Ye Qing's side also drove to the door of the villa with a few girls.

Just stopped the car, several girls also woke up.

At this time, they all felt that their brains were clear for a while, and their bodies were extremely light, and they couldn't say how relaxed and comfortable!

"Sure enough, it's a lot more comfortable to go to the mountains!"

Lin Xuan stretched, opened the car door and walked down.

Ye Qing did not speak, and after bringing a few people in, he put all the cucumbers and tomatoes in the refrigerator.

The tea leaves were packed in a delicate small box.

Subsequently, Ye Qing used these tea leaves to make some tea and let a few girls taste it.

A few girls just took a sip slightly, and their eyes immediately widened!

"What kind of fairy tea is this! It won't be fairy grass! A

few girls only felt a fragrant tea fragrance explode from their mouths, and they didn't know how to describe it!

It's like taste buds swimming in a sea of tea, indescribably wonderful!

And after drinking it, not only the lips and teeth are fragrant, but also the lungs are refreshing!

This tea, no matter what aspect you look at, is unpickable!

What is even more exaggerated is that this tea, which has not yet been processed, just the young leaves that have just been picked can reach such a level, which is simply breathtaking!

Ye Qing looked at several girls praising this tea, and said happily.

"It's delicious, when it's noon, I'll fry you a tomato to eat!"

"Just use the mountain to pick it back, you must feel different!"

After speaking, Ye Qing saw that the time was almost the same, and simply walked into the kitchen.

After a while, exquisite delicacies such as stir-fried tomatoes, patted cucumbers, braised eggplant, and mountain spring egg custard were on the table!

The ingredients for these delicacies were all brought down from the mountain by a few girls from Su Yicheng!

"Well, this tomato is really unspeakable, much more delicious than raw!"

Su Yicheng tasted a bite of tomatoes, and suddenly felt that a strong burst of tomatoes' unique sweetness exploded in his mouth!

Although I have eaten a few raw tomatoes in the mountains, the tomatoes that have obviously been processed by Ye Qing have indeed become different!

Whether it is the taste, the aftertaste, or the color, it has been sublimated like never before!

Avril tasted this cucumber, also gave a thumbs up, and sent it to her mouth several times!

"Hmm! This is definitely the best cucumber I've ever had! "

These dishes, no matter what they are, make everyone's eyes shine, and a few girls are suddenly also the image of a lady, holding a bowl with chopsticks, it is a gust of wind and clouds!


After eating and drinking, Su Yicheng burped, remembered Wang Feng on the mountain, and looked at Ye Qing.

"Uncle, that Daoist brother, you must not have eaten snacks yet, you must be eating very cheerfully now!"

When Ye Qing listened to the words, he was immediately happy, and said to Su Yicheng with a smile.

"Haha, it should be like this..." But

at this time, Wang Feng's state was completely different from what Su Yicheng thought!

On the mountain, one person and one bear are sitting at the gate of the Taoist hall, helplessly eating snacks.

A gust of mountain wind blew through Wang Feng's face, and suddenly blew him to a handful of bitter tears, thinking of his fruits and vegetables, and the tea leaves, it was a pang of distress!


In the villa, after lunch, Ye Qing and Avril came out after washing the dishes and received a call from Sun Tianzheng.

"General Ye Long, do you have time tomorrow?"

Ye Qing listened to the familiar voice on the other end of the phone and asked indifferently.

"Is there something going on?"

Sun Tianzheng on the other end of the phone smiled and said enthusiastically.

"It's okay, it's the Jiangzhen Nanjiang Dragon General who was saved by your magic medicine before, I want to thank you in person, it just so happens that I still have some good tea here, ask you to drink tea and get together!"

"Of course you can!"

Ye Qing did not hesitate, and then chatted a few words, then hung up the phone.

Sun Tianzheng and Jiang Zhennan over there smoothly met Ye Qing, and they were immediately excited!

Sun Tianzheng smiled, took out the tea leaves he had prepared from the cabinet, and put it in front of Jiang Zhennan.

Jiang Zhennan looked at it, good guy, this is the royal tribute big red robe!

"Okay, Lao Sun, I haven't even drunk such a good thing!"

Although he has not drunk it, but this royal tribute big red robe, he also knows, such a good tea, but few people are blessed to enjoy it!

