Chapter 431 Hiding is impossible

  Luo Patriarch looked at Lu Xun, who was protecting Luo Ning, and confirmed the previous news and his own guess.

   The relationship between Luo Ning and Lu Xun is indeed unusual, at least this Minister Lu must be Luo Ning's suitor.

   He was about to speak and wanted to take Lu Xun into the army.

  Lu Xun spoke again.

   "But since Patriarch Luo proposed it, I naturally won't ignore this proposal. I'm calling now to ask Luo Ning's meaning."

  Luo Patriarch Pi Xiaorou asked without a smile: "This feeling is good."

   He also just wanted to tell Lu Xun that they would not force Luo Ning, but should Lu Xun ask Luo Ning's opinion, otherwise it seems that she is too disrespectful.

   Who knew that this kid reacted so quickly, so he said what he meant first.

  Lu Xun is very protective of Luo Ning, but he never makes decisions for her.

   So I stood up and took my cell phone to the cubicle to make a call.

  Luo Ning was watching TV with her mother and brother at home. When she saw a call, she went back to the room to answer it.

   After listening to Lu Xun's words, she said without hesitation: "Since the old man wants me to help, then I will go."

   "I just want to see what tricks he's going to play."

   She stole the Luo family's town house, the Moon Sword, and the old man Luo came to the imperial capital in person. He couldn't hide, so he might as well take the initiative to meet him.

  Lu Xun said with a smile: "I guess you would choose the same way, then I'll tell him that you will go."

   The two of them didn't say much and hung up the phone quickly.

  Lu Xun returned to the reception room and said to the Luo family: "Luo Ning said that she is a member of the special department after all. Although our white cow has no arrangements, she is still willing to help break the battle."

   "I will come to assist you when the time comes."

   These words are more pleasing, and they also put Luo Ning in a very active position.

   Luo Patriarch was not very happy in his heart, but the result was as he wished, so he didn't say more.

   He said: "Minister Lu, let us know when you have arranged the time here."

  Lu Xun nodded: "No problem, but I will assign it, or do you assign the location of the breakout yourself?"

   He added, "I suggest you distribute it yourself, after all, you know better about the strength of the people you bring."

  Patriarch Luo and others didn't want Lu Xun to interfere with this, "No problem, you can give us the time and place, and we will assign it."

As soon as the topic of    was over, the people from the ancient Fengshui family proposed to take a walk in the imperial capital before saying goodbye.

   For the next few days, Lu Xun would film in the morning and go to work in the afternoon.

   People from special departments have to check it in major first- and second-tier cities to see if any formations have been arranged, and then they will be broken together.

   Fortunately, the current technology is developed, and the magnetic field is different in places with arrays, which can be detected with instruments.

   In addition to this, Lu Xun also checked the situation of some people with strong luck.

   It was found that a small number of people also had various similar accidents. Different women approached and ordered people to monitor these women.

   On this day, Director Mo walked in with a young woman.

   "One of our supporting actresses accidentally broke her leg and couldn't come back for the show, so I found another one to replace her."

   He then introduced, "Her name is Zhen Da, you should know each other."

   Zhen Da smiled at everyone, "Please take care of everyone in the future."

   When Ji Xingheng saw this person, his eyes darkened and his body exuded cold air.

  Luo Ning immediately noticed that Ji Xingheng was wrong, looked up at Zhen Da, and knew why he was like this.

   This is the heroine who was dragged to the room in the video. Although the appearance in the video is not very clear, the body shape is similar, and it looks like a person.

  Luo Ning looked at Zhen Da again, looking at Zhen Da, the luck on her body was not low, she smiled playfully.

   In the afternoon, Director Mo asked Zhen Da to retake the scene of the injured person.

  Luo Ning took out her mobile phone and checked Zhenda's information.

   He debuted through a talent show half a year ago, and then made a web drama, and the ratings were not bad.

  Although it is still outside the third line, it is clearly developing well.

   Zhen Da's character is more lovable, as long as the movie box office is good, it can properly follow the tide.

   However, Luo Ning felt that it could not be a coincidence that Zhen Da replaced the injured actor.

   Sure enough, when Luo Ning finished filming her own scene and went to the dressing room to remove her makeup, she just walked around the corner and saw Zhen Da and Ji Xingheng standing together.

   Zhen Da looked at Ji Xingheng with red eyes, "I was the victim of the incident that day, why do you say that you have bad intentions."

   "It's not that I entered the wrong hotel room, but the room you forced me to, and then forced me."

   "I just don't want to make things worse and ruin my future, so I didn't call the police to arrest you."

   She bit her lip, looking strong, and glared at Ji Xingheng again.

   "I thought I was bitten by a dog that day, and I thought no one would care about you."

   "It's a rare opportunity for me to come and participate in this movie. I don't want to lose it. Please don't destroy it. We just don't know each other."

   It was as if Ji Xingheng was the one who was holding on to it.

   Ji Xingheng looked at her coldly at first, but after listening to these words, she restrained herself, "As long as you don't have any thoughts, I naturally don't care whether you act or not."

   Zhen Da raised her hand to wipe the tears from her eyes, "Okay, this is what you said."

   She then looked at Ji Xingheng with a little temper, "Shameless stinky man, others like you, but I don't. It's better to be a stranger."

After saying   , he turned around and left without noticing.

   saw Luo Ning around the corner, she first showed a surprised and flustered expression as if she had done something, but she quickly returned to normal.

   She greeted with a polite smile, "Hello, Sister Ning."

  Luo Ning nodded coldly, didn't speak, and walked straight to the dressing room over her.

   Zhen Da was not angry, but the smile seemed a little embarrassed, so she continued to move forward.

   After walking a few steps, the corners of his lips couldn't help but tick.

   Luo Ning walked in front of Ji Xingheng, looking very cold.

   When he was wrong, he snorted coldly, "I didn't expect you to be such a person, it really makes me sick."

   After she finished speaking, she ignored Ji Xingheng and went directly into the dressing room.

   And Ji Xingheng's face changed, looking at Luo Ning with a bit of pain and guilt, as if he had done something sorry for her.

   This scene happened to be seen by Zhen Da's assistant, with a smile in her eyes, she secretly left.

  Lu Xun didn't come to film in the afternoon, Luo Ning took off her makeup and went to the parking lot accompanied by Xi Shu.

   As soon as I got in the car, I saw Ji Xingheng sitting inside.

  Luo Ning had no accident, just asked: "Aren't you afraid of being discovered by them?"

   Ji Xingheng smiled indifferently, "If you find it, you will find it."

   "If they find out, they will only think that I am here to explain or make peace with you."

   "After all, isn't that woman's performance in the dressing room today intended to show you?"

   When that woman met him at that time, she was always talking about other things, and he didn't say those words deliberately until the sound of footsteps. He knew it perfectly.

   (end of this chapter)

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