Seven-star magic weapon, the sickle of death?

Fang Qingyan was stunned.

The space in front of him trembled, and a deep and mysterious aura like an abyss appeared.

There is a huge sickle-shaped weapon in front of you!

Looking at its style, it resembles the scythe used by death to harvest souls in the film and television anime I watched in my previous life.

The grip of the Death Scythe is more than two meters long, and its whole body is dark and dark, faintly outlined with blood-red mysterious runes.

The sickle is as large as a guillotine, with a graceful bend.

Sharp and cold!

"This is the first time I've checked in to get a magic weapon, and I really want to come to whatever I want."

A different color surged in Fang Qingyan's eyes, and then he reached out and held the handle of the Death Scythe without thinking.

It's heavy and cold.

But Fang Qingyan felt that it seemed to have life, and he could clearly feel the rhythm of this murder weapon, like a killer who could breathe.

Extend your thumb and gently wipe it on the blade.

The skin is immediately cut and blood beads ooze out.

"Good weapon!"

Fang Qingyan couldn't help but praise, and the thumb wound healed automatically.

Being able to easily cut through the flesh and skin of the Earl-level Blood Clan is shocking.

His current physical strength can be comparable to diamonds, and you can imagine how sharp the sickle of death is!

Fang Qingyan once read a book in his study in Kasteinburg.

It's about magic weapons.

The most suitable weapon for the blood clan in the world is the magic weapon.

The casting of magic weapons uses the body parts of the blood tribe as raw materials, such as fangs, claws, bones, flesh and skin, hair...

The grades of magic weapons are divided into nine levels, from the lowest level of one-star magic weapons to the top nine-star magic weapons.

The body materials of the traditional blood clan can only cast magic weapons below three stars.

And it is rumored that the top nine-star magic weapon was forged by the prince...

The raw material of this death sickle obtained by Fang Qingyan is at least a marquis!


"Not only has he broken through the realm of the count, but he also has such a sharp weapon..."

Fang Qingyan's eyes narrowed, revealing a bloodthirsty sinister smile, "Marston, if you can live to see the sun tomorrow, I will write the name upside down!" "


Mental power is fully urged.

Flight speed instantly breaks the sound barrier!

At a breakneck speed, break through the air.

Two quarters of an hour later.

The huge luxury of the Counts of Marston Castle comes into view.


"Stop coming!"

An earth-shattering shout sounded.

A terrifying strong man jumped out of the castle, raised his head and shouted at the other party: "This is the mansion of His Highness Marston, trespassing without permission, the crime should be punished!" "


The huge scythe flashed and made a clean cutting sound.

Then the big head flew up, and the headless corpse sprayed blood and fell to the ground.

...... What responded to him was Fang Qingyan's sword!

A viscount is not a combination at all.


A brutal palm slammed open the huge iron gate of the castle.

Fang Qingyan dragged the sickle of death, and rushed into it with one step, and in the sound of "snorting", more than a dozen guards were instantly cut off, and he began to kill all sides!

Kasteinburg was almost destroyed.

Fang Qingyan planned to let Marston also experience the sourness of being destroyed!


"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! "

"Someone has invaded, go and inform His Highness Marston!"

"It's over, the deputy commander has been hacked to death, this person is too powerful, let's run!"


Marston Castle was suddenly in chaos.

The guards rushed and fled.

However, in front of a murderous count, escaping was obviously a luxury.


Fang Qingyan was like a killing god descending into the world, he maintained a rapid forward posture, his hands wantonly wielded the sickle of death, killing ten people in one step, domineering and extremely strong!

Hands up and knives fall, hands up and knives fall, kill indiscriminately!

After a hundred steps.

As far as the eye can see, no one can stand anymore.

Behind Fang Qingyan, the corpses were mountains and rivers of blood flowed, like Senluo Hell.

He didn't look back.

Expressionlessly, he pushed open the gate of the inner castle and stepped onto the white velvet floor, holding the scythe in his right hand, and dragging the scythe on the ground.

One bloody footprint at a time.

At the end of the main hall, richly dressed nobles sat on a high place, pampered, with handsome faces and elegant sitting postures.

Feeling that he was locked by Fang Qingyan's gaze, the corners of Marston's mouth grinned, revealing two fangs.

Condescending, his tone was arrogant: "There are many counts of Lemia, and everyone knows me, but very few can enter my eyes... You count one, because you are kind! "

Although the guards of the castle were all killed.

But Marston did not show the slightest panic, anger, violence and other emotions.

As an aristocrat, it is necessary to have this arrogance of "noble and me, and all things are low".

There is no panic, no chaos, the enemy kills in front of him, first talks and laughs, and then kills it by extreme means, which seems to be very aristocratic.


With a slash, the throne was split in two.

Fang Qingyan, who was still a hundred meters away, didn't know when he came to his front.

The speed has exceeded the limit of the dynamic speed that the eye can capture.

But this knife was empty, and the sickle of death did not have the refreshing feeling of the blade cutting through human tissue.

"You don't have the slightest demeanor that a nobleman should have, you are very savage and rude."

The voice came from behind.

Count Marston stood more than ten meters away from Fang Qingyan with his hands on his back.

He looked gloomy and angry, because Fang Qingyan didn't wait for him to say something before he started.

"You're pretending."

Fang Qingyan's expression was as indifferent as water, "I would like to know, you royal nobles, will you kneel and beg for mercy?" "



ps: The new book has been released more than 30,000 words so far, and the results are somewhat miserable. Everyone knows that Feilu Eleven and 20,000 words are on the shelves, but the author Jun no longer dares to imagine the situation on the day of the shelf.

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I don't know why this book is a bit puffy at first, maybe the subject matter is not very good, or I don't write it well.

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