After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 141: Are you sure you didn't mean to **** him off?

   Chapter 141 Are you sure you didn't mean to **** him off?

   Sit in the car going back.

  Lu Xun said, "Director Mo said that he couldn't find a suitable candidate for the second male role, so I recommended one to him."

   He will not hide or deliberately cover up what he has done to Luo Ning.

  Luo Ning has read and studied the entire script, so she naturally knows what kind of role the second male lead is.

   She turned her head and tried to ask, "You wouldn't recommend Ji Xingheng, would you?"

  Otherwise, with Lu Xun's character, he probably wouldn't mention this to himself alone.

  Lu Xun's lips ticked, "Well, the director is looking for someone who is good-looking, young and has acting skills. I think he is more suitable, so I recommend it."

  Luoning: "..." Why did she think Lu Daying's words were so fake.

   She turned her head to look at him with a half-smile and asked, "Are you sure you recommended him because he is young, good-looking and has acting skills?"

  Lu Xun coughed lightly and said with a smile, "The point is that I think he can play the second male lead well."

  Luo Ning couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Lu, are you sure you didn't mean to **** him off?"

   "If you understand it that way, you can actually." Lu Xun nodded and admitted with a smile.

   He wanted Ji Xingheng to make it clear both on and off the show, that if you lost it, you lost it, and there was no way to save it if it was too late.

   Luo Ning asked: "Did Director Mo agree?"

  Lu Xun replied, "He also thinks that Ji Xingheng's character and image are very suitable for that role, so he plans to contact Ji Xingheng's agent in two days."

   Then he changed the subject and asked, "What about you? If you have any opinion, I will ask Director Mo to find someone again."

  If Luo Ning doesn't want to play with Ji Xingheng, he will let Director Mo replace him, and everything is still based on her wishes.

   That's why he told her about it now.

   Luo Ning heard this and knew that this was Lu Xun's respect for him. This man has always been so considerate and thoughtful.

   She shrugged and said, "I don't care, it's up to Ji Xingheng to come or not."

   If it was Ji Xingheng's previous dog temperament, in all likelihood, he would not come, and he would ridicule Mo Dao for a while.

   Now, she's not sure if that guy will agree.

  Lu Xun saw that Luo Ning really didn't care, and his deep eyes were dyed with a thick smile, "He should come."

   "Then come." Anyway, she can now see Ji Xingheng as nothing.

  Lu Xun asked with a smile, "Are you okay tonight? Let's have dinner together?"

   He added: "I know a seafood shop that tastes good, I'll take you to try it."

   Luo Ning nodded with a smile: "Okay!"

   Recently, her mother took her brother and Aunt Lan out to play, and she didn't have to go back to eat with them.

  Lu Xun looked at the time and said, "It's still early, I want to buy some cufflinks, can you go shopping with me?"

   If his assistant heard this, he would be speechless. When did Yingdi Lu go to the mall to buy cufflinks by himself?

   That's not all they have already prepared, let him choose.

   Luo Ning heard what he said, and felt that Lu Yingdi, who went to the mall, seemed to be quite down to earth.

   She chuckled and said, "Okay!"

  The two went to the mall wearing masks and hats, and their breaths were deliberately restrained, so they only turned back a little, but they were not recognized.

  Luo Ning helped Lu Xun choose several pairs of cufflinks, and Lu Xun also accompanied Luo Ning to buy a few skirts.

   After buying the two, they went to a coffee shop with better privacy to rest.

   After sitting down, Luo Ning smiled and looked at Lu Xun and said, "Many men don't like to go shopping with women. Teacher Lu, you are very rare."

   In the past, Ji Xingheng, that dog man, didn't like to go shopping with her.

   Every time he was asked to go shopping together, he would either not go, or he would become impatient after going for a long time, or he would look like he was unlovable.

   Now that I think about it, I really want to beat that dog man up.

  Emperor Lu was different. Not only did she accompany her all the time, but she also gave serious advice and helped her with shopping bags when she was finished.

  Lu Xun chuckled and said, "It's not tiring to go shopping with you, I'm very happy."

   He doesn't usually like to go shopping, but if it is to accompany Luo Ning, he is very happy.

   As for other women, thank you!

  Luo Ning said with a smile, "I'll go shopping in the future. If I don't call my best friend, why don't I ask you to accompany me? I find that your aesthetics are quite similar to mine."

   Lu Xun's advice to her is all on her point.

  Lu Xun couldn't ask for it, with a smile on his face, "Okay!"

   After drinking coffee, the two happened to pass by the film and television city in the shopping mall.

  Lu Xun raised his hand and looked at his watch again, "It seems a little early to go to dinner now, why don't we go to a movie together?"

   He pointed to the promotional board of the Studio City and said, "I heard that this movie is not bad, and the box office is currently very high."

  Luo Ning hasn't gone to the cinema with anyone to see a movie since he came back. In fact, he has very few previous lives.

   Immediately became interested, "Okay, then I'll buy tickets online."

  Lu Xun was carrying a lot of things, Luo Ning took out her mobile phone and bought two tickets.

   It was not long before they left the venue. The two went to put things in the car, bought some snacks, and went to the cinema.

  Luo Ning bought the VIP hall, which happened to be a row on the side, with only two positions.

  After the movie started, Lu Xun was holding French fries and popcorn, Luo Ning reached for it when he wanted to eat it, and the service was very attentive.

  The movie is really good, but Lu Xun enjoys the feeling and atmosphere of watching a movie with Luo Ning even more.

   After watching the movie, the two went to the seafood shop Lu Xun said.

   The storefront is not a high-end restaurant, but in a small courtyard. The environment is very elegant, the business is very hot, and many people are sitting in line.

  Lu Xun knew the boss and booked a private room in advance. After the two arrived, they went in directly.

   As soon as we ordered the meal, there was a knock on the door of the private room.

  Lu Xun said, "Come in."

   Soon three young people came in, one of them was Fu Ci, whom Luo Ning also knew.

   The other two, one wearing glasses, looked gentle and graceful.

  The other person is more handsome and cool, and his temperament has a kind of unruly publicity.

   There is a tear mole next to a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, but the male and female appearance is not feminine at all, which is the type that girls like nowadays.

   After the three of them came in, the peach blossom-eyed man looked at Lu Xun with a ghostly look on his face.

   "Tsk tsk, our veteran cadres actually meet a little beauty for dinner. It's the first time we've met in more than 20 years!"

  Lu Xun ignored him and introduced Luo Ning: "This is my hairy little Huo Ye."

   pointed at the gentle man again and said, "He is also my little boy, Yu Zihang."

   "You know Fu Ci, so I won't introduce you."

   Then he mainly gave a brief introduction to the two of them, "This is Luo Ning."

  Huo Ye's eyes fell on Luo Ning, his eyes were not frivolous, "What a rare little beauty, Lao Lu, your eyes are really good."

   He just came back from abroad and didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, so he didn't know Luo Ning.

  Lu Xun gave him a warning look, "You guys also come here to eat?"

   Huo Ye received Lu Xun's warning and restrained a lot.

   He swallowed the "little beauty" he was about to shout out, and greeted Luo Ning with a smile, "Hello, Miss Luo!"

   "I was bored, so I asked them to come out for dinner."

   "Called you, but no answer."

   He smiled meaningfully, "It turns out that the beautiful woman has an appointment!"

   After the three chapters, I am going back to correct the typos and typos~



   (end of this chapter)

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