Chapter 142 You Are Really God

   When Huo Ye called, Lu Xun was watching a movie with Luo Ning, and the phone was on mute and didn't answer.

After    came out, he saw Huo Ye in the group making an appointment, knowing that the other party had nothing to do, so he didn't return.

   I just didn’t expect to meet it here.

   "I turned my phone on silent in the afternoon."

  Lu Xun looked at the three and asked, "How do you know I'm in this private room?"

  Huo Ye raised his finger and pointed at himself, "When I first entered the yard, I saw your back from far away, and if I asked the waiter, I knew you were in this private room."

   Several of them knew the boss and were regulars here, so the waiter told him the private room number.

  Lu Xun nodded, "Understood, I'll invite you guys another day."

   This means the order to evict guests.

  The three of Huo Ye understood in seconds, and they were amazed. It was the first time that Lu Xun was so focused on his friends.

   In the past, they should not be called to eat together.

  Yu Zihang smiled wisely: "Okay, we'll make an appointment in two days."

   Then he pulled La Huoye and let him almost get it, but don't affect this chasing girl, or he will definitely be punished later.

  Fu Ci knew that Luo Ning had rescued Lu Xun, but he didn't expect that a friend who had never been close to women would have a day that touched the hearts of ordinary people.

   He also had a good impression of Luo Ning before, and he heard that his sister often praised Luo Ning as a good temperament, and originally planned to find a chance to get along with her.

   If you get along, it's not bad to develop a relationship.

   But now that it is better for his friends to strike first, he has also put away his thoughts and let him be friends instead of lovers.

   "Then we won't disturb you and Master Luo." He smiled and nodded to the two of them.

   Huo Ye, who was also interested in leaving, heard Fu Ci's name for Luo Ning, and asked curiously, "How do you call her Master Luo?"

It is no secret that    Luo Ning is a Feng Shui master.

   So Fu Ci said truthfully: "Luo Ning is also a Feng Shui master, she helped save Wei Wei."

   and Luo Ning couldn't develop a super-friendly relationship, so he habitually called Luo Ning his previous name.

   Huo Ye suddenly became interested, "I didn't expect you to be a Feng Shui master."

   "Then do you usually show people Feng Shui?"

  Huo Ye couldn't help but pulled away the seat opposite Luo Ning and sat down, "I heard that your Feng Shui masters also read faces and fortune-telling, is that true?"

  Luo Ning can see that Lu Xun's friend has an informal character, "I don't know if other Feng Shui masters will read it, but I will see fortune-telling."

   "Because you are a friend of Teacher Lu, I will give you a piece of advice for free."

   She looked at Huo Ye and continued: "If you meet someone who is arguing with you today, you'd better not quarrel or do anything, otherwise there will be bloodshed."

   Huo Ye didn't expect him to ask this out of curiosity, and the little beauty gave him some advice.

   He laughed, "Are you sure I will have a bloodbath?"

   Luo Ning saw him like this, and knew that he didn't believe what he said, "You can experience it yourself. If someone smashes your wine bottle, you'd better avoid your head."

   "Okay, then I'll give it a try."

  Huo Ye didn't believe that he knew that he had a **** disaster at random, but his friend was here, so he still had to give face.

   He stood up and smiled, "Then let's go first."

  Lu Xun nodded to him and reminded: "Go, don't fight with people tonight, Luo Ning sees it very accurately."

   He is a good friend with a very flamboyant temperament, and he is a school bully since childhood, and sometimes he is very stubborn and impulsive.

   He absolutely believed in Luo Ning's words, that's why he reminded him.

   Huo Ye didn't expect his friends to become superstitious. It turns out that men who are usually pure-hearted and not close to women are really unreasonable when it comes to love.

   He smiled perfunctorily and said, "I see."

   Then he and Fu Ci left and went to the originally reserved private room.

  After the three of them left, Lu Xun asked Luo Ning, "If his **** disaster happens, will it be serious?"

   If it was serious, he naturally couldn't let it go.

  Luo Ning shook his head with a smile, "It's not serious, it's just a bottle on the head at most."

   "If he can remember my reminder, he won't be bleeding, at most a little blood."

  Because of this, she casually reminded her and didn't say to help the other party resolve it.

  Lu Xun heard her tone and knew that his friend's **** disaster was relatively minor, so he didn't care anymore.

  Huo Ye's temperament is sometimes too impulsive, and it is a good thing to suffer a little loss.

   Soon, the seafood ordered by the two came up.

  Luo Ning likes to cook, and naturally likes to eat.

   She was very happy to eat, "The seafood here really tastes delicious, Mr. Lu, are you an invisible foodie behind your back?"

  The places where Lu Xun took her to eat are very distinctive and taste really good, the key is that it suits her taste.

  Lu Xun wore gloves to help Luo Ning peel off the shell of a Pipi shrimp, "It's okay, I also know several good restaurants, and I have the opportunity to take you to eat."

   He is not a foodie himself, but he knows that Luo Ning likes to eat, and he is even more aware of her taste.

  Luoning naturally took the peeled shrimp from Lu Xun, "Okay."

  I don't know why, since the time of survival on the deserted island, Lu Xun's attitude towards her and his own personality have changed a lot, but she has an inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy.

   Because of this, she instinctively followed her heart and did not reject Lu Xun's various favors.

   When the two were almost finished eating, there was another knock on the door.

  Lu Xun guessed who it was, "Come in."

   Sure enough, it was Huo Ye three again.

   At this time, Huo Ye had a bloodstain on his face, and his arm was also wrapped in gauze with bloodstains on it.

  Lu Xun took off his gloves, picked up a wet tissue and wiped his hands while saying, "Still didn't control yourself?"

   Huo Ye smiled shyly, "I really can't blame me for this today, it's Feng Yuhao's grandson who has been provocative."

   Then he looked at Luo Ning with a bit of complexity and said, "You are really a god!"

   In the private room just now, Lu Xun reminded him once, and after he went out, Fu Ci reminded him again, but he still didn't pay much attention to it.

   He has been abroad for several years, and he doesn’t believe in things like feng shui and fortune-telling.

Halfway through the meal, when he went to the bathroom, he met Feng Yuhao, who had always been at odds.

   He was too lazy to pay attention to that guy, but the other party took the initiative to stop him, all kinds of sarcasm and provocation.

   As soon as his temper came up, he sneered at the past, and deliberately poked the other party's sore spot.

  Who knew that grandson would hit him on the head with the wine bottle he was carrying.

   Luo Ning's reminder popped into his mind, and he was also a trainer, so he hurriedly avoided his head and raised his arm to block it.

   As a result, the wine bottle fell on his arm, and the broken pieces of the bottle scratched his face and arm.

   He directly called the police without saying a word. After the grandson was taken away, he returned to the private room and took Fu Ci and the two over to look for Luo Ning, fearing that they would leave after eating.

   Fortunately, it came in time, and it seemed that the two of them had finished eating.

   (end of this chapter)

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