The defender became He Feng, and Westbrook's offensive style remained unchanged.

He did not choose to force He Feng, but sought a pick-and-roll from his teammates.

But He Feng's ability to squeeze the screen was beyond his imagination, and Ibaka's screen was of low quality.

He Feng still kept up with Westbrook's pace, and Westbrook continued to force a breakthrough, but there was Hibbert in front and He Feng behind.

Under great defensive pressure, his offense was blocked and he had to stop the ball.

If he forced a jump shot, the probability of scoring would not be good, but the key was that it was easy to be blocked, which would be even more embarrassing.

Soon he made up his mind to pass the ball, and as for who to pass it to, it was of course to his eldest brother.

However, Durant was not standing on the same side as him at this time.

In the state of stopping the ball, a large-scale transfer of the ball is a very risky move.

Westbrook paid the price for this ball.


He Feng reacted very quickly, jumped up with all his strength, stretched his long arms, and touched the basketball with his palm.

The trajectory of the basketball was changed, and it bounced to the top of the arc.

And after landing, He Feng took the lead in controlling the ball.

"Was it intercepted?"

Westbrook frowned, his face full of embarrassment.

He didn't choose to force the shot in order to avoid mistakes, but he still couldn't avoid the mistakes!

All he could do now was to make up for his mistakes!

He desperately chased and defended, trying to stop He Feng's counterattack this time.

Now Durant is also returning to defense, and now his face is full of confusion.

To be honest, Westbrook's pass this time was beyond his expectations.

In his impression, the second brother rushed into the inside line, which was "carrying a bomb to bomb the bunker."

No matter who blocked him, the second brother always had only the basket in his eyes.

But why did he suddenly change his style?

The Thunder players were all trying hard to chase and defend, but He Feng was so far ahead. Facing the unguarded restricted area, he ended this attack with a one-armed windmill dunk.

"How can you run so fast while dribbling the ball?"

Westbrook's beautiful fantasy of "chasing down the block" was obviously out of time, and he could only serve the ball late.

He came to the frontcourt with the ball again, and faced He Feng again. This time he was more careful and did not rush in. After a simple observation of the situation, he handed the ball to his eldest brother.

When the tactics can't be opened, it is more reliable to give the ball to the eldest brother.

"Second brother is sensible!"

Durant was very pleased. As the boss of the team, he naturally wanted to set an example for his brothers.

Ibaka had already come up from the inside to cover him, but he waved his left hand directly.

Pick-and-roll? No need!

He wanted to play one-on-one on this ball!

At the beginning of the second half, He Feng stole the ball from Westbrook and counterattacked with a dunk, which must have a certain impact on the morale of the team.

He must respond now, and the most effective way is to play one-on-one without reason.

This is also what he is good at.

"Do you really think I am so easy to bully?"

George is also holding back his anger now.

Now Durant wants to attack him, how can he easily agree.

He maintained his defensive focus and did not get dazed.

Not dazed?

Durant didn't care.

His height and long arms are his biggest advantages.

After the signature double-change-of-direction drag step, Durant directly started from one step inside the three-point line.

Long-distance two-pointers are exactly Durant's sweet spot.

George rushed forward with all his strength, but it seemed useless.

The difference in arm span between him and Durant is huge.

It seems that this time the goddess of luck stood on George's side and did not make him a background board.


The sound of iron was heard, and the Pacers protected the rebound.

In the offense and defense transition, the defender He Feng faced was not Westbrook, but Sefolosha, which was also the strategy of the Thunder coach.

He must ensure that Westbrook will focus more on the offensive end, rather than the defensive end.

Moreover, Westbrook's defense of He Feng may not have any good effect.

If he is thankless on the defensive end, and consumes too much energy to affect the offensive end, then the gain will not outweigh the loss.

As for Sefolosha, his task in this game is only one-try his best to defend He Feng.

Just try your best, the result is not forced.


Indeed, Sefolosha cannot be forced.

Look, He Feng easily passed his defense and hit a jump shot near the free throw line.

"Nice! Well done!"

Vogel, who was watching the game on the sidelines, couldn't help but clench his fists, his face was extremely excited.

He knew very well that the curtain had been opened, and the comeback was going on.

"Nice! Well done!"

Vogel, who was watching the game on the sidelines, couldn't help but clench his fists, his face was extremely excited.

He knew very well that the curtain had been opened, and the comeback was going on.

"Nice! Well done!"

Vogel, who was watching the game on the sidelines, couldn't help but clench his fists, his face was excited.

He knew very well that the curtain had been opened, and the comeback was going on.

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