Chapter 145 is really obsessed with Luo Ning

   Huo Ye immediately reacted.

   "You're not going to tell me that the little girl I helped is the woman with the snake spirit now, right?"

   Luo Ning had a helpless smile on her face.

   "Yes, she is the little girl you saved."

   "You and her are deeply involved in cause and effect, so I can see it along the line."

   Then she added: "And the time you were hit by a car and half died when you were sixteen years old is also related to her."

   "The person who bumped into you was the peach blossom she accidentally provoked."

   "That person knew you had an unusual presence in her heart, and he didn't know your background, so he bought a murderer and pretended to be drunk and hit you."

   "Your family dug him up and sent him to prison, but he didn't confess the woman, so you don't know."

   Having said that, she felt a little sympathetic to Huo Ye.

  Because of a kind deed to help, he actually provokes such a rotten peach blossom that can't be torn apart at all.

   Huo Ye now completely believes Luo Ning's words, so his face is darkened.

   He gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't expect that my car accident was related to that crazy woman. I knew I wouldn't help her in the first place."

   At that time, he lost almost half of his life in the car accident, and he slowly recovered after lying in the hospital for more than half a year.

  Although it wasn't the woman's instructions, the disaster he suffered was also caused by the other party, and he couldn't help but respond.

   He hurriedly asked: "Master Luo, how can I get rid of this rotten peach blossom and the evil peach blossom?"

   He really couldn't stand the entanglement of that woman, especially his own life, so he didn't dare to be sloppy.

  Luo Ning thought for a while and asked, "Do you have a photo of her?"

  Huo Ye replied, "No, but there are pictures in her circle of friends, I'll look for them."

   He took out his mobile phone and quickly clicked on the other party's Moments, where he posted a lot of photos.

"This is it."

  Luo Ning took the phone and looked at a few pictures. Although the other party used beauty, but from the facial features, you can still see a lot of things.

   "She has lives on her hands and has bullied a lot of people. You can check it out from this aspect, and then let her take the legal responsibility she deserves."

   Originally, Luo Ning was just a little sympathetic to Huo Ye when he encountered this kind of rotten peach blossom. Now, after seeing the woman's face, he couldn't help but feel disgusted.

   The other party has done many evil things over the years, such as making people stronger to like Huo Ye's girls, such as losing the jobs of the girls and their family members, etc., and more seriously, they even took their lives.

   Those who do these things for their own selfish desires are not worthy of sympathy at all.

  Huo Ye was surprised after listening to Luo Ning's words. He never thought that the crazy woman not only bullied people, but also infected people's lives.

  This made him feel more disgusted with the other party.

   "No problem, I'll hold her accountable for what she does."

   He now thinks about it carefully, it seems that there are two girls who have pursued him before, and suddenly there is no news of them.

   He guessed now that maybe he was poisoned by the woman.

   Although Huo Ye usually acts recklessly and looks out of place, he is an upright young man, and he is not used to these things the most.

  Luoning nodded, "According to her face, after she goes in, she can't come out again, and your rotten peach blossoms will be gone."

   Then she changed the conversation and said: "But whether the Taohuasha can be broken, we have to see through divination."

   After she finished speaking, she took out three bronze coins and handed them to Huo Ye, "Blow three breaths on them."

  Huo Ye took the copper coin without hesitation and blew, and then returned it to Luo Ning.

   Luo Ning raised his hand and threw it, and soon the hexagram came out.

   She frowned slightly, "You peach blossom is a little serious, even if she goes in, she doesn't disappear."

  Huo Ye asked nervously, "Then how can we resolve it completely?"

   "I'll draw you a special talisman that resolves peach blossoms and reports peace. Don't take it off when you wear it. After sending her in, you can come and see me again." Luo Ning replied.

  This world feng shui mystic practice is divided into three realms, the acquired realm, the innate realm and the unity of heaven and man.

  What talisman or magic weapon should be worn on the woman's body, which played a role in concealing the secret.

  Luo Ning didn't enter the Houtian realm not long after she came back, so she couldn't break the hidden secret just by looking at the photos.

   You need to go to the innate realm to do it.

  Huo Ye nodded immediately, "Okay, then please draw me a talisman."

  Luo Ning carries talisman paper and pens wherever he goes, so he starts to draw in front of several people.

   When she draws the talisman, there is aura flowing around her body, so those who watch it will feel that she will have a sense of celestial spirit.

   As a result, Huo Ye and the three were taken aback for a while, and they believed that Luo Ning was indeed a bit of a cow.

After the    talisman was drawn, Luo Ning folded it and handed it to Huo Ye.

   and then emphasized, "Remember, during these few days, Fu must not leave, otherwise something bad may happen."

  Huo Ye carefully took the talisman and put it away, "Well, I remember it."

   After sitting for a while, Lu Xun sent Luo Ning home.

   That night, Luo Ning received a call from Xiao Yu.

   "Master Luo, the talisman you gave is really divine. My people really found evidence of Liu Shaoying and the other Liu family women cheating." Xiao Yu's voice was a little excited.

   Now he is really convinced by Luo Ning.

   Luo Ning asked: "Who is the adulterer?"

   Speaking of this, Xiao Yu's voice rose a bit, "Their adulterers are all adopted sons of the Liu family, so disgusting to me."

   Fortunately, he had never touched Liu Shaoying, otherwise he would have vomited out the meal overnight.

  Luoning was not too surprised by this answer. After all, the Liu family needs to meet two conditions to use the transfer array.

  The media needs to be divided into two. On the in-laws side, it is naturally the females of the Liu family, while on the Liu family side, the Liu family members who need to be recorded in the genealogy.

   It seems that the Liu family has been preparing such a formation for a long time, so they have raised a lot of adopted sons and recorded them in the genealogy. They are specially used to form karma with the women of the Liu family, absorb Qi from the other party, and transfer them to the Liu family.

   But anyway, the adopted son is also from the Liu family, which is really disgusting.

  The ancestors of the Liu family started out as bandits and did a lot of evil deeds. According to the causal relationship, they will continue to weaken the luck of future generations.

  According to normal development, not only will the Liu family not be rich now, but they will be poorer.

   Now not only has the business been cleaned up, but it has also developed into a listed group company, which is maintained entirely by the gas flow of in-laws and families, which is very poisonous.

  Luoning thought for a while and said, "Use the evidence in your hands to ask them to divorce."

   "If they still don't agree, and you don't mind the reputation, let the news out and go to the court to file for divorce as soon as possible."

   The release of the news is also a disgust for the Liu family, causing damage to the reputation and a lot of damage to the luck.

   Xiao Yu replied: "What kind of reputation is that? It's not us who were scolded anyway."

   "We are most sympathized by others, and we also play the sympathy card like the Liu family, which is good."

   (end of this chapter)

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