Chapter 103 Sour gas

   Those present who have heard of Black Monkey are a little envious of Luo Ning, but they are not jealous.

  The black monkey is almost extinct now, and it is impossible to find such a monkey without luck and fate.

  Bo Xiangxiang didn't know Mohou before, but after listening to Wei Yao's explanation, after seeing the director and others looking at Luo Ning with envy, he also knew how precious and rare this little thing is.

   Listening to Wei Yao's meaning, many old people like this black monkey.

  Luo Ning might still be able to use this little thing to catch up with people with strong backgrounds.

   Thinking of this, she felt so jealous and hated, how could all good things come to Luo Ning's head.

   also looked at the ink monkey with a hint of anger, why does this little thing exist?

   The little guy was very sensitive. He felt Bo Xiangxiang's gaze and dislike, and immediately shrank his body and called Luo Ning a few times pitifully.

   is probably the meaning of "Mama, the cubs are afraid".

  Luo Ning could understand what it meant, looked up at Bo Xiangxiang, narrowed his eyes slightly, with a bit of sharpness and warning.

  Bo Xiangxiang also noticed Luo Ning's eyes, and he turned his head unnaturally.

  Lu Xun smiled and looked at Luo Ning and asked, "It has been following you since today. Give it a name."

   These words were also deliberately said in front of the live broadcast, to represent his support, and to make people who want to fight ink monkeys weigh them in the future.

   Luo Ning nodded, "Okay."

   "What do you want to be called?" She reached out and scratched the little guy's chin.

   The little guy raised his head comfortably, and made two "squeaks" in his mouth.

  Luoning chuckled and said, "Okay, if you want to call it Zaizai, then let's call it."

  Everyone: "..." Is this serious?

   "Do you understand what it means?" Tong Jia asked curiously.

  Luoning replied with a smile: "By feeling."

   "Are you going to call me cub." She poked the little guy lightly.

   The little guy immediately hugged Luo Ning's fingertips and rubbed it, and let out a happy cry.

  Su Qinglan was cute again, "It seems that he can really understand Ning Ning's words, and he is too smart."

  Wei Yao was also amazed, "I heard that the black monkey has special spirituality before, and it's true when I see it today."

  Chai Jing sighed: "This is too human."

  Lu Xun also liked the little guy very much, he stretched out his index finger and scratched its head, "Cub is so smart!"

  Cub cub felt the kindness radiated by Lu Xun, and rubbed his head against his fingertips in response.

   "So smart, as expected of Teacher Luo's pet."

   "So cute, so cute!"

   "So smart at such a young age, I'm afraid I'll be more clever when I grow up."

   The students also came together to laugh and praise.

   The audience in front of the screen was also stunned by the cubs.

  【Ah, ah, there is such a cute little monkey, I'm so cute. 】

   [As expected of my Ningbao, even the ink monkey can meet and recognize the master. 】

  【My wife is kind and kind, so the black monkeys can take the initiative to come to her door. 】

  【Such a cute and smart cub, he really deserves to be Ningbao's "son"]

   Naturally, the ink monkey has also attracted the attention of many people.

  Luo Ning didn't want to secretly raise the cub, and she had to go through security checks or something when she returned to the country at the airport or other places, so she generously stated on the live broadcast that she wanted to raise the little guy and cross the bright road.

   As for whether she will be remembered or not, she is not afraid. If she can't even keep her own pet, what else is there to do.

  After eating, everyone rested for a while and continued on their way. After half an hour, they saw the beach and helicopter.

  The director took the show crew to open a few cases of beer, and the hops spewed out.

   "Congratulations everyone on completing the week-long Wilderness Survival."

   At this time, everyone's heart is complicated. Not only do they think that they will finally leave this deserted island, but they also feel a little memory.

  After all, what happened in these seven days, in addition to the excitement of being kidnapped, there is still a lot of fun.

   "Finally I can go home, I feel sore." Tong Jia raised her hand and smelled her clothes, and said with disgust.

   "Suddenly after a week of savage life, I suddenly miss the electrical appliances at home."

   "After living on a desert island this week, I decided to go back and not be picky eaters anymore."

   "I think after I go back, I will especially miss Xiaoling Ning's food."

   "I will also miss the food Mr. Luo made."

   "I don't know when I will be able to eat the coconut chicken made by Teacher Luo again."

  The director looked at the guests and the students and said with a smile: "Our variety show is not over yet. You may be able to eat other delicacies made by Teacher Luo in the next issue."

   These words really brightened everyone's eyes, "I'm going to team up with Xiao Ningning/Ms. Luo in the next issue."

   Lu Xun, who has successfully teamed up with Luo Ning for two consecutive periods, rarely joked to everyone: "It's probably easier for you to dream."

  Wei Yao looked at Lu Xun resentfully and said, "Every time you occupy Xiao Ningning, Lu Shen, you are not being kind."

  Tong Jia also said: "That's right, Lu Shen, you can't do this, the next issue should also give the rest of us a chance."

   "That's right, Lu Shen, please give us Xiao Ningning in the next issue." Chai Jing also came over and said.

  Su Qinglan held Luo Ning and said, "I will hold Xiao Ningning's thigh unswervingly in the next issue."

  The students also wanted to form a team with Luo Ning, but facing Lu Xun, they didn't dare to talk like Wei Yao and other guests jokingly, and they could only coax, "Yes, yes!"

  Bo Xiangxiang watched everyone rushing to form a team with Luo Ning, and was jealous and jealous.

  Ji Xingheng was constantly sour. If he didn't do it before, Ning Ning would definitely be with him, and he wouldn't let Lu Xun, a wild man, take advantage of it.

   For Luo Ning, as long as he doesn't have to team up with Bo Xiangxiang and Ji Xingheng alone.

   It's not easy to promise who will form a team for the next episode, so he looked at the director and asked, "Director, will the next episode not be so exciting again?"

   Everyone immediately turned their attention and looked at the director.

   Ji Xingheng even more directly said: "Director, you should be an individual in the next issue."

  If it weren't for Ningling's strong ability, everyone would have fallen into the hands of the kidnappers now.

   As for Lu Xun's flying leaves hurting people, he completely forgot about it.

   "That's right, you should be an individual in the next issue." Others also echoed.

   Director: "..." It means that he is not human now.

   "The next issue is definitely fun and relaxing, don't worry." He still has lingering fears about the kidnappers before, how can he dare to play exciting again in the next issue.

  Tong Jia put his free hand on the director's shoulder, "Is the theme for the next issue coming out?"

   Everyone is also very curious, what kind of demon the director will make in the next issue, which is fun and easy, they don't believe it.

   The director rolled his eyes, "Don't try to lie to me, it's boring to say it."

   "But your body, can you still participate in the next issue?" He looked at Tong Jia and asked.

  Tong Jia smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to participate. Although Xiao Ning Ning's medicine is very good, my hands and feet are no longer painful, but the doctor told me to rest for a while."

   So for the performance and the next episode, he was forced to withdraw temporarily.

   He also knew that the ratings of this episode had exploded, and the next episode must be very popular, so he was a little disgusted with Bo Xiangxiang who harmed him.

   Hearing that Tong Jia was leaving in the next issue, Bo Xiangxiang's eyes flashed. If there is a guest who has a good relationship with her, maybe she can save the audience in the next issue.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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