Since the last wave of superb acting skills tricked Adolf.

The city of Bristol has been briefly peaceful and quiet.

The Reverno clan also took a post-reconciliation posture and lay dormant without making any further moves.

This made the five major clans who wanted to sit on the side and watch the tiger fight deeply regretted.

A good show ends before it begins.

The fact that the Capetian and Reverno clans did not break out in a holy war disappointed many.

The entire kingdom of Nikara seemed to have returned to the old days.

Even after defeating the orcs, it was more peaceful and serene than before.

However, Fang Qingyan knew.

The seemingly calm surface of the lake has undercurrents in the depths, and when the storm comes, no one can stay out of it, and everyone will be swept into the whirlpool, including themselves.

Yin and Yang mistakenly became the ancestor of the Cape clan, and had a bond with Elizabeth, which made Fang Qingyan no longer carefree like a lone ranger.

He checks in, cultivates, checks in, cultivates day after day... Approaching the realm of the ten wings little by little.

Library and secret room, two points and one line.

Life is dull and boring, but self-disciplined and fulfilling.

Sometimes, Elizabeth would go to the library to talk to him.

It can be seen that her mood has not been very good, after all, facing internal and external troubles, and her father's health has not improved at all, but has deteriorated day by day.


Three years passed.

On this day, inside Elizabeth's room.

There is a pink coffin in the room, delicate and small.

Her delicate body was lying inside, her beautiful eyes were closed, her long eyelashes trembled from time to time, and her breathing was steady.

She is meditating, cultivating qi and blood.

Elizabeth had hardly practiced since she was a child, but since Arnold's group knocked on the door three years ago, she realized her weakness and humility.


She began to try her hand at cultivation.

At first, she couldn't calm down to do this boring and boring thing, fishing for three days and drying nets for two days, and it wasn't until a few months later that she gradually got used to it and was ready to enter meditation.

In three years, qi and blood have only grown a little.

But there is still some way to go before breaking through to the middle of the viscount.

Fang Qingyan actually knew that she had begun to cultivate, but he did not take the initiative to give her essence blood.

Because three years have passed, Elizabeth does not dare to go to the "ancestors" to ask for blood, which can only mean one thing.

That is, she wasn't really ready yet.


Knock knock knock -

There was a knock on the door.

Inside the pink coffin, Elizabeth opened her eyes and said in a beautiful voice: "Come in." "

The person who came was Joanna.

"Your Royal Highness, the head of the family asked you to come over, he has something to say to you. "

"Okay, I see. "

Elizabeth did not hesitate, lifted the lid of the coffin, and climbed out with a graceful body.

Then, together with Joanna, he went out and went to the residence of the Marquis of Morpheus.


The second floor of the library, in front of the window of the room.

Fang Qingyan bathed in the sun and cultivated to the power of the yang.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, revealing a very complicated look, and muttered to himself: "Morpheus, are you finally ready to make a knife? "

After speaking, he closed his eyes again and continued to meditate.

The wisps of the sun's essence and fire qi were stripped from the sunlight, drilled down the 48,000 pores of the body, and then absorbed by the vast sea of qi and blood.

On the wooden table next to it, a strange and beautiful crimson blood lotus was gently shaking its branches and leaves, and four lotus flowers bloomed proudly.

Three years of penance!

With the assistance of more than a dozen drops of Prince Essence Blood and Blood Lotus, the qi and blood in Fang Qingyan's body had already more than doubled, and it was not far from being completely saturated and full.

He is really only one step away from the Ten Wings!


"Father, you called me?"

Elizabeth gently pushed the door open, and carefully closed it when she entered the house.

"Elizabeth, you... Here you come. "

An extremely weak voice sounded from inside the coffin.

She walked quickly, her small hands grasping the edge of the coffin, her eyes looking at it with concern.

In the coffin, Marquis Morpheus has been completely skinny, his skin is dark black, covered with corpse spots one after another, eye sockets, cheeks, temples... They all fell deeply, and the whole person was like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of human skin, which was very shocking.

Elizabeth's nose soured, tears filled her watery blue eyes, she pursed her lips, and bit her teeth lightly: "Father..."

Every time she saw the appearance of Marquis Morpheus, a sense of sadness and unbearability rose uncontrollably in her heart.

Morpheus looked at her softly, looked at her for a long time, and then heard him speak:

"Listen, Elizabeth, I have something very important to say to you. "

Elizabeth nodded repeatedly, and the delicate Joan nose twitched: "Father, I listen, you can say whatever you want." "

Marquis Morpheus smiled and his eyes were spoiled: "I can't hold it anymore, and I will go to the kingdom of God of Lilith's ancestor." "

When Elizabeth heard this, she immediately froze, her eyes flustered.

