Chapter 144 This is a bit of a cow!

  Huo Ye didn't know that Lu Xun wanted to visit his grandfather, otherwise he would have to run away first.

   By the way, I scolded Lu Xun in my heart, this guy really is a black heart.

   At this time, his curiosity about Luo Ning was coming, "Master Luo, will you help me calculate other things?"

   "Is there any Peach Blossom Tribulation?" he asked again.

  This is also a disaster for him. He has no interest in that woman at all, and he clearly refuses and distances himself from it.

   If the other party insists on going abroad with him, what can he do?

  Feng Yuhao couldn't catch up with the woman himself, but he came to trouble him, which is a snake spirit disease.

  Luo Ning hadn't spoken yet, Lu Xun said first: "Look at the rules of divination, do you understand?"

  Huo Ye asked inexplicably, "What are the rules?"

   He didn't do this before, how could he possibly understand?

  Lu Xun replied: "The hexagrams don't go empty, Feng Shui masters can't show it to others for nothing, otherwise it will be bad for themselves."

  Huo Ye understood in seconds, "So it turns out, since I asked Master Luo to see it, of course I have to pay."

   He asked: "Master Luo usually collects money, or something else?"

  Lu Xun said again: "Didn't you open an antiques company, then take Luo Ning to pick a few pieces, and consider it as a reward."

   He knew that Luo Ning was always looking for antiques that could be used to make utensils.

   Luo Ning's eyes lit up, "You run an antique company?"

  Lu Xun whispered in her ear, "Not only does he open an antique company, but his third brother also has an auction company, and there will be a special auction soon."

  Huo Ye: "..." Don't think that if you speak so quietly, he won't be able to hear it.

  Old Lu is a guy who cares too much about **** and friends. Can they still be good brothers and sell him out?

   But seeing Lu Xun attaches so much importance to Luo Ning, and now he also believes in her identity as a Feng Shui master.

   So he said, "Yes, I have an antiques company. If you like it, you can pick up a few pieces and take them back to play tomorrow."

   "There will also be a lot of antiques at the auction held by my brother's company next month. I will send you an invitation."

   He could see that Luo Ning was interested in this.

   just gave Lao Ludian more opportunities to be courteous, or to catch up with the little girl.

   Luo Ning's eyes overflowed with a smile, "Is your auction held in that six-star club in the suburbs?"

  This clubhouse was built just last year and is currently the most luxurious clubhouse in China. It is only open to members and those with invitations.

   Huo Ye was stunned, then smiled and said, "Yes, it seems you know."

   That clubhouse was funded and built by his third brother and others, and the fertile water did not flow to outsiders’ fields, so the auction would naturally be held in the clubhouse.

   "Well, I originally wanted to participate in this auction."

   Luo Ning continued with a smile: "Then please send an invitation letter."

   She was planning to find a way to get an invitation recently, but who knew Huo Ye would send it to her door.

   It seems that Lu Daying is her lucky star!

  Huo Ye smiled and said, "It's a small matter. I'll give Lao Lu the invitation letter and ask him to accompany you to play with you."

   After he finished speaking, he threw one at Lu Xun in a cryptic manner.

  Lu Xun took a sip from the water glass, hiding the smile on his lips.

   For Huo Ye's sake, he won't visit Mr. Huo for the time being the day after tomorrow.

  Luo Ning nodded, "Okay."

   "Let me take a look and do the math for you first."

   She looked up at Huo Ye's face, and asked him to stretch out his hand again.

   "You have an extraordinary family background, and you have three older brothers on your head. You had an accident when you were ten years old, and it looks like you were kidnapped."

   "At the age of sixteen, he had another disaster. He was hit by a car and killed half his life."

   "Because of these two things, the people in your family are particularly indulgent and pampered."

   "It has been relatively smooth since then. Today, because the rotten peach blossoms have fermented into peach blossoms, there will be a **** disaster."

   Hearing that she could see so much from her face and palm, the shock on Huo Ye's face was even stronger.

   Not only him, but also Fu Ci, who had seen Luo Ning show a hand, was shocked, let alone Yu Zihang who saw Luo Ning for the first time.

   This is a bit of a cow!

   Today, they accidentally met the two of them for dinner. It was the first time Luo Ning saw Huo Ye, so it was impossible to check these in advance.

   With Lu Xun's temperament and style, it was impossible to inform her in advance of the situation in Huo Ye's home and the bad things that guy had experienced before.

  Huo Ye experienced two life-threatening dangers when he was young, and he was also the youngest grandson/son. From the old man to the Huo family's parents and Huo's brothers, the Huo family would be very accustomed to him.

  's expectation for Huo Ye is that as long as he lives well, he will leave the rest to his family.

   Luo Ning even said this.

  Huo Ye said: "Master Luo continue."

  Luoning said: "Your peach blossom catastrophe is not deep now, but if you are a little careless, you may become a peach blossom evil, and your life will be in danger again."

   "Could it be that Feng Yuhao's grandson still wants to kill me?"

   Although he doesn't understand what Taohuasha is, it's not a good name when he hears it.

  Luoning shook his head, "Isn't he sent in by you? He can't be a demon in a short time."

   She looked at Huo Ye meaningfully and continued: "Your peach blossom evil mainly comes from that rotten peach blossom."

   "Is that rotten peach blossom that pursues you a little extreme?"

   "She should have dealt with it a lot before, the girl who also pursued you, right? The means are also very extreme."

   Huo Ye patted the table, "You're too good, you can see this."

   "Yes, that woman is very annoying. I have rejected her countless times, but she insists on pestering me."

   "I used to be high school classmates with her, just because she was so entangled, the girls who pursued me, and the girls I had a crush on, were all harassed by her in private."

   "I also asked my family to arrange for me to go abroad because I couldn't stand her."

   "Who would have thought that the woman would go abroad after a while."

   "In foreign countries, she will also target the girls around me. Some time ago, she was even more obsessed with wanting me to marry her. Just as my family kept urging me to return to China, I came back."

   "Then she came back. If I hadn't hit a woman, I would have hit her." He said helplessly.

   He asked again: "Master Luo, is there something wrong with my physique, otherwise how can I try to get neurotic?"

   Luo Ning couldn't help laughing and laughing, "Your physique is fine, but everything from start to finish has something to do with provoking this rotten peach blossom."

   She asked: "Did you help a girl when you were kidnapped?"

  Huo Ye thought for a while and replied, "By the way, I did help a girl at that time."

   "At the beginning, three of us were kidnapped, two men and one woman."

   "Then the family found us. After the kidnappers found out, they took the girl nearby as a hostage and wanted to tear up the ticket."

   "I was more daring at the time. I lifted a chair and smashed it on the kidnapper's head, then pulled the little girl and ran away from the kidnapper for a distance."

   "We were successfully rescued, and I didn't pay attention to her after that."

   (end of this chapter)

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