"He Feng, George, fuck!"

More than 10,000 spectators were extremely excited, making Madison Square Garden extremely noisy.

The Eastern Conference semifinals G3 started in this atmosphere.


The referee blew the whistle, held the ball with one hand, walked to the center circle, and the players of both sides took their positions.

Jump ball started!

Hibbert was tall and had long arms, and his physical condition was more advantageous, but his reaction was a little slower. On the contrary, veteran Chandler accurately grasped the opportunity, took the lead, and took the lead in passing the ball back to the backcourt, and the Knicks won the first round of offense.

Fatton and Chandler played a pick-and-roll, Shumpert went straight to the basket, received the ball and made a layup.

The Knicks' first round of offense was different from the past. The top star Gua Ge was just a spectator and a human stand.

Knicks fans are really good at creating an atmosphere. It was obviously just the first ball at the beginning, but they seemed to regard it as a buzzer-beater and burst into thunderous cheers.

When it was the Pacers' turn to attack, the cheers turned into boos.

Hill is a veteran who has been through many battles, but he still looked a little unnatural in the face of this situation.

Hibbert had already hung up to the high post to set a pick-and-roll for him, but his movements were a little slow and he failed to shake off Fatton. At the same time, Chandler also stepped forward to double-team Hill, and Hill was surrounded by two people.

In the dead ball state, he had to choose to pass the ball, but because of the obstruction of vision, the pass was wrong. Shumpert rushed out diagonally, completed the steal, and quickly advanced to the front court.

"Beautiful defense!"

"I used to think Shumpert was ordinary, but now I find that he is really a talent!"

"Hahaha, after coming to Madison Square Garden, those country people in Indiana can't play basketball anymore!"

The Knicks' home fans were boiling again.

The Pacers' first round of offense failed, which was a scene that everyone liked to see.

They all focused their attention on Shumpert. This guy fired the first shot of the Knicks' blow to the Pacers. It was really great!

In their opinion, Shumpert's counterattack dunk was a foregone conclusion.

Soon, their eyes were filled with shock.

Fatton and Chandler double-teamed, Shumpert stole the ball, these things happened in a short period of time, but it did not mean that the Pacers players did not react.

He Feng chased and defended at the first time, and Paul George did not relax. Even though Shumpert had the upper hand, he was far from "stable".

Shumpert had already rushed into the three-point line, and the basket was in front of him. Now he was ready to welcome the cheers of the home fans.

Holding the ball with both arms, jumping up, and dunking!

However, the plot did not develop as he expected.

He Feng came from behind and rushed to his side, jumped up, and blocked the basket.

"How could it be?"

Shumpert was shocked. He did not expect He Feng's defense speed to be so fast.

The arrow was on the string and had to be shot. Even though He Feng was blocking in front of him, Shumpert could only continue to complete the dunk.


He Feng's take-off height was unquestionable, and he slapped the ball away with his absolute strength advantage.

Shumpert lost his balance in the air and fell to the ground.

He Feng directly blocked Shumpert to the ground!

The sound above the stadium stopped abruptly.

The fans looked at each other and read shock from each other's eyes.

The two poles reversed!

I thought Shumpert had completed a beautiful steal and staged a perfect counterattack dunk.

But all this was ruined by He Feng.

He Feng directly blocked the person, which was too violent!

"Madison Square Garden was directly quieted by He Feng's block!"

In the TNT broadcast room, O'Neal joked.

And this was the Knicks' home court. The referee did not blow the whistle, which means that He Feng's block was clean and there was no suspicion of any foul!

At this time, Shumpert, who was lying on the ground, looked down at He Feng, and only realized how lonely and helpless he was now.

There was no change in He Feng's expression, as if this violent block was not worth mentioning.

His footsteps did not stop, and he had already rushed to the front court.

He Feng fanned the ball away, and Paul George, who came from the backcourt, just caught the ball, and the offense and defense transition began.


Guo Ge yelled, admonishing his teammates.

He also thought that Shumpert's steal and counterattack was a very safe thing, but he never thought that he would encounter such a tragic scene.

Shumpert, who was lying on the ground, would definitely not be able to come back to defend in a short time. Now the Pacers are four against five.

Paul George was not in a hurry. The Pacers used the advantage of numbers to continuously pass the ball, and finally ended with West's small mid-range shot.

The Pacers also successfully scored the first goal of the game.

Fatton brought the ball to the frontcourt again, and the basketball was given toWhen it came to Gua Ge, Gua Ge was not greedy for the ball at all. He turned around and cut into the inside to attract the defense, then passed the ball to JR, who made a layup.

The Pacers had the ball, and He Feng cooperated with Hill to pass the ball, and changed his direction in front of his body to easily shake off JR.

JR was very careful, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being knocked down.

Chandler and Shumpert were both moving towards the penalty area, and He Feng threw the ball directly into the air.

At this time, Hibbert was unattended and easily ate the cake and performed an alley-oop dunk.

In the third offensive round, Gua Ge finally shot.

Facing the rookie Paul George, he still had many ways to deal with it. He kept making three threats and testing steps, not only looking for opportunities, but also trying to make Paul George's mentality.

Paul George was a little impatient as he kept judging the real and fake.

Gua Ge seized this opportunity, broke through, easily pushed Paul George away, and broke through to the inside to make a layup.

He had a signature bright smile on his face, showing two rows of big white teeth, and raised his eyebrows at Paul George, the meaning of provocation couldn't be more obvious.

The home crowd also cooperated very well, and the bad mood caused by Shumpert being blocked and knocked to the ground was gone in an instant.

As expected of the team's top player, Gua Ge's offense is so pleasing to the eye.

Facing Gua Ge's provocation, how could Paul George tolerate it?

He directly received the ball from the backcourt and pushed forward. Hill was quite helpless and thought to himself: "Man, I will give you the ball after I dribble across half court. Now you won't even let me do this little job?"

Paul George went all out and didn't dare to slack off, but he still couldn't take advantage of Gua Ge who was willing to defend.

Paul George was naturally small in tonnage, so he couldn't push Gua Ge, a heavy forward, and with staggering steps, Paul George barely completed the shot.

The result was obvious, the shot missed.

Chandler and Hibbert fought hard to position themselves under the basket and refused to give up an inch.

When the two were fighting, a third person appeared.

A pair of big hands firmly grasped the ball and smashed it into the basket.

The audience saw that it was the Chinese face again, and they were so angry that their teeth itched.

"He Feng made a violent tip-in! The Knicks fans were all upset!"

"Scream! Why can't you scream?"

The Chinese fans on the other side of the ocean were quite excited watching the pictures on the TV.

The so-called home advantage of the Knicks seemed to be non-existent in front of He Feng.

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