Return to the castle.

Fang Qingyan saw Elizabeth leading everyone to greet him.


Everyone saluted respectfully.

"Hmm. Fang Qingyan looked at Elizabeth lightly and said, "There will be nothing for the time being, the Reverno clan said that they wanted to resolve the grudge, but in fact, it was just a temporary forbearance, and they would make a move sooner or later." "

Elizabeth quickly nodded and asked in a crisp voice: "Then ancestor, what should we do?"

"Be vigilant, I need to retreat for a while and manage the castle well. "

Fang Qingyan said indifferently, "Holy war is coming, the peaceful days are gone, so be prepared to face the wind and waves." "


Everyone responded in unison.

Fang Qingyan looked at Elizabeth again, her delicate and beautiful little face was full of worries about the future, it was obvious that although the recent experience of the family had made her grow a little, she was not ready to shoulder the family after all.

But he didn't need to worry about it.

Knowing the daughter Mo Ruo's father, Marquis Morpheus must have prepared to "pull out seedlings and help grow".

"When you have time, spend more time with your father." "

When he arrived, Fang Qingyan said something to her.

Elizabeth was stunned, and then nodded: "Okay, ancestor." "


A gust of wind blew through.

Fang Qingyan's figure had disappeared.


Reverno clan.

Duke Adolf returned, but with a face full of gloom and obscurity.


The Marquis of Angus came and looked at Adolf with questioning eyes.

He gathered his men and horses and prepared to attack the Capet clan, but there was no movement.

The Duke's battle must be earth-shattering, and it cannot be so calm.

He wondered what was going on?

However, Adolf did not have the mood to explain to him, and after two seconds of silence, he raised his eyes to Angus, and said in an indifferent voice: "You go, take out the blood lotus in my coffin, and then send it to the Kape clan." "


Angus was dumbfounded, suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears.

What's the situation?

Aren't we going to fight, why do we have to send things to people in the end?

"But old... Ancestor, that blood lotus is the supreme treasure given to you by the Prince!"

Angus's mouth snorted.

There is a blood lotus in Adolf's coffin, born by bathing in the prince's essence blood, and the breath emitted can moisturize qi and blood, strengthen spiritual power, and increase the speed of cultivation!

It has always been regarded as the most precious thing by Adolf, and it has not been taken out of a coffin for hundreds of thousands of years.

Angus blushed extremely at that blood lotus.

But now the ancestor actually let him take it and give it to the enemy?

For a while, he was messy.

Totally unacceptable!

"Hmph! "

Adolf glanced at him coldly, and said in an indifferent voice, "Although the blood lotus is the most precious treasure, it is of no use to me, and there is no one in the world to enter the prince." Similarly, William's guy has long been unable to go further, and it is useless for him to hold it. "

The corners of Angus's mouth twitched, and he roared in his heart: You are useless to the ancestors, but useful to me!

But he didn't dare to speak out and beat him.

"Don't worry, it's just to let them keep it for the time being, and when we finish the layout, we can easily destroy the Kape clan, and then the blood lotus will belong to you." "

Duke Adolf said lightly.

No opinion when Angaston was gone!

"Then ancestor, who should we target next?"

He asked again.

Adolf thought slightly, and then made a decision: "Setet clan, that old guy is relatively easy to deal with... Hmph, the six major clans, as long as I can sacrifice two of them in blood, I can take the last step, and then we don't have to be so sneaky, we can sweep the world in an upright manner and unify Liuhe!"

When Angus heard this, his eyes suddenly flashed with a strange red light, revealing a bloodthirsty smile.

Duke Adolf is different from Duke William.

William was drilled by the horns and insisted on breaking through the prince, leading to his fall.

But when Adolf discovered that this was a dead end, he ended his retreat and found a completely different, but one that could go further.

And this road requires blood sacrifices to countless clans to reach the end.

So Adolf has long since started the layout.

At first, he decided to target the Capet clan.

But I found that I couldn't see through "Duke William", and I always felt that the old guy was hiding something.

So Adolf did not make a rash move.

Just change the soft persimmon pinch, after all, it is so close to the divine accomplishment, there is no need to take risks.


Bristol City, Marquis Castle.

In the secret room of the underground palace, Fang Qingyan was meditating with his eyes closed, and suddenly opened his eyes.

The voice of the Marquis of the Four Wings sounded outside the stone gate:

"Ancestor, this is a gift sent by the Reverno clan. "

Holding a small wooden box in both hands, he knelt on the ground with a respectful expression.

Fang Qingyan calmed down and gently moved his fingers.

The wooden box disappeared into the hands of the Marquis of the Four Wings and appeared in the secret room.

"Got it. "

The old voice sounded.

"Subordinates retreat!"

After the person is gone.

Fang Qingyan looked at the wooden box with interesting eyes, and joked: "The fight was not completed, and the baby was sent, it is estimated that it is angry, right?"


Turn it on.

In an instant, an extremely rich fragrance emanated, refreshing the heart, making Fang Qingyan's spirit feel a while, and his body was a lot more comfortable, as if enjoying the spring rain.

This made him very interested.

Looking down, there was a lotus seed only the size of a thumb in the wooden box, and the whole body was crystal crimson.

"This is ... Blood lotus?"

Fang Qingyan's pupils contracted violently.

He read a lot of books and read many ancient books, which recorded this treasure.

Blood lotus was originally an ordinary lotus seed.

However, after being watered with essence blood by the prince, it mutated and had a very miraculous effect.

A mature blood lotus needs to be cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years to succeed.

It is a truly unparalleled blood treasure!

"Hahaha, Adolf, you big fool!"

Fang Qingyan suddenly burst out laughing.

Adolf felt that he had reached the Ten Wings and could no longer improve any further, so even if the blood lotus was given to him, it could only be used as a decoration.

But as everyone knows, he is only eight wings... Adolf really gave him a huge gift!

With this peerless blood lotus, Fang Qingyan could reach the Ten Wings level faster, and the time was at least a third shorter than expected.


Fang Qingyan flicked his fingers.

The blood lotus seed flew out and fell into the coffin.

Suddenly, the abnormality occurs.

As soon as the lotus seed touched the coffin board, it instantly bloomed with a dazzling blood-red light, rapidly germinating, rooting, and thriving at a speed visible to the naked eye...

After a few breaths, a huge lotus plant grew out of the coffin, and pieces of crimson lotus leaves swayed gently, and four beautiful red lotus flowers bloomed.

For a time, the secret room of the Nord was fragrant.

Fang Qingyan took a deep breath of lotus fragrance, and the power of qi and blood in his body actually vibrated on its own, like a hungry wolf who saw the delicious food, hungrily absorbing the essence of it.

Even the spiritual power has grown little by little in the infiltration of the fragrance of flowers.

"It is worthy of being the most precious treasure, four lotus flowers, which means that this blood lotus has lived for 400,000 years. "

The corners of Fang Qingyan's mouth turned up slightly, and he chuckled, "Adolf, you support me so much, if I don't break through to the Ten Wings soon, won't I live up to your good intentions?"

Immediately, he lay down in the coffin.

In the entanglement of a pile of lotus leaves and four lotus flowers, a meditative practice began.

It doesn't matter if the coffin is high or not.

As long as you carry this blood lotus with you, you can get the best enjoyment even if you sleep on the floor!

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