Fang Qingyan moved out of his cabin.

His new accommodation was spacious and the second most luxurious room in the entire castle.

If another servant was suddenly promoted to the steward of Lord Count, he would definitely dance with excitement.

But Fang Qingyan didn't care much about it.

He gets a bunch of keys, and the keys to the castle vault and the blood bank gate are also inside.

In the eyes of others, this is a symbol of power and status!

It's just that Fang Qingyan takes these things very lightly.

The day after becoming a new housekeeper.

He took two servants and went out to recruit people, and there were so many people in the castle of Nuo, which was really not like words.

In the past, if this kind of thing was not done in person, someone would send you to the door with a casual hello.

But now Count Kastein is a waste.

The nobles who had curried favor with him in the past suddenly disappeared in tacit agreement.

There were almost no people who even came to visit Kastanin.


City of Lemia.

Fang Qingyan spent several hours recruiting more than a dozen new people, all of whom were the last blood clan.

There are cooks, there are servants, there are attendants.

"You take them back first, I'll go back to the castle later."

He commanded his men.

After parting ways, he went to the black market alone.

Find the familiar trading house and walk inside.

"Oh~ look who I saw? Isn't this the most valued guest of our shop, Mr. Edward? "

As soon as the owner of this shop saw Fang Qingyan, his eyes immediately lit up.

In the past year, Fang Qingyan has only sold thousands of gold coins for materials, and among all the regular customers of this trading house, he is definitely the number one "big customer".

"Long time no see, Thomas."

Fang Qingyan nodded to the boss of the trading house.

Thomas smiled and asked, "Is it time to sell goods for Lord Count Kastanin again?" "

"Well, yes." Fang Qingyan said lightly, "In addition, I need a top-notch coffin." "

Lord Count is back, and he can't take the Magpie's Nest anymore.

"Hahaha, it's all good to say, please put it inside, let's talk slowly in another place."

Thomas very politely invited Fang Qingyan to a dedicated private room.

In three months, the check-in obtained a lot of materials, including even a pair of earl-level fangs.

There is no doubt that this is another business that satisfies both parties.

"A total of 872 gold coins, you count them."

Fang Qingyan took the heavy money bag and weighed it, and then said with a smile: "No need to count, after so many transactions, I still don't believe you?" "

In fact, it has been swept through it with mental power to confirm that the quantity is correct.

Thomas was stunned for a moment, and immediately the other party's Qingyan favor increased.

He was very enthusiastic and personally took Fang Qingyan to buy the coffin.

"These are all new, top-of-the-line coffins that just arrived yesterday, do you see if there is a favorite style?"

After coming to the warehouse, Thomas showed Fang Qingyan his inventory.

On the ground, there are hundreds of coffins stacked on top of each other.

It's a big business!

Fang Qingyan stepped forward to check them one by one, and soon walked around.

But shook his head in disappointment.

The style of these coffins is very novel, gorgeous and beautiful, but he does not pay attention to the outside, what he cares about is the quality of the corpse coffin!

A good coffin can greatly help meditation and cultivation.

Of the more than a hundred coffin goods in the warehouse, none of them is comparable to the one of Count Kastanin.

"Is there anything better? Money is not a problem, I want the top craftsmen to make corpse coffins with the most precious materials! "

Fang Qingyan turned around, looked at Thomas, and asked.

Thomas was stunned for three seconds, and then showed a shocked expression: "You won't be able to see all of them, will you?" You look at the three coffins next to it, this is a very high-grade corpse coffin, ordinary nobles can't afford it. "

"I've seen it, no."

Fang Qingyan shook his head.

Thomas suddenly looked at Fang Qingyan with a kind of uncertainty, and wanted to ask, how high-grade coffin do you want to sleep in a little baron?

Fang Qingyan hid most of his strength, and the qi and blood fluctuations he displayed were only at the level of ordinary barons.

"Ahem, I bought it for Lord Count Kastein, so I can't give it up, I have to ask for the best."

Fang Qingyan's face was not red, and his heart did not beat and said.

When Thomas heard this, he suddenly realized, he also heard that Count Castein was seriously injured on the battlefield, so it was indeed necessary to have a good coffin to heal his wounds.

But this is really the best corpse coffin in his shop....

"If you need a better coffin, you can only try your luck at the auction house."

Thomas sighed, "The real top-level corpse coffins are monopolized by the royal family, where can ordinary nobles afford to enjoy it?" You will never find a better coffin than mine in any trading house in Lemia City. "

I see.

I didn't expect that the black and gold coffin of Count Castein was so precious? You can't buy it if you want to.

Fang Qingyan was slightly disappointed, and he didn't stay for long.

After exiting the trading house, he left the black market and took a carriage to the auction house.

If it really doesn't work, he can only use a coffin with a lesser one.



PS: Ask for flowers, monthly passes, evaluation tickets. Little Pounce Street for support!

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