"How... How come? The ancestors are not..."

"The ancestor saved me, but in fact, my qi and blood origin is broken, and I can only live for three years. "

Marquis Morpheus's voice was still calm, "I am not afraid of death, because no one in the world can live forever, and the prince has fallen, let alone my little marquis?"

"It won't!"

A touch of resoluteness appeared on her absolutely beautiful little face, and she stood up rubbingly, "I don't allow you to have trouble, I go to ask the ancestor to go out of the customs, he will definitely be able to save you, last time the ancestor pulled you back from the ghost gate, this time it is also possible!"

"No, you come back!"

Marquis Morpheus said in a deep voice, "Do you think the ancestor doesn't want to save me, and if I can, do I still need to say these words to you?

Elizabeth burst into tears, but still sat down obediently, but she had fallen into great sadness, choked and unable to speak.

In fact, she also knew that her father was not working, and her health was getting worse day by day.

It's just unwilling to accept the cruel fact that his father died.

She remembered when she was a child, when she was four years old, one sunny afternoon, she watched her mother step by step into the sun.

First, the skin of the whole body was scorched, and then the flesh and blood were separated one by one, leaving only a bare skeleton, and finally turned into a pile of black-gray dust.

After a gust of wind, her mother was gone, leaving only a not-so-good-looking bronze key as her thoughts about her mother.

Now...... Is Father leaving too?

Elizabeth covered her mouth with her small hands to keep herself from crying.


When Morpheus saw her like this, there was also pity and unbearability in his eyes, but in the end, a determined look appeared on his face.

"Elizabeth, you can listen to the following words as a will. "

Morpheus said in a calm voice, "First, after my death, you will immediately inherit the throne and hold an enthronement ceremony; second, I will tell you something that is cruel, but you must know, and it concerns your mother, Camilla." "

Elizabeth nodded while weeping, her eyes full of sorrow.

Morpheus stared into her eyes, his expression stiff, his gaze unbearable, his lips twitched a few times, and finally spoke: "Actually, I am not your biological father!"


Elizabeth felt like she had been struck by a bolt of lightning, and she was a fool and a nerd.

However, Morpheus did not give her time to react at all, and continued-

"The two women I love the most in my life, one is you and the other is your mother Camilla. "

"But I never got her love, even when I exchanged wedding rings in church, she never smiled at me... I never had sex with your mother because I loved her so much, and the only thing I ever forced her to do in my life was to force her to leave that man and stay with me!"

"It was also the worst choice I made in my life. "

Morpheus's tears of regret flowed from the corners of his eyes, "She fought hard to get love, I tried everything I could to get love, but when she committed suicide, I understood that love is not possession and taking, but dedication and fulfillment!"

"But no matter what, Elizabeth, you will always be my favorite daughter, and I want to give you all the best things in the world to make up for what I owe Camilla." "

Morpheus let out a long sigh, his expression lonely and lonely, his voice regretful and regretful, and his eyes reluctantly glanced at Elizabeth for the last time-

"My life, many regrets and unwillingness, the only pride is you... Elizabeth..."

The sound stopped abruptly and the hand slipped from the edge of the coffin.

The Marquis of Morpheus had closed his eyes.


Elizabeth held the body whose temperature was fading and let out the most painful cry of her life.


The next day, the Capetian held a solemn funeral.

In the city of Bristol, there was a sound of pain everywhere, and there was a sadness.

However, on the third day.

The castle of the Marquis holds the enthronement ceremony of the new king!

Elizabeth Capet, succeeded as head of the family.

On that day, surrounded by countless people, she entered the palace and climbed the steps, and then, expressionless and decisively, she sat on the throne of the head of the family!

One of the seven royal families, the Capetian clan, the 429th generation head of the family... Elizabeth I.

She is the first queen in the history of the Capetian clan!


The day after ascending the throne.

Elizabeth came to the forbidden land, in front of the ancestral retreat room.


She knelt down on one knee, and her voice was respectful with coldness: "Old ancestor, please give me a drop of essence blood!"

Behind the stone gate.

Fang Qingyan's eyes slowly opened and closed, and asked lightly, "What do you want to use your essence blood?"

"Get stronger!"

"Why get stronger?"

Elizabeth raised her head and looked resolute, "For the king, when it becomes stronger, there is no why." "

"If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!" Fang Qingyan asked again, "Can you withstand this weight?"

"I can!" Elizabeth spoke without hesitation, her eyes firm, "Only I can!"



PS: Sixth more. Little Pounce Street for support!

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