Chapter 102 Is it okay?

  Luo Ning drilled back into the sleeping bag, and the little thing slipped into her arms to sleep by feeling.

   The next day, Luo Ning got up and put the little guy in his pocket.

   When everyone got up, I took them to find a nearby water source and take a shower.

   Then I took everyone to find a lot of food.

  I was lucky today. I met several chickens and found some coconuts. Luo Ning said that everyone was very happy to eat coconut chicken at noon.

  According to the route, everyone can walk out of the forest to reach the original destination when they have finished eating at noon.

   Exactly a week, and this issue of Survival on a Deserted Island also means that it is coming to an end.

   At noon, Luo Ning cooked coconut chicken by himself, and the other meat and wild vegetable students came to do it.

   Soon, the fragrance of coconut chicken permeates all around, and the milky white soup is fragrant.

   "Sure enough, we still have to take action from Xiao Ning Ning so that we can eat authentic delicious food."

   "Yeah, just smelling this makes my mouth water."

   "Wow, it's delicious, this is the most delicious coconut chicken soup I've ever had."

   "Chicken is not only fresh, but also tender, with coconut milk, perfect!"

   "Delicious, delicious, so delicious."

   "Little Lemonade, how can you make it so delicious, I'm afraid I can't help but remember this stutter after I go back."

   "Little Ningning's cooking skills are amazing, whoever becomes her husband in the future will die happily!"

   Wei Yao and the others laughed and praised and sighed while drinking soup and eating meat.

   After drinking two bowls of soup, Tong Jia said with a satisfied face: "Unfortunately, I am old, otherwise I would want to pursue Xiao Ning Ning."

   Everyone could see that he was joking.

   "For the sake of stuttering, you actually want to harm our little lemonade."

   "The beauty you want, Xiao Ning Ning belongs to everyone."

   "We, Xiao Ning Ning, are going to find Xiao Young in the future, so don't worry about your old bacon."

  Tong Jia rolled his eyes, "Where am I old bacon? I'm not even thirty. Thank you."

   "I'm just thinking about this stutter, am I easy?"

   He sighed again, "Actually, I envy the other half of Xiao Ningning in the future."

   This is not a joke, he is really envious of Luo Ning's husband in the future.

  Luo Ning is beautiful, has a good temperament, can read Feng Shui and draw talismans, and has a wide range of knowledge. The key is that she has such a good cooking skills, whoever marries her will be happy.

   If he didn't know that he and Luo Ning were not suitable, he couldn't help but be tempted.

  Wei Yao and others also laughed and said, "You're not talking nonsense, let alone you, I don't know how many male compatriots are envious."

   Ji Xingheng frowned upon hearing their words.

   "Okay, eat it quickly, the coconut chicken will be gone in a while."

   He heard others say that in the future, Luo Ning will find other men to be his other half, and it will be uncomfortable for other men to envy or something.

   These words made Wei Yao and the others stunned for a while, but they quickly reacted. Their words made Ji Dadingliu unhappy.

   Several people also remembered that Ji Xingheng and Luo Ning grew up together.

   And they have also noticed recently that Ji Dingliu often wants to get close to Luo Ning when he puts down his body, fearing that he regrets it because of what happened before.

   They knew about the Weibo incident. At that time, they also felt that Ji Xingheng and Bo Xiangxiang were unkind, and it was no wonder that the friendship boat of childhood sweethearts was about to capsize.

   Ji Xingheng said so, and the few people tacitly stopped talking about it.

  The atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a moment, Su Qinglan suddenly saw a small head emerge from Luo Ningyi's pocket.

"What's this?"

   Her words instantly attracted the attention of others and eased the atmosphere.

   Luo Ning saw the little guy sniffing the aroma and got out, and smiled and took it out of his pocket and put it in the palm of his hand.

   He scooped some soup with a spoon made of bamboo and blew it cold and fed it to him.

   The little guy drank the soup and slowly opened his eyes, taking Luo Ning as her new mother, and after drinking a small spoonful, he kept rubbing his head against her palm.

   "This is a little monkey? So cute!" Su Qinglan looked at the cute little guy rubbing Luo Ning's hand, and his heart was almost melted.

  Others also looked at the little monkey in Luo Ning's hands with curiosity.

   "Is this really a monkey? How can it be so small?"

   "It's so cute, but the monkey isn't so small, isn't it? Is it another animal, it just looks like a monkey."

  Wei Yao usually likes calligraphy and literature. After watching Little Monkey for a while, he suddenly asked in surprise, "Little Ningning, is this Momon?"

   Luo Ning fed the little guy another spoonful of soup and stopped eating it.

   She raised her head and smiled and said, "Mr. Wei also knows about ink monkeys?"

   Wei Yao's eyes lit up involuntarily, "It's really a black monkey, I've heard of it all the time, but unfortunately it's the first time I've seen it."

   "What kind of monkey is a black monkey?" Tong Jia asked the two of them.

  Wei Yao laughed and shared with everyone what an ink monkey is. When everyone heard that the ink monkey could sharpen ink, eat ink and sleep on a pen holder, everyone couldn't believe it.

   The mobile phone signal on the island has been restored, so someone took out their mobile phone to check online.

   soon found the information of the ink monkey.

   "I actually know how to sharpen ink, I have gained a lot of knowledge."

   "This little monkey hasn't grown much, and it's too cute."

  The director has also heard of the ink monkey, this is the first time I have seen it, so I couldn't help but come over.

   "Mr. Luo, how did you get the ink monkey in your hand?" He guessed that Luo Ning was going to bring the ink monkey back.

   If he wants to get this kind of psychic little cute thing, he will also bring it back.

  The black monkey is not a protected animal explicitly stipulated, and there is no legal requirement that private individuals cannot keep it.

   In addition, this is a deserted island on the high seas, so Luo Ning had the chance to find a black monkey and bring it back with nothing.

   For Luo Ning, whether it is the kidnappers on the island or the ratings, the director is very fond and grateful to her.

   So I don't mind helping her raise the ink monkey and bring it to the table to make it justifiable.

  Ancient literati and aristocratic families, if they can keep a black monkey, they can show it off for a long time.

  The director knows that many old people in the upper circles are very fond of ink monkeys, but it is a pity that this little guy is rare and precious, and the chances of finding it are too slim.

   I have to say that Luo Ning's luck is so good that even he is envious.

  Luo Ning could see what the director meant, so he roughly explained what happened last night, "I will adopt it in the future."

   She looked at the director and asked, "It just happened that the show was finished recording today, so I'll take it back with me, is it alright?"

   The director smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem. This is a deserted island on the high seas, and the little black monkey is an ownerless thing. Its mother entrusted it to you. That is fate."

   "Besides, it was born, and if you don't take it, it won't survive in the forest."

  In addition to Bo Xiangxiang, others also said: "Yes, and if it wasn't for you last night, it must have fallen into the mouth of the leopard. This is the fate between you."

   "Seeing that the little guy likes you very much, this is treating you as a new mother, and it can't be separated from you." Su Qinglan emphasized.

  Luo Ning smiled and touched the little guy's head with his fingertips, and said with a doting smile, "Well, I will be its new mother from now on."

   I have something to do today. I can’t finish writing the second chapter. I will come back and continue to write. It is expected to be sent around 19-20 o’clock in the evening~



   (end of this chapter)

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