After The Breakup, I Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 436: there is something wrong with you

   Chapter 436 There is something wrong with you

   After a few days, Lu Xun and Mr. Lu agreed, and brought Luo Ning to visit.

  Luo Ning prepared gifts and arrived at Lu's house. Not only was Mr. Lu there, but all Lu Xun's brothers and sisters who could come back came back.

   Plus their wives and children/husbands and children, more than 20 people sat in the living room.

   This also represents the importance the Lu family attaches to Luo Ning.

  Lu Xun first introduced it, and Luo Ning called out generously and politely.

   Mr. Lu knew Luo Ning for a long time, and he ran across it last time, and he was quite satisfied.

   He was really worried about Yaoer's marriage. Now that he finally brought his daughter-in-law home, the old man was very happy.

   Mr. Lu said with a wide-eyed smile, "Xiao Luo, sit down, don't be polite when you arrive at your home."

  Luo Ning sat beside Lu Xun, "Okay, Uncle Lu."

   Then she put the gift she brought on the table, "Uncle Lu, this is the jade pendant amulet I carved and the pill I made by myself. It's not a respect for a trifle."

   Mr. Lu and the people of the Lu family have heard that the protective jade pendant carved by Luo Ning works very well. In the previous auction at Xiangdao, a jade pendant was sold for hundreds of millions of dollars.

   I also heard from Lu Xun that Luo Ning's health-preserving and nourishing pills are very good for the body, and they are in short supply in the ancient Fengshui family.

  I came to visit today, Luo Ning took these two things as gifts, which are still very precious.

   Mr. Lu was even happier, not because he was obsessed with these things, but because he knew that Luo Ning valued his son's performance.

   "I accepted your gift. What a little care, Xiao Luo is so humble."

   sat and chatted for a while.

   Mr. Lu smiled at Luo Ning and asked, "When are you planning to get married?"

  Lu Xun wanted to help his forehead, but his father was too impatient.

   Luo Ning replied with a smile: "We haven't discussed this yet."

   "It's alright, it's too late to discuss now, it would be good for you to get married early."

   After Mr. Lu finished speaking, he added, "I'm not urging marriage, I just suggest that you consider this issue."

  Girlfriend or something is not reliable, it is better to marry and come in as soon as possible.

  Luo Ning thinks that Mr. Lu is straightforward and cute, "My dad went to Luo's island and hasn't come back, but it should be soon. After he comes back, I will discuss marriage with Lu Xun."

  She has already identified Lu Xun in her life, so it doesn't matter if she gets married sooner.

   The smile in Lu Xun's eyes thickened, and he couldn't help reaching out to hold Luo Ning's hand. He also wanted to marry his daughter-in-law early.

   Mr. Lu smiled and said, "Okay, when your dad comes back, let's meet for a quick dinner."

   He knew about Luo Ning's parents. If they want to get married, they must wait for Luo Yicheng to come back.

  Luo Ning nodded, "Okay."

   After chatting for a while, the meal started.

   The group stood up and went to the restaurant.

  The Luo family's old house is very big. There are two restaurants, one is used by ordinary people when there are few people, and the other large restaurant can accommodate forty or fifty people to eat.

   Now we are going to the big restaurant, on the second floor.

   "Ah!" As soon as he walked upstairs, there was a sudden scream.

   Everyone looked over, and Luo Ning saw a young woman in her twenties who fell down the stairs.

   She recognized the other person, the daughter of Brother Lu Xun's family.

  Although she is three years older than Lu Xun, she is his niece.

   Sister-in-law Lu saw her daughter fall downstairs, her expression changed and she hurriedly walked downstairs, and asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"

  Lu Siyi shook her head, "It's okay, just twisted her foot."

   Then she looked up at everyone apologetically, "I accidentally slipped and fell just now, it's okay."

   Auntie came to the house for the first time, she fell from the upstairs, she was a little embarrassed, and she was afraid that Luo Ning would misunderstand.

  The old man said with concern: "I'll ask the family doctor to help you take a look."

  Lu Siyi replied, "Grandpa, I'm fine, don't look at it anymore."

   After saying that, he helped her mother to stand up, saying that there is no problem.

  The old man was not at ease, "I'd better take a look after dinner."

  Lu Siyi nodded, "Okay, thank you grandpa."

   Her twist was not serious, she got on Lou with the help of her mother.

   Luo Ning frowned slightly when she turned around.

  Lu Xun saw her like this and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

  Luo Ning didn't hide it after thinking about it, and replied in a low voice, "The luck on your niece is leaking out."

   As soon as Lu Siyi fell downstairs, she instinctively turned around when she heard the sound, and then found that the other party had a loss of luck.

  Lu Xun was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned cold, "It seems that someone has attacked my family."

   The two walked to the restaurant as they talked.

   After Lu Xun sat down, he said to Lu Siyi, "There is something wrong with you, let Luo Ning take a look at it for you."

   The family does not play polite and false, and if there is a problem, it should be dealt with as soon as possible.

   When he said this, not only Lu Siyi was startled, but the others were also startled.

  Lu Siyi was a little inexplicable, but she still gave Lu Xun and Luo Ning face.

   She looked at Luo Ning and asked, "Auntie, what's wrong with me?"

  Although Luo Ning hasn't married into the Lu family yet, but there is no suspense depending on the attention of her uncle and grandfather, so their younger generation calls them Aunt Luo Ning.

  Luo Ning asked back, "Have you been unlucky in the last week? For example, your work is not going well, and small accidents have occurred one after another."

  Lu Siyi thought about it and showed a surprised expression, "Really."

   She lost a big order a few days ago, but was picked up by her opponent.

   A project we are currently talking about has also gone wrong.

   I slipped while I was taking a shower, accidentally hit the railing while driving, and now I fell downstairs again.

   She knew that Luo Ning was not only a star, but also a Feng Shui master, so she asked: "Little aunt, listen to you, is it abnormal that what happened to me?"

   She belongs to the type of people who believe in Feng Shui and mystic arts.

   She opened her own company, office building and her own office, and she had asked Feng Shui masters to decorate it before.

  Luoning nodded: "Yes, you have been unlucky recently, mainly because the luck on your body was stolen, so you will naturally be unlucky."

   "Although nothing life-threatening will happen, your luck in all aspects will get worse and worse, and your business will get worse."

  The luck of the Lu family is very prosperous. Among single women, Lu Siyi's luck was originally the most prosperous.

   But now, the luck line has become shorter a little bit, which means that a lot of luck has been stolen.

  Lu Siyi didn't doubt Luo Ning's words, she believed in her uncle's vision.

   She asked nervously, "Can you see, auntie, who stole my luck?"

  Others also looked at Luo Ning, especially the people in the big room.

  Luo Ning asked Lu Siyi to stretch out her hand, she looked at the palmistry of the other party, and then looked at the face.

   After reading it, she asked: "You recently made a boyfriend, are you still living together?"

  Lu Siyi was not embarrassed, and nodded generously: "It does happen."

  Luoning asked again: "Did you meet your boyfriend by accident? For example, you rear-ended him while driving."

   Lu Siyi's face was full of surprise, "Can you see this too?"

   She hadn't even told her family about her boyfriend, and she hadn't told her family about her acquaintance.

   She is a smart person and quickly reacted, "Auntie, do you mean there is something wrong with my boyfriend?"

   Kavin's writing is very slow, continue at 15:30~~



   (end of this chapter)

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