Chapter 139 Right?

  Luo Ning is sure that if news of this movie is released, it will definitely cause a commotion.

   Don't say she is a first-line actress, I am afraid that even the super-first-line actress level will want to fight for the heroine role.

   This time, it is not only directed by Director Mo, but also has a box office of hundreds of millions, who has never rushed to join the actor Lu Yingdi. For people in the circle, it means that the box office must be stable.

   And the script of this movie is also really good.

   In her last life, when she was alive, neither Director Mo nor Lu Xun had filmed this drama, so she was a little surprised.

   Mo Dao smiled and looked at Luo Ning with a bit of satisfaction, "Xiao Luo, sit down."

   From the appearance alone, Luo Ning fits his image of the movie very well.

   His film has very high requirements for the heroine. In addition to acting skills, the key point is to look beautiful and to be able to support the various cheongsams of the Republic of China.

   He actually prepared for this movie for two or three years, but he never found a suitable heroine.

   For him now, he has no shortage of fame, fortune and money, so he pursues the perfection of the movie.

   Couldn't find a suitable candidate, he would rather not shoot.

   As for the male protagonist, he had long been interested in Lu Xun, but unfortunately the other party never picked up.

  Last month, Lu Xun suddenly called him and said that he was interested in this movie, but he wanted to recommend a heroine. If she passed the audition, he would also accept the show.

   Director Mo knew that Lu Xun was not the kind of person who would make excuses in order to recommend acquaintances, so he promised to give the person he recommended an audition opportunity.

   As long as he reaches the passing line in his heart, he will make an exception, and he will still give Lu Xun's face.

   He also went to learn about Luo Ning, and also watched the live broadcast of the desert island episode.

  I am very satisfied with Luo Ning's image and character, but I am afraid that her acting skills are not good. After all, it is rumored in the circle that she is a vase without acting skills.

   He went to the web drama she filmed when she entered the circle and watched it. Her acting skills were not bad, but it was still a little far from his requirements.

   That's why Director Mo thought to himself, this movie is a pity that it can't be shown on the screen.

  I didn't expect to see two videos of Luo Ning's audition on the Internet yesterday. He was immediately amazed by her acting skills, and she was very spiritual.

   This also means that Luo Ning should sink his heart and study acting skills in the time since the filming of the online drama, otherwise the progress would not be so great.

   After Luo Ning sat down, he poured tea for the two of them respectively.

After   , he asked Luo Ning, "You should have read the script. Can you tell me about your understanding of the heroine?"

  Luo Ning was not nervous, she smiled generously and talked, "The heroine is a very contradictory woman, and there is an unknown side in the whole play..."

   After listening to Luo Ning's understanding of the heroine, the smile on Mo Dao's face deepened, "Very good, it seems that you have studied the script in depth after you got it. I like the dedicated young man."

   "Then let's audition now?" He asked impatiently.

  Luo Ning nodded and smiled, "Okay!"

   Then Director Mo took the two out and went to another courtyard next door.

   These two courtyard houses are the inheritance of Mo Daozu. One is for his own living, and the other is used for filming and placing props.

   In the courtyard here, the set manager, assistant director, screenwriter and makeup artist are all there.

   Director Mo has high requirements for his films, so he also has high requirements for the environmental makeup of the audition.

   He instructed the makeup artist, "Take Xiao Luo to do her makeup and put on the clothes she used for her first appearance."

   The makeup artist is a middle-aged woman and is also very famous in the circle.

   "Mr. Luo, come with me." Cheng Yu said with a polite smile.

   Luo Ning's attitude is also very polite, "Good teacher Cheng."

  The background of this film is the period of the warlords of the Republic of China.

  The female protagonist is a good lady. On the day she married the male partner who had been engaged since childhood, the other party ran away from the marriage behind her back and went to study abroad.

   During his study abroad, he got on with another female student studying abroad.

   Therefore, after returning, he insisted on a divorce on the grounds that his marriage with the heroine was a feudal mess.

   At this time, the male supporting role joined the local warlord and became an officer, and his family tolerated him very much.

   The first scene where the heroine appeared was being returned to her parents' home by her husband's family.

   She was dressed in an old-fashioned woman's ruff, and her hair was combed into a woman's makeup.

  Luo Ning came out, and at first glance, she felt like a gentle lady like water.

   is very in line with the script, the image and temperament of the heroine when she first appeared.

   When she was kicked out by her husband's family, she was weak and tenacious. After returning to her parents' house, she was ridiculed by her sister-in-law, and she accepted it with restraint.

   After the first audition, Director Mo and other talents recovered from Luo Ning's audition.

   "Very good, this audition passed."

   Director Mo was very satisfied that Luo Ning acted the kind of lady he wanted, "Next time, Xiao Luo, you audition for the scene where the heroine appears in another image."

   Luo Ning nodded, "Okay, Mo Dao."

   Then go back to the dressing room to re-make up and change clothes.

   In the play, in addition to the old-fashioned female identity abandoned by her husband, the heroine also has the identity of a big businessman who founded a chemical factory and a machinery factory.

   In this scene, she also appeared as the female boss.

   is also the first time the hero and heroine meet.

  The male protagonist played by Lu Xun is the young marshal of another major warlord. This time he wanted to process a batch of parts for the production of weapons, so he found the female protagonist's machinery factory.

  Luo Ning played the heroine at this time with a cool temperament and a more decisive and even ruthless style.

   Luo Ning wore the popular cheongsam at that time and stepped on high heels to perfectly outline her curvy figure.

  No one could have imagined that she would be the gentle and virtuous lady who was abandoned.

   She walked to the opposite side of Lu Xun and sat down, and the two began to play against each other.

  From the beginning to the end, Luo Ning will be like that, which can only be seen from a distance and cannot be played with.

   In the confrontation with the young marshal male protagonist, he was not at a disadvantage in the slightest, and even after you came and went, he obtained the greatest benefits.

   also made the young handsome male protagonist look at him in a different way, and admired a strong woman like her very much.

   At the end of this scene, Director Mo couldn't help but applaud, "Luo Ning, you have performed the feeling I want."

   "You are the heroine I have been looking for." He said again with little excitement.

   As expected of Lu Xun's introduction, not only did he not disappoint, he also gave him a big surprise.

  Luo Ning's image in the circle and the plays she has acted have never been this glamorous type, so he was worried that she would not be able to perform the effect he wanted.

   But he found that he really underestimated Luo Ning's acting skills. She was too spiritual. The transformation of two characters with different personalities was handled very naturally, and she played all the characters alive.

   This is the first time he has seen such acting skills among young actresses.

  Lu Xun knows that Luo Ning's acting skills are very superb, and he was brought into the play by her just now.

   Hearing Mo Dao's praise for Luo Ning, his brows and eyes were filled with a thick smile, "Director Mo, I said Luo Ning will never disappoint you, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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