
"I didn't expect that you madmen would also have today, accustomed to bullying and not daring to resist, and thought that all blood clans were spineless soft eggs."

Old butler Albert laughed heartily and mocked, "Bullying the weak and overwhelming people, you so-called royal nobles will only have this means." "

In the city of Lemia, even the nobles had to look at the face of the royal family.

Everyone succumbed to the tyranny and violence of the seven royal families.

...... So Fang Qingyan is good!

"Old thing, you're looking for your own death."

The commander of the guards suddenly changed color, and his eyes showed murderous intent.

However, Albert was unmoved, he was not afraid to look at him, and his old voice was full of momentum: "When I was four years old, I stepped into this castle for the first time, and I became the steward of Kasteinburg at the age of twenty, I have witnessed the growth of many people, and I have experienced the rise and fall of the times... I am two hundred and nine years old. "

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

The Guards Commander frowned.

Albert grinned, revealing two old fangs, glanced at him with contempt in his eyes, and then his expression was solemn, and his voice was suddenly hard: "I said, the old man has seen more winds and waves than the blood you have drunk!" A baron, a lackey of the royal family, also dares to bark in front of the old man! Death is just the cycle of life, returning to the arms of the ancestors, do you think everyone is greedy for life and afraid of death? "

The old butler roared: "Lord Count is not there, the old man will guard this castle!" Those who want to move my guardians, step on my corpse first! "

Albert roared, a force of qi and blood gushed out from his body, he turned out to be a baron blood clan!

The fangs are sharp and the claws are strong.

Old and dying, you can fight!

He rushed forward, took the lead in attacking, and fought the commander of the guards.


Half a minute later.


The sword light fell, and Albert's old head flew up, accompanied by a gushing blood injection, dyeing the sky a bleak red.

He's old after all....

"Bah~" The guard leader spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm into the ground, shook the blood dripping on the sword, pointed the blade forward, and said fiercely, "Kill me, slaughter all the people in the castle, and leave no living mouth!" "

Since the old thing is unwilling to confess who the murderer is, then kill them all, and it will also achieve the goal.

Anyway, they came to kill people, and the blade was destined to be stained with blood.

Killing one is killing, killing all is also killing.

His Highness Marston is not afraid to offend Count Castein to death, what is he afraid of?

At the sound of an order, dozens of guards all drew their swords and swarmed in.

Kastanin took all the guards with him when he went out on expedition, leaving only a few guards to stay in the castle, which was naturally vulnerable.

For a time, bloody!

"Aaaaah! Don't kill me, please let me go! "

I said! It was Edward who was in charge of the taxes in the small town of Bonn, who was... It's his fault, don't kill me! "



In the Earl's Bedroom.


With a loud bang, the lid of the coffin flew high.

A dazzling crimson bloomed, and a slender man stepped out of the light.


With a gentle breath, like thunder, blood mist burrowed in and out from the seven tips.

Feeling the devastating terrifying power of this body, Fang Qingyan knew that his breakthrough had succeeded.

Lemia gave birth to a new count!

He also awakens a fourth superpower: mind reading.

After adapting to the new realm of life, Fang Qingyan moved his hands.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and he noticed an abnormality.

After suddenly releasing his spiritual power, he saw the scene of slaughter unfolding outside.



Boom -

The guards who were killing suddenly heard an earth-shattering noise.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a big hole in the building at the top of the castle, and a domineering figure flew into the air, wrapped in a raging murderous aura!

It's just too fast.

Almost instantaneously!


A bursting roar burst through the eardrums.

Fang Qingyan slapped it with a palm, and the coercion of the count level was as terrifying as a mountain, and the power of vast blood and qi rushed forward!


More than a dozen guards exploded on the spot, stumped limbs and broken arms flew in the sky, corpses were shattered everywhere, and broken internal organs flew everywhere, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"Who are you?"

The commander of the guards was shocked.

There are still high-level blood clans sitting in Kastaninburg? This terrifying aura and spiritual pressure almost suffocated him.


Fang Qingyan punched out in the air, and the guard leader only felt a flower in front of him, and he lost consciousness.

He was beaten into a sticky mass of mashed meat.

The baron was as weak as an ant under Fang Qingyan.


Strike again, and the furious power of blood qi crushed all the remaining guards' bodies into slag, and the blood mist evaporated.

Three punches and two kicks, and all enemies are destroyed.

The scene was a hell of Senluo, bloody to the extreme, the garden was dyed with a bloody world, every small grass was stained with blood, every bush was hung with stump and severed arms, and brain pulp mixed with blood spilled on the smooth marble floor.


Fang Qingyan snorted coldly.

Looking around, I found that only a few servants had survived the castle of Noda.

The rest were brutally killed.

He felt even more angry.

The body flashed in front of a survivor, and his eyes were covered with a faint mysterious purple light.

Through mind reading, I quickly learned the cause and effect of the matter.

Fang Qingyan's eyes flashed fiercely.

It turned out to be looking for himself.

But there is no need to destroy the door, right?

Marston Bruch, you're!

Fang Qingyan was full of anger and was about to leave, when suddenly his ears moved.

"Oh my God! How could Edward be so strong? "

"He hides so deeply!"

"I always thought he was a pariah like me, but I didn't expect us to be different."


He turned and glared at a few people, startling their bodies.

Naturally, these words were not uttered by them.

Instead, Fang Qingyan, who possessed the superpower of "mind reading", heard their hearts.

In this way, his identity was revealed.

Fang Qingyan did not want to leave a peaceful and peaceful life.

Brush ——

He took a shot in the air, grabbed several servants, and then his eyes flashed purple, and an invisible and mysterious spiritual power enveloped him.

I saw that several people's eyes immediately became dull and dazed.

Fang Qingyan modified their memories, and when they woke up, they would only remember that a mysterious person had descended from the sky and killed all enemies.

But he wouldn't know it was Fang Qingyan.

After leaving a few people behind, Fang Qingyan's body floated in the air, and then flew away at an extremely fast speed.

Although the problem has been solved temporarily, it has not addressed the symptoms.

Count Marston's guards were destroyed, and when they got the news, they would inevitably be furious and come to the door again.

The end result is endless trouble.

Therefore, Fang Qingyan planned to smash the yellow dragon directly, kill this force, and once and for all.

The best way to solve problems is to deal with the people who caused them!


It's not that he was reckless.

On the contrary, the Marquis of Bruch went to Delano, taking most of the family's elite with him, and this time was the best time to solve Marston.

And he went not to the headquarters of the Bruch clan, but to the castle of the Count of Marston!

"System, I'm going to do today's check-in."

While flying, Fang Qingyan summoned the system.

"Ding! Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining the seven-star magic weapon: Death Scythe! "



ps: The fourth more, ask for evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes, small pounce street for support.

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