"I said you are an old boy, don't take it out earlier, it turned out to be to entertain Ye Long!"

Sun Tianzheng smiled and glanced at Jiang Zhennan.

"How, can you still be cheap old guy?"

Jiang Zhennan did not speak, but snatched the imperial tribute robe in Sun Tianzheng's hand.

"Hahaha, it's not cheap for me yet, I will also enjoy it with Ye Long!"

"You old boy, how do you look like a doll!"

The two old men were in a happy mood at this time, and after frolicking for a while, they went to prepare for the next things.

After Ye Qing and the others finished eating, they all went to take a nap.

After eating in the evening, Ye Qing finished packing up his things and proposed to go out for a run.

"We haven't exercised well for a long time, why don't we go out for a run while it's cool at night?"

"Good !!"

When several girls heard this, they were all excited, and they each returned to the room and changed into short sleeves and sweatpants!

Then, several people were all ready and gathered at the door.

Several girls were wearing white short sleeves and black sweatpants at this time!

Such a dress makes the figures of several girls show off vividly!

Although Su Yicheng has a slight fat on his stomach, it does not affect the beauty at all, but has more meat, which can be said to be the finishing touch!

Lin Xuan was originally in good shape, but at this time, because of her clothes, she looked refreshing and pleasant, and her figure was proud!

Avril is even more amazing, maintaining yoga training for many years, so that her body does not have a little fat, smooth and firm at the same time, but also has a slender beauty!

And Ye Qing, at this time, also changed into a sportswear, originally strong body, at this time full of strength and explosiveness!

"Let's go! Almost!

Ye Qing saw that a few girls had almost cleaned up, so he took a few girls out the door and went to the surrounding riverside.

At night, there are always many people out to play and walk under the street lamps, and many people come out to run at night wearing headphones.

When Ye Qing, Su Yicheng and others came here, they immediately became a beautiful landscape!

This can be said to be a combination of handsome guys and beauties, Su Yicheng and Lin Xuan, as well as Avril Avril, are all top beauty, wearing a sportswear at this time, it looks even more firepower, refreshing and pleasant!

And Ye Qing, not only handsome and dashing, but also in the surrounding crowd, is also extremely prominent, although the muscles are not as exaggerated as bodybuilders, but they are also the best among ordinary people!

And his mature and dusty temperament has also attracted the attention of many girls around!

And the men, also looking at Ye Qing, but most of the eyes are envious, to be able to run with three beauties of this level, this is simply a winner in life!

"That's awesome! Came out with three beautiful women for a night run!

"I think this man is handsome! Yes, I like the type!

"Don't, I think you don't have a chance!"

After Ye Qing ran with a few people for a while, Su Yicheng felt bored and proposed to run faster than whom!

"Uncle, it's too boring to run like this, let's compare who runs faster!"

Ye Qing looked at Su Yicheng's eager look, and immediately became happy!

"Okay, are you all coming?"


I don't know why today, although several girls went out to climb the mountain today, they can be considered tired, but at this time, they feel full of strength!

"Okay, I'll count three and let's get started!"

Ye Qing looked at several people with a smile, ready to accelerate.

But Lin Xuan did not agree, and looked at Ye Qing seriously.

"Brother-in-law, no, you have to let us run first!"

Lin Xuan stuck out his tongue towards Ye Qing, looking very reasonable.

"We definitely can't compare to your speed, so it's fair enough!"

Su Yicheng and Avril also nodded and agreed with Lin Xuan's suggestion.

"Okay, I'll let you run for half a minute, okay?"

"Okay, just half a minute!"

Avril was also eager to try at this time, while Ye Qing nodded and stopped in place.

And a few girls also sped up at the same time!

"Run! We must defeat my brother-in-law!

Su Yicheng laughed loudly and led Avril and Lin Xuan to speed up!

A smile rose at the corner of Ye Qing's mouth, and after half a minute, several girls had already run out far away!

"Come on!"

Ye Qing suddenly stopped controlling his speed, and quickly spread his legs towards the front, bringing a gust of wind!

A few running enthusiasts around who were fully armed, pedaling high-end running shoes, wearing sportswear and headscarves, suddenly saw a cheetah-like figure rushing by!

This figure was none other than Ye Qing!

