Su Yicheng's side.

"Then we'll go first, you kid remember to pay me back early!"

Beckoning to Wang Feng behind him with a smile, Ye Qing took Su Yicheng and several people along the mountain path and walked down the mountain.

"Brother Ye, go slowly, come back when you have time!"

Wang Feng stood in place, watching a few people leave, a smile rose at the corner of his mouth, and he muttered in his mouth.

"Brother Ye, the poor road has no money to pay you back, if there is something in the future, I will help you a little!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Wang Feng thought about it, and Ye Qing didn't seem to need his help!

Immediately, Wang Feng's shoulders dropped, and he suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness!

After a moment of sadness, he was also relieved, compared to helping Ye Qing, it was only true that he could have time to brag and talk to him!

Then, seeing the backs of Ye Qing and several people disappear in front of him, Wang Feng hugged the back of his neck and walked towards the Taoist Temple.

But as soon as he reached the door, Wang Feng stood up again.

After thinking about it, I still want to go to the vegetable garden to pick something to eat.

"Well, let's go pick a white jade cucumber you planted and eat it!"

Wang Fengxin said, this is a good thing, he can't bear to eat more treasure!

Making up his mind, Wang Feng walked towards the vegetable garden.

While walking, I saw the black bear running from the other side just now, and sat in front of Wang Feng.


At this time, the black bear was covered in scars, and he looked aggrieved Wang Feng, roaring mournfully.

Wang Feng glanced at the black bear, then looked at the damage on its body, and said helplessly.

"Don't call, it's useless to blame yourself, you can't even beat a cat!"

Hearing Wang Feng say this, the black bear suddenly became more aggrieved, and his head drooped.

Wang Feng touched the black bear's head with a smile and said angrily.

"Okay, if you lose, you lose, let's go, follow me to the vegetable garden, I'll give you something good!"

The black bear was pacified by Wang Feng for a while, and then slowly got better, and followed Wang Feng towards the vegetable garden....

At the same time, Ye Qing and the others had already walked halfway up the mountain, enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of them and breathing fresh air!

At this time, Su Yicheng took out a cucumber from his bag, wiped it casually, and put it in his mouth and took a bite!

"Brother-in-law, do you want to eat?"

Ye Qing looked at the cucumber in Su Yicheng's hand, and was immediately stunned, and then smiled.

"Where did you get this stuff?"

Su Yicheng smiled and pointed to the mountain.

"These are all made from that Daoist brother's vegetable garden!"

"Didn't he let us pick it casually? You're welcome!

As he spoke, Su Yicheng opened his backpack, which was full of all kinds of vegetables and fruits, including tomatoes and cucumbers.

There is also a bag of tea leaves that glow slightly gold, which is very eye-catching next to the fruit and vegetables!

Lin Xuan also triumphantly opened his backpack at this time, showing off his success.

"How about uncle, this should charge you some interest!"

"Brother Daoist just let us pick it casually, we must not mind!"

Ye Qing looked at the full contents of several people's hiking bags, and suddenly gasped!

"Hahaha! This kid must not have thought of it!

First stunned, Ye Qing immediately laughed, and the laughter resounded through the mountains and forests, startling a bird!

"Brother-in-law, is this so happy?"

Su Yicheng looked at Ye Qing suspiciously, not knowing why his brother-in-law smiled like this because of these vegetables and fruits.

"Don't say it, let's hurry down the mountain!"

Then, Ye Qing took a few girls to speed up his pace and walked towards the bottom of the mountain!

At the foot of the mountain, after several people got into the car, Ye Qing drove the Mercedes Big G, kicked the accelerator, and sped towards the front!

Su Yicheng and the others were very strange, and looked at Ye Qing suspiciously.

"Brother-in-law, why are you so anxious?"

Ye Qing smiled, the speed of the car still did not decrease, and said to a few girls.

"Of course I'm afraid that the Taoist priest will come down to us!"

Su Yicheng and the others were stunned, and they couldn't understand it in their hearts!

"Huh? This little Taoist priest is also too critical, isn't it just some vegetables and fruits?

Ye Qing smiled and said nothing, galloping all the way forward!

A few girls had nothing to do at this time, so they simply took out the fruit they picked from their bags and ate them in large mouths.

Not long after, several girls only felt comfortable and quickly fell asleep.

Ye Qing was also eating cucumbers while watching, and looked at the rearview mirror, and several girls were asleep at this time.

Thinking of these few hiking bags, Ye Qing couldn't help but laugh in his heart, these things, if they were outside, they would be hard-to-find expression treasures...

At this time, Wang Feng was also leisurely and brought the black bear to the door of the vegetable garden.

"This... Oops! Just

about to go in, Wang Feng saw a footprint inside, and immediately shouted badly, and quickly walked in!

Walk quickly to the tea tree, at this time many young shoots have disappeared, and the right size cucumber has also disappeared!

There were also several fruits that he deliberately left behind, all of which were no longer there at this time!

Suddenly, Wang Feng was stunned in place, opened his mouth wide, and looked at the scene in front of him with a dull face!

Together, this is being raided!

Wang Feng walked towards the inside of the vegetable garden, and the more he looked, the more distressed he became!


At this time, the black bear roared on the side, and Wang Feng walked over and saw a bunch of things on the ground!

Take a closer look, these are snacks, all kinds of snacks, and on the side, there is a note!

Wang Feng saw the note, picked it up and looked at it.

But it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, looking at the handwriting on it, Wang Feng's lips suddenly turned white!

[Brother Taoist, we took some things, this snack can be regarded as an exchange, hehe, brother Taoist is tired of eating these in the mountains, it can be regarded as a change of taste...]

Wang Feng: "..." Seeing

these words, Wang Feng almost vomited out a mouthful of protective blood!

Foggy grass! You can't play like this!

Is this also called taking a little bit? This is hollowing him out!


The black bear was hungry at this time, and he was also aggrieved and roared towards Wang Feng.

Wang Feng picked up a packet of potato chips on the ground and looked at the black bear helplessly.

"Do you eat this?"

The black bear stopped doing it now, shook his head, and hugged his paws.

"Got it, give it to you!"

Wang Feng had no choice, so he had to throw the few fruits left behind just now to the black bear.

"These girls, one by one, look at the harmless people and animals, I didn't expect ah, I really didn't expect it!"

"It's really bad! It's very bad! It's bad to grandma's house!

"I thought it was a group of good sisters, this is a group of female bandits!"

At this time, Wang Feng looked at the vegetable garden he had carefully cultivated being ruined like this, crying his face, and looking at the sky with a wail...

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