Chapter 430 Fell into the pit

  Lu Xun sent Luo Ning home and drove to the special department to receive people from the ancient Fengshui family.

   When he saw the Luo family head coming in person, he was surprised at first.

   But he quickly reacted. This came to the emperor not to show the highest sincerity to the top. Nine times out of ten, he came for the Moon Sword.

   He also didn't go around in circles with these people, and told the situation after the investigation.

   and record the video of the formation and show it to everyone present.

   Captain Sikong frowned as he watched the video and said, "The level of this formation is not low. What force is behind it so strong that it can arrange so many at once?"

   Leiqiu said: "Wouldn't it be the scum from the Fengshui family who did it?"

  People present: "…"

   I suddenly wanted to throw Raichu out, but I have only seen people who put gold on their faces, but I have never seen such black people.

   Really deserves to be Lei Lifei's favorite son, he's all a drag.

  The elder of the Lei family was also very helpless, and pulled Laraichu's clothes, "Don't talk nonsense, young master, from the video, it is not the way of our ancient Fengshui family."

  Lou Yiheng glanced at Raichu, "If you don't understand, talk less."

  This is the imperial capital. Raichu is talking nonsense. It would be bad for the special department and the people above to misunderstand.

   Raichu said innocently: "I'll just say a few words at will, to see if you're nervous."

   and then explained to Lu Xun.

   "Minister Lu, don't get me wrong. The elders of my family can be sure that this is not my family's method of arranging the formation. As for other families, I can't guarantee it."

   Before he came, his father privately ordered him to muddy the water. This was also what Luo Ning encouraged him to say before he came.

   He should be confused like this, right?

  People from other families present: "..." Sure enough, the son of a **** is a little bastard, and the dog can't spit out ivory.

   The young master of the Ming family said with a dark face: "Leiqiu, don't talk nonsense, this formation method is not your Lei family's, nor is it ours."

   Raichu rolled his eyes, "I'll just guess at random. What are you excited about? Could it be that you have a guilty conscience?"

   Young Master Ming glared at Leiqiu, "It has absolutely nothing to do with our Ming Ming family. I'm not guilty. If you don't know how to speak, don't say it."

   Raichu pouted, "Then you continue, I won't speak anymore."

  Lu Xun said with a smile: "Young Master Lei is just guessing at random, everyone, don't worry."

   "We have investigated before, and such a formation is not something that ordinary families and forces can arrange."

   "Even the masters at Feng Shui Xuanhui said they couldn't do it."

   "So Shao Lei's suspicion is also normal,"

   "Of course it's easy for you to prove it."

   "Next, our special department will rely on you to break through."

  Lu Xun's words are subtle, but they mean the same thing.

   Our special department also suspects that this formation is related to your ancient Fengshui family. After all, only you have the strength to arrange it.

   So you have to prove it, go to break the formation, don't think about fishing or something, otherwise you will be suspected.

   The person who was really going to come to fish, scolded Raichu in his heart.

   Being able to arrange so many suction and transport arrays, with such a large handwriting, the forces behind it are definitely not simple.

   In their hearts, they don't really want to make enemies with each other.

   So I came to the Imperial Capital to deal with it, thinking about breaking the formation slowly, or it would be difficult to break the formation if I could shirk them.

   Now, Leiqiu, the pig teammate, took the initiative to send the handle to Lu Xun, and they had to bite the bullet.

  This little **** is exactly the same as his old man.

   After Lu Xun finished speaking, his eyes fell on the head of the Luo family, the one with the highest status and seniority here.

  Luo Patriarch also scolded Leiqiu over and over again in his heart. This little **** is a half-baked in feng shui and profound arts, and it would be a waste to let him break the formation.

   opened and closed his mouth to cause them so much trouble, he seemed to see that irritating son-in-law again.

  I don’t want to, I can’t help but feel the pain in my heart when I think about it.

   He smiled lightly: "Since we have come to the imperial capital, we will naturally cooperate with the special department."

   This is also a promise.

  Lu Xun smiled, "Then I'll be here to thank you all first."

   "When do you think we will act?"

   He paused and said, "I suggest that each family should be separated, and focus on breaking the formation together at a time period, so as not to panic."

  Luo Patriarch tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers, "I'm afraid this is not easy to do. After all, there are many arrangements for this formation, and among the people we came, there are only a few people who can crack the formation."

  Lu Xun had long anticipated that these people wanted to fish in troubled waters and did not want to give their all.

   He said without changing his face: "I've already thought about it for you all. You don't have enough manpower on your side. Feng Shui Xuanhui said that they can send people to assist."

   "I figured it out, the people on both sides added up, it's just enough."

   After hearing Lu Xun's words, the people present didn't know, this one has already calculated.

  I also looked between Lu Xun and Leiqiu, this little **** will not reach an agreement with Lu Xun in private, he just deliberately threw bricks to attract jade to them, right?

   Raichu saw that everyone kept looking at him, and some did not understand what these people were doing.

   So they all stared at it, what to look at, I was right.

   Anyway, it wasn't their Lei family's business, they didn't feel guilty.

   When the people present saw him like this, they instantly dismissed the thoughts just now, this little **** should not have that kind of brain.

  The Luo family owner also knows that they have fallen into the pit. If they don't really work hard, the above will definitely not be happy, and they may even do something against the ancient Fengshui family.

   "Since the people from Feng Shui Xuanhui cooperated and there are enough people, our family has no problem with this arrangement."

   Then he turned to look at Lu Xun and said, "I heard that Luo Ning is from your special department, so I hope she can come and cooperate with us."

  Lu Xun raised his eyebrows, "She is only a foreign aid for our special department and is not subject to our orders and arrangements."

   He said in a cold voice: "Besides, she's a little girl, how can she help with such a big event."

   These words left those present speechless.

  I don't know who got the people who intercepted the Lou and Luo families, and also took away the treasures of the Luo family's town house.

   Although Luo Ning is a little girl, if she can't help, who can help?

   But everyone can see that this Minister Lu is very protective of Luo Ning.

   In view of the sturdy performance of Luo Ning in the sea before, everyone does not want to offend that little scourge for the time being.

   So they all chose to remain silent, and glanced at the Luo family head obscurely.

   Since this person mentioned it, let this person solve it.

  Luo Patriarch felt the eyes from these people, and felt very upset. These guys are very shrewd at this time, and they have never seen such unity.

   (end of this chapter)

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