"Oh my God! What kind of god is this! Several

people suddenly had their legs weak, and looking at Ye Qing's figure galloping away, they were all stunned!

Although they are enthusiasts, they can be regarded as peak speed among ordinary people!

For running, they also know very well, Ye Qing's speed, in their eyes, is simply terrifying!

"I'm afraid that even professional athletes can't compare!"

One of the men wiped his sweat and looked at Ye Qingyuan's distant back and sighed.

The other man, on the other hand, had an even more surprised expression!

"Not only that, this kind of speed, I'm afraid it has surpassed most athletes!"

"You see the distance he ran, now only ten seconds have passed, which of you asks, that athlete, can run that far in ten seconds!?"

Only then did a few people know that these so-called enthusiasts of themselves were not worth mentioning at all in front of the real gods!

"Sure enough, it's still a master in the people!"

While several people were still sighing, Ye Qing had already caught up with several people in Su Yicheng and kept a straight line with them!

"Brother-in-law, you are too fast!"

Su Yicheng looked at Ye Qing beside him in surprise, and suddenly felt surprised!

It had only been a long time since Ye Qing actually followed!

None of them felt how far they had gone out!

"Haha, how's it going, are you convinced?"

Ye Qing smiled, at this time, the speed was consistent with several girls, he didn't breathe, and his steps were very relaxed.

Lin Xuan and Avril were also stunned, especially Avril Avril , at this time, looking at the time, it had only been less than forty seconds since they started the game!

This means that Ye Qing's speed of running easily is almost three times that of them!

What a concept this is, it is simply unimaginable!

And as soon as he saw Ye Qing like this, he was already releasing water!

"Brother-in-law, you are a flying man! Don't play like this, you're cheating!

Lin Xuan looked unconvinced, shouting to compare with Ye Qing again.

"Okay, I'll let you guys for a minute this time!"

"Good! I don't believe you will catch up with me too!

Lin Xuan waved his small fist, looking energetic.

Ye Qing stopped with a smile, while Lin Xuan and the others continued to accelerate!

At this time, they have almost exerted all their strength to eat, and they have reached the fastest speed they can do!

Ye Qing was waiting behind him, and just now a few running enthusiasts also followed, standing behind Ye Qing at this time, not knowing what this was for.

"Well, why didn't you run?"

"Don't you see? Just now, a few girls ran first, this should be in the race, right?

"No wonder, hey, how about we try it too?"

Several people hit it off and immediately found Ye Qing.

Although I know that there will be no possibility of winning, for such a great god, it is also very rare to be able to compete together!

In the process, you can also learn a lot!

"Dude, can we have a game together?"

Hearing the voices of several running enthusiasts behind him, Ye Qing turned his head and nodded with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll count down and we'll start!"

Several running enthusiasts nodded, looking at Ye Qingping's approachable appearance, and suddenly there was more admiration in their eyes!

"Three! Two! One! Begin! Seeing

that the time was up, after Ye Qing counted down, along with several people, he ran quickly towards the front, like an arrow that took off his bow!

Several running enthusiasts were all exerting their full strength at this time, but they were surprised to find that Ye Qing had already surpassed them at the beginning!

The speed of this starting is simply amazingly fast!

In just a few seconds, Ye Qing had already opened the distance of fifty meters between several people!


Several people immediately felt that their heads were as if they had been struck by lightning, and their scalps suddenly felt numb!

This is simply beyond their comprehension!

"This is a true god!"

Several people did not have the interest to continue at this time, stopped in place, and watched Ye Qing rush forward in a daze!

And not long after, Ye Qing also caught up with the three girls of Su Yicheng again.

A few girls were wide-eyed and small-eyed at this time, and they couldn't play anymore!

"Brother-in-law, let's not compare, let's run slowly!"

Su Yicheng suddenly lost interest, this was all allowed for a minute, or he was quickly caught up!


Ye Qing nodded, and followed a few girls like this, and several people were talking and laughing while running.

Although none of the girls could run Ye Qing, they were also surprised to find that after running for so long today, they didn't seem to be tired!

Especially Su Yicheng, in normal times, her physical strength is the worst, but today she feels that after running for so long, she has not been too breathless!

Then, seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Qing returned to the villa with a few girls.

Now that the sky has turned inky, several people hurriedly took a bath, and they all went back to their rooms to sleep....


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