Chapter 140 Lu Yingdi is very bad!

   Director Mo listened to Lu Xun's words with a sense of pride, and couldn't help but glance at him.

  It was the first time for him to see Lu Xun approve of anyone in the circle so much.

   It seems that the relationship between Lu Yingdi and Luo Ning is not easy.

   In other words, Lu Daying may have intentions for other people's little girls, so he uses human feelings to help people introduce characters.

   Of course, he is a smart person. He can see that the relationship between Lu Xun and Luo Ning has not developed to a deeper level, so he can't see through it.

   So he smiled and nodded, "Of course the person you introduced is right."

   "Luo Ning didn't disappoint me, she was born for acting."

   looked at Luo Ning again and said, "Don't go to those variety shows in the future, it's too late for your acting."

   He sees people very accurately. With Luo Ning's acting skills and the resources of Xinghuang Entertainment behind him, his future development in the film and television industry will definitely not be bad.

  Lu Xun did not agree with what he said, "It is always necessary to combine work and rest. While acting, it is also good to participate in a variety show to relax."

   Not participating in variety shows, because he wants to lose a lot of opportunities to get along with Luo Ning, this old Mo has a bad idea.

   Mo Dao twitched the corner of his mouth: "..."

   He wanted to say, why haven't I seen you go to a variety show before?

   I don’t know who said before that it’s boring to participate in variety shows.

   In pursuit of catering to little girls, it's really a double standard.

   He knows Lu Xun's identity, and the two of them have been together for all these years, and they can be called good friends, so naturally they will not expose their shortcomings.

   can only say with a smile: "Xiao Luo is still so young, in addition to acting, it is also good to develop in other aspects."

  It's strange when he thinks about it, he still thinks that such a good seedling like Luo Ning, it's too wasteful to go to a variety show or something.

  Because of the lewd power of a certain actor, he had to cater.

   just couldn't help but added: "But I'm still more optimistic about your talent and spirituality in acting."

   "So I suggest that you devote more time and energy to acting, and strive to win the queen's crown in the future."

  Luo Ning couldn't see what the two of them meant, she chuckled and said, "Thank you Director Mo for your praise and affirmation, I will."

   She herself likes acting, so she will continue to stay in the entertainment industry after she returns.

  In the past, she went to several modern worlds and worked as an actress. She continued to improve her acting skills and worked hard to reach the highest point.

   But after all, that is the achievement of doing tasks and replacing others' lives, so she still hopes that she will stand at the highest point in the entertainment industry, and she will not live a life in vain.

   Director Mo and Luo Ning didn't get along for a long time, but he liked her temperament very much.

   Being praised, she was not proud and complacent. When she first saw him, she did not bow down or deliberately cater to him. She was generous, neither humble nor arrogant.

   This is rare among the younger generation in the circle he has seen.

  Luo Ning is serious in her work, good in acting, spiritual and malleable. He feels that as long as there are no accidents, her future can be expected.

  Lu Xun smiled at Director Mo and asked, "Then the heroine is Luo Ning?"

   Mo Dao smiled angrily and said, "Bullshit, why do you need to ask?"

   He turned to Luo Ning and said, "You ask the agent to contact me later, and we will finalize the contract."

  Luo Ning nodded, "Okay, Mo Dao."

   Director Mo thought about it and asked, "By the way, the show won't start in about four months. Are you okay with your timing?"

   He didn't expect it to be settled so quickly before, so he had to prepare again.

  Luo Ning replied: "There is no problem with the timing. I picked up a fairy tale drama, but there are not many episodes. The director's estimated shooting time is about three months, which can be staggered."

   That Xianxia drama, Director Zhu also wanted to make a high-quality product, and was going to shoot the first season first, and the effect was good, and then continue to shoot the second season.

  The filming time of the first season is tentatively set to be three months, but a lot of time will be invested in the production later, and the broadcast time will be about five months later.

   Director Mo knew Director Zhu, "Old Zhu's drama is quite good, no accident, this drama should not be bad."

   "When the Xianxia drama is broadcast, we can just promote our movie."

   He is not worried about his popularity, after all, his fame and status are here.

   It's just that Luo Ning is making a movie for the first time, and she is also the heroine of his movie, so she will definitely be questioned a lot.

   Now he is not going to publicize and release the news of the movie, and wait for the Xianxia drama to be broadcast.

   This can also increase the popularity of Luo Ning, reduce some doubts, and promote the movie by the way.

   In this way, in addition to his optimism about Luo Ning, it is mainly to sell the face of the great actor Lu. After all, it is the person he recommended, and he has to protect it.

  Luoning smiled and said, "Okay, thank you Director Mo."

   After chatting for a while, when Luo Ning went to the bathroom, Lu Xun asked Director Mo, "Is the role of the second man who escaped marriage set?"

   Director Mo shook his head, "I haven't decided yet. I have requirements for the appearance and acting skills of the male and female protagonists and supporting roles of this show. I haven't found a suitable candidate for this second male lead."

   He laughed and joked: "Why, can you introduce me again?"

  Lu Xun replied with a smile: "I think someone is quite suitable. If you think it's okay, you can talk to his agent yourself."

   Director Mo asked curiously, "Who are you talking about?"

  Lu Xun said: "Ji Xingheng, his appearance and temperament are quite similar to that of the second male, and his acting skills are not bad in the top-notch little fresh meat, so I think it is suitable."

   Director Mo: "..."

   He wanted to ask Lu Daying, did you do it on purpose?

   He knew about Luo Ning's situation, and of course he knew that Luo Ning and Ji Xingheng were childhood sweethearts, and they had a falling out because of a little actress.

   asked him to invite Ji Xingheng to play the second male lead. He felt that Lu Daying's purpose was absolutely impure.

   Ji Xingheng is the top class, and his status in the circle is not low. The key is that he has a good family background. Will he agree to invite the other party?

Will    be beaten out by the opponent with a broom?

   The second male character in this drama is actually a tragic character. His early appearances are annoying. He is a arrogant and willful young master.

  In the middle and late stage, the image slowly changed, and finally he died for the country.

   Of course, he also added a bit of blood. After inadvertently contacting the heroine of the big businessman Leng Yan, he couldn't help falling in love with the heroine, and finally found out that she was actually his fiancee.

  Lu Xun's proposal made him a little moved, not to mention Ji Xingheng seems to fit the image of the second male.

  Lu Xun saw his hesitation and said with a smile: "Just tell Ji Xingheng that the heroine has already decided that Luo Ning will play the role, and he will probably agree to it."

   Director Mo looked at him meaningfully and sighed: "Ji Dingliu feels a little unlucky to meet you."

   He suddenly discovered that Yingdi Lu was bad!

   He still agreed, "Okay, then I'll try to contact his agent in a few days."

  Lu Xun gave Mo Dao a smile, "It shouldn't disappoint you."

   After Luo Ning came back, he sat for a while, and Director Mo left the two to have dinner together, but Lu Xun refused.

   He rarely finds a chance to be alone with Luo Ning, so don't let the light bulbs shine.

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~ The update time will be around 0:5 from tomorrow, and there will be three chapters in a row if there is no accident~~



   (end of this chapter)

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