Chapter 435 It won't hurt them anyway

   Luo Ning also agreed to go to Luo's house after seeing this word.

   After receiving the seafood today, Raichu told her that his father had asked her to handle the largest lobster that day, otherwise it would not be fresh and delicious.

   Luo Ning felt that the words had deep meaning, so she opened the biggest lobster.

   I saw this ball of paper in the belly of the lobster.

   The words written on the paper were not only her father's handwriting, but also stained with his breath, indicating that it was not imitated by others.

   Knowing the son Moruofu, the old man Luo knew that the three of them were her father's weakness.

   Knowing the father is also Mo Ruozi, her father must know that the old man Luo came to the imperial capital in person, and also guessed the old man's plan, so he will pass the news through Lao Lei.

   Let them go to Luo's house, her father must have his own considerations, and it won't hurt them anyway.

  Since Dad let them go, they should go.

   She felt that when her father asked them to go back to Luo's house, it was not a compromise or filial piety to the old man and the old lady, but an end.

   After all, my father would definitely not let my mother be bullied by the old woman.

   Jiang Xinxin is unconditional to her husband, "Then go."

  With her husband and children around, she is not afraid to go to the dragon pond and tiger den.

   Not to mention, the Luo family is not really a Longtan Tiger's Den. If her cheap mother-in-law wants to take her mother-in-law's air, it depends on whether she is willing to cooperate.

   Luo Ning shook her mother's hand, "When the time comes, our family will come back neatly."

   Jiang Xinxin held her daughter's hand back, "Okay."

   Luo Xi's eyes filled with a smile, "Finally I can see my father soon."

   Although he hadn't seen him for several years, his memory of his father not only did not fade, but it was very deep.

  Luoning reached out and pinched his brother's face, "That's it, let Dad take you to have a good time on the island."

  My younger brother has grown up so big, and he hasn't been to sea yet because of his health.

  Luo Xi's eyes brightened, "Okay, okay!"

  Qi Yuelan was originally afraid that the old woman would bully her friend, but now it seems that she is a white lotus, who can only use means, and quarrels are not good at all.

  At that time, as long as Luo Yicheng is not hit, Lao Bailian will not develop.

   She smiled and said, "After waiting for so many years, your husband and wife can finally be reunited."

  Jiang Xinxin's brows and eyes are gentle, with a bit of longing, "Yeah, we'll finally meet soon."

  Luo Ning went on to make seafood, and several ladies followed into the kitchen to help.

  Lu Xun and Ji Xingheng rarely sat together and chatted calmly.

   on the other side of the car.

   After getting in the car, the smile of the Luo family owner converged.

   Seeing his wife's aggrieved look, he put his arms around her shoulders to comfort him, "Don't be angry, we are just such a son, don't lose the big because of the small."

   At first, he didn't stop his wife from targeting Jiang Xinxin, he just wanted to see what kind of temperament this daughter-in-law was.

   Sure enough, how can a mother who can teach a strong and poisonous daughter like Luo Ning be soft-natured.

  Today, in order to achieve his goal, he aggrieved his wife and put up with it.

   When he wants to live together on the island in the future, he is naturally reluctant to make his wife wrong again.

   Of course, there is no need to confront Jiang Xinxin, and let his son be distracted.

   Mrs. Luo knew how to win over the head of the Luo family. She leaned on his shoulder, her eyes were red, "I'm all for you and my son, or who would make fun of my mother-in-law?"

   "When your mother didn't like me back then, I couldn't bear it anymore."

   "She brought the Yicheng brothers and sisters to support her, and no matter how reluctant I was, I didn't disobey my mother-in-law."

   "If the two children hadn't grown up by my side, they wouldn't have been estranged from me."

   When she said this, she couldn't hold back her tears.

   It was all good deeds by her evil mother-in-law to separate her from her flesh and blood.

  Patriarch Luo patted her on the shoulder with some headache, "Okay, don't be angry. After you go back this time, you can treat Yicheng brothers and sisters more snacks. There will be no overnight feud between mother and child."

   "When Luo Ning and Luo Xi return to Luo's house, you should be more tolerant of the two children. Now we only have two grandchildren."

   Otherwise, how can I keep my son.

   He now wants to understand that the harder he uses, the more rebellious the rebel will be. It's better to play the family card softly. It's better to boil the frog in warm water.

   Mrs. Luo wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "Got it."

   After she went back, she really had to be better to her son, and she couldn't let that woman coax her son.

   For Luo Xi, the grandson, she will also train one or two, and can't let Jiang Xinxin and Luo Ning continue to lead the way.

   As for the daughter, she does not feel that she has done anything wrong.

   No man outside can compare to Lei Lifei, the future head of the Lei family. She painstakingly found a good marriage for her daughter, but the rebellious girl insisted on doing it against her.

   She couldn't be ruthless to attack her daughter, so she could only attack that wild man.

   Who knew that the daughter not only did not appreciate her feelings, but also hated her, so she fell out with Lei Lifei and ran back to her parents' home.

   After all, it was a piece of flesh that fell from her body, so she felt ashamed and could only recognize it.

   It was her bottom line to keep her daughter in the Luo family, and she would not be the first to resign.

   Thinking of the disobedience of the twin brothers and sisters, she felt heartbroken. Her good sons and daughters were just abandoned by the dead old woman. She hated it!

   But she naturally wouldn't say this to her husband.

  The owner of Luo Family was relieved when she saw that she was soft, but his wife always knew the proportions.

  Thinking of Lu Xun he saw in the courtyard today, he narrowed his eyes.

   The relationship between Luo Ning and Lu Xun is really not easy.

   Before he was encouraged by his wife and Lou Yinghua, he was also a little dizzy, causing Luo Ning to be so angry with the Luo family.

   Now not only have to restore his son's heart, but also stabilize Luo Ning.

   You can't make Lu Xun hostile to the Luo family because of Luo Ning, otherwise it will be detrimental to the Luo family.

  If Luo Ning knew what the head of the Luo family was thinking, she would probably sigh that she is an old fox who can be the head of the family, and can bend and stretch, but unfortunately she is not stupid, so she will not be fooled.

   In the courtyard house, everyone felt the aftertaste of seafood after eating it, it was so delicious and delicious.

   Dad Ji also sighed that the seafood has been eaten in vain for so many years.

When    left, Luo Ning brought some seafood to the Ji family, but Qi Yuelan did not refuse.

   They left first, while Luo Ning sent Lu Xun out and handed him a box of seafood that was still being packed.

   "Take these back and give them to your dad to taste."

  Lu Xun's father is getting old, so eating more seafood with spiritual energy is good for the body.

   "My dad will definitely like it." Lu Xun leaned over and kissed the corner of her lips and said with a smile.

   He said, "Come with me home in a few days."

   His father had been talking about wanting to see his daughter-in-law for a long time.

   It wasn't certain before, he was afraid that Luo Ning would run away, so he didn't take her back to Lu's house.

   Now that the relationship is confirmed, he has also met Luo Ning's mother, and it is time to bring Luo Ning to meet his family.

   This is also an affirmation of Luo Ning for the Lu family and other families.

   Luo Ning did not refuse, "Okay, you set the time."

   Today's update is over, thank you for your tips and votes~



   (end of this chapter)

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