
The big iron gate opens.

A group of guards dressed in armor walked in, almost all of them wounded, and many who lacked arms and legs lay on stretchers, their morale was low.

At the front of the line, Count Kastanin was in a wheelchair and was pushed by the guards.

Fang Qingyan couldn't believe that this half-dead, pale-haired, wrinkled old fellow was the merry, elegant and confident Count Castein of the past!

Felt his qi and blood.

Fang Qingyan was even more speechless in his heart.

Count Kastein's qi and blood activity at the moment was not as active as a traditional blood clan, and it was difficult to imagine what kind of heavy damage he had suffered on the battlefield.

The qi and blood withered, and the spiritual power was almost exhausted.

After Fang Qingyan sensed it simply, he shook his head regretfully in his heart.

It has already injured the origin, and unless there is a duke who does not skimp on blood to help him heal his injuries, he will definitely not live for a few years.

Of the eight hundred guards taken away at the time of departure, only a few dozen remained alive.

It's tragic!

It can be seen from this that the battle of the blood tribe was abused by the orcs.



Count Kastanin coughed weakly, like an old man with a broken candle.

He looked around with cloudy eyes, and saw that only Fang Qingyan and the three or four people who came out to greet them, and suddenly a bad premonition rose in his heart, and he also felt a little more energetic.

"How... How about just a few of you? What about Albert? "

Fang Qingyan did not rush to answer, pretending to look at each other for a while.

Then a servant on the side opened his mouth and replied, "Lord Count, old butler... He suffered misfortune. "

Fang Qingyan nodded in agreement: "Please mourn." "

When Kastanin heard this, he immediately became furious, and was ravaged by orcs on the battlefield, how could his family be stolen?

"Say!" His eyes sharpened, and his voice was hoarse, "Tell me everything." "

After hearing a few servants describe what happened.

The anger on Kastanin's face gradually turned into loneliness, sadness and sadness.

"His Highness Marston did it? How can he bully my people while I'm away? "

He was ten years old in an instant.

Although the flame of revenge burns in his eyes, it is more helplessness in the face of cruel facts.

As an ordinary nobleman, he couldn't afford to offend the Bruch clan.

What's more, now this half-dead look, how can we talk about revenge?

But then he heard the servants say about the tragic destruction of Count Marston's castle.

Kastein's eyes lit up a little.

"How did you survive?"

He asked again.

"We thought we would die, but suddenly a mysterious strong man appeared and killed all the enemies, we just don't know if this strong man is the one who killed His Highness Marston."

Someone answered.

Kastein nodded thoughtfully.

After looking down and thinking for a while, he trembled and raised his hand and waved: "I know everything, everyone dispersed." "

When the guards heard this, they all dispersed and left the castle.

After a terrible war, they all miss their families.


Kastanin sighed lonely, looked at a few servants, and finally fixed his gaze on Fang Qingyan's body: "Where is Albert's grave?" Take me to see it. "

Fang Qingyan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, stepped forward and pushed up the wheelchair and went to the cemetery on the back mountain.

Count Kastein sat for a long, long time in front of the grave of Albert's old butler.

The expression on his face is sometimes sad, sometimes self-blamed.

"Albert and his father, grandfather, and grandfather have served me for more than seven hundred generations, in fact, I have already regarded them as relatives."

The Count of Castell's voice was low and hoarse.

It was like saying it to Fang Qingyan, and it seemed to be talking to himself.

He was like a sad old man, mourning the death of his loved ones.

When the castle was in crisis, Albert's old butler fought to the death to protect the place, and if it weren't for Kastanin treating him as his own, the old butler wouldn't have done so.

Because Kastanin regarded Albert as a relative, Albert had already regarded the castle as his home.

Fang Qingyan felt the sadness of this count and nobleman, and he could only sigh in his heart.

It's not that he didn't want to save Albert, it's just that he was at the critical juncture of a breakthrough and didn't know what was happening in the outside world.

If he hadn't stood up for the humans in Bonn Town before, he wouldn't have gotten into trouble later, so Fang Qingyan was responsible for the death of Albert's old butler.

But he didn't regret it, if he did it again, Fang Qingyan would still kill the two guards who were killing people.

Although Fang Qingyan is indifferent to fame and fortune and only wants to cultivate quietly, there will be no eternal silence in this world, and if you don't look for things, things will come back to you.

So when it's time to shoot, it's still out.


Kastanin turned to look at Fang Qingyan and said in a deep voice, "You will take over Albert's job in the future, are you willing?" "

Fang Qingyan was stunned.

He actually made this little servant his new butler?

It doesn't make sense... It's also too casual.

But immediately, he suddenly realized.

Count Kastein knew that he had few years left to live, and that the journey of life was coming to an end.

The defeat was fought, plus Albert's death ... He was already disheartened and too lazy to toss these things again.

"Okay, I will not betray your trust and will manage this castle for Albert's old butler."

Fang Qingyan nodded and accepted the job.

Kastein is casual, and he's casual.



ps: Xiaopu Street for support, flowers monthly pass evaluation ticket, kneel for help!

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